Wednesday, July 30, 2008
bitter sweet memories. [:
bitter sweet memories[:
to the guy whom you know that it is youu..
i know you are sad cause i lied to youu..
i know you trust me so badly..
but i gotta lie..i have no choicee..
but i don't know why..
i cried for youu..
but when you reply all the sms i sent to you,
you sounded like you are mad and sad..
well.i'm mad and sad at my ownself for lying to youu..
you told me is too late to apologize..
yeah i know that..but i still nidda apologize..
i'm so sorryy..
if you said that i don't trust youu,
then why i want to stop myself from killing myself??
so to whom this guy is..
if you are seeing..
i hope you know how i feel.. that guy again..
goodbyee then..
cause i know you won't want me to be your friend after what i've done.
i know i've made the wrong thing..that's why it's call a mistake..
i don't want to be the popular onee whom gets hurt..!!you can havee the popularity..take it
to my friends..i'm a sore loser and a liar..don't come near me..
or you'll be hurt..i mean it..
cause i don't deserve a friend ]:
6:45 PM
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
happy brithday nicholas
happy birthday nicholas
happy birthdayy to you nicholas ng..
my help me when i need your help,
you were there when my eyes were filled with water,
you were the light whom shines my day,
you are one brother i'll always love
some pictures of the birthday cake..hehe

photograph by.. ASHLEY..suckish..hehe
6:40 PM
Monday, July 28, 2008
am i faling for you
am i falling for youu?
this can't be happening...
i can't..
but why does my heart beats so fast whenever i see youuu??
why am i so shy to see youu??
why does my heart feels like it melts whenever i see you smile??
why do i feel like i'm missing youu..
am i seriously falling for youu??
it can't be..
please no..
i wish it's just a dream..
cause i can't be in love with youuu..
omg..please no..please..
anyway..todayy in school..
lester got caught..
i was brought to the headmaster's room too..
whao..she says i started it..
well maybee..
so who caress..
as long he got warned..
and stop asking me to forgive youu..
cause i'll never in my whole life will..!!!
continuing the top part..
i can't be in love with youu!!
it's impossible..
please don;t la..
i lovee youu..but not as much as i loveee you know..
and i lovee you as a friend...
so...i'm so sorryy..
why do i need to say sorry arr??
I dedicate my life to you, you know that I would die for you
But our love would last forever
And I will always be with you and there is nothing we can't do
As long as we're together
I live my life for you
I want to be by your side in everything that you do
And if there's only one thing you can believe is true
I live my life for you
I just can't live without you and I want you to know I need you like
I've never needed anyone before
it's for him..not the guy which i think i'm falling in lovee with..hehee[:
so i guess that all [:
ashleylicious [:
4:55 PM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
loving you is paradise
loving you is paradise...
i lovee youuu..
thank you for this moment..
then the world will know how much i love you..
Maybe I need to see the day light
live beyond the half life
don't you see i'm breaking down
latley... something here don't feel right this is just a half life
I wanna see the day light save me from this half life..
without you i'm breaking down
I keep trying to understand this thing and that thing my felo man
I guess i'll let you know when I figure it out
I don't mind a few mysteries they can stay that away
It's fine by me but you are another mystery
I am missing
It takes too much out of me to pretend
it's been a long time i see youu..
now i fall in lovee with youu..
i lovee youu. [:
you and me can't you
how our hearts are one
please believe..
now our journey just began
someone in your head just made my heart jump in the air
here's a pic of him..hehe
love ya'll
5:36 PM
Saturday, July 26, 2008
you are so in big trouble MR
you are so in big troublee..
i've been forcing myself to forgive you all the time
andi thought you'll change.. didn't
so what's the use giving one last chance
after what happen todayy..
now you know the feeling..
now you know how i feel whenever you bully o tease me
i'll be angry likee youuu..
like how you felt todayy..
i normally pity youu..
but now..
no way i'm gonna pity you at all..
do you knoww how painful is it??
it's very red..
from school til noww...
you better watch out MR...
CHRIS DAUGHTRY is coming to 1U todayy!!
i wanna tickets..sigh..
boo hoo hoo..
since i can't go..
i'm gonna scream overr here!!
