Friday, July 31, 2009
There was a time when i thought it was love ;

It felt like it was just yesterday when i fell in love with you ;
Hey hey hey! Sorry for not updating yesterday! =/ I'll tell you what happen today and yesterday.
`yesterday-Woke up at 8. Went down to the hospital with my mum. Got the results. Bought some Kuih. Dad picked us up. Went and picked Ann and Aunty Cheryl. After that, dropped the two ladies of at their friend's place. So my dad dropped Ann and I at 1utama. It was like. EMPTY! not really empty but.. kindaa.. So we bought the tickets of Proposal. We went it. waited for 30 minutes and they told us that it was not working gotta get another movie or get your refund. Went out. wanted to get the other time for Proposal.. but they gave us The ghost of the girlfriends past.! NICE! AMAZING!! I highly recommend you guys to watch it!Anyway, after the movies, went for Japanese .(: Ann and I were making a lot of noises. Why? Cause we kept shouting at the cashier to accept like our money..I mean.. cause like.. we both wanna belanjar each other.. so yeah..In the end, i paid! (: GO ME! but then Ann gave me 20 bucks. and i tried to slipped it into her bag! But failed! urghh....! One day i shall slip it bag into it again (: So we just linger around. Mum called asked what time to pick us up.. so we went home.. dropped Ann. Came back home. Did nothing. wait. i slept.. Dinner, went downtown. nothing much.
`Today- Woke up at 6. Showered and everything.Got ready for golf. Sent my sister to her drop off. Came back picked my brother. Drove to the golf course. Played 18 holes. Rained before we started. Couldn't play.. Waited for 20 minutes only we played. Played till 2. Came home picked my mum and went for lunch. Ate a lot.Came home was suppose to sleep. Got carried away with computer and stuff. Went out and picked my sister up. Phone ran out of battery searched for public phone for a long time. Finally found one and called her to come out. Went Mc.D. Got free Teh Tarik. I mean cause we stopped at the highway Mc.D and it was Petronas. So they were giving out free teh tarik. Very tasty(: ate Chicken nuggets. came home. Brother came my room sister too. Sister begging my brother to send her to KLPAC.but didn't he was too tired. He slept. Sister called parents.. Parents came back.. talked about it during dinner. but didnt go in the end. Picked my other brother up.sent his friends to Hartamas. came home and here i am.
Chatting with Darren. Really weird conversation and you don't wanna know about it.;
Colours ;
Cant wait for Tomorrow and SUNDAY! (:
So yeah.. Yi tane go and ask your parents dude; I love my mamma! ! I love everyone! (:
Apparently, i'm crazy now thanks to Darren;
Ashley loves youu
Ashley signing off
9:12 PM
Thursday, July 30, 2009

10:54 PM
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sometimes you just cross the line ;

Hey hey hey hey hey HEY! How are you guys lately? I really miss Primary.. With 6j's STUDENTS! the class which all teachers can't stand. (: That's why we are cool. I wanna plan a reunion. Mind some help?? Okay. so today my mum came into my room and woke me up at 7:20. i wanted to sleep more cause it was raining and it was so nice to sleep!(: but i gotta wake up and see the doctor. So we went in and we were the 13th one! we reached the clinic at 8:30 and it opens at 8..One of the helper told us that the clinic opens at 8 but people start coming at 7:30!! that is crazy. so we know it'll take a while. so we went and makan.. came back about 9.. and we have to wait for 2 more hours till our turn! OMGGG! so annoyed!!
So after that, we picked Ann and the family up again. Took them to another food stall. They loved it again. haha! So we were planing about tomorrow's plan. Because Aunty Cheryl and mum is going to go for some meet up with other friends.. so My mum asked Ann to tag along with me to 1u.. We planned to shop a little.. but our parents said to watch movie. haha! who cares.. we will see.. Ahhhhh......................................
Happy 15th birthday NICK! i love you so much! hahahhahahahahha! you are so hot. haha! I think i'm going high now. Anyway, I was the first one to wish you! 12 am sharp! I rock! I love the cake yo chose.. lalalala! Enjoy your super duper birthday with your friends and not ME! :'( haha.jokes jokes. anyway, ENJOY LAH! I LOVE YOU LAH!!!
I have nothing else to bloggggg! lalala! i miss friends! I miss everyone..
Apparently, I wanan watch tv now =PAshley is not in love =PPP
Ashley signing off
10:09 PM
Who's that girl i see ? ;

