Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I can't be somebody else

Hey people! It's tuesday! WEEK B! and it's suppose to be the most fun day of WEEK B! but NO! it wasn't today.. Well, First, PSHE we were talking about DRUGS.. WHAT THE HELL RIGHT? So after PSHE, it was DRAMA! i hate the warm ups.. I was Feeling so dizzy after that. and felt like fainting..So it was break. Went to the library and return the book to Ms.Miow! erm. Then it was P.E! i rock so much in soft ball! I hit like 3 good shoots! and Ms.Shine was like:" well done ashley! were you thinking of your brother that you hate so much cause he beat you yesterday in badminton?" haha! so i just smiled. well, everyone rocks in soft ball too! Go Faria! hmm. it was Geography next, i took Faria to the Sick Bay cause she wasn't feeling too good.. then i went up.. after that, i went to Agama with Faria. it was funny.. and a bit boring thou..
So erm. Maths! Last! Faria and I actually fell asleep! we were so tired and everything.. we were like.. faking we were writing while actually falling asleep! He is so dumb! we sit like, right in front of him, and he doesn't realized it.. anyway, he won't be here tomorrow and Friday! Yipeeee! i'm like. so happy!!! well, everyone is! hahahaa! So it was Cardio Dance for activities.. and OMG! we learned most of MJ's moves. hahaa! we rocked!!!! hahaha!!! and we played MJ's song for the whole dance!! it was so AWESOME! so on the bus, i was talking to Adrian about our deal.. and yeah. ADRIAN! see i told you! I was right.. he has nothing towards me!!!! well, he didn't really answer your question at frist.. so yeah! but he answered after you asked the second time! so yeah! your PROVE! tadaaa.. hmm Then i slept on the bus.. it was so nice! hahahah!
I still miss the U.S.A Choir.. i guess they are enjoying their day so much! awww! :'( it feels so weird without Nurlyana and Jess.. and everything was screwed up yesterday right? well, Sien wei, problem fixed (: But sighsss! need to talk to you too yeahh! ring me up or text me first then ring me up! (:
Apparently, you rock!
Ashley is feeling something is not right
Ashley signing off
6:08 PM
Monday, June 29, 2009
Everything is falling apart ;

Hey hey hey! Not really a good day today! Today was not a really nice day for me..! everything was like.:" OUCH!" I tried to be all crazy, happy.. but i can't.. Whenever i look at you, my mind creates an image of you walk out of school on the last day of school. Guess what, we only have 18 days. It's so strange. you asked me not to count, but you, yourself counted. what is this?
So Games first. Well, Faria and I rocked. hahaa! in our own way.. erm.. then Maths, had a hudge headache.. break. went to the nurse.. she gave me this salt water thingy to drink.. and it was a bit yucky, and erm.. then it tastes like coconut water. hahaha! weird.. but i still think it taste yucky. =P okay so erm.. I heard the big news Yf... Congratz. anyway.. erm.. so it was English next.. i got level 5A yay! I'm so happy! even Mrs Brooks was. yipeee! erm.. Natisha and i could have got level 6c. but again! careless mistakes! so stupid! okay.. erm. next.. it was MFL 2. which is Mandarin.. let's see.. Ms. Miow got pissed at me cause i didn't cring the book.. and then erm.. what else?Lunch.. continued with my badminton game.. 3rd set lost.. 4th set won. 5th set lost.. we played best of 5.. werid.. hahaha.. erm.. then it was music.. i injured myself whileplaying badminton.. so yeahh. but it's okay.. gonna play for 3rd and 4th.. isn't that bad okay... hmm. okay, anyway.. Music.. hmm.. Mr.D was our cover teacher! how suckish is that? and we gotta make our own football club song! and i wasn't in the mood! and it sucks like hell!!!!! On the bus.. it was so quiet cause i was having a headache, same as Lateef and yeahh. so i slept.. i think same as Lateef.. so yeahh..erm.. yeahh.
SO Adrian and I are having this deal Well, i can't tell out here, cause i know Faria would read and I'm not suppose to tell anyone. haha! so yeahh.. ADRIAN! you are going down! cause i rock in this and plus, I WILL PROVE YOU WRONG!! muahhaa! prepare for getting owned! =P
I still miss U.S.A CHOIR!
I'm sorry..
Sick of everything ;
I'm sorry.. I seriously sorry.. I didn't tell you what have been up.. and you thought i didn't like you anymore.. do you know that when you said:" I BET YOU DON'T LIKE ME ANYMORE" it made me tear cause i thought it was youu.. Whenever I'm with you, you'll be like:" I hate this school.. I wanna leave as soon as possible" .. How am i gonna face it?? I've been trying to stay strong. amking sure not to think about it.. and that's why, today... I ignored youu. not really ignore you.. but i was clearing my mind.. about all the questions going through my mind..My computer in my mind, seems to be jaming up because of the amount of questions that are going in and none coming out.. It's just that.. If you hate this school so much and want to leave so badly, what am i to you? i mean.. why in the heck, did you bring me into your life? I talked to Sienwei about this.. I seemed to agree with her.. I fall for the same type of guys, that talks the same, attitude exactly same.. everything same.. But, why???
Apparently, I cried when i was talking with Sienwei on the line
Ashley is just being messed up!
Ashley signing off
9:05 PM
Sunday, June 28, 2009
It was a blastful awesome ish day that i wouldn't wanna forget the time we spent;

