Friday, January 30, 2009
Why is it so hard?
It seems so hard to forget you. When your name came up, all I did was to stare at myself. And ask myself why am I crying? Why do I still miss you? Why are you treating me so bad?
Are you mad that you spread rumors about me? I’m not even there at all. Why would you do something like that? I thought we were friends. I believed you, I helped you. When I heard the news, I was mad of myself for making these type of friends, for tell you guys my secret, for keep every single word you said to me. But why now? Why there? Why me? Why did I come about? Why does everyone thinks I’m something that I’m not? It’s the truth. This is how I feel. So shea zheng, don’t come online and annoy me to think positive. Cause I’m trying, but it isn’t working because my heart is empty and has a hole in it that I, myself can’t fix it.
Today, my day was just great. It wasn't as great as how i enjoy the past few days. Cause this week I'm extremly exhausted and couldn't be bothered to listen in class. All i could think of is to sleep. I don't really have the mood to blog about my day today.. Although there's some funny part, but nehs.. Not gonna say so much.
As i ate, it just made me think of you. As i heard you were a good cook, but i wasn't in time to try your food. I didn't have time to taste your food. All i wanna do now is just to turn back time and just go to other place that i didn't meet any friends like i've met, that betrayed me, that back stabbed me. And i wish i've never met a guy which is so hard to forget.. So hard to move on. So hard to get over him
Awww.. Fernando Verdasco lost to Nadal! i hate Nadal.. No offence to Nadal Fans... But Fernando Verdasco is wayy better.. hahaaa! i don't know whyy.. but he rocks!! (:
Thanks michelle for writing on my hand :" Ashley rocks" you rock too!!! you rock so much man!! hahaa!!!!! seriouslyyyy!!

Ashley doesn't feel too good
Ashley signing off
7:22 PM
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Reminds me of you
I thought i've forgotten about everything.. but then today in ICT, the song that was played.. it onlyy reminds me of youu!
Ashley Francesca Oh.. i love that song.. it reminds me of Aerosmith
Yeahh.. it reminds me of someoneAshley, is there something you aren't telling us?
No,Nopee.. since when??Then why you'd say reminds you of someone? who is that someone?Erm.. no one.. my dad (:Are you sure? Are you lying to me.. you better not..Yeahh i'm sure (:Why did you say it reminds you of your dad? what happen?Nothing.. he is just a great guy (:Last night went for a dinner with relatives..i came back from school.. then i did my homework.. and off i went.. but.. i was in a rush doing my homework!!! darn it la!! so then.. went there.. elaine(cousin), shirley, andrew, michelle and their parents weren't here yeahh.. bla bla bla.. suddenlyy
Shirley Ashleyy
Eh, i love your bag
Ewwwwww!!WHAT!! you don't like your bag??!
Ohh.. my bag is it??YEah la.. if not what? what did you think i said?
I thought you said my butt very nice..then talk talk talk..laugh laugh laugh.. then erm.. forgot what happen adi then suddenly shirley started laughing like mad!! haha! non-stop.. hahaa!!then cut cake.. then we all(kids/girls) kept saying:" gong gong kiss po po.." but then my grandfather thought we say blow the candles.. cause in hokkien ma.. hahaa!! so funnyy!.. so then.. we actually suppose to go back.. but my brother said he doesn't want to go to school.. and i said.. let's go to "po po's" house la.. so we went lor... gamble till like 1 something.. came back home about 1:40 la.. then so tired cause didn't have a nap from morning till 1 something.. so just fall into the bed.. plus the day before yesterday also so late come back.. so yeahh..
Today, i couldn't open my eyes.. i try and try.. then can adi.. my eyes was abit hot.. but then i still wake up.. then makan.. then go to school adi.. slpet in the bus the whole journeyy! hahaaa.. reached school kept yawning..haha!! then my period was chinese.. so then my teacher went some then we did the work she asked us too.. then historyy.. i nearlyy fell asleep.. my history teacher didn't come.. so another teacher came.. SO BORING!!! the break.. then i slept on the floor in the music class while waiting for my friend to practice her piano... so yeahh. slept for awhile onlyy.. then woke up.. then bell rang.. then malay class..! something wrong one this melvin.. i just walk in the class ma.. before i wanted to sit.. this melvin and amir was like:" no.. ashleyy sit here.. we don't want tim to sit next to us.. ashley!! ashley!!" so i sat laa.. i'm like the onlyy girl sitting with two talkative and funny guys =PPP so i was quiet then this melvin was like:" ashley, why so quiet?" so i answered la..:" cause i'm tired" then he was like:" hey! that rhymes. quiet, tired.. hear amir.. why are you so quiet, cause i'm tired." stupid laa he!! then erm.. something sick came up.. so then.. this girl was like:" do you mind sharpening tim's pencil?" she was saying to melvin.. then melvin was like:" huh? i don't get it" cause everyone was laughing.. then we tried to explain to him.. but he still doesn't get it.. haha!! if you don't get it.. ask me in msn..
OMG!!!! 50 metre freestlye PLUS butterfly?! yes.. i took part in relay.. but why me?? wy must i do the butterflyy?! aww man!!!prepare to die!!! OMG!! 8*25 metre relay? i'm so way gonna die adi!! i must start training again!!!! dang dang dang! shoot man!! *sighs* what to do.. must let farefield win!!
GO Farefield GO! Give me a F; Give me an A; Give me a R;Give me an E; Give me a F; Give me an I; Give me an E; Give me a L and Give me a D!! Put it all together what does it says?
Ashley is so tired and i wanna faint+sleep!
