I still have no idea how am i gonna let you know.. I've asked someone to tell you.. but then when that person was about to tell.. i stop him.. cause i'm too scared. =(
I wanna ask you, but i don't know how.. i wanna tell you.. but don't know when.. i wanna let it out but don't know when's the right time =(
Today, Faria and i reached school.. and hmm.. Nurlyana wasn't there.. but her mini bag was there.. she was going for SEASAC Art Festival..and when she came back with Rizuko.. she just took her bag and dash off..and that was the last time i saw her todayy..and i wanted to wish her lucky.. but she was running to the SEASAC.. so yeah =( whole day no her... and erm.. apeerently Ms Brooks was happy with me?! Strange.. i know i improve alot.. but i have a feeling that i'm gonna let you down again... =( okayy.. erm.. after that everything was boring. haha. Malay was so fun todayy.. we had to model with our shirts that we brought.. i mean.. choose a person to model with it.. and so happen.. our group brought like the whole set.. as in.. so happen everything matches.. haha.. and the other teammates read their passage about the clothing.. and when it was Melvin's group.. Melvin was the model.. and he was a liverpool fan.. so the other 2 shirts was manu.. haha.. it was so funny.. i can't explain it in words.. i can explain it if you call me =PP hahaa.. hmm.. nothing much happen next.. erm.. in the bus.. erm.. navin dared me to ask melvin out?! what the hack. but then i didnt do it cause he was sleeping.. thank goodness (: and then erm.. and then a year 7 guy suddenly sat next to me. and say.. :" ashley. this is just a dare.. he asked me to do it.. and it's not really nice" then the person that dared him said :" just hug her.." so we hugged.. and the guy's friend.. was like pushing our heads together.. and we nearly kiss each other.. Ewww! hmm.. then erm.. after htat dared.. suddenly the same year 7 kid was like:" ashley save me from this guy?" and i was like.. since when i wanna save youu.. and since when we talk. haha.. weird.. anyway.. i just came back from supper.. and you know what? my dad was laughing so hard that he was tearing.. haha.. it was so funnyy.. the joke.. haaha!! we all laugh like mad.. and we were like so loud.. and when we stop laughing.. it's so queit not so.. but still..
It feels like it's forever.. My heartbeat seems to beat so fast.. it feels like.. i dont know how to explain.. but all i know that myheart beat beats so fast when i hear youu..
Today, in school.. nothing much happen again.. hmm.. yeahh.. no fun things happen todayy.. but something else happen.. but i won't say it out here.. if you wanna know..ask me yeah?! oh yeahh.. and on the way back after activity, faria got bored and called Nurlyana.. and then.. suddenly Nurlyana was so quiet.. and.. so yeahh.. and then.. erm.. faira called again.. then she told her that nurlyana scared her.. and then.. nurlyana talked to me. and i told her that faria is crying cause you scare her.. and i told faria to act like she's crying.. but what happen was that.. the bus was driving fast suddenly the driver hits the break.. and then faria nearly fall from her seat and she laughed.. the reason she nearly fell is cause she was like.. facing the back.. wasn't sitting the right wya. haha! and Chris got scared of Sakura's singing.. hahaa!! cause of the lyrics.. ahha! it's really funny though. ahha! hmm.. so hmm.. nothing much now..
The feeling is back.. it just reminds me of my friends in my old school.. it just hurts.. i don't know how to let you guys know.. but it hurts me so badly... but i just sit there and pretend that everything is just going fine.. it hurts.. i can't pretend to myself to whole time..
I wanna be right in your arms.. feeling the warmth.. but i don't wanna let you know how i feel towards you cause it's the best of me and you (:
Today, school.. hmm.nothing much happen.. erm.. hmm.. in the bus.. on the way home.. we played truth or dare.. as usal. ohyeahh.. yesterday we played too.. and then navin dared me to tell this random guy named adam that i love him.. so i went and sat next to him and said it.. haha!! okayy..so todayy..he dared me to go over to the same guy and say that i wanna make out with him.. and i was like.. hwat the hell!! but i didn't do it. so then we stopped.. suddenly navin turn over. and asked who i like.. and i was like.. erm.. why? erm. someone in this world.. a human.. then he was like.. come on i wont tell .. and i was like. erm.. whyyy??! so then.. erm..i was like.. erm.. no. then he kept begging me for the first letter.. and then.. i was like.. i'll give you the last letter.. and there's 6 letters.. and he was like.. come on.. so i gave him hte middle name.. and he still asked me for the first letter.. but he found out.. cause i gave him an obvious clue. haha..and after that. the journey.. he kept asking me to ask him out.. and i was like.. NO.. nad he kept saying he thought i like dongkuk.. WHAT THE hack!!! why would i like him.??? gosh laa..and then.. he kept saying htat he's going to tell..and i was like. NO.. urghh.. then he promised.. and swore.and he asked me whether he can tell the last name? and i was like.. erm.. erm.. then he gotta get off the bus. woo.. luckyy man..!!but he better not tell!!!! oh yeah.. and during lunch i was like.. super hyper..till Nurlyana, Isabella and i laugh like mad.. haha.. serious.. i was damn crazyy.. haha!!
Being there isn't what i really want.. all i need now is for him to be there for me now.. it's so difficult to face this.. i'm not bored or anything. it's just.. oh.. just forget it..
The lies lays beneath those smiles. Her life is falling apart. everything is falling about. those smiles she used to smile isnt there anymore. Evevnthough she's still smiling.. but it isnt her.. i can see that..
Today.. PHOTO DAYY!! GOSH!! IT SUCKS REALLY BAD!!! everyone complains.. well. HELL YEAHH!! IT SUCKS!!.. okayy. hmm.. after taking our "lovely photos" we went for drama.. and we learnt how to be pick pockets.. haha!! it was fun.. so hmm.. during break.. lucky illia came and asked me about the badminton photo.. so i went with her.. and then alvin was like.. :" ASHLEY!! WHERE YOU GO?" then edison was like:" ASHLEY!! ASHLEYY!!! " hehe.. i feel so bad.. i totally forgot about it okayy.. and after break was our PE and it was badminton today.. and we played a game.. it was really fun.. well, i guess i will say that you bet me.. eventhoug we just manage to play 1 POINT.. but yeahh.. it's okayy.. so you can stop saying:" yay! i beat you. i beat a girl who is going for seasac" why not you come to seasac then? hahaa!!then it was geography.. and guess what? yesterday i did the intro.. IT WAS WRONG! so i have to redo it.. darn it!!! but it's okayy.. keeping the spirits up!! erm.. then maths.. OMG!! i almost fell asleep in class...
The problem isn't cause i'm bored.. i just don't fit in (:
11:01 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009