Hey! So today nothing much happen.. Just went and meet up with Ann and the family ; Took them to the first stall we promised to take them to. (: They loved it.. Tomorrow gonna take them to another stall again. ahha! (: Oh, Ann..! I can't find you on FACEBOOK! ahh! I'm gonaa ask you for your email tomorrow.
ANYWAY, during tuition, Carin passed me my brother's present from Aaron; So i knew it was a chicken in it.. Then Carin kept bugging me to press it.. But i didn't.. In the end, we made loads of noises arguing. haha! not really arguing lah. but yeah. so at the end of the class, Carin pressed it really hard and a loud chicken sound came out. It was so so so FUNNY! everyone laughed. The teacher got a shocked and then laughed. haha! Oh,Carin..
Other than those stuff I've told you, nothing happened. Oh wait. I'm chatting with Blake on Facebook! Aww.. He is actually nice to talk to! (: Surprisingly, we shared one common interest. Traveling around the world (:
Oh yeah, i was watching this show. It was so sad.. Ahhhh! It's like. this two happily married couple got into a fight. and then the girl demands a break up.. few weeks later, she asked him out for dinner and it was at the same place the got together. The guy was so happy. The danced a slow dance, The girl cried.. when she was dancing and when the boy said:" i love you" she her tears just wouldn't stop coming down.. She kept asking the guy to say it again and again. But the boy said she was too greedy.. so she asked him to say it one last time and he did. He got drunk. the girl brought him up to the room.. Wrote a note and wanted to leave.. but he stopped her. and they made out. The next morning, she quickly ran out. Her husband read the note and chased after her. Asked her why does she wants a divorce. she explained everything. so happen the scene was raining. so the girl just walked away. 1 month later, the guy signed the divorce paper. and yeah. His worker liked him(that was 1 of the reason why she wants a divorce) and she(ex-wife) seem to know and seem to see them so happy together. so she asked him to go after her. He didn't want to. But his worker confessed.. and they got together!(bitch!) then so happen the girl was pregnant! and she wanted to see him. but she saw him and his worker so happy(heartbroken) anyway, so happen they met at a shopping mall! and she was heartbroken when he(ex-husband) told her dad that he loves the worker.. and she(ex-wife) just walked away. tadaaa. END! wait till the next episode!
lalalla! Blake is kind (: hhaha! but not during science.. wonder why..
Apparently,i'm sleepy!Ashley loves you!
Ashley signing off
12:25 AM
Monday, July 27, 2009
I never said anything ;

Heyyy! I love today! It was so so so FUN! I could finally see Ann. WOW! she is really pretty.. but my mum was being mean.. saying I was the same height as her.. Well, the reason i said it was mean cause she's 2 years elder than me. So i woke up this morning, I was so excited.. haha! Ermm. After dropping my sister at the bus stop, we headed off for our breakfast. Then we picked them up..
When we were on the way, Ann and I were talking to each other. Our mums were talking to each other and our dads were talking to each other too. It was funny if you were there. So the clouds were getting darker as we were near the destination. Just when we said it was about to rain, it start raining. haha.. So my dad just drove pass the golf course to give them an idea how it's like. So we went and explore..Guess what? There's a Tesco in a kampung area.. We drove in and it was open! It opened really early. It was 8 when we arrived. Imagine..!! it's so early..So we had Nasi Lemak.. and the rain cleared.. So we went back to the golf course and we played.! It was so much fun! (: But i gotta say, i hated one of the caddy! not just me.. Ann,my mum and Ann's mum.. We were so annoyed with him. Well, he said we played really slow. the only reason is because Ann and Aunty Cheryl were beginners !!! Ann and I loved our caddy a lot.. hhaha! he was so so so FUNNY and NICE.
After the golf game, it started raining again. haha! so we wanted to try some food that some people said it was nice. But it was already 3! So there weren't much food to eat.We decided to go to Kota Damansara to have our lunch. We ate this place called Penang something. i forgot. hahaha! So happen Ann and I had the same food. haha! Both of us were like:" hmm.. i think i'm going to have the lemon chicken rice" haha! we said it the same time too! (: hahah! So we were so FULL! So we were planing like when shall we bring them to eat some GOOD food and all.. and when shall we meet up again.. and surprisingly, we will be meeting them tomorrow (: haha. Ahhhh! I can't wait.. wowww! it's such a surprise.! i seem to enjoy my summer a lot (: and seem to be kinda busy everyday.. COOL! (: hahahhahahah! (:
I haven't been adding colours!
Have sun burn!!!
Aiksss! I really miss Bai xiao people! I really miss my old class! 6J! ahhh... When can we meet up people? Dammmmmmnnnnnnn! I miss so many peopleeeeeeeee! I miss yf, cx, py, yt, jx, yk, adrian.. and all of our gang last time. it was so fun last time. it was a bit dramatic and all. but that is what made me keep those memories and that is what made me miss you guys! =/
Apparently, I'm burned!Ashley is feeling some pain :'(
Ashley signing off
8:26 PM
Sunday, July 26, 2009
There's so many things I need to do ;

