Tuesday, September 30, 2008
i see youu
hey guys.. i see carin's blog just now..wow. hmm.. the pictures. haha.. carin, if you seeing this ar..my picture with cikgu leh? cry lor.. tak beri saya ): haha.. no la. kidding onlyy.. (: okayy.. hmm.. so hmm.. i was using the computer.. then suddenlyy my brother was like.. ashleyy you want to go shopping? so i was like no la.. then he was like.. come la.. so i was like okayy la.. so went there.. only shop for his stuff..then suddenlyy my sister called.. i think la.. then she said she have arrvied.. so my mum ask her to wait.. but she was like.. no.. i can't wait... so my mum gave me some cash.. shop with my brother.. i was like his bodygruad and maid.. ish..haha..
but at least he bought me ice-crem(: so my mum called and say go new wing taxi stand and meet her.. reached there.. she was not there yet.. so we sat down.. when we were siting down.. the sun as like super hot and glaring.. gosh... so i didn't care much.. okayy.. sittig.. then two ladies came out.. i was like .. what the hack. that girl insane.. so many tattos around her.. yuck.. imagine that... haiz..after that mum was here.. then went tesco... when we were on the way to payy i saw..... guess who..? let me tell youu..
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~GAN LE YIN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
so oh yeah.. this morning..my brother.. i was eating.. then i told him something.. and he heard wronglyy.. then i said go dig your ears la.. and guess what he said back to me.. go brush your mouth la.. i was like what the hack.. ya la ya la.. ish.. hhaa.. he ar.. seriouslyyy make me so psst.. like in the shopping mall too.. ish.. so that's all i think..
6:59 PM
it's me again
heyy.. it's me againn.. i'm like so bored... so the onlyy thing i can do is blog.. okay..
let me talk about my feelings...
1. happy
2. crazy
5. dying
6.in love
7. adore someone
8.loving friendships
9.hates her life
10. hates holidays
11. missing someone
so those are the 12 things i'm feeling...lalalaa... wanna sing.. haha
12:22 AM
Monday, September 29, 2008
second of the day
okayy.. you all will be wodering why is ashleyy posting another post.. haha
let me tell you whyy.. i wanna indrotuce youu a girl.. a lovelyy girl.. her name is wong sze yen.she's 11 this year.. she's cute funny, charming, helpful.. and lots more.. i can't describe her.. cause there's too much words to decribe her. and happy belated birthdayy to her.. and oh yeah hmm.. thanks for lending me the book(:
wanna hear a storyy? hmm.. okayy here it goes..
one dayy, a poor girl was walking and walking to find a shelter... she saw this big palace.. she went over and knocked on the door.. a maid came out and asked what she wanted....so the poor girl said.. i need shelter and food.. that's all.. and then the maid wouldn't let her in.. but so happen the owner saw her all pityful.. and told the maid to let her in..so the maid let her in.. gave her a room.. gave her food.. and clothes.. the poor girl was so happyy.. but one rainny afternoon.. she saw the owner agruing with her husband..and then saw the husband hitting her to death.. cause she let the poor girl in.. so the poor girl ran over to the owner's husband and said..
NO..stop hitting her.. why must you hurt someone you love so much just because of me.. why can't you just get rid of me instead.. so the husband said: fine.. i'll stop.. so you
GET LOST!..." so the poor girl have no choice.. she ran out.. her really purpose was to find her real mum.. and then when she ran out of the house... she just remembered something very strange... it was like when the lady was hit by the husband, she was cryy like how she remembered her mum cried before leaving her.. and exactlyy when the man hit her.. the man reminded the girl that her father hit her mum like that..
so the girl said to herself.. "nahs.. it can't be my mum" so she moved on.. day by dayy.. without food nor shelter..rain or shine.. she still continue,.. and then once.. she saw this reallyy hot guyy in front of her.. but she didn't really care about him..so she just continue her journeyy.. and when she was walking half wayy.. the hot guy grab her hand.. and said.. come in.. clean yourself.. i'll give you shelter and food... i don't wanna see anyone suffer.. so the poor girl just went in... and the hot guy thinks the girl was cute... so as the girl.. she thought the guy was cute..so the guy gave her everything.. and one dayy.. they fell in love... but the girl told the guy that she can't stay anymore.. as cause she have to find her mum.. and then the guy tol her that she doesn't need to find her as she'll come and find youu.. and the girl didn;t understand so she continue to pack.. suddenly when she want to walk out of the house.. there was a ladyy.. and he girl thought it was the guy's mum so she just walked out.. then the girl remembered that that lady was the person that got hurt cause her.. so she said sorry to her.. and the ladyy said it's okayyy. then.. the hot guy said..:" don't look for your mum,she'll come and find you" and then the girl don't really get it..
suddenlyy.. she knows.. that lady was her mum... and then.. the man that hit her was the poor girl's step father.. and the hot guyy.. was the guyy that she ever dream oof when she was young... and she got her dream.. so she thought she was dreaming.. and quickly pinch herself.. and then the guy said don;t be sillyy.. and then kissed her.. aww so sweet... oh well.. you know what that means right? happy ending (: haha.. very lame storyy.. just bored that's why.. haha