The touch of your hand, Just made my cold heart warm.. Ever since He was gone. no one else manage to warm up my heart.. it;s weird right??
Todayy, in school,well.. nothing much happen i guess?? Erm.. let's see.. our scholl got flooded.. got distroy by the storm.. had water polo for the first lesson.. we, Nurlyana and i thought it would be okay.. cause we were tired.. haha! but.. we were still tired.. gosh..my eyes are like hurting now!!! the water that went in my eyes.. plues the sunlight that was shining into my eyes.. when i wanna shoot. but.. for the first time.. it's okayy.. but the warm ups are so tiring.. goshh..!! haha!!and then erm.. maths next.. as usal... sit and do our stuff.. then break.. didn't dare to call my mum to ask whether i could go for netball cause she scolded me yesterday for having last minute thing.. but what can i say? i forgot.. and i'm really forgetful + i just remembered when i was packing my bag!! jeezz..!! OH well..!! erm.. so during break,hand in the forms for SEASAC badminton! haha!! then went with Nurlyana and Rizuko to the Art Block.. for their meeting.. so i waited outside and a dummy. haha!! everyone was like looking at me.. when the meet ended, the bell just rang.. and i was like:" SHIT! MS Brooks.. got to go" and started running.. haha.. went to my locker rush myself.. when i went up.. I WASN"T LATE!!!!!! so whatever.. being early is better than late =PP so then.. after english was chinese.. bla bla bla.. then bla bla blaa.. and bla bla blaa.. RING!! end of school.. ACTIVITY time!! badminton.. when i was in the changing room.. i saw poeple changing getting ready for netball.. and i was like.. sighs.. but how would i know.. i mean i knew there was a game, but i didn't know when.. sighs.. okay so.. then erm.. it rained during activities.. and the swimmers couldn't swim.. so they came in door.. so after 1 hour .. some of them came and play with us. but not hte SEASAC team..we have to train the stupid footwork.. so damn tiring..!! erm.. then in bus... when i just got up the bus.. then elliot was like:" jingli, ni hao.. i'm so way gonna beat you in the chinese test" and i was like whatever.. when i walked away he suddenly said:" jing li is a slut.. but ashley is hot" and i was like.. what the hack!!!! then dongkuk came and asked me:" ashley, would you go out with elliot?" and i was like:" why? why'/ why?" ahha.. then he just change the topic.. and asked who i like.. he was like:" so, who do you like? your ex? i heard from jessica.. who do you normally have lunch with?" so when he was asking those stupid questions, i answered NO NO NO.. and the lunch one.. i obviouslyy answer all the girls.. ahhaa!! so then erm.. hmm.. nothng much happen.. came back.. my dad told my mum about the netball. and my mum started scolding again.. and i was like.. i know i was wrong about the last minute form.. but why do i get scolding for this too? i don't get it... no matter what.. i'll still get scolded..whatever ... life just creeps me out!!
Apperently, she thinks being a teen SUCKSAshley need him to be with him now, but as a friend only
Ashley signing off
10:30 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Parfaitement imparfait

Je souhaite que je pourrais te parler. Mais toutes les fois que je te parle, vous essayerez de m'ignorer. Quand nous allant jamais faire face à ce problème ? Quand allons-nous arrêter ce problème que nous avons ? Je suis vraiment heureux pour toi. Pour ce qu'avez obtenu vous . Pour être là quand j'ai eu besoin de toi. Mais j'ai une question pour toi. Avez-vous menti à moi au sujet de la coupure vers le haut ?
If you guys dont uderstand. it's okayy.. cause that is the whole main thing about writing it.. well.. todayy.it's a sundayy!! sundayy!! the end of the weekend..!! and you know what!! i haven't even start my geograhpy homework.. and you wanna know why? becuase when ever i wanna start, my brain just freeze.. and plus. it's like so confusing how to do it.. damn it man..!! i hate it i hate it!! okay next.. hmm.. bla bla bla...starting from dinner till like erm.. 8:30. haha. we,my whole family.. were like so crazyy.. haha.. after dinner we went to the night market.. and before we went there.. my mum was like:" i wanna beat you up adi! everytime also same.. say want to go end up don't want to go!! what you want!!" she said that to my dad.. and my mum started doing the punching action..haha. then when we were in the night market.. ithink my family was like the loudest. we were talking so loud... haaha.. well, what can i say.. my family was born to be loud!! there to be different!! haha!! well.. hmmm. i have no mood to blog much.. so yeahh
Apperently, Je l'aime toujours..
Ashley hates geography forever
Ashley signing off
8:44 PM
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Cause there`s you and me

If you think you are wrong.. well guess again.. i wonder why arent you replying my textes.. i know i'm over you.. but i really need to talk to youu.. but whyy aren't you reply? i would love to call youu. but i till now.. i don't have the gust to call youu.. but how do i over come this fear??
Today, it's a saturday guys.. haha.. i have no idea what's the big deal about saturdays.. haha.. anywayy.. erm..i was suppose to wake up at 6 something to teman my dad and makan.. but i couldn't wake up... aww comeon.. for a person who sleeps at 1 and wake up at 6? imposibble right?haha anywayy.. end up waking up at 9.. and my dad was like:" i wanted to wake you up.. i came in your room but i saw you slept so soundly.. so i didn't wake you up" then i said:" i know.. you came in twice right? i saw the door opened (:" and he was like:" then why didn't you wake up?? you very alret" and i was like:" i know. i just can't open my eyes onlyy " hmm..then.. erm.. blablablaa.. then erm.. go dentist. haha. Damn it man!! need to do braces.. damn.. ish laa.. S.O.S.. ican't imagine myself wearing it..haha!!.. but . what to do.. hmm.. then.. erm.. went and pick my mum up. and then.. my mum.. as usal.. talks about her golf game.. whole day.. untill now.. she's talking about it.. and erm.. hmm.. then hmm.. during dinner.. saw chelsea.. same old same old.. we arh.. damn weird.. keep on laughing.. well.. it's us man! haa.. and on the way for dinner.. we,siblings.. were like talking about how to kao lui and zai.. and ask each other who likes who and stuff like that laa..!fun man!! haha.. then erm.. during dinner.. before the food came. iw as siting next to my uncle and my mum.. and my sister and my brothers opposite me.. and so. they were talking about something.. and the adults were talking about my teeth.. and i was like.. where should i talk? haha.. and then i suddenly said to my siblings:" eh, don't leave me out!! tell me.. what's the topic? tell me tell me!!" then my sister started laughing.. and she copied me.!! damn her laa! haha!! but it was really funny!! haha.. erm.. then went back.. continue my homework.. sister continue cleaning her room.. and then erm.. i finished my homework.and helped my sister clean her room.. haiyoo!!