Hey hey heyy! I'm so tired now! okay. so i slept late last night.. i slept at 2.. woke up at 9. smart right? i couldn't sleep! hahaha! hmm. so i was late.. Elana too.. we arrived the same time. hahaha! so we were all singing.. and everything.. i guess, elana and i brought the crowd in yeah? haha! jokes jokes.. erm.. so we were singing enjoying suddenly, there were some kids outside our door.. and ended up, it was DK and all the BOYS! and i was like. what the hell! their room is next to ours! ahh..So.. it ended with a birthday song to ISABELLA.. then Elana, Yoo Jin and I went over to the boys area cause we were going to watch tranformers together.. so then.. we got kicked out.. and so Elana parents told us to wait outside.. but ended up on an art store.. which we were making so much noises there.! But it was cool..
Next, went and pick the boys up. went to the movies.. and then when Dk and i were looking for our seats. someone called my name" ASHLEY NG" and i thought it was imagination so i ignored. suddenly a girl was coming down. and and and.. it was SIEN WEI!! hahahaha !! i was so happy. so Yoo jin and Elana seats were next to hers.. but not mine :'( but in the end, Yoo jin, Elana and Lateef changed seats with dk and I.. so we sat next to sien wei. ahah! Sien wei, didnt know everytime when you say you pergi watch movie, didn't know you watch in GOLD CLASS! well, it was my first time going gold class.. i was like. OMG! it's so nice! i couldn't really watch tranformers propely.. cause dk was telling me everything.. and poking me and tickling..! so yeah.. After the movie, we all went to the LOO and yeahh. ahhaha! and everyone went back.. so yeahh. it was a blast today! I had fun with Isabella,Faria, Yoo Jin, Elana, Dk, Astrea,Hannah.B, Annabel and the rest.. ahah! Stupid elliot. when we were in the boys room yeah, he used the mic and said:" Ashley is so hot!" what the FUck! i was like. what what what. what did he say? so i asked yoo jin and elana. and they told me! i felt like killing him..
So, yeah.. it was a long and enjoyable day.! and i don't feel like going to school tomorrow ! =(
I love you!
Do you like my new skin??
i'll be there
OMG OMG! my phone bil is like 93! my parents are so way gonna kill me! Sorry mum! =(
Apparently, i'm so so so tired!
Ashley still misses the choir
Ashley signing off
9:12 PM
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Words fall through me and always fool me, and I can't react;

Hey hey hey! I didn't blog much last night cause my mood was crazyy!
And i won't blog much today either.. sorryy..
I'm gonna change my blogskin soon.. so yeahh!
Edited- I nearly cried when i watched Mj's concert.. it was so sad. to see what a great singer and dancer he is.. just to pass away..When i switched to the other channel, it played the song you are not alone by MJ, and i nearly cried.. it was so sad. I know I'm not a big fan of him.. But still, He was the one who introduced "Moon walk" and everything. He sang heal the world. when i was singing along, i thought to myself, he tried to heal the world, he loves kids, he didn't abbuse a kid.. and when he sang "i'll be there" It was worst, after singing, he mention the names of his siblings, but they weren't there. it shows that he misses them... I remember, no one cared about MJ, but when he pass, everyone just cried and cried.. Is that how you treat a person? He died, because of over doze of painkiller and ended up have a heart attack.. He, took loads of painkiller cause he was in pain, the pain that everyone caused him, the pain that everyone said he was a child abbuser, the pain that will never go away even though you take a painkiller tablet. The pain that his father caused him, has made him into a man he was.. His father never gave him time to have a normal childhood life.. If you have friends now, you are consider as a good childhood, even though you can't go hang outs but still parties.. For MJ, everytime he reaches home, he spends 3 hours with school work then singing, if he sings out of tune, his dad will hit him.. imagine... and you said you hate your parents cause they don't allow you to go hang outs? well, it's already a good thing you have friends and get to go to parties. MJ, he doesn't have any friends at all.. only when he became famous. He still acts like a small little kid, cause he didn't had any childhood and that is why he had a "neverland" place to stay.. It's like peter pan.. He never grows up. same goes to MJ.. it's like his very own theme park.. when i was watching true hollywood story on E!, i almost shed a tear.. He, never had a great life.. Therefore, MJ, I'm here typing this, and letting the world know that you will forever be in our heart.. where ever you are.. may you rest in peace.
Ashley signing off
6:45 PM

1:31 PM
Friday, June 26, 2009
Tonight it's cold ;

Hey hey heyy! No mood to blog! everything is messed up! need to talk to people!
Ashley signing off
9:53 PM
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Did I ask you much?