Hey! Sorry to those readers that I haven't been updating much... Anyway, It has been an enjoyable Summer for me.. So far so good (:
I've been playing golf, I've been crazy(a good thing), I've been hyper around my siblings, I've been talking with my siblings like mad! I've been laughing my ass off with my family.. How does that sound to you? NICE right? So yeah.. It's really really fun! (: Hmm. So I'm still kinda confuse. Sister said i was crazy! Brothers said I was a shitty girl! So yeah.. hahah! I totally agree with them. I'm crazy, I'm stupid, I'm a piece of shit. so yeah..!!!
I have nothing to blog about today. Well, I'm going to play golf tomorrow morning.. I guess i gotta get some rest right??? Hmm. Just got CAUGHT! mum said i should sleep now.. hahahah! Oh,dear.. it's going to be a long day tomorrow! Actually, I can't wait. Why? cause I'm going to see my long lost friend from Singapore which now moved to Hong Kong. Anyway, She's in Malaysia.. and we are going to play golf together (: Aheeem. For you info, I have forgotten how she looks like ! =/ Well, it was a long ago since I've seen her. the last time was when i was 5?! I remembered she gave me loads of nice shirts and all. (: Anyway, dammn. Mum yellingg. haha!
Apparently, I'm heading off (:Ashley is in crazy mood now(:
Ashley signing off
10:30 PM
Saturday, July 25, 2009
I'll be alright ;

heyy! there's nothing to blog now.
All i can say,I enjoyed today.. it was funny when my brothers, my sister and I were all talking. it was seriously funny! but you wouldn't wanna know.. hahhaa! So visited my grand-dad.. he's healthy !! Stay strong. My Aunt is kinda annoying. but.. whatever lahh..
Ashley signing off
xoxo ashleylicious
11:51 PM
Friday, July 24, 2009
It's who i used to be ;

Hey hey hey ! Sorry for not updating ; I've been really busy with golf and all and I've been EXHAUSTED! so yeah. Anyway, on Wednesday, I didn't go out or anything but some how i was so EXHAUSTED too. haha! So erm. i only watched tv for the whole day on Wednesday. Okay, so on Wednesday night, suddenly there wasn't any electricity, and it just came back like. 20 minutes later?!So we couldn't watch tv, so we went up and i slept. I WOKE UP AT 2 AM cause it was so freaking hot! there was no electricity AGAIN! I stayed up untill there were electricity again;
Today, I woke up at 6 to play golf.. i only had 4 hours of rest! thanks to stupid power cut! So i woke up.. and went off to play.. so today was so breezy. It was so NICE. It felt like i was in AUSTRALIA and GENTING. haha! seriously, even my dad agrees ;(: So nothing else happened today. It was a long day. Finished golf at about 12:40.. Went for lunch came back brother being weird and erm.. went to take a short nap.. What else? nothing. yeahh. that's it (:
I know i know.It's getting boring to read right? haha..
I'm confuse again
WoW! that was random =PP
i'm afraid again; I'm scared to make decisions; I'm scared of everything. someone, Sien Wei, can you ring me up??
Apparently, I'm going crazyy!Ashley just wish......
Ashley signing off
11:34 PM
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
it just got me crying ;

Hey! I just got back from another party. It was okay. Well, it made me tear this time.. Ahhh.. I was slow dancing with dk, and it was playing you are not alone. which is worst! and i started crying ; :'( Sighs.. I'm going to miss everyone that is leaving!!!! Dammmmn this.. arh. It was really sad.. Ahh! Elana, Nurlyana, Dash,Faria.. Let's plan a sleepover. Okay, so Nurlyana said maybe it'll be at her place. when? Wednesday was it? till?
Hmm. shall i tell you how and what happen at the party? Nahs. Okay, so i picked Nurlyana, Faria and Sabiha up from Nurlyana's place. And we headed off.. Faria was being random and hyper.. ahha! seriously.. so then we arrived. got changed. and we were standing next to the pool talking. Elana was suggesting to go to the baby pool when Mirsham pushed us down. well, i didn't get into the first time cause i was far away from the pool. then Mirsham pushed me again. and yeah. My knee hit the floor and it hurts.. Cause it's the knee that was injured. Anyway, so we enjoyed. and yeah, next thing we knew we gotta get up and get change to have food and all. after taking a short and quick shower, Elana,Faria,Nurlyana and I were taking pictures and we were last to have our dinner.We felt so mean. then everyone was on the dance floor.. Not us yet.. was still eating.(: So when we hit the dance floor, everyone stopped dancing and went to the golf course and ran around.. so the dance floor was like.. TO US.So we danced and then everyone came back in.. So yeah. Went out to the golf course for a while and came back in. Some people started leaving so we took pictures and stuff.. so it was just Faria,Nurlyana,Sabiha and I. Iman's family waited for us. So Iman asked us to call our parents. Nurlyana called her mum and her mum said she was lost. I called my brother and he was still at home. and we both were like shouting WHAT! and Faria started laughing. So when Nurlyana's parents came, We told Iman's family to go back first cause we felt mean. and Thank you so much Nurlyana's parents for waiting for my idiotic brother. but he wa sokay. he was speeding! naughty kid. haha! So yeah. it was a tiring day for me.
Chatting with Wong Seng on MSN about the good times. sighs.. we both wanna turn back time. I'm chatting with Nurlyana too.. and we are planing to do a stupid show when we have our sleepover. ahah! it's gonna be a blast.! (:
Apparently, i'm yawningAshley signing off
12:11 AM
Monday, July 20, 2009
There is no point anymore ;