As the days passes by, he went off my mind.. but whenever i see the stuff he gave me, my heart just shattered..
Apperently, she needs the chill pill to chill her !!
Ashley hates geography!!
Ashley signing off
10:55 PM
Friday, February 20, 2009
Cause the truth hurts

The truth hurts.. but lies are worse.. how can i face it anymore?? I'm gonna end all these crazy-ness that was put into my life..
Love 4 simple words.. make somepeople happy and sometimes it hurts poeple.. what does love mean?? I used to cry night or day whenever i watch something that relates to us.. or listen to a song that reminds me of him.. or look at the poem he gave me.. not just the poem.. but those stuff he gave me.. as i looked at those stuff.. i wonder to myself.. am i gonna wear it or am i gonna keep it till it collects dust.. =(
he gave me those sweet memories.. even the bad ones.. when i look back. it just made me laugh.. we fought over small little things.. but sometimes... when i think back about the bad or the sweet memories.. it still made me laugh and cryy.. i wonder whyy..
you can't predict life.. neither love.. so whatever happens. it just happen. you cant do anything. cause this is not a fiarytale.. we aren't in a fairytale.. we are the writters.. we do whatever we want to the fairytale to make it happy.. (:
All these.. i wrote to sien wei.. in friendster.. it just suddnely woke my brain up.. what should i wait for him?? exactlyy.. as sien wei replied.. that now.. the writters aren't us.. the writters are someone else.. and they don't want me to be the main character.. the book won't be that great if there's onlyy one main character.. So why wait when you know that US won't happen...
Todayy.. nothing much happenn.. damn bored at home.. rather go to school =( anywayy.. the holidays are coming to an end soon (: bla bla bla.. hmm.. nothing much though. what should i blog about?? tomorrow's Karen's birthday.. Yesterday was my cousin's birthdayy! hehe.. yipeee!! celebration!! woshh.. well.. i guess i won't blog much (:
Apperentlyy, she wanna call him up to chat
Ashley thinks that he won't answer her call
Ashley signing off
10:52 PM
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I'll be crushed

I hate ou but i love you.. PLease don't ever leave..I'll be crushed if you walk away.. but apperentlyy.. I'm already crushed by your silly way of "going my own way".. but you know what honey?? I'm so way gonna get OVER YOU!!
Todayy.. let's see.. woke up.. makan nasi lemak.-mm-yummyy (: haha!! then watch shows.. so boring.. no shows to watch..then came up.. on the air cond.. damn hot todayy!! then my sister suddenly said:" come ashley, be my model" and i was like.. what the hack.. then end up.. not bad lehh.. the picture..haha (: then erm..nothing much.. watched american idol.. omg! yes.. two guys i love went in.. omg.. yesterday i watched right.. then danny sang hero.. so touching.. even todayy.. nearlyy cried.. he sang like he's gonna cry.. cause so sad. the wife passed away 2 months before american idol i think.. somthing like that.. sighs.. =( and when we were watching american idol..suddenly my mum asked us:" what's the 4th lyrics of the song cokkie jar?? i remember the first 3.. but forgot the 4th" and we were like.. what the hack..
OMG OMG!! now online.. chatting with people.. giving advise.. i feel.. so dumb waiting for him..!! yes yes yes.. going to be overyou babe!! haha.. and guess what? XXX asked me whether samantha chan is online and when i said no.. i asked him why.. he said he misses her. OMFG!! hahaha!! damn funny leh... so long adi still love her.. haha!!

Apperentlyy, she thinks he will regret (:
Ashley wanna call him up to chat
Ashley signing off
9:28 PM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Light up

Be my shining star? Be my crazyy partner? Be my lover? Be mine forever?
I want you to know that i'm still not over you yet. but i'm in the process.. The feeling loving you was almost gone.. till.. this thing just made my mind to think of you.. and made my heart beat faster.. i need you now.. i need to talk to you now.. i need to tell you something. i need to ask you something. but where are youu? i remember you said that you'll be right beside me whenever i need you or whatever happens.. but now.. look at it now.. are you still there?
Todayy, my day started off going downtown.. then pertama complex..shop for my sister's badminton shoes.. then came back..then watch a show.. so nice.. and sad.. then.. erm. tidur (: what to do.. so tired man.. hm.. then watched american idol.. then makan.. then watch other shows.. then here i am.. then erm.. i think hmm. not sure.. whatever.. laa nothing to blog laaa..
Apperentlyy, she needs him now
Ashley wanna page him and call him for help
Ashley signing off
10:24 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
That i just want you to know