Hey hey! I'm sad.! like really really sad.. CHOIR is gonna leave in 4 hours time.. and yeahh. I don't wanna blog much!
BADMINTON! beat JENNIFER & EDISON! ! it was scary! and tomorrow facing my brother! =( the last words before nurlyana went:" ashley, promise me to take good care of Faria's Ipod and lock it away okay?" haha! it made me cry when i came home. Faria came cried too.. I know it ain't a big deal. but she's like the best friends.. i mean.. we are.. so it's like. without her, we aren't complete.. even when she's like sick, and not in school, we'll be all sad and everything.. and now. a week! ahh! =( sorry dash, i didn't managet o give you a big big big big hug! =(
Everything is going to be so sad.. Faria and i are going to cry tomorrow in school =/ we are seriously so sad that we are going to cry.! =( I miss Dash,Flora,Jess,Nurlyana,Rizzy and and and everyonee!
Apparently, I have no mood
Ashley is missing you already!
Ashley signing off
11:11 PM
100 truths revealed
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 100 Truths about you. At the end,
choose 25 people to be tagged
You have to tag the person who tagged you
1. Last beverage: Water
2. Last phone call: Dongkuk
3. Last text message: Ilove you, you hate me, that doesn't work does it now
4. Last song you listened to: save you-kelly clarkson
5. Last time you cried: 5 minutes ago, still gonna cry!
6. Dated someone twice: Erm.. nope.
7. Been cheated on: My heart, my soul, my emotions
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Nahs. =)
9. Lost someone special: Yeahh.. It was painful and awful
10. Been depressed: Yeah.. Every since he told me he was leaving, ever since choir left;
11. Been drunk and threw up: Nopee.. I'm a drinker i guess. (:
12. Blue
13. Purple
14. Black
15. Made a new friend: Yes, that i would never ever wanna leave them!
16. Fallen out of love: I guess i can say that
17. Laughed until you cried: Yeahh.. Thanks Nurlyana and Faria for that momment!
18. Met someone who changed you: Yes yes yes and yess!
19. Found out who your true friends were: Yes. Nurlyanaa! Faria! Jess! Flora! Dash! loads more!!
20. Found out someone was talking about you: In a good way or in a bad way? Anyway, I have no ideaa
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: I dont think so..
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: 100%
23. How many kids do you want to have: Well, when the time comes then we'll see! (:
24. Do you have any pets: No! and my parents dont wanna get me one. =(
25. Do you want to change your name: No. My name is cool the way it is! It suits me (:
27. What time did you wake up today: 6:00 am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: Thinking of him, and staring at my dead phone and crying(no idea why was i crying)
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: This sunday, Outing with him!!!
30. Last time you saw your Mother: 2 Minutes ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Nothing.. Well, i wish he could stay.
32. what are you listening to right now? :
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom : I wish i could. He sounds cool (:
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: CHoir going to leave at 2 am. I'm crying now =(
36. Whats your real name:Ashley Ng
37. Nicknames: AshleyyN, Ash
38. Relationship Status: Taken..
39. Zodiac sign: Pig/rat
40. Male or female?: Femaleeee.
41. Elementary?: Sekolah Jenis Kebangsanan Cina Damansara
42. High School?: SAlice Smith international school
43. College?: Not in it yet. =/
44. Hair colour: Black/brown
45. Long or short: I guess long.
46. Height: Not sure.. WHy care about my height?
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: I do. i do i do!
48: What do you like about yourself? :My heart and soul
49. Piercings: None
50. Tattoos:EWW! never in my life would i wanna get one.
51. Righty or lefty: Righty rocks the world as much as Lefty..
52. First surgery: Nonee.
53. First piercing: Didn't get any
54. First best friend: Nurlyana and Faria. The bestest of the best
55. First sport you joined: Badminton.
56. First vacation: Hmm. I was young.. I don't knoww
57. First pair of trainers: An unknown brand
59. Eating: Nothingg.. How i wish i cna have strawberries
60. Drinking: Nothinggg.!
61. I'm about to: Cry and cry and cryy!
62. Listening to:No boundaries-Adam Lambert
63. Waiting on: Your call, For the choir to come back !!
64. Want kids?: As i said, when the time comes, it comes.. NEver know.. hahaha
65. Get Married?: Maybe..but i'm scared..=/
66. Career?: A cook or a golfer.
67. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
68. Hugs or kisses: Both!
69. Shorter or taller: Depands.
70. Older or Younger: Depands on the statement.
71. Romantic or spontaneous: Hahah! both would be nice..
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Both man.! woo. hottiee!
73. Sensitive or loud: BOTHHH!
74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship.
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: Hmm.. I guess trouble maker.
76. Kissed a stranger: NO! are you outta of your mind
77. Drank hard liquor: Nope
78. Lost glasses/contacts: Nopee!
79. Sex on first date: No.. too soon man..
80. Broken someone's heart: Nope, but instead, I'm the one getting heart broken
81. Been arrested: In..? Youu? yes!
83. Turned someone down: Nope!
84. Cried when someone died: Yeahh.)':
85. Fallen for a friend?: Yes.
86. Yourself: Sometimes.
87. Miracles: Well, it all counts on the situation
89. Heaven: I guess so
90. Santa Cluas: I used to
91. Kiss on the first date: Not really
92. Angels: Yes.
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: No! I'm not that time of person
95. Did you sing today?: Yes. To get my depression away.
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: Nahss..
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? : When i was a little girl.
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: May 28th
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: Yes, but i'm in love. =/
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: Yes yes yess
10:03 PM
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sunsets ;
Took this picture myself! (:
Looking at you, trying not to feel the pain, trying not to think about it. But you always seem to bring up that you are leaving..How am i suppose not to think about this? I keep telling myself, not to worry, but today, after school, i was waiting alone, suddenly something came up to my mind..I closed my eyes, imagining what is going to happen, I dream of you walking away.. That how am i going to be as happy as how i am now.. I may be happy then, but in my heart, it isn't..
Heyy heyy! sorry for not updating yesterday! okay. erm. i rocked at softball yesterday. Same as everyone! (: OKay.. erm.. the CHOIR is going to USA tomorrow.. I'm gonna miss everyone. and please please, take care of yourselves.!! Wear masks peoplee! So today, nothing much happen.. i would normally say today sucks! but suprisingly, today isn't as bad as how it used to be.. MONDAY WAS WORST! it's so strange. hahaa.. Can't wait for tomorrow! not cause the CHOIR are going off, cause i can't wait to get m DT project home! muahhaha! and and and.. Flora and I are gonna take loads of picture. i think. hahaha!! So i have nothing much to blog about. didn't feel too good in school jsut now. and now, not so well either..
ColourI love you
I'm sacred of you leaving
So, Steven and I beat Jennifer and Edison for the first match.. suprisingly.. and second set we lost. now, the third set will be the deciding game.. which is tomorrow. Wish me luck! and good luck to CHOIR!!!
Apparently, not feeling wellAshley loves everyonee!
Ashley signing off
8:46 PM
Monday, June 22, 2009
Don't believe everyhting happiness says ;