4:03 PM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
i'm so soryy
i'm so sorryyy
i'm sorry for being a jerk,
i'm sorry for being the rude girl,
i'm sorry that i've made your life misarable,
i'm sorry that i didn't trust you earlier,
i'm sorry for all the bad times i've made to your life,
and mostly..
i'm sorry i didn't apericate the friendship we have...
can somebody tell me why
can somebody tell me why am i so selfish to you,
can somebody tell me why am i so annoying,
can somebody tell me why am i being so wrong,
can somebody tell me what's my problem,
can somebody tell me why am i treating you like this,
and mostly..
can somebody tell me why must i exist in this world.....
i don't want too
i don't want to be a jerk,
i don't want to be annoying,
i don't want to have the popularity anymore,
i don't want to bethe left one out,
i don't want to be the invisible one,
and mostly..
i don't want to live...
kill me
can someone just take a knife and stab me,
can you just kill me,
kill me til there's blood,
take my life away from this lonely world i've been living in,
someone just take my life away..
i don't deservee a life with a feeling of invisible,lonely,useless,stupid and annoying
the last day
i'm gonna find a day which i can end my lifee soon,
the last day gotta be somewhere nearby,
i don't want to live anymore,
i gotta find the last day,
i need you to help me find the last day of my life
the last day have come....
the last words
the last words i gotta say is bye
the last word is i'm so sorry
the last word is i want to do is cause it's the best thing for you
the last word i have to say to you is be happy without me
the last word is i love you all but i've gotta leave now
the time of my life
the time of my life has come to an end,
i've got to go,
my mission here is over,
i've got to leave you behind,
the time of my life is over,
i've got to leave this world cause i'm not the right human for this world
i hate myself
i hate myself for being so mean,
so stupid,
so annoying,
so useless,
so selfish,
so dumb for not appericating my friendship
this is the end now
this is the end now..
i've left a piece of note for everyone of you,
read it,
and you'll now..
so byess
6:14 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
hmm..yesterday nicks hang out was to describe..
megan and i the only hoo hoo'
6 guys were thereee....then wilson camee..ish!!!
no offence but he was like wearing all yellow..yuck.. no sense of taste in fashion that guyy
i was supposed to go back at i told the end..megan went back earlier then me....
i wen tback at about 7...cause sis pick me up and went shopping..hahaaa
sadlyyy..i didn't buy anythingg...but it's the best timee to have a sister and cousin timee..hahaa..
well...before my sister pick me up...she called mee...and said she'll be picking me up..but i heard wrongly..i was supposed to meet her at FCUK...gosh...luckly she didn't marah mee..heheee..
anywayyy.when i was waitingg..nick and gous hun waited with mee..the rest of the guys went to the arcadee..thanks guys for waiting for we were waitingg...we were laughing cause we saw alot of gays..and nick and gou shun was tiring to hide away from onee of the friend's parent...but they couldn't hidee..cause the parent spoted them...hehee.....then gou shun and nick said that if my sister come adi..their gonna hide away..(no idea why)so gou shun saw the wrong girl and shouted..there's your sister..ahhhh!!then nick and gou shun went over the end and took out their phonee(faking talking on the phonee)..then i shouted at isn't my sister laa!!then they onlyy came back..when my sister actualy camee..i shouted her namee..then they quickly ran to the end again..and hide their guyss...if you're seeing this post..i told my sister everything and my sister was likee..what the hack..i'm not a beast laaa...i won't eat them also..why so scared of mee..huh*started to fake cry* what kind of friends you havee....hahaawell that's yesterday's news..there's stil somemoree..but if i post it here...somee busy body willl see and start to insult him..and i'm gonna feel so guity..haizz...
anywayyy..some quotes to heal your soul...
No guy is worth your tears & when you find one that is, he won't make you cry.
Everyone says you only fall in love once but thats not true, everytime I hear your voice I fall in love all over again
Should I smile, Cuz ur my friend, Or cry..Cuz that's all we'll ever be?
When I first saw you I was afarid to talk to you*When i first talked to you I was afraid to like you*When i first liked you i was afarid to love you*Now that I love you I m afraid to lose you
A MeMoRy LaStS 4eVeR NeVeR DoEs it DiE TrUe FrieNdS StAy toGeThEr AnD NeVer SaY GoOdByE
some poems to let you feel your soul
I wish upon a star that no matter how far apart we areyou will find me and you will seeHow perfect are weI wish thatif for some reason my wishes dont come true That another person out there is wishing for me.. hopefully that person is you.