Are you still the guy love? Are you still the guy that makes my day brighter? Are you still the guy that makes everyone talk eventhough they don't want to.. are youu??? are you still him?? Well.. YOU AREN'T!! I'm not the onlyy one saying this now.. Some of us think that you aren't the guy we used to spend laughing and getting caught playing with water,ice and hitting each other.. i miss those times.. but do youu? I have a feeling that one dayy.. you'll forget about us. the ones which aren't same school as youu.. I see you, i hear youu.. But.. I don't see that guy that i admire so much.. the guy that i love so much.. the guy that cracks me up.. all i see now.. is just breaking people's heart,insulting, taking someone's love ones.. what else can you do?
Todayy, in school nothing much happen.. hmmm. during chinese.. erm.. cause Ms Miow said that we had to speak madarin.. no english.. so there's once this melvin was like:" Ashley, ashley" and i looked at him.. then he said:" erm.. wo men.. wo men.. wo men" then he stopped talking cause Ms miow scolded him for being slow.. so yeahh. haha!!hmm. then erm.. after break it was P.E. i didn't really like today's P.E. after P.E, i was science.. it made my day even worse.. i failed the test. and had to resit.. yeah i did...michelle and i didn't have lunch cause of that.. and appereently.. Imaan lied to the teacher that she had agama.. she didn't even go for agamma.. and then.. the whole lunch time i didn't had any mood to eat.. no mood to talk.. no mood to laugh.. all i was thinking of that i need a shoulder to cry on. cause as i failed my science test, something came up to my mind.. and just make me wanna brust into tears..well. i nearly brust into tears.. but i controlled myself.. but somehow the tears still nearlyy roll down my face.. and then after lunch it was Malay.. and i wanted to sit with flora.. but she was like:" i promised loni " and stuff like that.. so i just said:" you make my day worst!" cause i didn't wanna sit with ainaa.. and plus.. flora, i can be mean to you in science but then.. in malay, you are the one that i need to sit with cause you make me talk.. make me be myself.. where else the others just ignore me.. but i was lucky that we had to do our project.. on kederaan.. so michelle and i sat together.. and this melvin ting seems to take everything from me.. and then amir touched my pencil case and said;" eh, guys touch it.. it's so nice" then melvin touched it and said:" wow!! who ever created this. is so cool (: it's so soft and nice to touch" then mirsham touched and said:" wooo. nice. hhehee" right.. people .. so yeahh.. my dayy was like that todayy.. a day to end before holidays. i get 3 days off.. plus the weekends.. total 5 days..
Found some new songs (:
Well.. the last two.. is okayy.. but see what they write. see the video.. it's really sad...
Apperentlyy,she needs a shoulder to cry on..
Ashley wanna tell him that it's so hard to forget him
Ashley signing off
11:01 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009
I tried to laugh it off but I made things worse.

As i try to move on.. I gotta love to live right? But.. when i laugh.. I feel like it wasn't me.. I felt like.. I'm a different person.. cause I can't move on just like that.. Do you guys know how difficult to let go of someone special that you spend 1 year 8 months and 4 days with.. I was thinking earlier when i was watching a movie.. If you can move on, why can't i? If you love her so much, why stop you? If you've told you that i will move on right? And I promised not to ruin someone's life.. And there for, I will try to move on (: all the best to youu.. (:
Todayy.. A day to start with MUSIC! damn it man!! And then MATHs.. The test i screw it..! seriouslyy. i don't know whyy. suddenly my brain was like BLANK!! darn.. and then english.. english we went to listen to this author.. Dhaksyena and i kept laughing.. cause of her!! haha! really something funny happen today during that thingyy..then P.E. it was exhausting man!1 bla bla blaa.. then this flora sang happy birthdayy song to me during lunch.. but i stopped her. haha!! cause todayy i ain't the birthday girl.. the birthday girl is Shazlyn.. (:
Today, during activity.. badminton.. i kept falling down. falling down as in like diving.. haha! then got once.. i partner my brother.. damn man.. i fell until my knee hurts so badlyy..bla bla bla.. SEASAC?? YIPPEE!! Going singapore again!! haha.. my passport like only got singapore chops.. haha!!..Oh yeahh.. thanks NURLYANA & FARIA for the lovely gifts (: I LOVE IT!!
Apperentlyy, I nearly cried just now as i look back at the poem you gave me
Ashley hates being who she is now
Ashley signing off
9:51 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I found it on the outside