Heyy! So today, OH MY GoD! worst ever... monday. the joy right. okay, so music was first, watched west-side story. the starting started so long! just showing us colours. what the heck right? okay. so then it was maths, gotta stay back! stupid MR.D erm. then it was games, GyM! Wooo-HOOO! I rock! at the hand stand.. not the wheel thingy, but i gave nurlyana a trick.. haha! which worked.. but i didn't do much, i injured my ankle then my wrist.. how smart am i.. okay, so it was badminton competition next.. and helloo! i forgot to bring everything.. how smart.. but still won! (: OMG! next we are facing Jennifer and Edison.. so way gonna die!
So on the way back home.. The bus ride.. I was really crazy.. seriously.. ask Navin. it was crazy! hahahahahahah! Navin was scared of me. hahahhaha! i have no idea why i was so high and crazy! haha! Well, Lateef, get well soon yeah ?! (: erm. got home.. i got angry at myself.. i injured myself again. i was walking out from my room.. and i trip over my ankle and my knee hit my door really hard. and i actually couldn't walk for a while. shhh! didn't tell my parents.. then when i finally was able to walk, i only told my parents that've injured myself. so now it's like. swallen.. i think.. so dead meat. ahhahaa!
Colour time??Ni hao
Wo ai ni
I'm so sorry.
I still don't get you. i wanna try to help you. I don't want you to be all sad. Do you think i want you to be all sad??? You were worried when i was sad.. And eventually, i told you what happen. but why wouldn't you tell me anything? Life sucks? yes, i understand. but when i asks why.. cause i wanna help out. and you just start crapping... I'm actually really worried about you now. You've been apologizing so much.. but i really need my time to actually get my mind off this. i'm sorry.. i know everything is my fault. and i didn't mean to..
Apparently, 3 days til I'm gonna miss Flora and Nurlyana and the whole CHOIR!Ashley is in a depress mood due to everything and the song she's listening to now
Ashley signing off
10:18 PM
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Don't speak;

Hey people! I'm home sweet home.. time to blog what happen for the pass few days yeah. hahaha! i know i've been updating but not updating about what actually happened.. so yeahh..
Friday- Okay, on friday, i was so happy when school was over cause i couldn't wait for the sleepover at Flora's place and plus, i was so happy cause exam was OVER! So Faria and I were suppose to watch the Choir, but couldn't find them.. Went to the library and 1 hour later, dk came and sat next to me. He was being abit crazy, and his body was burning hot again, so Faria and I took him to the nurse. we FORCED him.. so when the nurse asked him what happen to him, he told the nurse that he was forced to come.. hahaha! so when the nurse said he was okay and normal, Faria and I chat with her for a while and then dk went out he started spinning around and falling on to the grass.. which Faria and I thought he was crazy.. hahaha! so yeah.. erm. so he gave me a box of cookie and erm.. everyone started coming to me, trying to grab a cookie from me. by meaning everybody, i meant the swimmers. so the swimmers gotta go on the bus, so Faria and I went looking for the Choir once again, they just ended too.. went to our lockers to take our stuff and went to Flora's place..
At Flora's place- Erm. we were talking and looking at Mags.. and then we ate noodles and erm.. started taking photos cause we were so hyper then off to hit the showers and erm.. and had our dinner, After dinner, Watched "He's just not that into you" hahaha! I haven't watched it before but i knew some parts. like what is gonna happen next.. cause helloo. it's so predictable. and Flora said i was the love guru cause of that.. Erm. after that, we started making weird videos and we slept really late.. hahaha!! When we were about to sleep, Flora's bladder was full and needed to go to the toilet.. when she opened the door.. A cockroache came out from the toilet.. and we were screaming well, mostly Faria and it was like 2:30 in the morning!!! so we tried to killed it, but couldn't.. i was so tired, i slept first..
In the morning- I woke up at 7 cause i couldn't sleep.. I got very very very little space.. While Flora and Faria got loads. So erm.. the alam went off at 9.. so we woke up and talked.. then had our breakfast.. I was having my breakfast while reading the newspapers.. and and and and!! I SAW ALICE SMITH CHOIR ON THE NEWSPAPAER!!! we are so famous.. Flora got annoyed because she was cut out.She was standing next to Rizzy, then Nurlyana then Dash i think..Hmm. nothing much happen.. The breeze that morning was so nice! then it rained. so after breakfast, went up to watch tv.. we watched till like erm.. 12.. and we haven't shower yet.. so we were rushing after watching tv. hahah! smart right?
Alamanda-Flora, Faria and I reached first.. and we were there at 1:32.. when the party starts at 1:30.. Ainaa was the last to come...Okay, so we went to the cinema to get tickets.. couldn't get drag me to hell.. OMG! we saw bitch Sarah!!! She thought we were gonna ask her to stay with us. but we didn't cause we rock! (: anyway, so erm.. after the movies, we were on a mission to get some stuff.. Ashley-School bag Ainaa-Boardshorts Loni- A can of cheese Flora-NOTHING Faria-NOTHING.. so yeahh.. erm. couldn't find a freaking bag shop.. so didn't buy anything.. erm.. i don't think Ainaa got her shorts too.. same as loni.. Okay, so i haven't got Ainaa a present and Loni wanted to buy her a suprise cake.. So i paid most of it.! (: and haha! we met Mr.Cute.. It was hilarious.. wanna know just ask me.. erm.. so we were so loud. We sang the birthday song so loudly that everyone was staring.. hahaha! we were making loads of loud noises.. haha! which everyone stared at ys.. but mostly stared at Loni,Faria,Flora and I cause we were wearing burger king hats on our head the whole day! hahahaha!!
Night- Went back with Faria and they dropped me off at A&w.. After that, went for dinner, over ate.. hahaha! nothing much happen next. i was so tired.. so yeah..
*in pain*
I don't get you.. it was just a joke. and you said i'm cheating on youu.. i mean.. i understand small little misunderstanding.. but you made me feel like. oh, never mind..Family, i don't know.. It's like, you guys are always thinking i'm on the computer every single time. and think i'm stupid think all the negative stuff about me.. DO YOU know it's hurting me??? It's like, when i do the right thing, nothing happens. When they do the right things, they get loads of stuff.. i try to hard every time just to get a little support..yes, i do.. but it doesn't feel the same.. and you guys think i'm always getting everything i want...But when will you guys actually know my feelings??? When?? WHEN WHEN WHEN? My life, everything is already getting screwed up, but you aren't able to see it cause i put a smile on it no matter what, i do whatever it takes just to make you guys happy and not worrying about how i feel.. instead, I'm dying inside..Friends, making them smile, making sure they are okay is what always makes me happy. Whether I'm happy or not, i still want them to be happen because they mean so much to me..
Apparently, schools tomorrow
Ashley is not in a right mood now.
Ashley signing off
4:46 PM
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Fucked up and die!
Yo Yo Yo Yo YO! people! Let's PARTEHH!!!! Why? EXAMS ARE O to the VER!
Anyway, I'm at Flora's now! guess what? it's 1:09 PM! NO it ISN'T! Goshh Flora, who told me it is PM! Jokinggg! it's 1:10 now by typing that! it's AM okay! Why am i in Flora's?Cause It's Ainaa's Party tomorrow! Faria is with me too! Faria and I couldn't find the stupid CHOIR! when we wanna watch them! So we got mad!! We was about to go and watch the Swimmers swim, but why?? so way not right yo! So went to the library instead. 1 hour later, swimmers came into the library. Swimming got canceled! bla bla bla! can't be bothered to type now!
Try to spot what I type. if you can't, you SUCK!!