Ashley signing off
5:22 PM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Totally akward
As the light was there.. I still couldn't get up.. It was like i was stuck in that dream forever. Like i was dead..Todayy was a really tiring day man! i couldn't wake up for school.. but my daddyy woke me up.. luckyy man.. then in school, i kept yawning.. english class today.. the teacher didn't come
(YES!) and a new girl came
(YES!) she's a malaysian
(DOUBLE YES!)..after english it was history.. this is so funnyy!! cause we were talking about civil wars.. so then.. the teacher was explaining about taiwan and china.. and everyone laughed cause there was this guy in my class was from taiwan.. so then my teacher said don't take it seriouslyy.. so then after that.. we were talking about france.. and then everyone laughed again.. cause the same guy was from france.. haha!! oh yeahh.. and then.. there's this guy named TILL.. my god man!! i was about to faint man..cause teacher asked what else can cause Wars.. so then he said jealousy.. so then.. the teacher said write on the white board.. when he was walking he asked:" How do you spell jealousy?" then everyone was like.. oh my god.. you are so blond. hahaa.. then poeple spelt for him.. and he heard wrongly and spelt it as jealousloy.. then everyone laughed again.. then poeple spelt for him again.. and he spelt jelously then faria spelt for him again.. then he finally got it.. then faria was like:" wow.. that took awhile!?" then this faria arh.. very weird.. she was day dream
(as usal) then suddenly she was like.. playing with herself.. like..a retard.. no offense.. but serious.. haha!!
Then after break, i was late for science.. then luckyy teacher didn't scold.. cause my science teacher wasn't here todayy.. so then my old science teacher came in for awhile then another teacher came in.. i hate that teacher.. she's so sexist.. she ask the girls to shut up.. but not the boys.. goshh!! and then this flora.. stop being so sick man!! goshh.. i got caught laughing so much but not you.. cause you were talking seriouslyy so sick stuff man!! no fair.. but you still got caught.. haha!!
OMG!! I'm gonna do swimming gala???
50 metre freestlye??! what the hell!! shoot man.... shoot shoot shoot..!! darn darn darn!! omggg!!! i'm so happy my phone bill is
RM18!! yippeeee!! woshh.. now.. next month i can do it again!!! woshhhh!!!!
Ashley is under pressuree!!
Ashley signing off
4:29 PM
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Everyone you know, never leaves too soon
10:21 AM
Is it just me or or i was the shy one
Helloooo!! today.. went to friend's house..bla bla blaa.. lazyy to explain laa!!all my childhood friends grown into so pretty people.. so ya laa..
Came back.. have super.. so full.. nice also.. hehee! bla bla bla..
Then don't know whyy my sister wanna take photo.. take crazyy ones also...
i won't put now or blog much now..
cause i'm so tired.. and it's so late..
and tomorrow i have a long dayy.. and after that long day i have to go to school the next dayy.. so yeahh!!
Ashley lost money and won money from gambling
Ashley signing off
1:01 AM
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Is the tradition still there
As i was just standing there..looking around.. the love that was in that room.. was no longer there.. everything as turn upside down ever since you left...the reunion dinner was not right.. something was missing.. and that was youu.. as i set the table.. my heart just started pumping so fast.. it felt like you were beside me.. helping me to set the table.. but then suddenlyy.. you were gone..
Todyy, before the dinner.. i actually cried...cause she wasn't with us anymore... the table looks so empty..(not really) anyway!! we had 7 dishes.. and finished 3 dishes.. which were the expensive ones.. hahaa!!! then we made dessert.. hahaa!! then erm.. wash everything.. and then erm.. i got wet.. played with water.. well..i started everything.. haha!! cause.. i was having the hose.. and i spray my brother.. then i sprayed my other brother.. and then.. they said i'm not wet and i must get wet.. and they said my ass is not wet cause i wet thier ass.. soo they tried to wet it.. they took the hose.. but they wet my shirt first.. then i took back the hose.. then my brother was like:" can i have the hose for awhile? i wanna wash here" so i gave him.. and end up he sprayed me.. but i turned away.. so they didn't get to wet my ass.. haha! =PP then.. hmm. nothing much laa!! (:
And as i looked back at those memories we had together.. it just made me cry... i saw the poem you gave me, the necklaces.. i couldn't help myself.. but i just stared at it and cried.. and i wanted to throw it away.. but suddenly i stopped myself.. cause i wanted to keep some memories in my music box so it will sing again.... as i look back at the comments i sent to you for the past few years.. it just made me laugh and sad.. and when i look back at the picture we took.. i just smiled.. and said:" thanks for the memories"
After cleaning.. the tired photo of me
Ashley is sad, tired and happy at the same time
Ashley signing off
9:25 PM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Photos (:

Ashley is geeting pissed over NG SHEA ZHENG
Ashley signing off
11:41 PM
New look
How can i live like that?! it's so hard for me to live like that.. i don't wanna pretend that i don't love you anymore.. but the truth is that i still love you ..
Bla bla blaaaaa! Helloooo peeps!! my day was just fine!! until that fucking ass idiot wilson wrote in my cbox..!! You fucker get lost la you!! fucking hell!!
I went for a hair cut.. with my sister... sister look so pretty now!! i look okayy.. sama sama laa..! hmm... went to mont kiara for the hair cut.. and then.. erm.. came back.. was so bored.. so just go through the stack of DVDs.. and we just took Wall E and watch.. ahhaa! the rest not so nice la.. so i watching half way, i fell asleep.. haha.. suddenly i woke.. and i was awaken by the three small kids.. hahaa... erm.. my father's friend daughters.. when i woke up.. they ran awayy..haha.. then they came back.. and i gave them something(secret=P) then they took and play with it.. hahaa! so funnyy.. then one of the daughter kept jumping up the sofa.. haha!! then they need to go adi.. haha.. yippee.. ada cookies from them.. haha! P/S: the three small kids are erm.. 8, 6, 4 years old(i think)
Happy chinese new year peoplee!!