As today i turn 13... I felt like I'm still the little girl playing with those toys.. i wanna be that little girl again.. Being 13 sounds nice cause of the TEEN world.. But.. when you turn into one.. all you wanna do is just be that little girl/boy.. As i wait and wait for miricales to happen... It just made me feel so useles.. It made me feel like I'm wasting my time.. You don't even remember my birthday.. you dont even reply my sms-es.. you don't online on weekends anymore as how you used too.. i was looking forward for this weekend to chat with you. but you weren't there.. you were some where else thinking of someone else..All i wanna do now is to scream on the top of my lungs and just run away!!..
Today was my day.. my teen day.. as the clock strikes 12 yesterdayy.. the first person whom wish me was shea zheng.. he was like so excited about everything.. weird?! i should be the one who says " I"M 13!! I'M 13." Instead. it's shea zheng" YOU'RE 13.. YOU'RE 13" haha.. it really made me laugh like hell.. so yeahh.. I slept at 2:30.. and i woke up at like 7:30.. but went back to sleep again.. haha.. then woke up at 8:30.. then go on com.. played the songs.. then go to sleep again.. then woke up at 9 somehting.. then go online.hhee. till 12 something onlyy mandi. haha...then went go down.. got food pulak.. i told my mum i eating there. but who cares.. so i ate.. i ate like.. from 12:30 till 12:50.. so long!! 20 minutes.. that's not me man!! so yeahh.. then went to 1u.. when my car just like left the house.. carin called.. and ask me when i'm going.. and where am i.. haiyoo.. then few minutes later tane also.. then i reached 1u.. my mum go bassment pulak!! then i told her go A/X so she went out.. then when i reach there. i saw this car.. number 27. and told my mum it's tane's car.. then my mum was like:" 27? 27?27?" haha.. then i came out.. tane came out same time.. haha.. both come out same time..both black.. damn "yao yeng" man. hahaa
So we called carin. she arh.. say she'll be right there.. then end up we wait for her so long!! haiyooo!so then.. suddenly shea zheng said he arrived.. the mum was there..so okayy.. then walked off.. then this tane and carin whole day whispering.. make me so angryy!! wanna suprise me plan earlier ma. !! okayy then.. erm.. went and met the other boys. then erm.. suddenly they all gave me presents.. haha.. this zheng yang arhh.. gave me so big man!! i have to carry around pulak!! so ma fan.. everyone was like staring at me.. wondering why am i carrying so big thing and so many stuff. hahaa!! and then we watched pink panter 2.. funny (: haha!!! and then.. wow!! in the cinema.. i sit so comfortable man.. no one beside me.. i strech my leg until arh this tane say wahh! haha. then before we went in. it was dark.. so yeahh. and then i kept saying i can't see. then suddenly carin's phone rang.. and she walked out.. so me and tane was like:' die laa!! how to go in.i cna't see" so i just feel. end up you know why so dark? cause it was the wall! haha!! damn lame man..haha!! then hmm.blabla bla.. suddenly someone arh..say got dinner.. suddenly over that.. thanks for the chocolate.. (: and i'll help you to keep ya.. you owe me one.. i help you cover up and help you to keep. haha!! i got 5 presents todayy.. lovely ones...
Shea zheng= a pouch,key chain,bookmark
Tane= Handbag
Zhengyang,Nick,Bryan Tan=Soft toy (:
Oh yeahh. when i came back..i went up to my room.. my sister came up too,, and then i opened the presents.. haha.. and then.. first i open.. nick's.. then erm. shea zheng's.. then tane's then carin's then the biggest one last. haha!! OMG!! when i was opening. i waslike screaming and my sister was like:" Crazy adi" i was scream :" OMG! OMG!! so cute!! SOCUTEE!!!" haha.. haven't even open also start screaming..hahaathen when open all.. i was satrt hugging it.. it is so cute!! then my sister said where got cute end up so go and hug it..!and then.. when at night.. my brother came in my room and saw.. he said it was cute.. he went and hug it.. haha!! and then. erm.. after dinner.. watched. "all stars basketball" haha!! then cut my cake.. omg!! my sister arh.. told them to wrote on the cake:" Happy birthday Ashley piggy" and a smiling face.. haha!!so cool man!! haha..then hmm.. i came up.. shea zheng start saying thank youu for his blog thingyy.. and said sorry?! i thought you might scold me cause i didn't ask you for pemmision about the blog.. and then sorry? i still don't get it.. hehe!!And then when my mum came to my room. she saw the presents.. and she saw the soft toy.. she was like. :" AGAIN!!! You're room you have like alot adi.. YOU ARE A TEEN NOW!!" sighss.. i wish i could be a kid again!!
Okayy. now chatting with zheng yang. he said the toy he gave.. the pink colour=him.. green =nick.. ahha!! white =bryan..and i asked zheng yang why is he the pink one. he answered cause he stepped on a pink chewing gum.. and green for nick cause he was wearing green.. white bryan cause no idea.. haha! so funny!!... well. GUYS.. I LOVE THEM ALL!!! thanks again!! I HAD A GREAT TIME TODAYY

Pictures from the hang out will be uploaded in the next post (:
Apprently, she just wanna sit and pretend that it's okay
Ashley had a great birthday
Ashley signing off
9:48 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Srew You HUN!!
Presenting Flora (thrush girl) & Ashley
You're an angel, but i don't wanna waste my time on you when you have someone else in mind. so what's the use if i keep waiting when you are waiting for someone else?? There's other guys out there.. I'm gonna give up now..
Todayy is Valentines dayy..So weird right?? that today is valentines dayy.. and i thought i forgot about youu. but you just came to my mind..but.. this time.. it's really weird.. but i'm not gonna say..anywayy.. todayy.. IS A DAY OF MEMORIES!!.. after dinner.. we took out the photo albums that my mum had.. and there was one album that sticked a card.. and when i opened it.. it's like a poem.. andthen.. it was given to my mum from my dad on Valentines dayy 1985!! so details.. not just the date.. but the time also..6:30 p.m.. so sweet... (: i envy them!!
Horoscope my friend sent me :
AQUARIUS - The Sweetheart
Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional. Can be a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique Attractive on the inside and out. Eccentric personality.
So way not true!!
PISCES - The Dreamer
Generous, kind, and thoughtful. Very creative and imaginative. May become secretive and vague. Sensitive. Don't like details Dreamy and unrealistic. Sympathetic and loving. Kind.Unselfish. Good kisser. Beautiful.
He ain't beautiful..
Apperentlyy, tomorrow's birthday hang out might be cancel!!
Ashley thinks tomorrow's hangout might be cancel!!
Ashley signing off
10:54 PM
Friday, February 13, 2009
Cause i'm broken
Presenting Nurlyana and Ashley
As the dayy went pass.. A voice kept coming up to my mind:" Roses,Roses.. Buy one for your loved ones" And i was thinking to myself.. will he buy for his little girl.. will he buy for the girl he'll wait for till she accpets him.. Everyone seems to be recieving gifts.. sending gifts... All i can say is that...
Happy valentines day my dear.. (:
Todayy, school was okayy.. had a Malay test.. Maths test Postpone..After DT wasn't a good thing.. Something bad happen. not gonna sayy.. so after lunch. Nurlyana and i went and do the recylcing..cause it was our class turn.. so we did the MFL's.. it was fast. but out stomach hurts.. the same pain.. well.. you won't know the pain cause it really hurts so badlyy..anyway!! in the bus!! not gonna say anything.. wanna know? ask me.. =PP
My sister,my brother and i.. woke up late for dinner.. so we ate together.. and when had a blast.. it was a nice chit-chat =PP first time chit chat till so nice.. haha (:
Was on youtube.. found something interesting.. (:
Apperentlyy, I wanna have youu in my heart forever
Ashley thinks it's just rumors
Ashley signing off
10:43 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Am I the fool?
Presenting Faria & AshleyWhen i'm with you, i make every second count.. cause i miss you!!Please don't go... I need youu!! It's so hard to forget you, but how did you forget about those memories so fast? Did you actually have feelings towards me when we were together?Or was it just my imgination? Is it a fairytale i've been living for those times?
As the times drew pass, those memories didn't drew pass with the sun..It will forever be in my heart!
Todayy, i was like half dead in class man!! so tired man!! Ms Mioew(don't know spell correct tak) was like:" lee dong jun..ni hen lei shi bu shi? zuo tian you yong hen dou hor? xia chi gen ni mama sou bu yong you yong le" ahhaa.. sad case.. DK was like so tired.but happyy.. cause someone made him happyy!! And in chinese class, eliot can't stop saying jing li!! damn him man!! then melvin starts saying jing li.. then they got moved.. and in malay.. Ms Nice was so angryy.. so scolded us like WOW! and then.. hmm. nothing much!! SCIENCE TEST!! i Screw up!! damn it!! DAMN DAMN DAMN!!And today.. before scinece my tummy really hurts.. the lest side.. i nearlyy cried.. damn!!
Tomorrow MATHS test!! Damn! tomorrow rihanna is not coming..!! good luck to Fobesia NETBALL!! Go KLASS!!!.. and erm.. hmm.. i thought this week is gonna be like.. THE WEEK.. cause monday was a holiday and then tuesday nothing much and then wednesday swimming gala and then thursday science test and then friday maths test and rihanna's concert and then saturdayy going out and then sunday stay home celebrate with familyy.. instead.. the week end up like this.. monday holiday.. tuesday okayy.. wednesdayy tired and i sucked.. thursday i screw up the science test.. tomorrow.. rihanna is not coming!! saturdayy.. everyone got marathon.. sundayy.. going out !! woo-hoo.. end up it's onlyy sundayy that is gonna be a enjoyable day!!
Apperentlyy they sucks, but we rock!!
Ashley is gonna die soon!
Ashley signing off
10:51 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Being in your arms was the greatest feeling ever