The one i saw be4 my eyezcame upon me at no suprise i look at him and his smile while i rested and thought it was all worth while the memories come back and staya bit No1 could ever really imagine it I think about the times we had The good times and the bad ones that made me happy and sad
You said you knew I loved youAnd I thought it was true!But come to find out,I never loved youI know love don't last forever But I still wanted to try All the pain and tears I still had left to cry My best friend said it wouldn't lastBut I thought she was just mad at me Then I got real mad at herAnd said just wait and see I guess she was right in the first placeThat I should have kept my distance from you But if she saw you like I did she would love you too! My head said you should try it But my heart said, yet again That I should have listened to the voice of my best friend!!! Well know my heart'z in pieces becuz of one thing: the male race
There will not ever be anyone like me. I am special because I am unique.I am stardust and dreams.I am light.I am love and hope.I am hugs and sometimes tears.I am the words "I love you".I am swirls of blue, gree, red, yellow, purple, orange, and the colors no one can nameI am the sky, the sea, the earth.I trust yet I fear.I hide yet I dont hold anything back.I am freeI am a child becoming an adult.I am me, and me is just right.
I always thought U+Me=Never,You made me believe me it meant forever, When you said that, I believed it was true,Even my friends believed i wuz the one for you.*I felt I'd known you all my life Even thought I'd only known you a year. When you dumped me, I felt like my heart had been cut w/a knife, That day wuz the day I saw you smear. *For weeks I cried, And for weeks I tried, For weeks all i did was long... Then I realized, from the beginning, I was rite, and u were wrong.
Written with a pen, sealed with a kiss, If you are my friend, please answer me this: Are we friends, or are we not? You told me once, but I forgot. So tell me now, and tell me true, So I can say "I'm here for you." Of all the friends I've ever met, You're the one I won't forget. And if I die before you do, I'll go to Heaven and wait for you, I'll give the angels back their wingsAnd risk the loss of everything.There isn't a thing I wouldn't do, To have a friend just like you!
i should have thought fasteri didnt have a cluei was irrational and what not but i should have came to you the sad thing is, you came backtrying to bring me home ur eyes were filled with so many i feel so alone why couldn't i look past the void that kept us far aparti couldn't find a way to forgive you because u had broken my heartand now it's all so different we both changed a lotu moved on and found a girl it's like you just forgotwhile im slowly punishing myselffor not figuring out whyand im completely lost and so confusedbecause i CANT say good bye
well not all of the quotoes heal your oul..ot all the peoms feel your soul..
it's just i just want to share it with youuuu.. [:
1:52 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
true friends
helloo anyonee there??anyone there to help meee??i'm here waitingg..but no one is coming over to lend a hand....i stuck hereee....just to wait for youuu...but....why aren't you coming...i need youuu..don't walk away from meeei've helped youuuu when you need i need youuu..pleasee help meeeee!!!I need you tonight I need you right now I know deep within my heart It doesn’t matter if it’s wrong or right I really need you tonight i don't wanna leave with a broken hurtsss....pleaseee..i'm begging youuuu...pleaseee..someoneeeee....*POOF* me a guy"thank you for saving me""*smile* no problem""*smiling* ""*giggling* we get a drink??""yeaa sureee"got into the car
"where areee we going??" "
wait and see""omg!!how thoughtful you areee i love this place *smiling*"
the place was a placee where the wind blew towards us..i can feel likee the friendship we both have is gonna stay..i feel likee that person is the truee friend...
"thank youuu for bringing me here and for saving my life""no problem..that's what friends are*looking into my eyes""*loking into his eyes*er..well..let's get a drink"
"yea sureee"actually the place was a beach..we watch the sun was so beautiful......
we chase each otherrr...our toes in the soft sand ust suddenly caught my heart feeling all weird that i've been hating this erson so badly..but end up...we aree some true friends...
trust mee...that's just a story..ahahaaso please appericate your friendship with your friendss..don't just talk and laugh with one person only..some friends are waiting for youu to talk to them..don't leave them a sidee...that's when they get angry..and you'll say you betray youuu..but the thing is that you're the onee that made the friendship end this wayyy...APPERICATE YOUR FRIENDSHIPI LOVEE YOU MY TRUEE FRIENDSSSS!!!!KAY!!!! when can i see you again...i need to talk to youuuuu!!!
12:19 PM
Friday, July 18, 2008
so todayy was how do you sayy...unlucky day...
first kena scolded for playing to go to the stage and embaress myself
just to write 100 words of.."wo yi hou bu hui ying highlighter lai hua bie ren"
after the long day of was timee to go homee..well as i was waiting for my tanspot..
this guy from 5p came chasing after me for rm5....then i ran and ran..hen i acciendtly scratch my it hurts...then next...another guyy....he spit his "kou sui" to me and my friend threw his friend'ssister said that that isn't hi i went over to check..opened the bag..and when i want to take out the book.the guy push mee...and i fell on the road..landng n my knee..then WILSON saw and he went angry..then he went over to that guy and wanted to strangle i siad" wilson!!it's okayy..stop it." then he let that..wilson saw onee of his friend..and told the friend about what happen..and the friend wanted to hit that i said.."NO!!"....
reached homeee....
timee for my tuition adi..
rush rush rush rush rush...
i reached tuition so damn latee..
after i am!! [:
well nothing else to sayyy...