Ashley signing off
1:08 AM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Together and ever
Okay, so erm. Today was horrible! i have 5 tests. so erm. after science which was the last test, i was so happy! hahaha! cause,erm. in the evening, i'll be at sports awards dinner. so erm. I couldn't wait. we were meant to leave the house at 6 but ended up leaving at 6:30! interesting right? Hmm. So when i arrive, saw Hannah.A.. hahah! Frankie was so pretty! India was okay. ELENA! was so pretty! love her dress! erm.. so my name was cut off from my table, so i shared sit with Hannah.A.. hhahaha! yeah, then we moved to Edison's table and So did Jennifer. Do you know that Jennifer seat was at the year 8 boys table? it was so funny! hahahah! so Jennifer came to our table and Amy too! and Melisa too! erm.. what next. nothing much! hahhaa! so yeahh.. It's been a long day, and i just remembered that my DT work isn't done. and when i wanna do it, it can't open!!! and i'm so annoyed!!! So way dead meat!!!!
Well, it was fun at the sports awards dinner! Dk went really hyper after drink so much coke. He drank like. 6 glasses.. and he kept asking the waiter. ahha! so the last time, i just took his coke and drank all before he could touch it !! hahahah! and my sister was like:" WHAT THE FUCK!" hahahaa! cause he was seriously acting so weird. hahahah! yeah yeahh! (: Nothing much happen! Oh, boy! i should sleep.. it's almost 12.. ! damn it! Most of the year 8's might skip you know.. cause they said they might be tired.! so yeah.. Can't wait for tomorrow!
Apparently, I will never ever forget about the day we spent! (:
Ashley is tired!
Ashley signing off
11:35 PM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Don't try to break me;

5.5 DOWN 3 to go!!
OMG! i think i counted wrongly. i ahve like 5 tests tomorrow. so on friday, one test only, ENGLISH! WOO-HOOOO!
Ashley signing off
9:20 PM
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
We all have something to hide;
It's haunting you, the past is haunting you.. It's because you are addicted to the past and you don't want to let it go.

OMG! yes. Come on.. 4 more left!! ahhhhhhhhh!!! freedom!! Gonna party at Flora's place on Friday, and gonna be way more partying in Ainaa's party! woo-hoo! oh yeah, Flora, can't wait for sleepover. planing anything? hahahhahahaha!
Ashley signing off
10:59 PM
Monday, June 15, 2009
I fall for everything we do together (: ;

3 DOWN 5 more to go!

EXAM WEEK! won't blog..

Ashley signing off
6:48 PM
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The day just wouldn't end ;