Hey! ermmm. Let's see.. i slept at
11 last night. woke up at 6.. then went for golf.. the first 3 holes was terrible.. but then i finally get the hang of it. it's been 1 year since i've played.. so yeahh..
I have nothing to blog anymore. We got lost after the golf game.. ahha! so we went on a road trip. it was fun.. but not when i was
tired, sleepy and hungry.. so yeah. I ate
A LOT! like.
CRAZY!I don't wanna blog much today. so yeahh..
Apparently, i need to talk to sien wei!Ashley needs a shoulder to lean on now.
Ashley signing off
3:19 PM
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Being your little back up has got me going crazy ;

Hey! Today was totally AWESOME!. It was Elana's farewell party. I was AWESOME but sad at the same time. Cause YOU ARE LEAVING! WHY??!Anyway, Your party was like. WOW! the place is like.. omggggggg! so erm.. partied partied partied and partied..came back. jsut dropped dead.. cause i slept so late last night i woke up so early.. so yeah.. then i woke up. only took a shower. hahaa.. to freshen up. Nothing much happen after that.
Aww, i feel like stabbing myself!
tsk tsk tsk
Had strawberries
he suck, she suck, you suck, i suck, they suck, WE SUCK!Yesterday you were messing with my darn head! Screw youu!
Apperently, i'm gonna tryAshley is giving up
Ashley signing off
9:14 PM
I just wish time would stop at that moment

Heyy! Just got back from an awesome party.. I enjoyed everything.. (:
Nothing happen today. so yeahh..
i have nothing else so yeahh
Apparently, i'm sick of everythingAshley is gonna try to give up
Ashley signing off
12:02 AM
Friday, July 17, 2009
I thought i knew you ;

I'm sorry, I didn't know that this would happen, I didn't know. I'm so sorry. if you are mad or sad or whatever, I so so so sorry. I didn't mean to.. And it's not easy for me to beg now, cause she's injured, he's busy and angry.. What else can i do??? How i wish you would understand.. i hope you do...
Hey hey hey! Friday= UNLUCKY DAY EVER. Finally school's open.. but for a day.. So arrived.. and start seeing people signing each other's shirt. it was so sad to see them leaving. SUDDENLY, i say people signing Dash's shirt. and i didn't know SHE WAS LEAVING! I've lost 2 buddies of mine. Science and Mandarin. But it's okay for Science, i still have Flora.. But one thing, Mandarin.. sighss. Dash, why? i know i know. I've asked you this.. and you said this is life, it'll come soon too. I know i know. but why now? I've promised myself not to cry, pinky sweared that i will stay strong.. So the first period, we did nothing.. wait, we cleared our lockers then second period nothing then it was break. then it was assembly. nothing much.. my eyes were kinda full of tears when it came to an end. Where they put up the slide show and the song came up. The song, the song i cried for.. the song which was really sad.
After that, Year 8 gave away the silly awards but didn't manage to do the Year 8 got talent. so, it's okay. Anyway, we went back and did nothing... It was so sad. Well, i've promised myself not to cry, so i didn't. Lateef was asking me whether i cried during the Assembly cause i looked so sad and all. Hmm, Lateef, you are the only guy that asked me that.. haha. and OMG! Melvin, he was sitting behind me, and then when the assembly ended, he poked me. what the heck.. So.. oh yeah, in the morning, dk played"tong hua" on the piano. i told him not to play just in case.. Cause that brought a little memories back at Damansara and i'm scared to cry, plus, remember, i've promised. haha (: So our bus was the lastest! it came half an hour late..dammn it right? haha yeahhh.. So Ken, he waslike:" Why didn't you cry? you were suppose to cry" and i was like. what the F! is it a compulsory? NO.. so yeahh.. i shed a tear on the bus when Lateef and Faria were talking.. and then, when Faria got off the bus, i was like.. sighs. and then Lateef was like poor youu.. and pat my head. Thanks Lateef..
Well, Lateef told me something else which i can't tell cause it's a cover up of something. You know, Lateef seems to tell me everything, but i only told him half of everything.. haha. but. well, i don't wanna tell... Actually no one knows what actually is my decision and everything.. only me and someone on this planet.Ohhhh, It's was so sad to see most of the poeple leaving..
Will miss youu
Love youuu guys forever
"Goodbye, one simple word, easy to say, easy to wave, but not easy to let go the ones you love" I made that up. and it actually made me cry. I know i know. I'm not suppose to cry.. cause i've pinky swore and promised. but i just couldn't resist.. It was so sad.. Watching them leaving one by one..Watching them going on their buses.. Watching their sweet smile leaving..Wataching them giving us the memories that will forever be remembered.. We will miss youu.
Apparently, i didn't go to dk's party =/
Ashley hates youu
Ashley signing off
6:13 PM
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Take me some where that i can hide from this PAIN;