TATA!! [:
5:42 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
over youu
I should've been stronger When you left me I just didn't see it comin Should've waited longer Could've worked it out i know it eats you up inside But i gotta tell you i'm so over you..i'm so over you..i'm so over you..Cause i never really knew it was in itBut i shoulda seen it from the beginin when i used to be so independent I'm gonna keep my head high on my shouldersI'm better off now that it's over And i'm not gonna think of youI should've known better I should've seen right through It was all about the chase Now i'm a little wiser Cause of girls like you I learn from my mistakes Now i can go out everynight enjoy myslef without the fights And no more, no more sleepless nightsso i'm so overr you think you're a true friend??if you are then we'll do all sots of thing like :1.We sign our cards and letters B.F.F 2.You've got a million ways to make me laugh 3.Your looking out for me you've got my back 4.when I'm quiet you break through my shell keep my feet on the ground 6.pull me aside when something ain't right7.You don't get angry when I change the plans 8.Won't say '' I told you'' when I'm wrong againTrue Friends will go to the ends of the earth To find the things you need Friends hang on through the ups and the downs Cause they've got someone to believe don't know whether you are onee...maybee..i've been blind all this while..think you aree..but now i've unfolded the bind fold...i've seen it..i knoww... tataaaa [:
4:03 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
i didn't mean too..

i didn't mean too be mad at just made me mad..i was standing there..for so long..and you were giggling to someone about somethingg...when i got only realize that i was there..was i invisible earlier???why do you only come to mee when i'm sad or angryy..but not happy at all...whyy??don't you realize something is wrong??

if you are my true'll understand me feelingss..not to just throw me a sidee..then when you need me onlyy you come to mee..that's not truee's like you leave a pair of shoe a sidee..then when you need's too what i'm tellingg you is aren't the true friend i thought you wereee...

anywayyy..todayyy..woke up at 7:30..went to TENBY SCHOOL..maybee going that school maybe not...hehee..sorry KAY..if i'm not going..but if i'm going..hahaa..we shall meet again.. [:
hope is all we need nowww..[:
KAY!!try all your best on mondayy...hopee you can go in
YEAR9...and work harder on your
maths ya!!i'll be supportingg was fun hanging out with youuuu...but we have to stop the journey on

wish you all the best

5:24 PM
i didn't mean too..

i didn't mean too be mad..i didn't mean to be mad at youuuu..
you are the onee that made me mad..i just can't stand it..i was just standing there..
with no onee to talk too..and you were talking to someonee..giggling about somethingg..did you realize i was standing there??when i got only realizee that i was there..if i didn't get mad..i'll bee likee left out...then.haizz..
all i could sayy is that..
you don't understand me aren't the true friend..if you'll know my feelings..not to just throw me awayy..or to see me sad or angryy..then you'll come back to mee...i don't want likee throwing awayy a pair of shoee..then when you realizee you need's too's gonee.. woke up at 7:30 to see TENBY SCHOOL.but it is not up's almost going there..maybee not..hehee..sorry KAY if i'm not going in there..and KAY..wish you all the best on mondayy..heheee...
work hard on your maths KAYY...don't just give up cause you hatee maths...hehee..i used to hatee it..but it's fun when you knoww work harder ya!!
5:02 PM
Monday, July 7, 2008
12 midnight
woosshhh...12 midnight..on 6 julyyy..we talked on the sound so sweet my dear....all our subject was just ERM...hahaaaaa...i still can rememberrr...
you onlyy knoww how to say LOL..and for mee.. LAUGHING..ERM..hahaaa
that's all we talked..well not...we were agruing overr a stupid thing..likeee...i have alot of freedom and he doesn't..then we agrued..then suddenly a momment of slince....then..he insulted i mean la you don't wanna talk to you adi..then he was..sorry sorryyy..