Chinese new year.. without you isn't the same i looked at the packets of food. the image of your face just appear.. and i imagine you were opening all the packets..and eating the food.. and at that time, my mum will come and tell you not to eat the food.. i miss those time.. and now you are gone.. it isn't right to celebrate the first day of chinese new year without you.. You child, your grandchildren, your great grand children... will miss you forever and always.. the dinner this year, won't be nice wothout you.. cause it's a familyy dinner.. but you aren't here with us.. you stayed with us ever since i was born.. i remember all the simple things you did.. i remember the names you used to call us.. the names that made us laugh.. i remember the sweets you gave us.. i remember the biscuit you gave us.. i remember the smile you had on your face before you were gone.. it was nice having you in our life.. it was nice of you staying with us.. so.. thank you for the memories..Before
Ashley loves her haircut =PP
Ashley signing off
4:10 PM
Hero of the day
I've forgotten to post about this for the earlier post.. hehe.. okay..
The hero of the day is................................
The reason why i said that is that.. today in school.. during his P.E class.. in sri kdu la.. My brother and the whole class hates the P.E teacher cause he loves to praise himself.. and stuff.. and todayy.. he siad this to my brother's class :" eh, why are you guys wearing short pants? go back to class to change into long pants then come back to the sport complex(in BM la)" so okayy la.. they change la.. then when they arrived at the sport complex... the teacher wasn't there.. so.. then they started playing football. suddenly the teahcer appear and he said:" eh, go run one round and do streching" so okay la.. then after that.. the teacher dissappear again.. so okay la.. they form two teams to play football.. then suddenly the teacher was like:" eh, why your pants not black enough? go do pumping" and then there's this guy he purposely buy a black trackbottom.. then he still need to do pumping because of that stupid teacher.. the teacher said:" why your pants so black?! go do pumping now!" stupid man!!! so then he go lecture them...then my brother got fad up and guess what he did? he stood up.. walked away fromt the class, tooke his stuff and went to see the headmistress..but she wasn't arounf so go see the vice- principle.. so then when my brother walked away. the teacher was like:" eh.. where you going? what's his name*asking the class*" but no one answered.. then the teacher lecture till the period over adi.. and then.. my brother asked the whole class to go to the vice-principle room to complain together.. hahaa..(: wow!! totally cool man!! hahaaaaa...
The teacher seriously la.. very what.. kept saying:" Outside got better payment but i chose staying here cause i care for your education.." ya la.. like if.. he talk alot about himself laa! very perasan la!! no ones likes you la teacher!! go get a better job laa !
Look what i've found in my computer =PP
Best friends forever
The 4 of us.. best friends til the end (:
1,2,3!! say chesse!! (: camera+2 phones.. i love this picture so much (:
The 4 of us also!! best buddies forever
Ashley is so proud of her brother!
Ashley signing off
12:50 AM
Friday, January 23, 2009
I can't sleep through the pain
Am i actually making friends? Do I actually have true friends? or are they fake? It's like.. everytime when they have something to talk.. they'll leave me behind.. and i'll just stand there. looking around the school.. it's so painful.. they onlyy friends that i consider them as true friends is Nurlyana, Faria and Dhakshenya.. they are great.. but sometimes i get left out from them too.. i was sitting at one corner.. and no one came to me.. the rest of you were all at the other side enjoying yourself.. and when we were suppose to form a group .. you guys onlyy came.. and then when we needed to acted it out.. and changed groups.. all my team groups.. just treat me like i'm invisible.. i told them something but they just ignore it..and then.. when they talk to me.. and i answer back.. and then suddenly you all walk awayy.. and you asked for ideas right? i had one.. but you just said:" eh, frankie.. do you have any ideas?" and she'll be like:" erm.. nope" to this guy.. i won't say who he is.. but i'll call him donkey.. i need to tell you something.. but i just can't.. i'm sorryyy..
What the fucking hell!! that's the reason that day you kept asking me things.. you asked me for my phone first.. then onlyy ask other for it.. and then ask about my leg.. and then. you were so happy when you were my umpire.. omg!!.. in school... your friend pushed you to me when i was walking at your direction on purpose or what??
In the bus.. On the way home..
Do you like chicken?
I wonder whyy poeple play rugby and bite poeple..
Because human flash tastes good (:
WHat the fucking hell! fucking bus driver.. !! don't know how to drive..!!
Fuck Fuck Fuck!!!
Are you amy? you sound like her and looke like her!! i can't different shape who is who.. like you two are twins..
All these came from one guy in the bus.. hahaa
Eh, john laa..! pat my head for what? i'm not your pet la.. hahaa(: some more keep saying hi for what.. hahaa.. and yeahh.. you are weird.. ahhaaa (;
Ashley is so tired and abit sad
Ashley signing off
5:11 PM
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Crying in the night
The hot sun just shine so bright.. people running around.. playing around.. sweating.. The sun doesn't go to the cloud and say hi.. niether the cloud too.. the sun just stay at it's position and the cloud stayed at it's position.. everyone in the bib was in a position too.. they run after the ball.. the jump for the ball.. they shout the names for the ball.. they make an effort to playy and get in.. but sadlyy.. i didn't get in the team.. so basicallyy.. i can celebrate my birthday with you guys.. if i can.. or you guys arrange.. and erm.. i better call caridee... hope she answers..
I felt so useless.. and dissapointed.. i told myself not to cry.. or be upset over this.. suddenly a voice came from the person in front of me.. and i couldn't see who she was because i was looking down at the floor.. i couldn't be bothered to looked up till i heard this sentence :" it's okay ashleyy.. you played well.. for first time playing netball and the first term.. it is good... so train more and you'll make the team next year" and so i looked up.. it was my coach... and i was the onyy year 8 that didn't got choosen.. when i was waking.. people asked whether i made the team.. i told them i didn't.. and they all cheer me up by saying:" you are actually a good player.. maybe train more and next year you can get in (:" it made my heart sing when i have friends like that.. when i was walking to the bus.. i saw one of my friend crying.. i asked her what's wrong.. is everything alright.. but she just continue packing.. i didn't understand because she got in and she didn't cry because she was happyy.. i know it.. because when she was collecting the bibs.. she was abit sad.. and suddenly her tears just burst when she went to her locker.. and i didn't know what to do.. and she suddenlyy said she was alright..