Okay, so i say i will update yeah? well, it's kindaa late. okay.. So i woke up and had my lunch! woke up late.. so erm... Then i watched some tv and came up to the computer and mum,sister and i went for dress shopping.. So, this is the scary part.. three of us are witness of a snatch thief.. and it was so scary, i thought that guy had a gun.. so yeah. i felt like sueing the PRODUA workers for just standing and watching what happen when the snatch thief was where their shop are.. so yeah. the lady was cry, the husband was chasing and some other guys helped. so yeah.. it was so scary.. so we didn't find any dress.. oh well..
So nothing much happen next.. came home, computered for a while went for late dinner came home, was so full.. and we all went crazy, my brothers, sister and i.. haha.. picture on facebook. Album name:" Crazyy Night (:" so yeah. we certainly had a crazy night;
there's nothing else to say about today.. well, i'm having a little headache again and have no idea why..
I lovee youuuuuu
35 more days
Till term 3 end =(
Term 3 is about to end. I'll miss youu. Yes, it isn't far, we can drive to Singapore. But it's far to me. You were the first person that actually could fix my broken heart. i thought no one else could but until i met you, you make me so alive, you make me wanna be a better person..I try not to think about this, but today, when my brother said there were only 35 days left, i was almost tearing.. I know that our relationship is still going on, but i'm scared.. the truth is, I'm really scared.. I don't know how to spend time with you, everytime, i try to spend more time with you, but some how always fail.. I know i should think about this, but but.. i just can't stop thinking about this, it's actually killing me inside.. I wish i could tell you this, but.. Nahs, maybe i shouldn't..You know, after i met you, i thought this would last, but until the news came. I was thinking to myself, why does it always have to end? whenever i love someone with my heart and soul, that i could actually die for, they'll leave me.. I know i'm over acting or whatever.. But but but but... sighs.. YOU ARE THE ONE !! i don't know why, but i feel like you are the one.. I really hope you could stay.. =(
Apparently, i'm tired..
Ashley is thinking of youu
Ashley signing off
12:53 AM
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I got a feelingg ! ;
Hey yo hey yo yo yo yo!! OKay. so i didn't blog yesterday.wanna know why? okay.. erm.. I'll blog about yesterday okay.. so erm.. Morning, Geography was first. Ahhh! the exam! well, it was okay.. erm.. then it was science.. Funny shit day! SHANDI finally got told off by Mrs.Willis. go her! haha! so i chat with Flora about stuff.. I still haven't tell yet by the way Flora.. Okay.. So in Science, Mitra wasb't being that nice at all.. Dont wanna say it. okay. so break, i told Nurlyana and Faria about this, and my mood was so down.. Until JESS gave me DARK CHOCOLATE! I went so so so so so so hyper. seriouslyy.. I was so hyper that Dk tired to stopped me, but ended up we bumb into each other's head. OUCH!
So dk kept saying sorry.. and i kept saying OUCH! while laughing.. and Nurlyana and Faria were laughing.. ahha! it was so funny.. It was Drama next.. So dk, went into the middle 3 times. mauhaha. he had to break dance.. ahha! okay.. erm.. so it was Maths. As usal, it rocks! NOT!!! it was so weird.. Blair was like:" can we play some music, we can concetrate better" so Mr.D played some stupid song.. which sounded so weird! okay.. erm..it was lunch. we played Spin the bottle.. and i didn't like what i got!! it's just so wrongg!!! but it was fun!! if you guys wanna know what i got, ask me (: so it was English last.. we didn't do anything! urghh. it's so annoyingg!! so on the bus, it was some funny time.. well, Lteef gave me chocolate.. so i was holding the box, and i asked Lteef:" why is there a phone number on it?" so Anisa heard and too the box and called the number. first time, it was the wrong number.. second time.. it was the correct number and it was so funnyy!!
Helloo, i like to oder chocolate(chinese slang)
WHat chocolate you have?
I want to oder 200! wait wait, you talk to my boss..
*pass the phone to Arman*
Hello! I heard you selling KAMPUNG CHOCOLATE.. what is that?
WHAT!! you only got KAMPUNG CHOCOLATE? why so shit one? i want from Sweden one, Canada one, America one..! why don't have??
This is really important you know, i got a party to throw in my office okay.
You dont hang up at me! you don't.. you better not!!
Lucky, just now was just a pause if you you die if you hang up the phone
*ti ti ti ti..* Hang up the phone..
I didn't know what the lady answered them cause it wasn't on loud speaker.. so yeah. but it was so funny.. So erm.. we called other people too.. but it didnt work.. not as funny as the chocolate one. well, thansk Lteef for the Chocolate.. well, the only reason i'm calling Lateef as Lteef because Navin gave him that nickname and it's cool! hahaha!!!
Came home, i ate loads..! seriously, i over ate.. and i dont know why i ate so much! so i ate Pizza.. and then the bread sticks. and this food my uncle bought.. and then jelly and then this biscuit thing.. omg! alot! i couldn't eat during dinner..! so after dinner i went for my sports dinner shopping.. I found it! i think.. so erm.. came home pick up my brother and off to have supper.. but i didn't eat.. was still full.. so i was so tired, i slept while they ate..and then, i was like drunk. i mean like how those people act when they are drunk? i was like that..and i have no idea why? So i just came home, and fell on my bed and became a pig.. sleeping pig.. mauhahahahaa ..
Will update about today later. =)
Colour? lalallalalala
Okay, i'm so weird right now
Apparently, i'm crazyy
Ashley loves you so much!
Ashley signing off
6:45 PM
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Cause if you can't let go, why didnt you say so? why must you lie to me? ;
Hey! okay, i won't wanna tell you what happen on tuesday or wednesday.. not biggy.. why? boring shit day.. excuse my foul words.. i'm just not really in the mood.