9:04 PM
father daughter time
todayy.. right in the morning.. i woke up.. and then as usal my dad comes in my room and check on me. so well he saw me lying awake in my bed. so he asked me what to eat.. so i suggested to go down town..so we went there and eat.. after eating went shopping. hmm.. then took thetrain back.. we waited for the train very long. we were like so damn hot.. well, wondering where my mum went? she was golfing. haiz.. okayy.. so after that long journeyy.. i went back and watched a show.. and suddenlyy i fell asleep.. then woke up at 2.. oh yeah.. if you're wondering what time i went down town.. well.. i went there at 10:45 and came back at 1:30.. imagine us walking that hours..
then i woke up, went online.. and it started to rain.. gosh... then someone called. guess what it was tane.. she was outside my house... she came my house to do the project.. but my chinese star ada problem.. so asked shea zheng to help some.. hehe(: thank youu.. but so sad he is going off to italy today.. can't chat with him.. hehe... so tane went back not too long ago.. hmmm.. yeap... that's all lor.. hmm... some pictures

7:25 PM
Sunday, September 28, 2008
totallyy for shea zheng&someonee
yo shea zheng.. if you are seeing this..okayy.. hope you are very happyyy you are well.. and hello.. sien wei, carin& i are talking almost the same person...lalaa.. if you want to know who is that.. just highlight that post.. then all the way to the end.. hmm..okayy..and hello.. wake up man shea zheng... we three have been tahaning for like ages...lalaa.. you don't have like porblems.. cause you have true friends.. and i'm like so proud of you to have true friends..i adore your friendships.. haiz..i wish i could i have that.. not just me.. three of us..
oh yeah.. and shea zheng thanks for the key chain.. hahaa..haiz. what a grandad i have.. haiz.. by the wayy..i got the pictures from cx just now..
next person.. hey. i know you are sad.. i'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so
i didn't mean too.. but it's all my fault okayyy.. you wouldn't be sad if it's cause of me.. and i know yesterdayy at the party you said you were okayy. but i know you weren't cause i can see in your eyes.. i can see that your eyes were filled with tears.. but you what for it to tear down your face when we started to playy water.. as cause we all can't see whether it's tears or water.. i know youu... i can see.. it's seriouslyy all my fault... i'm so sorryyy.. i'm gonna write sorryy for every post untill the world dies.. it's worth it.. i'm so so so sorryy.. so so sorry that i can cryyy for youu. so so sorry till i can die..
so here is the pictures:


the actors&actress
from uper left:cx,py,me,yt,sze yen,ben lau,yf, jia hoe
3:51 PM
happy sweet16th wen-han&12th jia xin
happy sweet sixtenn wen-han

enjoyy your nice 16th birthdayy..((: enjoyyy enjoyyyy
happy sweet twelve birthday jia xin