I didn't know what to do.. i try to be happyy.. but i just can't.. suddenlyy my heart was just sad.. and broken.. after one of my friend was chatting with me.. she was talking about my personal msg.. but i told her it was nothing.. and now.. i'm gonna change my personal msg.. to make sure my heart can heal.. if this work, it'll be great.. but how can people just move on by just changing your personal msg...
Drew in art class
Ashleyy is kindaa sad
Ashley signing off
6:41 PM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Dress up dayy!

A day i lost you, my hands were cold, my feet were cold, my body was cold.. and mostlyy my heart was cold... I don't know whether i should tell you this.. but then.. i've decided not too.. cause you've fallen in love with a girl which is so prettyy...and i can't do anything about that..
Hellooo peeps!! todayy was damn nice man.. wosshhhh!! todayy was dress up dayy.. and we were suppose to dress up in chinese new year outfit.. so alot of people dress up.. and some didn't.. omg man!! just because my friends and i were like wearing like.. chinese style arh.. then when we were walking after lunch.. this teacher was like.. can i take a picture of you guys? cause it's the sprit of chinese new year.. and we were like.. erm.. okayy?! so after taking then my gosh mann! every where we go the teahcer will be like:" omg.. nice outfit.." then we were like.. okayy? thanks.. then we were suppose to take a group photo cause we were wearing those chinese style shirt.. so yeahh.. but we didn't.. so on my way out of the assemblyy this teahcer looked at me and asked:" have you got your photo taken?" then i was like:" erm.. nope.. i don't want too" and she said:" Awww.. naughtyy youu" and i was like. whta the hack.. haiyoo.. my friends and i were like.. oh my god.. so many compliments laa!! but then my goshhh!! FARIA wore CEONGSAM!! and she was absolutelyy gorgeous!! Nurlyana and i were like.. :" you look so pretty in that.. and everything is blue!!" and then faria was like:" no i don't.. i look so fat.. one thing i hate about this is that i have to suck in my stomach cause i will look fat.. and my slippers hurts.. i shouldn't wear it" hahaaaa... she wore everything blue.. except her ear rings! her ear rings was "little stars" and in purple.. omgggg!! dhakshenya was so lovelyy! how sad i didn't take a picute of youu!! *sighs* you pretty man!1 she was wearing pink black pink black..haha!1 i don't know how to explain la.. but i should have taken a photo of youuu!!! so yeahhh!!! haha!! got angpau from my teacher!! haha.. inside got 2 ringgit.. but fake one.. haha.. cause chocolate money ma.. hahaa (:

Drew it during art (:

My tattoo (: with my outfit :PP

My outfit for today.. Chinese style?

The hairstyle i tied today (:



Ashley loves her day today!
Ashley signing off
8:34 PM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
So malaysian la!
Helloo! what laaa! ask her laaa! haiyoo.. so malaysian la.. where's your baby laaa! that is so malaysian!
Few mintues later
What la you!! so darn malaysian!
I seriouslyy wanna kill that guy adi!! everydayy in mandrian class he'll go :" Melvin ai jing li! Melvin ai jing li!!" urghh!! and today he was like:" Jing li, Melvin ai ni" stupid.. so then in madrian class.. we played a game.. so teahcer divided us into 2 groups.. so Melvin was in my group and that stupid guy was like:" NO NO NO! you got Ashleyy!" and melvin was like:" You jealous isn't? too bad!!" and i was like.. what the hack!! then my team lost.. and then that stupid guy was like:' Ashley, you should have been in my group.. *sighs*" stupid la he!! urghhh! then in malay class this is what happened
Ashley Loni Michelle
Who's your best friend?
Yeah who is your best friend? Is it me?
Erm.. among here??
Yeahh.. it's me right? i know la.. you are so kind!
No! it's me...right? okayy fine listen to your heart.. and it says LONI, LONI LONI!!
Omg loni.. you are so.....!
Erm.. right?! erm.. i don;t know.. you guys are all the same to me (:
Yeahh.. same but i'm still the better one right?
No! i'm the better one
Erm... i prefer michelle
Ah! in your face!!!!!See.. oh yeahh.. oh yeahhh!
I don't get it.. everyone ask me that question.. like that time in historyy.. suddenly hannah was like.. me and ashleyya re best friends.. ah! beat that.. and then the other girl was like no.. i'm tigher to her than you! ah!! right ashleyy? and i was so blank.. haha!!! SHIT MAN! tomorrow dress up day! and i don't have a shirt to dress up!! omg!! tomorrow is gonna be a great dayy! yippeee!!
I've got owned!
Ashley need to find an outfit by tonight!
Ashley signing off
10:02 PM
Monday, January 19, 2009
Fart fish
Ashley Nurlyana Faria
Do You smell fish?
Erm.. Yeahhh*weird expersion * (don't smell anything)
Yeahh! right?! (don't smell anything)
Few minutes later
Omg!! do you smell fish?!
Yeahh!! i do!! yuck!!
That was what i was talking about!! urghh!!
Few minutes later
Ashley Nurlyana Faria Dashlana(sorry forgot how to spell your name)
Do you smell fish?
Erm.. Yeahh.. right?!
What?!(continue talking)
Few mintues later
Omg!! Do you guys smell fish??
YEAHH!! that was what we were talking about!!!
Another few minutes later
Ashley Nurlyana Faria Ashtrea Shamma Hannah
Ewwwwww!! do you guys smell fish?
No!! no it doesn't smell like fish!
Huh? what are you guys talking about?
Do you smell fish?
Yeah do youu?!
Oh yeahh!! i do smell that fish!! yuck!
What fish smell?? i don't smell anything
Maybe it's Shamma!! Fart fish!! Hahaaa
Hahahaha!! yeahh.. maybe it's you, Shamma!
What is it? *blur*
Ohh never mind!!(everyone said in the same time)
Todayy the itme passes so darn fast.. my fitness todayy in school was okayy. but my ankle seriously hurts... there's so much pressure in my ankle!! *sighs* and todayy nearlyy twisted my left ankle. apa la me.. !! nothing much!!
Happy sweet 13th birthday SEE SIEN WEI!