So erm.. today is a Thursday.. erm.. let's see.. English, did nothing.. Malay, didn't do much.. break.. hyper, did art work.. after break.. DT.. nothing much happen.. design our stickers (: Art, same old same old.. nothing happen, just cutting ourselves with stupid wires.. Lunch, ate obviously.. Science.. did nothing much also... Mitra being mean.. I being down. but hyper again. Rizzy and I are having a battle against cute thingyy..Michelle, didn't do much.. Netball.. didnt play.. but love what i did.. muahaha. not gonna tell you =P hahahhahahaha so evil right? hahahah....on the bus, nothing much happen..
Well, we were talking but dont wanna tell what we talk.. privacy (: Lteef got mad at KEN again.. usal.. same here! annoying shit guy! Came home... did nothing.. well, GEOGRAPHY IS TOMORROW!!!!!
Was chatting with yf.. he being erm.. not weird.. but... oh i dont know.. to yf:" you shouldn't gone back to that place.. why did you go back??? you know we all know that there were so many memories, why go back and look for them??Yes, i remember the bear, and i still have my part.. do you???? For now, let's just say the bear is our friendship bear okay?! "
Shoot, you think you should let go because it's hurting you??? what?!
Oh boyyy, everything is screwed..
lallala. Adrian is so cool! (:
So yeah, chatting with Adrian now.. he is so cool! hahahaaaa.. lame.. anyway.. we are comparing who is cooler on facebook.. hahahha how random is that
Apparently, i'm in the crazy land!
Ashley is falling crazy!
Ashley signing off
9:06 PM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
If you think you are cool, sorry, but we are cooler ;
Hey hey hey! I know it's late.. and i didn't update about yesterday.. i won't updated much about today and yesterday.. why? it's freaking 12 am!!! i needa sleep.. wondering why up so late? i watched this sad movie, i lost track of time.. so yeahh.. so way gonna fall asleep on the bus. IF KEN JUST SHUTS UP!
I'll just talk about BADMINTON;
OKay, so erm.Luke asked Nurlyana and I to play with Ken and him.. so erm.. at first. Nurlyana and I rock! then Ken became my partner! Ewww! after that, mood went down. why?? KEN, why do you take my shots? and when it's yours.. you don't.. no wait.. when it's yours and you have to run you dont take it.. and you say you needa lose weight.. how are you gonna lose weight like that.. I'm not being mean, but my legs hurts now..why? think about it.. okay. so the funny part comes.. Luke was smashing.. and it hit KEN's Stomach.. muahhahhahahahhaha.. and there was a second time too right? hhahahahha! Faria and Flora was being GAY.. Faria started laughing and lay on the floor which caught KEN's attraction.. and then Flora pulled Faria which caught more attraction from KEN.. and yeahh..
Bus ride home.. it was so funny.. we were all talking about KEN.. and erm.. not being mean.. but yeah.. and then when Faria went off. KEN sat on the seat infront of me.. and i was holding the handle thingy. and once he sat down, the whole chair just went really really down..and i was like.. okay?! and Lteef, started laughing like mad!! and cause his laugh was crazy, i started laughing.. and KEN was being BLUR and tries to bug in.. so he just laughs along.. crazy shit.. so erm.. we were tlaking about something.. and the somehow FARIA's name came about.. so i was like:" Lateef, do you know FARIA is so SPECIAL? WHO EVER GRABS HER HEART IS SO SPECIAL!!" and then KEN immeaditely turned and listened to Lteef's and my conversation.. and Lteef tricked KEN that FARIA is leaving end of year 9.. and he was so SAD!! he was so DEPRESS.. and said:" MAN! i came in the worng time :'(" hahah! he actually said that! and then Lteef and I started laughing like mad again.. cause it was so funnyy. and again,KEN trying to be cool.. thinks he knows what we are talking about.. and started laughing with us.. ahh..Lteef, why must you leave? who is gonna entertain Faria and I on the bus when you leave? urghh.. and Lteef was like:" I pity you... he will be on your bus FOREVER!" hahhaha! so yeahh..and FLORA, KEN DID A WEIRD DANCE TOO!
Apparently, i wanna sleep
Ashley wish you could stay
Ashley signing off
11:59 PM
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
You got me thinking that I'm not good enough;
Tag ten people.
1. Nurlyana Adi Shamsul
2. Faria Ahemd
3. Flora Sameul
4. Elana Wong
5. Leong Wong Seng
6. Samantha Louise Robless
7. Chelsea Chang Xiao Xi
8. Christine Cheng
9. Wong Sze Yen
10. Siah Ben Jing
a.Say something about no.1? My lovely caring friend (:
b. Would you go out with no.2? My hyper friend on the bus! =PP
c. What will happen if no.3 and 4 get together? Woo lallalal!! hell yeah.. they match.. haha!! duh, as a friend =)
d. How do you know no.5? Internet.. Saw him twice =)
e. Describe no.7. Pretty, kind hearted, caring, lovely..
f. What if no.6 dated no.10? OMG! no way.. nahs.. Not Sam's type.. right.. hahaa..
g. Who is no.8 going out with? Ahem ahem.. Yi hong.
h. How old is no.9? 12
i. Where is no.4 studying at the moment? The best school ever(not really) the A.S.S school =)
j. What if no.1 and 2 get into a fight? They would (: but as a stupid fight.. don't won't go" I DON'T FRIEND YOU ANYMORE" in the end of the day, or fight, they will forever be best friends =)
k. Is no.6 single? Well, yes.. But a french hottie has grabbed her heart =PP
l. Is no.9 a guy or a girl? A beautiful girl (:
m. What if no.3 and 10 goes out with you? Nahs, Flora?? Ben jing? nahs.. They dont even know each other anyway...
6:20 PM
Monday, June 8, 2009
The thoughts seems to be stronger?!