Just one last dance before we say goodbye.. is it okay with you? Now i know that love isn't an ordinary thing.. It's so sweet to see you have really strong feelings for her.. the message you sent to her.. it's so sweet.. i'll be supporting you all the way okay?!
As i talked to you, i have this weird feeling.. but you just kept talking about something else. that really mades me hate me so badly.. I've tried to do everything to think that everything is okayy. that i fit in.. that i accpet the fact you've moved on.. but every single day, there'll be a time which someone or something made me feel like i don't fit in nor moved on..
Today was the swimming gala..omg.. damn tiring man.. i got 2 medals out of 6 events!! that sucked lots..i got sliver for 25m medally relay...after the medally relayy.. everyone was like hugging me.. i mean the team the three of them.. while waiting for the medals to be given.. cause someone told imaan that we got 1st.. and then.. they said it was because of me?! okayy.. totaly akward. but end up.. we got 2nd.. no idea whyy..then after break i had 50m butterfly.. it was a last minute thing.. so while waiting for the butterfly event, DK was like:" Ashley you better get 2nd" haha.. yeahh. i got second from the bottom!so then right after that. it was 50m freestyle!!and i hate it!!! i got last!! and you know why? my goggles came out..!! gosh!! damn those goggles!so yeahh.. then right after freestyle was medally i think.. and i had to do butterflyy!!! and i think i slow the team down.. but still got 3rd.. yippee!.. then right after that was the freestyle relay.. it was Astrea who was suppose to do it. but then.. she was tired.. so i took her place..so we got last.. well.. what can we do.. India wasn't feeling well.. Rizuko was great.. i was abit pumped out!! and was the first swimmer.. and Issabelle did great!!! so well.. i totally sucked! and then right after that.. i got to rest for like 3 minutes onlyy... then i need to go for the 8 times 50 m relay.. well.. we could have got like 2nd but the first swimmer.!! suddenly she swim back with backstroke!! "hack sei yan" arh!! so yeahh.. and after all those.. finally i get to rest.. well.. cause it ended.. haha! then when i came back.. my brother was like:" ashley why you do so many?" haha.. totaly i took part in 6 events.. non-stop ones.. haha.. i almost fainted man!!!and then while we were sitting in our house tents.. Rizuko was like:" ASHLEY! you did great.. you didn't let our team down.." and then she whispered to herself that it's her last swimming gala.. so i asked her.. and she's leaving soon!! awww!!!
You make it so hard for me to talk to youu.. everytime.. it's like that girl here and there.. if you already know how i feel.. and what's the explaination about this?omg!! you are killing me!! you are killing my life!!! you are making me worst!! Damn the time we had.. DAMN YOU 28th MAY! damn youu!!! YOU SUCK!!!!
Apperantlyy, you suck so much that i would love to kick your ass now!!
Ashley is so tired.. and dissapointed..
Ashley signing off
9:25 PM
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I pretend that everything is okay

You seem so happy.. I told myself to make sure i won't complicate your life.. cause.. i know after i've told youu how i really feel.. you might get the weird feeling.. but . instead.. you were just so calm.. you were seriouslyy into that girl.. and i'm really happy for youu.. I'm trying to laugh myself up.. but it get worst..
Heyy people!! Tomorrow is like the big day!! so todayy.. as usal.. OMG!! Defending youu in netball?? You feel useless.. haha!! i actually can talk to youu more.. but just don;t know why my mind just went blank. hehe..so yeahh.. running up and down and feel useless?/ just because you don';t get the ball? this is call netball!! and you are a guy.. why did you join netball in the first place?? that is akward..After school, in the bus.. NAvin said this:" At least yours is better than mine.. mine is with a freaking chinese" omg!! that seriouslyy sound so wrong!! you are insulting me dude!! you think i didn't hear that? James didn't hear that but i did dude!! totallyy feeling insulted..!! and navin.. your idea is so yuckyy!! he said this to me:" Ashley, if you go out with tim.. tell him to shut his mouth up.." and i was like.. what the hell!! never in my whole life will i go out with him!!And dongkuk was like:" jing li, jingli." then he pointed to tim and did the heart shape and poitned back at me.. stupid!! this happen in the sports hall.. my goshh laaa!!
Why are people asking me for advice?? Oh yeah.. to XXX i hope you feel better.. you shouldnt burn those stuff.. you should just keep it.. eventhough you got rejected.. but have a little faith.. remember those advice yaa!! if you don't!! the next time i see you. i pergi Hatam youu!!
Apperently,you suck,but i suck more..
Ashley is really nervous about swimming gala
Ashley signing off
9:57 PM
Monday, February 9, 2009
I just can't take it