Ashleyy loves todayy! but her ankle hurts and she's so tired!
Ashley signing off
9:53 PM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
It's safe to say that I'm ready to let you leave
I'm so over youu.. I just can't stand waiting for you night and day..even when i said that i've moved on.. but whenever i see you or talk to you.. the feeling is back.. but now.. it is gone forever.. It's time for me to say goodbye to you.. it's time for me to let you go.. it's time for me to leave you alone.. and let you enjoy life.. and let myself enjoy life..
Sorry didn't update latelyy..Yesterdayy,. i woke up at 6:40 am.. to get ready for badminton competition..And then went and pick up one of my brother's friend.. and we reached at JSKL not so late also.. some more say need to reach there at 7.. we reached there like.. 7:15.. omg man!! the first game was mine =(... and i won.. yipeee.. okayy so then my brother also won.. everyone won . this game is for team event.. got team event and individual event.. so the team event we actually got 4th.. but because one team disqualify.. so we got 3rd.. and then individual time!! i won first round.. second round i lost...okayy. this is what happen on the second game... the game was so close... and then there's a time limit for these games.. once the guy say go then we onlyy start.. and hte time is until 11 minutes onlyy. so the second game.. it was so close.. the garden girl so good!! the game so DAMN CLOSE!! It was 20-19. i was gonna lose adi.. then suddenly i got 20-20..then 21-20.. i was losing.. then 21-21.. then 22-21.. then 23 -22.. then when that girl got 23.. i injured myslef.. cause she smashed.. and then i wanna recieved it..and then.. i slide and fell.. and twisted my ankle!!.. so painful til i cryy..and then my mum was like:" shhh.. don't cry don't cry... you still got SEASAC to go.." and i was like:" i can't go SEASAC cause amy wants her friend to go.." then i kept telling my mum very painful.. then... my mum,my brother and sister was like:" don't play la.. don't play la.. one more point onlyy ma" but then i said.. i wanna play.. i thought i still can win it.. so i just stand up.. and thanks to the kind garden girl.. she clapped her hands and everyone did too.. for support .. so then.. i played.. and then hit out.. and gone adi.. game lost..
My mum was like:" it's okay la.. you stop badminton for 1 year adi.. and now you lost like 24-22" so then.. my leg was better.. and then i went back and then makan. and off to samee's party.. samee didn't know i could go.. i mean i told her i might go.. so then i was the first. i thought i'll be like.. the last.. cause i was late.. hehee.. I'm sorry samee that caridee didn't come.. okayy so we called Poh yee.. to come.. hahaa.. samee.. YOU ARE HOT! hahaa.. (: that's why that 18 year old guy said.. haha.. one day i seriously gonna tell him that you think he is hot (: hahaa (: eh.. but not bad you know (: pictures will be uploaded in samee's blog soon (:
I have a netball game on mondayy!! my ankle must be better by then !!
Ashley ankle hurts but it's better today
Ashley signing off
10:35 AM
Friday, January 16, 2009
Why wait when there's someone else out there for me
When i see you, i ran out of words to say.. I see youu right out there.. waiting and waiting.. but i kept denying.. suddenly i realize that you are the one.. out there.. you never stop waiting.. but then.. one thing i don't understand about you.. is that why bother to wait for me all these while when i kept denying and hurting your feelings..
OMG!! todayy school was okayy.. abit fun.. abit tired.. Bla bla bla.. gonna sleep earlyy todayy!! tomorrow badminton competition..Wooo-hooo... hmm.. what else?? just came back from badminton.. (: erm.. played mixed doubles partnering my brother beat my sister and my other brother.. and partner uncle josh against my two brothers... lost man.. so cham.. hehee..
I try to be perfect for youu.. but i just can't.. i'm not perfect for youu.. I'm not the one for youu.. even how hard i tryy..!! It's worthless
I wanted to walk over to you and talk to you.. but i have no gust. we are best friends.. but best friends without talking? it's so weird..
Ashleyy is loving her day today
Ashley signing off
11:00 PM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Bleeding the pain out
As the blood just kept dripping.. Dripping.. her face was as if she was gonna faint any minute.. She's bleeding cause of the pain.. but then.. the pain just wouldn't go away.. It's so painful that she can almost scream out the pain..but when she screamed.. the pain was still there.. everyone was so much better than her.. she tired to prove to the coach that she can be good.. but it wasn't good enough.. she wasn't strong enough..All she wanted is to be on the team.. but she wasn't good enough.. the sweat all dripping to the ground.. as she tired to breath slowly.. but she couldn't.. she was so dissapionted.. she stayed back for the later session.. trying to prove to the coach.. but she still wasn't good enough.. those girls out there.. were way better than her.. and she couldn't compete with them.. but then.. the coach said she might have a chance.. but she didn't believe in it anymore..
Todayy school was okayy.. exhausted.. Ohyeah babee..!! high-5 dude!! haha.. funny presentation babee!! haha.. but can't say that in front of you after poeple misunderstand.. eh.. poeple la.. he doesn't like me nor i like him!! omg man.. he is just my best friend la(i think)!!! In malay class.. here's the conversation with some students.. "Melvin, who's your partner again?" said the teacher.. "Oh.. it's my new best friend, Ashley" said melvin... walked to the table beside me and sat next to me.. " Okay partner.. FROM THE TOP!! come on!!" and i started the thingyy.. then he was like" NO NO NO!! you must say asslalalalamaunkum then i'll say asslalalalalmaunkum salam" and the guy infront of melvin was like" Right??! *doing the weird face*" Melvin said:" What did you say??? That's what i thought.. NOTHING!" so then melvin was like" teacher.. me and my partner first.. " then teacher didn't hear him.. so teacher was like" no one wanna present?" then two other guys was like:" Melvin and his partner la" then melvin said:" No..wait.. we have some computer issues"Which we don't even have.. then we went out second.. this melvin did it so funnyy.. haha.. he ar.. suddenly forgot what to say.. apa la.. but anyway.. get the funny point better than no point. hehe.. then the last was these two guys.. so darn funny!! one guy wore a pink fluffy hair.. then then other one.. wore a glasses and a big nose.. haha.. then they present la.. so funnyy.. but then if you were there.. you'll onlyy know how funny it is.. can't explain it la.. hehe..
