Monday, August 31, 2009
Why do I feel so alone? ;
& I thought I knew you ;Hey hey hey! (: Merdeka huh?! Well, happy 52nd Merdeka( even though i kinda feel like I'm not proud to be a Malaysian) Anyway, First time, Curve's fireworks couldn't see from my place. conclusion=No one cares about this day. =P Prime Minister didn't go to the Parliament thingy for the parade. Conclusion=He show no care for this either. So. Why so proud about 52.. Gosh. So 30/8/2009 by far is my worst day ever. Why?!
- My food poisoning thingy, has finally settle but, i still can't eat.!
- I ate some chips and my tummy kinda feels like vomiting again!
- My face suddenly itches.!
- Oh wow, my itchy face suddenly had some like, stuff and my face was kinda swollen.
- It burns
- It was near my eyes
- Mum didn't dare to put cream cause it was near my eyes.
- It itches more.
- I had a huge headache.
- My head started to hurt.
- Gotta stay up late to treat it
So yeah. But it was better after the treatment my mum did (: First she put cream over the ones which aren't near the eyes. then she used water to wipe it off and use salt water after that. it burns when you put the salt water. so according to my mum tea is to moisturize the face. something like that. It got better after that. went to sleep. in the morning my mum tricked my by saying it got worst. so i woke up and it was actually so much better. So woke up. got ready and went off for breakfast then straight to MidValley.
WE WERE EARLY! hahaa.. so.. we shopped. well, that was the reason to go there! (: oh yeah, so when my mum and I were in Jusco, haha. we were walking and wondering whether to get out of Jusco. SUDDENLY! I saw like loads of women at the bag/shoe area. so i told my mum:" these ladies are crazy. it's jsut sale. UNLESS. there's something BIG! and I think there's something BIG cause people are taking pictures!" so we went over and guess what?! Branded bag, 80%. and it's because. it's so call happy hour.! so it's like 30Rm something for a branded bag! so we saw a lot of guys helping their darlings. and and.. i told my mum that if we just buy a lot and sell at the night market, we'll make loads of money. My mum laughed so loud. haha. so my mum wanna see those mum found some nothing. but i found loads for her.. and it turned out that we bought 4 bags. 2 for my mum and 2 for me (: Oh oh oh, i bought like a pair of nice sandals. (:
Total spent(the girls)=Rm200.
Total spent(the boys)= Rm600.
Funny thing, we only go shopping on the last day of the sale. when it was there for like about 2 months?! haha. My brother just realized and told my dad. here's the conversation.
Nick Derrick Dad Mum MeCan we go curve? I wanna see whether they have the size.!When?TonightWhy tonightIt's the last day of sale dad!Oh really???!yeah, the sale has been on for about 2 months.!\2 months? yes ke?Yeah!!!!Where have you been Dad? Or better yet.. how long since you've read the newspapers?I've been here the whole time and been reading the newspaper but why the heck shall i pay attention to the adverts?that's why lah! Haiyoooooo!hahahaha! We only come at the last day.I know. Cool right??We are so so cool! (:Yeahh. So yeah so yeah.. Random me. Wow. our legs were so so tired after that. it was a 7 hour family shopping. My legs were killing me!!! Oh well... worth it right??! Oh yeah, i think i saw Sakura. I think i think lah. hahah. not sure. cause i was walking and i walked in the shop and heard like someone laughing. kinda loud so i turned and saw. it looked like Sakura. haha. oh well. WOW! I just realize that this is a long post! =P
You know, ever since you've started there, you've changed. Honestly. You say you like him only 1% and what now. Omgg. seriously... I'm getting annoyed with you !!
Oh oh oh, just now, i heard my sister yelling so i went to her room and found my parents there. My mum was so cute. she was like those small girls looking for their dolls. haha. so my sister was yelling and laughing. Me too. Why? My dad was wearing my mum's belt. and he wore so high up while my mum just ran through my sister's stuff.. haha! HILARIOUS!
Oh yeah, i just remembered that... that... that.. I saw loads of hot guys ! seriously! not jsut today but yesterday too or was it.. hmm. whatever lah. all i know is that I've been seeing loads of hot guys =P
Apparently,I'm wearing a belt for no reason. =P
Ashley thinks he's hot! =PP
Ashley signing off
9:48 PM
Saturday, August 29, 2009
You & I ;
Tomorrow is just another mystery ;Hey hey hey hey!!
Okay so let me update you guys about the day when i came home from Sien Wei's place and update you guys on Friday and on and on.
`Mum picked me up from Sien Wei's place. Went home. Got ready my golf bag. Slept. Woke up, went off for the golf test. it rained! So we gotta wait. omggggggggggg! in the end
we gotta play in the rain. i was cold after the whole game. goshh.! stupid guy.! nothing happen next.
` Friday morning. woke up for golf. went to Nilai Spring. It rained. and i was so cold AGAIN. when we reached the place, the rain kinda stopped. so we played. and yeah. had lunch. and i think i got
food poisoning . =/ and it sucks so badly!! Crying in pain the whole night. Slept. woke up at 3:30 to puke. but couldn't and my tummy hurt. so i slept in the toilet. and in the end, i manage to puke. and that was 5! wow. i slept for 2 hours in the toilet.!!!
`Saturday. Dad came in my room. it was 10. i told him everything that happened. and went back to sleep. Woke up at 12 or 1. and then went to my sister's room. took a short nap. had a huge headache. went down.
i couldn't eat. so then my brother went out to get me some other food. and while he was out. i somehow slept. and i woke up... the food was ready. just in time.. i actually could eat. well, its the food not the sleep. why i say so? cause i couldn't really eat during dinner!! Came home.. and here i am!!!
Nurlyana, why now?! Don't leave so soon.. Why why why. The titanic crew seems to becoming smaller. Ahhhhh. :( Losing you is like losing something important.!!!! Ahh. Faria and I will miss you so so badly!!! Who's gonna be the one with the noodles everyday?!! ahhhhhh! Faria, need
Apparently, I'm going crazy!Ashley just wanna hug you when i see you!
Ashley signing off
11:09 PM
Thursday, August 27, 2009
It started off with just a simple smile ;