I'm sorryy.. i try to forget about you. but then.. you always come up to my mind.. and i wanted to let you know how i really feel just now.. but then. you were busyy.. and now.. you still are.. and the very next moment some person tells me you are asking another girl out? what next?? Eventhough i soud so happy for youu.. but my heart was shattering into pieces.. pieces that you onlyy can fix it.. I wish you know how i feel towards youu.. but.. you never will know cause you can't be bothered to know..
Todayy, my day started of okayy..But then. suddenlyy everything was upside down.. As i'm blogging.. my heart was just aching.. the song played on my playlist.. just made me cry.. the lyrics is just so meaningful..It almost made me cry..control myself not to cry.. i try and try.. but then it's useless.. I still dont get it.. why can't you see that i wrote it for you?
during dinner suddenly my mum was like:" Hey people!(to us) eat. it's good for you people people!!" she talked like. how now a days youngster talk..and then one more thing..when we were coming back from lunch. she was like:" i like this song.. it's nie" and that song was cokkie jar.. haha.. she actually love those type of song.. interesting!!
Ashley is crying and her heart really hurts
Ashley signing off
8:23 PM
As the tears drew down, the roses shattered

I just wanna have a slow goodbye before we go.. i don't want you to leave me too soon. Just one last dance with you would be lovelyy.. but instead,you just walked away and went to her.. and gave her your last dance..I just stood there.. and continuing take photos of you guys.. as i went through the pictures.. it just made me cry..it just made my heart cold.. and that was the last time i've seen youu.. and if we had the last dance, i would have cried so much that i could now be in that coffin lying there with the tears i cried that night..
Todayy was a dayy!! a day which i've gone hyper.. wa sit depression? cause i become hyper after some stuff happen... but nahs. it's just happiness!! come on people.. partyy up!!!Now a days i've been eating alot too!! my goshh..! does all these lead to depression???!! Or just some other reasons...???
Maths Maths Maths!!!! Done done done!! English English English!!!! Done done done!! DT DT DT!!! Forget to BRING it HOME!!!!!!
Done alot of maths revision!! =PP to catch up!! it's easyy. yipeee!! thanks daddyy!! you really seem so keen in helping me!! i know cause maths is like so important to youuu!! so it's important to me too (:
Mae Qi!! Let's partyy all night to erase those memories!! Let's get the hell out from this country!! Let's just go awayy!!
LEONG WONG SENG!!! Learn how to say NO.. haha!! i was just joking about that triple date laa!! so.. learn how to say NO.. okayy?! hahaa =PP

Ashley is feeling so hyper and weird
Ashley signing off
1:04 AM
Saturday, February 7, 2009
please don't go away
Sometimes.. you just gotta let it go.. but what if you can't? Can someone please help me.. I'm in danger.. I didn't know what to do.. are youu seriouslyy over it?? well... if you are.. i give up..
Todayyy!! I'm so lazyy to blog about todayy.. wait.. went Samantha's open house.. everyone didn't believe that i still keep in touch with my KIDNEGARDEN BEST FRIEND!! SAMANTHA ONG!! hahaaa!! bla bla blaa.. photo's will be uploaded soon *winks*
Wanna gamble now =PPP
Ashley wanna win some moneyy babee!!
Ashley signing off
10:07 PM
Friday, February 6, 2009
I was in love with your memory
I wish i could just turn back the time.. Something isn't right now.. Something is wrong with me. or is it you?Do you really know how i feel? If you do, why are you doing it to me?
Hey peeps!! Todayy in school.. i suddenly got crazyy... hahaa!! and Nurlyana and i were laughing like mad.. well i laught more than her.. haha!! Well what happen was that.. when i was in the canteen.. i stood up and pretended to look for someone..cause erm.. ** was calling XXX.. cuase ** loves XXX.. So then when i was at my locker.. suddenly ** came to his locker also.. and ours are near each other.. so then suddenlyy he asked:" What the hell are you doing during lunch? standing up and pointing" cause i must not make it obvious that i was looking at ** to see whether he seriouslyy called XXX.. so i acted like i was looking for some one.. so i answered:" Erm.. cause i was looking for a friend, No wait my Brother" and so happen when i said my brother.. Nurlyana said My sister.. so yeahh.. if he is smart enough, he'll know that i'm lying.. hahaa!!if you don't get it.. it is okayy.. hahaa!! Oh yeah.. and navin asked shandi out.. but got rejected..haha!! It's not funnyy.. but then.. there's something else which was funnyy.. i shall tell you guys(Nurlyana,Faria) about it on tuesday.. hahaa!!! Oh yeahh one last thing.. when i was in the bus.. near my stop... erm.. XXXX asked me:" You like Melvin?" then i answered:" Erm.. nope. but as a friend" then he asked Melvin:" You like ashley?" then he said yeahh.. i love her.. then XXXX was like shocked.. then he asked me:" did you hear that? he said he loves you" then i said:" yeahh.. i lovee him too!! i love him so much.. haaa
The picture might be better if Mr Spence didn't rush us
Ashley is laughing like mad!
Ashley signing off
5:27 PM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Full of regrets