Ashley is so way gonna kill someone
Ashley signing off
9:51 PM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Cappacino cream
Why do you guys keep saying that? i don't like him la.. just because i talk alot about him means i like him? omg man.. eh, nurlyana... he says he wants to be my best friend cause his sister and my sister are best friends.. so i said okayy.. and helloooo... he always joke around so that's why i talk about him. to tell you how funny he was.. haiyoo.. misunderstanding peoplee!!
Oh yeah.. in chinese class.. i seriouslyy wanna kill a guy!!! because my chinese teacher was like no speaking english.. then he started saying:" Melvin ai jing li, ke shi jing li bu ai Melvin" and i was like.. what the hell!! just because he finally gets my chinese name and he started saying that!! omg man!!!
And in drama, cause we were suppose to act like what the poem was.. so it was about this mum telling the people why must you treat my son unfairly just because his skin is black.. why can't you treat him like the Whites.. so my team this guy was like:"My skin is cappacino.. so i will act as the boy.." then another guy was like:" why must i be the guard.. i'm almost same as you" then the 'cappacino guy' said:" No.. cause you are white.." then the white guy said:" No.. look*comparing* i'm cappacino with cream.. so why can't i be the boy" so well. being all.. you know.. so then i was the black mum!! cause the'capacino guy' said:" You be the mum.. cause you're skin isn't as white as hers*pointing to another team mate* and put your hair in front because your hair is black so your face will be balck* pulled my hair* and i was like.. what the hack mann!!...
I wonder why you looked so sad today.. as if your world as turn up side down.. when i got down the bus, i bum into you.. and you look so sad.. i thought you were sleepy.. but when i saw you in english class.. you weren't with your friends.. you weren't talking like how you used too.. is everything alright? i pass your bas earlier.. and you still look so gloomy.. i wanted to ask you what's wrong with you.. but i didn't asked cause i thought i'll make it worst.. hopefully i'll see you happier tomorrow (: always smile...
Ashley's whole body is aching
Ashley signing off
4:45 PM
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Outside looking in
It just made me cryy.. i didn't think it would made me cry!! omg!! So sad.. seriouslyy.. it made me cryy.. and i think i know why it made me cried.. cause it reminded me of her.. lying in the coffin peacefully..
And you wrote about that..and i was just tearing through the whole story.. you can be a writer.. seriouslyy.. (:
I need to know am i alone?
Is anybody out there hearing my soul?
Is anybody home?
All for one,
And one for all (:
Ashleyy is tearing because of the story
Ashely signing off
10:47 PM
Tagged by Seng
*1. Those who get tagged must answer the question about themselves.
*2. At the end of the post, tag 10 people except the person who tagged you (tagger).
*3. Continue this game by sending to other people. (refer to rule No. 2)
Ashley Ng Kheng LeiAge/Birthday:
SMK BU3Elder sister:
1:AmyYounger sister:
NoneElder brother:
2: Derrick/NicholasYounger brother:
NoneFavourtie liquid(Drinks):
Everything?Favourite Consumables (Food):
Delicious food?Favourite place to sleep:
My bedFlying:
SwimmingHow much friends in MSN:
Avaliable (=Loved ones:
Family & FriendsGet kicked on the butt?:
Never manAllergic:
Might haveWhole fortune:
I don't know what is it.. heheAge of marriage:
I don't knowChildren wanted:
Never thought of how manyAge Of Death:
Anytime will doAnimals in house:
None.. No animals at allLongest fingernail ever kept:
I have no idea..Wanted birthday present:
Sometimes.. heheQ:In your dream, God tells you you are a billionaire in your dream world and gives you a wish. What would you wish for?
A: Time to go back and magic (:10 people to tag:
SameeCarideeTaneSien weiXin huiShea zhengYew feiTimothyRachelFlorenceAshley is suspecting something
Ashley signing off
9:09 PM
Where are you?
Where are you? I don't see you when i need you.. everytime you say you'll be there for me when i needed you.. but you weren't.. Are you playing games with me? if you are.. please stop.. cause i don't like it.. it isn't nice.. Please come out and stop the game.. i really need you right now..
It was so scaryy.. trying to let you know about what happened.. but then.. you were so nice to me when i told you what had happen.. it was a shocking thing that happen.. it's reallyy nice to have you as my uncle.. thankyou for not scolding about the camera.. thank you nicholas for helping me to start the conversation..
To samee:
It's okayy. please don't be so upset about that.. heyy look at the bright side that she still cares for youu. and still loves you as her best friend (: sometimes life is like that.. like a roller coaster.. when you are scared.. the roller coaster goes up.. and when it comes down.. you are sad. there's alot of things we might not know about this thing called life..i know how you feel.. cause i was once like that.. but.. remember.. be happy (:
To caridee:
Thanks for the offer.. i'll try to see whether i'm free yeah.. what time is it on again? hehe.. (: and what's the plan like? who pick up who..?? where to meet?? or whatever stuff like that (: let me know yeah.. cause i also need to plan (:
To sien wei:
Thank youu for making me so much better!!! omg.. our promise totally doesn't work right? it's broken.. omg!! just in a week.. and our promise is broken.. isn't stupid!! sighs.. as i say.. if life doesn't have any supports from your beloved, then it's called night mares (: haha..