Hey! Sorry for not blogging yesterday. I was so busy.. so yeahh. erm. Lately i've not been in a good situation.
- I can't sleep cause of construction
- There are so much homeworks to do
- Stressed!
- Consufee!
- So many things i got get done with
- Need to plan how to get to a party
- Too many parties even though i love parties but not now.=/
- Trying to calm down but can't
So yeah! 8 stuff! I have a major headache this afternoon cause of the noises, homeworks, stress, and everything!I can't blog. I don't wanna blog! I have no mood for everything. Except. Tomorrow.. a day off! Thanks faria.. but no thanks too.! Harry potter on the day it comes out? CRAZY? well, at least you got the tickets! Can't wait.!!!
Ashley signing off
10:39 PM
Monday, July 13, 2009
Who's gonna save me when you are gone? ;

I try to think through everything.. But i just can't seem to get over it.. I don't know how to deal with it.. I don't know.. Can someone help me? Can someone care to give me a hand to grab me out of this? ;
Heyy! It's so boring now. and i have no mood to blog now a days.. Something is up with me.. Seriously.. There's something bugging me now a days that i wish it won't. But i don't know how to stop it. I try and try. but still.. it stays the same...So today i woke up at 8 in the morning. and i only got 7 hours of sleep.. i gotta wake up that early cause my dad needs to send my sister to college and i need to go the dentist cause there was something wrong with my braces. so yeah. Nothing much happen next. so yeahh
Ashley signing off
5:12 PM
Sunday, July 12, 2009
When there was lovee ;

hey hey hey! Nothing happen today. Just sat home.. Started doing the booklet thingy. and yeah. trying to make it perfect. so yeah..
I have nothing to blog about.. Jess, get well soon! Total cases of H1N1 = 9.. but two recovered so 7 now.. ahhh.. Get well soon yeahhhhhhh!!
What is there to blog now???
There is nothing to blog..
There's so little things to talk now a days..
Today was a bit funny thou..
and abit sad..
and so on and on and on and on...
Do you know it's 12:52 am now? well, by the time i've finsihed that sentence, it's 12:53 (: hahahhahhahahahahahahahahahaa
Apparently, I wanna sleep =P
Ashley loves youu!
Ashley signing off
12:27 AM
Friday, July 10, 2009
Heart & Soul

Heyy hey hey! Won't blog much. i have no mood to blog now a days..So I'm at home cause school's closed.. I woke up at 9. went on the computer chat with Ainaa,Flora and Natisha. It was a funny conversation well. first.. Ainaa and Flora were down. and i gotta cheer them up.. so i've cheered Ainaa up and i'm good at it.. then Flora. and then Natisha helped too. Apparently, Ainaa is a betrayer.. So, Ainaa, how was the one night? hahhaha i've heard it burns and you like it more.. hahahahahahah!
If you don't understand then it's okay. cause it's sick! Okay. I don't know what to chat now. OMGG! I love you! I love you!! Well, I know you were kidding. Goshh.. dont take things tooo seriously
I have nothing to blog man!!!!
Ainaa suck! =P
To everyone.. Get well soon! please please please. Nurlyana, did you take the blood test?? hmm. Florence. My life can be written into a book? huh? No way man!
Apparently, i love youuu
Ashley is crazyy!
Ashley signing off
11:48 PM
Thursday, July 9, 2009
You can be only for me ;