Can i stay strong? Can i go on? As the time passes today, I kept playing you in my mind.. I wonder if you ever know how i feel.. I've been thinking through and through till today.. I knew what was the real reason that we are now apart. But why would you wanna hide the reason? It will hurt me more when i find out.. It's not your first time doing this to me.. I try to pretend that i'm happy for your new news.. But deep down inside, it hurts for me seeing youu lying to me all these while..Sometimes life/ love is just so hard to understand..
Todayy, everything is just fine.. Well not reallyy..I don't wanna talk about it.. I got tatto-ed! It was 28th May and a heart shape.. It reminds me alot about 28 may..
I was trying to help.. but you just shouted at me saying that i'm not helping.. but i'm trying and trying to fit in.. but some how i still don't..Even how hard i try and try.. It's worthless. so what is the use of fitting in?
Ashley is trying to forget him and trying to fit in
Ashley signing off
9:07 PM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Cause when i'm with him, i'm thinking of youu
Heyy peoplee! today was the Mines school trip.. Well when we reached there.. it was like emptyy.. and out group..group 6.. was like lost.. hahaa!! and you know what.. i was like forced to let go my hair(not to tie) in the bus.. urghhh!! then in mines.. we went and do the first task.. which actually Ms Choo(i think that is how you spell her name) helped us.. then.. we went and start out questionair.. it wasn't easyy.. everyone was like:" erm..i'm rushing.. i have bla bla bla bla" and then it was lunch time.. and Nurlyana and I said we better get like 1 or 2 people before we eat.. and then suddenly i asked Nurlyana whether i could eat.. cause i was so hungryy!! so she said.. no.. then suddenly we passed by Mc Donalds.. and we saw Dhakshenya, Astrea, Elana,Shamma(i think that is how you spell her name).. so Nurlyana said we should eat.. and when we bought.. everyone else was like getting starting.. to ask...
So we were the last one to finish eating.. and like the first ones to go in the ARCADE!! it was damn fun!! first we played.. like erm.. i remembered it's call Air something..so then .. Nurlyana wanted to hit the ball which was in the middle and she hit it so hard.. and let the thingyy off.. and he swing like Tarzan.. hahaa!! we played.. we laughed.. till we were like.. sweating.. oh yehah. and the car racing thingyy.. i was about to lose.. and Nurlyana was like almost at the finish line.. and then..i throw somehting at her(in the game) then she spinned.. and i went for the 1st placing.. I'm good right? hahaa!!then the basketball thing!! haha.. Nurlyana went first.. so she got 18.. and then it was my turn.. i got like.. erm.. 46.. and then she wanna beat my score but she couldn't.. so we team up..and then.. we got like 64.. wow!! haha.. then we were so happyy.. we were like:" high-5 man!!" then we high-5 ed.. haha.. so funnyy. Nurlyana.. hit my arm instead of my plam.. and i hit her arm..hhaaaa.. so we high-5 ed again.. haha.. and it was so hard.oh yeahh. and this idiotic guyy.. when we were buying some more token.. suddenly he was like speaking to me.. but i couldn't hear because the music was too loud.. and then he told the counter:" Itu orang arh.. Mat sa leh punya.. tak tahu faham" and we got so pissed off.. we wanted to tell him that we understand malay.. but we couldn't hear what he was tlaking about earlier cause it was so noisyy!
But we had so much fun!!! Pictures will be uploaded soon.. ignore it some.. cause i look super uglyy!!..
Ashley had so much fun with Nurlyana today
Ashley signing off
5:57 PM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
You made me not me

As the days gone past.. It's February.. The month which is known as Love month.. As cause Valentines day is on 14th of February.. Any one have dates to go? Well.. if you do.. Have a nice date!! *winks*
Heyy people! today in school.. i was so tired.. gosh.. i wore my flip-flops to school todayy.. and you know whyy? cause my sister's shoe was lost.. and she thought my shoe was hers.. so i wore my flip flops and she wore the shoe.. when we were on the way to the bus stop. suddenly my sister was like:" i think this is ashley's shoe" and it was!! gosh.. so she wore mine.. her toe hurts.. haha..Ms Nice got angryy todayy.. and she scolded me.. sighs.. i was so tired.. and i wasnt really listening.. then suddenly she asked me to answer. and i was like:" oh shit." so yeahh.. what can i do.. i have to stay up late last night.!!!
12 more days to go!
Ashleyy is gonna enjoy tomorrow's trip
Ashley signing off
11:11 PM
Monday, February 2, 2009
Miss blur; Miss Middle; Miss giggle
How am i exactlyy gonna do that.. It's difficult.. and tane, maybe i should.. maybe i shouldn't.. i think i might take the risk to tell.. okayy?..
Miss Blur= Ashley ng
Miss Middle= Nurlyana
Miss Giggle= Faria
Blur is me cause i'm always blur... Middle for Nurlyana cause she loves to be the middle..Giggle for Faria cause she loves to giggle (:
Todayy.. nothing much.. hmm.. badminton was really funnyy.. erm.. XXX said:" eh, your pants arh, the string come out la.. put it in la.. look like..*laughing*" XXXX said:" what!? i love it that way*dancing with it*" XX:" eh, XXXX just play la!!" XXXX:" what!! i'm showing my tali to XXX la!!"
Still got so much more.. but then i'm so tired.. and can't be bothered cause later have to saty up for:" Bai ke gong" hokkien thingyy.. (:
I still love youu!! i don't know how to let you know.. it's difficult for me to tell youu.. i hope i hear from you soon.. i don't think you would wanna go out on my birthdayy right?? well.. as i guessed..
I've found htis in my pictures (: Sweetest memory during volleyball (:
It would be perfect if i hadn't blocked megan's face
I was the onlyy one looking cause i was controling not to laugh
Perfecto! (: one thing.. do you realize everyone have like alot of noddles? i onlyy got one strin. hahaa.. we all laughed after the pciture..(i remembered)
Friends forever! Nice picture.. but i look darn fat..
Ashley still misses him;think of him;cry for him
Ashley signing off
7:55 PM
Get a glipse of it

Everytime i just stare at it and look, my heart just feel so cold.I kept replaying the memories in my head; it's so painful to see that i still have you kept in my heart and my head forever.. As i flash back, it just made me cry.. i don't know how to tell you,as cause i'm afraid that i'll be heartbroken more..
Go and press it!! anywayy.. it's alive now that blog.. if you wanna see throught my blog.. just go to the links. and press SWAN.. cause it's SW= Sien wei.. An=Ashley Ng...
What the hell la!! ijust sing that song.. and you think i'm like.. omg man!! you arh.. as a brother help me la!! although i didn't help youu.. but at least stop saying:" ahem ahem.. eh eh.. ahem ahem" i didn't do that when you were down okay!! i just sing that song just because it was on the tv.. okay!! ish.. and i just kept saying i hate you doesn't mean i'm saying to him okayy!i just say :" amy you suck.." then she say i suck more la.. i agree la.. then i was talking to you that i hate you then you go:" ahem ahem ahem ahem" haiyoo! tlak and joke around also cannot?? so then i just sing the lyrics which goes:" hate is a strong word but i really really don't like you" and you go:" ahem ahem" haiyoo!! get a life la!! stop making me think of it okayy.. stop making me think of those memories.. but you just did!! i guess that's whyy i have no mood for everything!!
Ashley is wondering how did she fell in love with a guy which is so hard to forget
Ashley signing off
8:47 AM