7:29 PM
Sunday, July 6, 2008
you used to makee me Stronger.
you used to makeee me strongerrr...
you made me makee me so overr you dude!!
i'm so overr you man!!get really with it...pleaseee...just cut all the drama don't have to act cuteee infront of impress ain't gonna work man!!i'm so over..i'm so over you!!
if you wanna make me smile..i'm so don' aren't the many times must i tell youuu..move on..i haveee the guyyy i want...if you are deperate to haveee a girlfriend...then move on yo..don't stick to meee..i don't understand can move on when your ex's dumped youuu..why can't you moveee on...on this...moveee on dude....timee passes..
once a mistake is's doneee...ONCE BITTEN TWICE SHY!!!
tsk tsk..that's all i gotta tell you
7:15 PM
Saturday, July 5, 2008
5 julyyyy
okayyy...5 JULY sounds so big..but i have no idea what is so big about..hehe..i crazy adi..haizz...yesterday felt so sad!!!carin!!!we shall die....and carin!!tell me your blog link laaaa!!![: so..todaayyy..woke up early cause i was disturb by my mum's lound up..and so happen a sms came's from this guy name wilson..he ask me to go onlineee...but sadly i can't..eventually i went..haha..but for awhile cause suddenly my brother came and ask me whether wanna go out and have breakfast with my mum,dad and i said okayy laa....have to i ditch that wilson guyyy..cause nidda's like we sms whole day..i htink my phone bil gonna be very high this month..mum's gonna kill me..cause last month suddenly i drop to RM30 my mum was am i..but i was shocked..that it was low cause i sms alot lehh..but this DEAD MEAT!!ahhh!!someone turn back the i can control myselff...but one can turn back time only in moviess..haizzz..what a pityyyy!!AHH!!! D-E-A-D M-E-A-T!!! my god arr....please la save meeee....
i wanna dieeee lehhh..and cryy..and for your info carinn..if your seeing this postt..i this isn't the reason i wanna's anohter reason..well i told yi tane the reason adi..but she doesn't sound so kine in itt...well..what to doo..i can't tell you lehh carin!!SORRRYYYYYYY....but you'll find out soon oneee..sure onee...cause it's obverse...i know you will find out soon..i knoww me carin!! the day ended by my father actually ruining my dayy..but i don't care..but he really did spoilt my mood!!he always spoils peoples mood!! sad..imaginee..if your mood is happyyy...suddenly someone come and spoils your'll know how angry you'll get right???
todayyy..i also did some so call sounds lameee...but it isn't you knoww..after i did the mascale loosen up...abit only laa..but if i keep on doing..i'll be my mum..the YOGA expret...lalalalalala [:
i'm so pround to have you MUM!!I LOVEEE YOU [: I LOVE YOU ALL[:I LOVEE MY LIFE[:(well not really haha) that's all..
11:41 PM
Friday, July 4, 2008
last day of trials
today is the last day of the trials..
it was the whole dayy..
morning.. science..
sfter that english..paper(1)
then recess..
at least during recess..get some timee..
but was all ruin by the idiot LESTER!!
he disgust mee....
as continuing the trials thing..
after recess..went to for music..but was punished to walk the hall 3 times(for girls)
cause boys didn't do the correct wayy..
so went in the was like girls party timee..
but i warned them that teacher was luckkyyy...
then the boys came in..sang a song..went up..start english paper(2)
then teacher told us that our english teacher won't be coming there will be anohter teacher..we were so happyy..but then so happen the teacher that came in was the fieace onee..
so school ends...ran every where to like so call celebrating for the end of the first trials..haha..then i got free 2 buck from a guy..for no reason..
hahaaa...well kindda long to tell what have to be there to see it..then you'll understand..haha...i guess i don't wanna write that
7:03 PM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
the resultss of my pemahaman..and maths..
ready to see???
here goes..(it's gonna be uglyy)
MATHS= 28+32
it's ugly isn't it??i knew maths suck!!
hate the maths..paper (1).. it was taken today but marked today as go to know my resultss..hehe..the uglyness!!
well...todayyy..i got a little suprise from.. "him"
and guess what!!it's an amazing's so damn nicee..
but so sad i can't take a photo of it..cause camera not with me..
hehe..when i can..and uploaded..i'll show guyss will admire it like how i admire it when i got it...heheh >_<
6:57 PM
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
today was the first trial exam..
the day started by having P.E..later...the horrer came..
the trials..the big big exam which terrifieds me..
but it's one can..
B.M was kidda easyy...
maths abit too..(not a maths person)
recess saved mee...
i got to relaxx...enjoyy talking to friendss...giggle..
after recess...the horror again..ahhhh!!!
so the day ends but test test TEST!!!
6:52 PM