i hope you'll enjoyy your birthdayy wherelse we have adi enjoyed todayy.. it was fun.. scaring everyone.. and ahem.. took picture with ahem.. lala.. don't have the picture with me.. it's with.. yt, cx and shu wen.. everyone phone was like wow.. in front of us.. and we were like.. my god.. hahaa.. hehaaa.. my god... i was acting as the ghost.. and even scared myself.. haha.. stupid right. haha.. and then everyone believed it. we were like wooo-hoo.. then in the end.. we all gave a big appaulse to the actors and actresses.. and then told them who was who.. and then everyone was like.. some guy was too scared and pee in his pants.. and we all were like.. what the.. haha.. so took some pictures with py and yt.. haha. and the whole gang of the "crew" i mean you know the acting thing.. hahaa,.. so much fun.. actually as i'm writing this.. i just got back from jia xin's party..and wow.. haaaand i was like wearing high heels right.. so when we all took gathering pictures... with the birthdayy girl.. after she blow her cake, i was like. oh my god.. i'm so tall i have to act short. and then everyone asked him to stand next to me. ish. haiz. these people seriously have nothing to do... hahaa.((: don't you think so? hmm. yeap. nothing to do. haha..
okayy la.. that's all yeah. okay.. hmm.. okayy la..
3:00 PM
Friday, September 26, 2008
the pictures

the rest next day upload again.. very lazy.. haha ((:
5:12 PM
fell for your trap once
i was so stupid for falling into your trap...you think that you are so cool.. cause what you are the fastest runner in school? that's just school..not the whole world.. you think you are the prettiest that guys just love you so much... think again.. cause that's just once.. there's so many other prettier girls like sien wei,serlyn,samantha,yi tane&carin....you always think that i'm on your side.. but i wasn't. i was once.. but then.. i realize.. you are just a spoilt girl, sensitive,pessimistic and really have a strong jealousy... why must you get so angry when your friend just hangs out with another person? why can't you let that person to be free.. you can't keep her everytime.. that person needs to explore the world.. it's like you can hang out with other people and she can't.what the hell la.. you think this is fair.. you see she doesn't complain when you hang out with other people.. but why must you complain about her that she ditch you? she has done no harm..
i got injured cause of youu.. we nearly lost a point cause of that.. but i took the ball up.. and i got injured instead of you.. and yet. yesterdayy,in the morning.. you talk to me.. and then you asked whether i'm going for volleyball. and i answered no cause my leg still injured.. then she was like pointing at me. and said. owhhh...owh!! OWHHHHHHHH! ish la..i feel like telling you that i got injured cause of you...and i feel like telling you to get a life..you have hurt my feelings. you see. you onlyy know how to hurt people's feelings.. and when people hurts yours you'll be llike. stupid la.. she has change la.. and bla bla bla.. it's like always our fault and not yours. but helloo.. it's always yours..i can't stand it anymore.. i've helped you so many times.. was there for you so many times.. and yet.. you.. NONE... onlyy once or twice.. and i think you got angry of me cause of the day when carin so call ditch youu..(but didn't) and you ask me.. guess what and so i said that she ditch youu.. then you were like walk away from me.. and when you ask.. it was a bad timing.. and then when you called my name the first time.. ashleyy.. in a soft voice.. so i didn't hear. and then you shouted my name and got angryy. and then you tell your classmate about me and carin. cause you have no one to talk to anymore...soon you'll realize that you need to appericate friendship.. cherished them.. but not now. soon..
get real la you.. you're like a small child.. little bit angryy.. or sad.. like when you fallduring training you'll like show the pain.. hello.. it's a sport... you'll fall. and hello.. you fall the least.. actually you fall cause you always day dream. always want people to be concern of youuu... you want attention.. hello.. do you want like erm. a loud speaker then you talk then people have your attentin lor. ish la youu.. pakai otak.. see now.. i suffering.. my leg hurts.. cause of you.. and you give this type of attidute back to me? go die la youu..
p/s: the girl is megantata
4:31 PM
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
you call us friends?
so you think we are friends right.. hell yeah we are.. but then.. you guys are making me so mad.. i've gotta tell you adi.. i can't stand it anymore.. all i ask is a perfect friendship.. yeah.,. i do have one.. but then soon it all just fade away.. why can't you all just understand man.. i wish i could really die now.. so no one have to see my damn fucking face anymore.. so that you all can be very happyy... enjoyy your life so nicelyy.. hehaha.. think i'm joking? well i'm not...
okayy.so todayy i'm in yi tane's house now.. haha. so now.. i'm gonna upload the pictures that we took. hahaa...

that's all
6:10 PM