Okay, so Music, Jess, Faria and I were crazy.. we were late for maths cause we were in the sound proof room.. so we couldn't hear anything.. and Ms.A forgotten to call us.. =/ Nurlyana, it's the same room Jess, Faria, you and i went all hyper.. hahah! =) Mr.D wasn't in for maths today. LUCKY! break, still having a headache from this morning, thanks to KEN! English, wasn't that bad... Games, didn't do what we were suppose to do.. we did criket instead.. POINTLESS! I didn't get to do anything, just when it was about my turn to bat, times out. and when i'm the person who catch the ball, they dont hit to my side.. URGGHHH.. okay.. soin the changing room, OMG! Flora was so hyper, we were singing, she was dancing and SINGING! and then she stepped on my injured ankle! i was SCREAMING like HELL!! i was TEARING abit.. urghh.. but i didn't want to go to the nurse... i can't be bothered to.. I still had a slight HEADACHE.. it would never go away! Grrr.
So, GEOGRAPHY LAST! Jess sat next to me.. erm.. Mr. Spence was being a wave, which he looks so weird and crazy.. and we spend the whole time talking about what we pick.. like for example, i pick spit, he asks me to explain what that is.. spend the whole lesson to do that! And and and..... the test is this FRIDAY! why??? cause MR.SPENCE. the majority said next week.. but he said NO!! stupid.. then why asks us to vote???
Colour timeeI'm not feeling well..
Adrian is so cool, but sorry adrian, i'm way cooler. =PP
Oh yeah, Adrian, stop killing my head alright!!
lallalal! i had a headache when i came home too! i'm not feeling too well either.. so i got to go =(
Apparently, buh byeee! =P
Ashley is crazy
ashley signing off
10:02 PM
Sunday, June 7, 2009
If you think she is crazy, wait till you see US together;
Heyy hey heyy!OMG! I love todayy! haha! well, not the outing.. but glad to see Sze yen.. not Keah Man nor Kuan Bob. Okay, so here is the deal, Keah man asked me out with sze yen just for a hang out. We got ditched by them but the girls had fun i guess.. NOT! My cousin and i were so tired that we sat on the floor and everyone was staring at us! We were so cool! hahahah =) Erm, so why is my cousin with me? I gotta "pick" her up from her party in 1u.. so since i'm having an outing there, i've decided to "pick" her up. and she wanted to go home, but my mum talked to her, suddenly she was staying and hangoing around with me.. Which i totally lovee you! haha!! So after"picking" her up, sze yen and i went and meet up with the boys. So Kuan Bob's sister tagged along with us.
We were standing outside KFC for so long jsut for Kean Man and Kuan Bob to come out of the DVD shop.. and we were blocking people's way.. So Sze yen and i wanted to watch 17 again same as my cousin, went to GSC! It was hell! The queue was crazy!! it was untill the entrance to the cinema!! imagine how long is that?? so we said we won't wanna watch.. so erm. the boys went Arcade with their friends, we stood outside the cinema for long thinking what to do.. Cousin was being shy, i was being tired, Sze yen and Shae Lynn was being speechless. so we walked from new wing to old wing.. Suddenly i just decided to go and queue, and it was a bad idea! My cousin and i didn't wait that long,i guess because we were talking alot. When it was finally our turn, we went and asked for the earliest one, and it was full, so then we asked for the second earlier one, it was FULL also. but on the computer, they said selling fast! damnnn! screw you! so we decided to watch night at the museum 2, so we asked for the earliest one, it was FULL! asked for the second earlier one.. it was FULL! screw it!!! so we walked away dissapointed.
Went to old wing to meet Sze yen and Shae Lynn, so erm.. we wanted to go to TGV and buy the tickets.. but the queue is WORST!!!! it was untill Secret reciepe!!! OMG OMG OMG!! so erm. I sent Sze yen back, Cousin and I when up to GSC and meet Shae Lynn, she wasn't there, she wasn't picking up her phone either,so we sat on the floor, and everyone was looking... finally she called, looked for her in the queue, she wasn't there, saw her somewhere else, ran to her, then sit on the floor!! I think i saw Jyb Ken! haha!! I saw Li wen, Ci xuan, Een Xien, kenneth, Yu jun.. and so on and on.. saw the badminton player in bu3.. which used to be from yuk chai.. that guy is really good in badminton.. okay, anyway,so we didn't know where to go, so we wanted to go to old wing, then Keah man called Shae Lynn asking us to go and meet them.. So we went and met them, sat down and all.. everyone left left Kean man, my cousin,Keah man's friend and I.. okay, so suddenly Keah man's friend sat opposite me and said hey.. and Keah Man told me he doesn't speak english, so i was like:" oh damnn it" so we talked and erm.. my cousin and i ditched them.. we went on our own shopping, we enjoyed it so much!! So erm, we gotta go;
At home, went on computer, then went off for dinner with my cousins(Shirley & Andrew).. So basically, Andrew was kindaa hungry becausehe didn't dare to eat pork, cause there was swine flu going on.. so yeahh.Followed my brother's car home, suprisingly, the other car was slower than us... okay, so we didn't have the house key, but my brother had the autogate key, so he locked us(sister,shirley&i) inside.. He went to his car.. suddenly his car was falling behind, it almost hit the neighbour's car.. and he asked why is it going down.. and i was like:" YOU DIDN"T START THE ENGINE!!" and he said:"I FORGOT HOW TO ON" so we laughed cause we were wondering how in the hack did he pass his driving test?! so finally they came back, with a cake! haha! we were gonna celebrate Andrew's birthday!! yipeeee!! so came in bla bla bla, sang the song.. took loads of pictures!! were so hyper.. hahhahhahaha..so the pictures will be on facebook =) album name:" Never gonna let you go" it was so fun.. untill, the parents came.. and a big suprise came along.. Michelle and Elaine was here! yipeee! haha.. were so hyper.. ahhahaha.. then our mood got so tired and all.. so yeah, we ate some more.. they brought food for us, andrew ate alot!! So they went back home .. It was so sad to see them leave! ;
Colour world;Enjoyed today! (:
Love today!!
I'll miss youuuuuu
OMG! I finally get to eat my STRAWBERRY! WHY??? it was one of the fruits on top of the cake! i ate 2.. and gotta give the last one to my cousin =( but it's okay.. at least i got to eat two! (:
Apparently, I lovee youuAshley is so tired now=/
Ashley signing off
12:03 AM