Hey hey heyy! Today is the worst day too! Flora was finally in school. I finally had someone to sit next to during Malay. But for short while. and all the U.S.A choir got sent home..!!! So Michelle came over to my seat and sat next to me. we Watched a movie.. So, Faria wasn;t here.. Neither was Nurlyana.. So i was kindaa Lonley again! =(
So erm.. I hung around with Ainaa, Michelle, Flora(for a short bit), Jess(for a short bit), Yoo Jin, Elana, Annabel and the rest lahh! So luckily i manage to talk to flora today! the bad thing is that i hugged her.. damnn. pray she won't get it..if not i'm going to get it too.. Faria, why do you want to go to school tomorrow? school is CLOSED! why do you want to go to school when it's going to be closed! why must it be this week! I'm so annoyed!! ahhhhhhhh! screw MR.H!! If he didn't force everyone froom the choir to go to school yesterday, everything will be fine! SCREW YOUUU! argghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! now, i might be able to go to Elana's party.. let's just pray then!! oMG OMGG! I just asked my mum! and i can go! she laughed! and she said that Elana is so brave to do that! hahahahahahhahha! Love you mama!!!!!
Screw Mr.H
Anyone wanna care to join me?
Screw Selsema Babi!!
Hate it so much! ahh! Skye, get well soon.(syke got swine flu). hmm. some people said that triston got it too. darnnn.. Jess, hope the test is negative same goes to everyone in the choir!!
Apparently, i'm going high!
Ashley is crazyy!
Ashley signing off
9:37 PM
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Hiding in the coner, trying not to show the pain ;

When i sit and watch. looking how they gave speeches one by one.. seeing people crying while they sang or gave the speech.. I cried myself too. He, he tried to make the world a better place, indeed he did.. He sang with his heart and soul.. He made a big change to the world. Yes, you guys may think he was a child abuser, but the truth is, he isn't one.. You may think i'm a fan of his, but honestly, I'm not.. When i saw how painful his children looked, i started crying and crying.. thinking.. that it must be really hard for them to handle such matter like this..Everyone started breaking down and cry, as for me, i just shed a tear. yes a tear.. just for 1 second.. but few seconds later, a tear became a box of tissue tear.. It was so sad.. i tried to control.. but i just couldn't.. he was the man that made this world a better place.. He is always imitadated but never duplicated.. he will never be duplicated.. ; - Michael Jackson, may you rest in peace ;
Heyy! Don't wanna blog much. I just watched MJ's memorial.. and it was so sad.. i cried. so yeahh. Erm.. Faria wasn't here today!! Art sucked so badly! Flora wasn't here either.. I was so lonely during maths :'( Mandarin was such a screwed up.. Everything was today.! But Nurlyana was here.. same as Jess.. I hugged Nurlyana so hard! (: haha!.. And then Jess.. Aww. i miss them so much.. i was about to give Flora a big big big hug.. but she wasn't here =( well, Thanks Nurlyana for the Cap! I love it so much! (: Hmmm.. Are you guys sure you guys don't have H1N1? Cause all of you guys seemed to be coughing and sneezing.. and yeahh. I've been seating around U.S.A Choir people.. ahhhh.. It's so stupid. you guys were forced to come to school.. At least let you guys rest for a day.. but i was happy Nurlyana and Jess was here.. If not, I'll seriously be such a loner..So yeahh. Faria, please come tomorrow.. please please. and Faria, i was joking about the softball thingyy.. hahahahahahahahah! don't take it too serious =PP
So yeahh.. Sorry for writing in mandarin.. i just felt like it.. so yeah. It was so sad to see MJ leave this world.. It was so sad during assembly today when Mr.Shine told us who were leaving.. it was so sad to see, all the close friends i've made, seem to leave.. I will never ever will forget you guys (: iloveyouuu! 我爱你!!!
Apparently, I need my smiling pill
Ashley is thinking of how it will happen
Ashley signing off
11:26 PM
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Walking tall but ain't that big ;