To tane:
Thank you for asking me about how i feel.. but i feel much better.. yeah sure i will tell you everything ya.. you also ya. when you are down.. you better tell me arh.. hahaa =PPP
To carin:
Omg!! good man... good!! thank you for coming man!! woshh.. hahaa.. rock on girl (:
To shea zheng:
Thank you for sending carin.. hahaa (: and oh yeah. i don't get it what you mean by "u dun nid 2 blog d whole ting la!..Yish" i don't get what you mean by that.. tell me la.. add in the list la.. i don't mind one la. hahaa (:
To yew fei:
Sorry acted like a jerk to you last night.. forgiven? i've forgiven you by the way (:
To shirley:
Get well soon!! when you are okayy.. and discharged.. go online and let me know babee!! (: rest more.. and so sorry for you getting a scar.. =(
To nicholas teh:
I see that you like bu4.. the onlyy thing you hate about it is the homework part? okayy.. erm.. why use your brother's account to reply my comment??
To chinese homework:
Gosh!! i better finish you up todayy.. if not dead meat!!
To camera:
Sorry i dropped youu =(
To uncle:
Thank you for not scolding me (:
To 2009:
You made my life , my promise.. our promise. break. *sighs* please make our promise fulfill (:
Ashleyy wanna go back to school on monday
Ashley signing off
5:35 PM
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I just can't pretend anymore
I just can't pretend that everything is alright now.. everything isn't alright.. i've been pretending.. lying to myself that everything is alright.. the truth is that i'm not.. 1st.. tim.. is like.. saying stuff which isn't true.. and then.. my father is angry of me.. and then.. i have to save my money to pay my phone bil and the camera now.... what next can i get? i can't go any parties now.. i can't go anywhere.. all i can go is worst can my life be?? even now.. my cousin is in the hospital.. and she's my best one.. i'm sick of my life.. everything was going fine.. and then this tim just came into my cbox and say stupid stuff.. for your info tim..
I DON'T LOVE HIM ANYMORE!!! NOT EVEN A SINGLE BIT!!! SO GET ON WITH IT!! and then after that.. my life was so ass bad!! i've always thought that you are a great friend.. always have some funny jokes.. but now.. i realize.. everytime when there's something that gotta do with yf.. you say i'm the bad one.. i can't stand it anymore!! now i'm already in a bad position in my life.. and you still wanna add some fire in the fire? it'll make a bigger fire.. and now.. i'm already in the bigger fire..
Ashleyy is crying when she's blogging this post
Ashley signing off
10:22 PM
On the tip of the net
The shuttle was just on the tip of the net.. it may not cross over.. and well, it certainly did not.. it was a close match.. but they blew it away.. they had a chance to prove to the malaysians that they are better than before but... they just aren't any better...I'll cut off those craps up there.. i said all those cause... i went to bukit jail to watched the malaysian open.. omg.. man.. ladies doubles.. could win.. but lost... apa la.. the leading man.. first set won
21-17.. then second set arh.. the points was
19-11 i think.. then end up the chinese pair won.. stupid!! then the
Triple K and
TBH turn.. omg.. lost first set
21-13.. second set won..
21-17 third set same as the ladies.. well.. the score was erm..
19-17 then lost.. *SIGHS* what to do..
You know what Tim.. if you wanna talk so much crap about the incident.. then talk.. i don't mind.. just to let you know.. i've moved on.. whatever song i put doesn't mean i'm emo!! but it's relaxing and nice to listen..!!
you know what.. when i was on my way home from school.. i ws listening music.. and i looked at this person... and that person was always bullied.. and i couldn't do anything.. and i remembered that i was like that.. the person who always gets bully for no reason.. people says i'm emo when they don't know the really situation..and then i looked outside... suddenly i just cried because.. i looked back.. that i actually don't have friends.. cause.. of how the talk to me.. how we hang out and stuff.. i feel that you all just made me felt like i have some friends.. but actually i don't.. and.. there's onlyy a few that really are my friends.. theyy know what the really thing is happening... they won't tell anyone.. they'll try to make sure that no one will misunderstand.. but instead... people were just so sturbon.. and now i know why megan told me that forgetting old friends are better than making new friends.. i finally know whyy.. all i'm saying is that thank you for those people whom brought the sweet memories to my life.. to: Carin,Megan,Samantha, Ser lyn, Sien wei, Tane, CX,Py,Samee,Caridee,Shea zheng, Zheng yang, Nicholas teh, Collin,Sean,David....Carin, sorry didn't really answer your questions through the phone cause i was so tired.. and i didn't tell you why,, and i'll let you know now.. i came back from school.. it was almost 4:30.. have tea.. talked about my day.. shower.. sleep.. woke up at 6.. go watch baminton.. neck so painful.. for all the travelling.. and you'll get what i mean.. cause you know what i mean... (: so yeah..extremly tired.. i'll talked to you soon ya.. if i have time.. (: and erm.. Chinese new year right.. that time cause erm.. sean and zy said wanna go erm... 1u for erm.. football right?! i can't.. cause i no time.. sorry ya :( i didn't mean too.. but i just can't.. sorryyy...Ashleyy had a tiring week, and can't even use the computer
Ashley signing off
12:58 AM
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Lost in a maze
I was lost in a maze.. everywhere was like.. the same.. and i was like.. oh dear, teacher is so way gonnaa kill me.. damn damn damn damn it!! i forgot my locker key today.. and i was like.. oh shoot.. and todayy was like.. oh boy.. i was lost dude.. late for maths class.. omg.. but luckily.. the teacher didn't scold me.. haha..
Gosh.. i'm like so exhausted.. come back from school, wanna sleep.. sleep half way.. time for dinner.. after dinner.. homework.. and then rest time.. yippeee.. well.. i haven't been using the computer for a while.. i won't be using it that often yeahh.. if anything is important that you need to talk to me.. you know how to get me right.. hahaa.. but if i don't pick up.. then just text me.. i'll see it.
Okayy so guys.. those who sms-ed me, i'm sorry i didn't reply.. well the answer is.. school's great.. it's fun, lots of friendly people.. but really really exhausted..