Hey ya! sorry for not blogging yeahh.. Ermm.. let's see.. Nothing happen today! OH WAIT! Something happened today! Astrea and I were loners..!!! Thanks to Hannah.B Faria and Shameeh! arghhh! What happen is that yesterday, Hannah.B and Shameeh told Astrea that they aren't coming. and then Suddenly Faria wasn't here today.. so when i reached school, i went and look for people straight away!!! Well, Faria, THANKS ALOT! haha! I know you don't want to do Soft ball! =P
Today,during softball, worst thing that have ever happened to me in my eintire life! Let's see.. Hmm. first.. I was in Till's group. that isn't that bad. but he hates me so badly and keeps insulting and yeahh.. anyway.. then second.. i got tackled by Aditya third i had difficulties in breathing while playing half way. no idea why. fourth, my ankle suddenly hurts. felt like i've twisted / sprinned it.!Want to know how Aditya tackled me? Okay. so I was the pitcher on the 1st base.. and hmm.. then erm.someone hit the ball right.. then till caught it and Aditya started running.. but Till quickly threw the ball to me. and Aditya quickly ran back.. before he will get out.. so Till threw a BAD throw! it was so LOW so i gotta go low. and Aditya didn't see me and ran through.. and his leg hit my face+head and he fell on the other side.. and his leg hurts .. and my head hurts.. so yeahh.. so after PE i went to the nurse cause i couldn't breathe .. and my heart hurts.. seriously.. then i was late for the SCIENCE TEST.. and only got half an hour... so erm.. manage to write a page for the report thingy.. Michelle said that i should get extra time, but.. nahs.. who cares..
OMG OMGG OMGGGG! I know i know! OMGGGG! CHOIR!! WELCOME BACK T O MALAYSIA! FLORAA! CAN'T WAIT FOR YOUR STUFF YOU BOUGHT ME! HAHA.. JOKES JOKES! nURLYANANA!AHHH!! FINALLYYYYYY!!!! MISS YOUR CRAZY-NESS AND STUPID FIGHTS WITH FARIA AND I...!! GONNA GIVE YOU GUYS A BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG HUG.. Eventhough i know Nurlyana doesn't like it.. but Flora will just starts feeling me.. so i think i won't give you guys a hug.. hhmm.on second thought. i want to! I miss you guys so much!!!
Shit you man! I love youuu!
OMG! i love youu!
Shoot. I fell in love with the guy that is leaving! DKKKKKKKKKK!
I'm so hyper now! OMG! Lateef, your dream wasn't that weird.. and what the heck. why am i in your dream? Ewww.. Okay, Lateef, You nearly killed me today. well, you wanted to.. okay.. so everyone was being mean to me.. not everyone. just Lateef and DK..Lateef was chasing after me.. and then i wanted to slap him then dk said no.. then i did once. then.. dk held me to tight not to hit lateef.. yeahh. and i was screaming. then dk took my bag and he made Michelle and I ran to take back my bag.. then lateef took my pencil case and i gotta chase him again.. so i chase him for a while and couldn't be bothered to chase anymore.. haha!(: so yeahhh..
Apparently, today sucks but rock a bit.(:
Ashley is crazy!
Ashley signing off
10:38 PM
Sunday, July 5, 2009
You know i care for you, You know i love you ;
Love 4 simple words.. make some people happy and sometimes it hurts people.. what does love mean?? I used to cry night or day whenever i watch something that relates to us.. or listen to a song that reminds me of him.. or look at the poem he gave me.. not just the poem.. but those stuff he gave me.. as i looked at those stuff.. i wonder to myself.. am i gonna wear it or am i gonna keep it till it collects dust.. =(
Yeahh.. maybe you are right.. you can't predict life.. neither love.. so whatever happens. it just happen. you cant do anything. cause this is not a fairytale.. we aren't in a fairytale.. we are the writers.. we do whatever we want to the fairytale to make it happy.. (:
Those words, I was looking back at some stuff that Sien wei and I were talking about.. It really made me thing about the situation I'm in. While I'm looking back at those stuff, there seem to be sad songs playing on my computer.. and i actually am crying while typing this.. there were so many memories that i just wish it would not stay in my heart or my mind forever. I just want to forget everything that have ever happened to me. Honestly, I need to blast out what i feel now, i can't take it anymore..
Hey ! (: Erm. today isnt a good day that's all i can say.. so yeahh..
July 6th
Choir coming back!
don't feel like going to school tomorrow =/
I'm driving crazy in here.. And i've finally told him !!
Apparently, is going mad!
Ashley hates you!
Ashley signing off
9:05 PM
Friday, July 3, 2009
How i wish you are here ;
Hey hey hey hey hey! It's really sad today.. It's Flora's birthday and she's in NEw York now with the U.S.A Choir..! it's okay Flora. as soon as you come back. we are gonna party all night man! plus. it's the summer holidays.. so yeahh.. OH damn it. Speaking of summer holidays.. He is leaving so soon.. Like.. yeahh. Same as Elana.. Well. yeahh. Ahh.. Oh well..... He's gonna visit us right?? Same as you Elana.. You better VISIT us! and when you do.. First thing where i would take you. or should i say Nurlyana Faria and I would take you is to TITANIC (:
Sweet 14!