And to shea zheng, i don't want tuition man.. what tuition? i don't think i need a tuition.. sorry.. hehe =PP
Ashley is so sleeply, she have really thick eye bags now =(
Ashley signing off
10:39 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
You're a jerk
I'm so sorryyy.. But i've told you.. He's a jerk.. all he wants is to grab girls heart.. and you told me that.. and i told you what to do.. but you wouldn't listen..I hope you are alright now.. you look alright.. but is your heart alright? i'm not too sure.. but i know that it's not alright.. you're just trying to hide it inside.. but please.. don't do this... It's not over yet.. there's a guy out there.. waiting for youuu... he's out there.. and i know that.. cause i can see that guy loves you more than a friend.. and you do too.. open up your heart.. and see... i know he's out there..
I won't talk much about my day and stuff.. all i could say was..
EXHAUSTED..Can't wait till tomorrow..Gonna try/think.. how to get my mum a handbag and a chanel perfume.. gosh.. but still got erm.. long way more right?? julyy 21th.. hmm... *sighs* .. siblings don't wanna help.. onlyy my sister and i.. i think.. hehe..
January babies- Caridee
- Samee
- Qiao li
- Sien wei
February babies
- Amanda
- Leslie
- Me
- Elaine(cousin)
- Su yen
I don't really know february ones...
March babies(only know one)
April babies
Ashley feels like kicking his ass
Ashley signing off
4:27 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Dude, I totally suck..
Wow.. Pow!!.. Blink of an eye.. School is tomorrow... And i'm up so late?! Well.. Not going to school tomorrow.. only tuesdayy.. High-5 carin =PPP Hmm.. carin.. i really wish you could come same tuition as me la.. *sighs*... then no more hyper lor.. hahaa.. sad..
Todayy, didn't online whole day.. till now.. 1st.. woke up exactlyy 12 pm..!! haha.. so late right? what to do.. i'm a PIGGIE (: okayy next.. washed up, had lunch.. and then watched tv for a little while.. and then.. off for shopping.. well.. shop for pens, socks.. and stuff.. sister bought heels.. brothers bought shirts.. sister bought storybooks and pens.. i bought pens.. brother bought book and liquid paper.. And my other brother.. wanted to buy a baking book.. hahaa... well.. if my mum allow him to buy.. i'll totally wanna bake with him.. cause it's cupcakes people!! haha..
While we were shopping.. My eldest brother went for a haircut.. so it's my mum, sister, brother and i.. By the way.. we went curve.. okayy.. so.. then i was talking to my brother.. so we were facing this shop.. erm.. forgot what adi la.. then suddenly my brother was staring at something.. then he suddenly said:" omg. i lovee that bag" and helloo.. the bag was a handbag.. and i was like:" eh, nick.. ARE YOU G-A-Y??" then he was like:" no.. i just like it" okayy fine.. move on.. then my eldest brother met up with us.. then suddenly.. erm.. we were all talking about his haircut.. as i look up(i'm very short so yeah) at Nicholas(my 2nd bro) and suddenly he asked:" what you staring at?" then i was like:" you la.. your eyes.. sparkling la.. and your eyelashes.. so long.. like a girl.. ARE YOU SURE YOU AREN"T G-A-Y?" then he was like:" nice leh?? I"M NOT GAY!!" haha.. okayy move along.. we walked out of the shop.. so then.. my mum was like:" aiyoo.. chanel.. your dad bought for me.. when our first 5" something like that.. no sure whether first date or.. anniversary present.. okayy.. so then we went and have a look.. then my mum was like:" no chanel 5 meh? haiyo" then i was like:" HERE!!.. but got so many.. which one?" then my mum was like:" arh.. this one...*took a bottle*" then spray at her hand.. and then she was like:" no la.. not this one" so my brother took another one.. and asked:" this one is it??" then my mum said again:" arh. this one" then spray again and guess what she said..?? she said:" No la.. not this one" so the last bottle.. my brother took it up.. and then he go spray at his hand and ask my mum whether it is.. then my mum was like:" no la.. no more adi =(" then my brother was like:" yuck yuck yuck!!.." (the smell la.. hehe.. so then.. erm.. he go wipped on me.. now i don't like the smell..
Bla bla bla.. then erm.. shop shop...erm.. lazyy to explain la.. hehe..
Ashleyy can't wait to be lost in her new school (:
Ashley signing off
10:34 PM
Mint chocolate!

Siblings home alone (:
haha.. sounds fun?
well not man..
sister asked me download stuff suddenly gonna finsh.. say no need.. ish.. second.. brother wanna attack me.. S.O.S.. third.. i wanna Teh O Limau ice.. and sister tak mahu da pao for me =( but someone says must be positive.. well.. okayy.. it's so nice today.. a rainny day.. so cold.. so nice to sleep.. come on.. i'm born in a year of pig.. and i'm a pig.. so you can't blame me.. okay.. well.. actually arh.. so bored man at home.. all i do is just computer.. computer.. but no one to chat.. then my sister and i chat lor.. then she talk so much crap about me.. so yeah... we were like hsouting at each other.. i was asking her for credits.. since i introduce her songs.. and she loved it.. and her credits is.. help her get her stuff.. apa la..

NG SHEA ZHENG!! you are killing the hell out of me.. 80% correct? oh my god man.. it's 20% correct.. you don't know my life.. so yeah.. haha.. and hmm.. this shea zheng.. YOU OWE ME A PRESENT. And i don't =PPP and oh yeah.. WORK ON YOUR MATHS!! so bad till arh.. wanna faint adi..

Mint chocolate.. mint chocolate.. the last time was ahem belanjar.. hehee.. i want mint chocolate..
i was talking to megan suddenly she reminds me of the happy times.. the mint chocolate.. that made me tell all the truth.. that we shared our secrets with..yea yea.. happy times.. happy times...haha. so.. hmm.. MINT CHOCOLATE.. i want!! oh yeah... and Teh O Limau ice yeah.. And erm... Starbucks also. hahaa.. this restoran i'm in.. not good la.. i order online ar.. with this *** waitress.. till now she haven't bring it to me.. then when i ask her where is it. she say get it myself.. apa la.. Ashleyy loves DAN!!!
Ashley wants mint chocolate,Teh O Limau ice& Starbucks NOW
Ashley signing off
12:18 AM