Happy birthday my dearest friend. I love youu. and i know you know that.. Well.. sexy babe, you rock. remember me man! anyway, Malay has been really boring without you. and Science is actually okay! so yeah.. But i still Miss youu! Come back as soon as possible please! Okay, So i've known you since i've been in this school(obviously) and hmm. not sure how we got so close and how we met i think it was Malay right? i remembered i was sitting by myself then i moved to sit next to you and Musy Poo right? SO i guees we got close since then.. Well, time has really pass so fast.. You are a great friend, in fact an awesome one and an amazing sexy babe and i almost forgot.. My burger king buddy! (: Love you!
loads of love,
Ashley Ng, your sex god =)
I miss Nurlyana, Jess, Dash, Rizzy, Flora
Summer mood here i come??
NOT!!! :'(
So Elana, i can't wait for your sleepover and your party..Disco huh? can't wait! (: Dk, your party, i might be late. sorry. =/ hmm. Zheng yang, what the heck do you want? and Nick too.. wondering what do you guys want man.! So i've been helping with Zheng yang with the friends inviting but no one seems to answer me.. so yeahh.. So, Zheng yang, if no one comes, don't blame me.. they don't wanna reply. so yeahh =)
Apparently, thinking of you
Ashley loves youu!
Ashley signing off
11:47 PM
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Thanks for everything ;

Hey people! (: I have nothing to blog !
Busy with inviting people for Zheng yang party! so yeah.. won't blog. (:
Ashley signing off
9:27 PM
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I can't change your mind ;

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey !!! I'm not hyper just for your info.. Okay, i just realized that today is a WEDNESDAY! and guess what? To me it isn't that bad. But still bad thou.. OMG! I'm missing U.S.A Choir so badly now!!!!! It's so boring without them! =( So, anyway, English was first.. Just discuss about what play shall we do for our drama bit for english.. then it was history.. Mr. K-D isn't here cause of U.S.A choir trip! let's see... Break.. I was sad.. cause of what happened during History.. then Imaan.A gave me one STRAWBERRY and i went wooo! HIGH! then when i went back to my lockers, dk was like, someone put something in your bag.. so i was like:" I can see that.. My bag is in a different position" so i opened my bag, and a bar of chocolate was in there.. Thanks,D you always give me chocolate.. like EVERYDAY! I love youuu!
So it was Science next.. hmm. nothing much happen.. secretly ate the chocolate during Science. gave some to Mitra and Mussy Poo.. so yeahh. first time.. Mitra was being so nice and all.. I mean. she was so nice.. and she was actually laughing with Mussy Poo and I.. haha! i like it this way! So it was ICT next.. Raff was killing me!!!! He was being CRAZY!!! His computer broke down and same as mine.. so he sat next to me.. then.. he was like:" ahh! shit! omg omg omg! why is this computer so slow!!!" and then i started laughing and asking him to calm down.. and his reply was like:" I CAN'T I MUST FINISH THIS IN TIME! I'M IN A RUSH!!" crazy guy.. then he started taking my mouse and banging it! and i wa slike. okay??! then when finally his computer loaded, he was like, :" ASHLEY! HELP ME! HOW DO YOU DO THIS ? WHICH WEBSITE IS IT?*holding my hand so tight*" and he just look at my comuputer and copy everything.. then.. he wa slike:" I WANNA KILL DK! I WANNA KILL DK! AHHH! SHIT !! FUCKING HELL!" so i asked him why and he said the reason why is for loving me.. and i was like. what the hell does that gotta do with the computer..
Then he kept annoying me to help him.. and he kept banging my mouse against the table and keep holding my hand tight because i didn't want to help him.. then when he asked me for help, Hannah.B asked me too. so i went over to her and Raff was like:" ASHLEY! YOU GET HERE AND HELP ME!" urghh! so annoying... then.. after helping Raff, Dk wanted my help! and i was like. OMG! damn it man! so then.. when i was walking over to his place, his computer shut down.. ahha! i was laughing like HELL cause he was like:" OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! AHHHHH!" hahha so yeahh..Then it was LUNCH! time for badminton.. got third placing..not bad lahh! so steven kept saying thank youu.. haha! weird dudee..! i didn't stay back for activities today cause i injured myself.. so yeahh.. came home, i was so hungry cause i didn't had my lunch so erm.. i ate some food and drank lemonade that my mamma made =PP so yeahh. nothing much happen todayy..
Damn it
I miss Nurlyana and Jess and Flora! =(
Lalala! I'm seriously having an emotional break down! I'm just so sad now a days!!
Apparently, they have to be quarintine for 10 days after coming back from U.S.A!
Ashley is in love with you!
Ashley signing off
7:15 PM