Hey people! I'm at Sien Wei's place now.
You know her dog is just so CUTE!
Anyway, yesterday went for a so call party.
The original plan was to have a surprise party fpr shea zheng but in the end, majority said to not have a surprise yeah. Everyone was late, except Nick.
Carin said Nick sounded like her uncle on the line. haha. funny shit girl man !
So we ate cake and that's all. I payed for the so call lunch. shea zheng is such a healthy person. . he had salad.! hahahahhahahahahhah!! Nick wore green and it matches the salad=P
So the boys went futsal and we went window shopping as usal. ((:
Sadly, this part always comes with window shopping. you see a nice shirt, you try and you can't
buy it cause it's freaking expensive. like way way expensive. so yeah. =/
came back to Sien Wei's place. Sleept over. Chit- chatted. wow. it was sad. and nice. and hyper?!
So we called Shea zheng, chat withhim and he got annoyed with all the ASHLEYS! hahaha. Oh yeah, did i mention that some other Ashley came over too.((:
So Shea zheng sudddenly need to go off i think. and we got bored again. so we called Ben Jing.. we chat for a while and he needed to do something so we called Florence and when we were on the line with Florence using my phone, Ben jing called Sien Wei because i was on the line. so i hung up. and we talked to Ben jing since he's so desprate.! Well,i was too. and Sien wei. haha. so honestly, Sien Wei and i were about to sleep when he told us the story. and we couldn't really hear him cause he was mumbling the whole time! Seriously ben jing if you read this post! PLEASE DO NOT MUMBLE AGAIN! thank you =P So we hung up the phone chat for a while. took some crazy pictures. and yeah. we were tired after that slept at 12. and here i am. Well, we woke up at 8 but now's already 10:06 amblahblah blah/ wanna go now. Ciao!
Oh Wait! Happy birthday NG SHEA ZHENG! you're a teen now. and you gotta face the fact.!=P
and and and and and and.. STOP ACTING SO OLD! like last night. and stop acting like a mum okay? haha. anyway, have an awesome one. oh wait. you had an awesome one right???
Apparently, Sien wei is beside me=P
Ashley loves Sien Wei ! (:
Ashley signing off
9:56 AM
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Missing you like i did before ;

hello people! I'm tired, so i wont bog muc
- Got sunburned from golf
- Ankle hurts more
- Arms hurt
- Hands have two different colours now
So yes! I played golf today. i did put sunblock but somehow i got sunburned. I understand the burn on my arms cause i was making sure it'll be the same colour. =PPPP But.. it got worst. damn today's sun. Anyway, on the way to the golf course right, since i was sitting in front. I was basically glazing at the sky. The sky was so beautiful today! so nice, so peaceful, so blue. The clouds.. There were some white clouds and some grey ones. It was so nice. well, that was in the afternoon. but in the morning. Wow! the colour contrast. The orange, purple, blue. something lke that. plus those grey and white clouds. I couldn't bare myself from looking away the sky. My brother got annoyed with me cause i kept saying that the sky was so blue and so nice and everything. haha.
So, i saw a lot of land. As in mountain land got chopped off and all. so i was like:" Woahhhhhhh! OMGGGG! look at the land. crazy!!! Stupid guys for doing that" and i kept saying look at the land. and once again, my brother got annoyed. haha. So after golf, i started saying the same thing and he got annoyed. I'm guessing my dad got annoyed too. =P so had lunch came home. My intention was to sleep. but.. i couldn't. i was on the computer... Wanted to blog. but.. got carried away with the other stuff. So it was dinner time. and i was kinda tired. but not that. so when i was watching a dvd, i fell a sleep. till now. and i'm really really tired now! SERIOUSLY! *yawns*
Apparently, I need to call Sien Wei to tell her about the plans ;
Ashley seriously wanna sleep now
Ashley signing off
1:07 AM
Sunday, August 23, 2009
It's been a while ;

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating long.
1st, cause i went for a wonderful sleepover at Nurlyana's.
2nd, on Friday i was exhausted from golf.
3rd, I seldom use the computer now.
Haha! Anyway, The sleepover was great. Did a video again! ((: It was fun. i think i slept at 3??! hahaa. i woke up at about 9 i guess an went back to sleep and woke up at 11. ((: we got up, her parents went out. i mean, her dad went to work and her mum went Klcc. So the house was OURS! =P. Well, we went to the pool and the gym. snap some photos. and somehow, facebook isn't allowing me to upload them. i only can upload it once.! damn this..!! so yeah. over 70 pictures?! almost there. haha. anyway, dad picked me up and came home. got ready for Aaron's surprise birthday dinner. It was outside my place only. so my brother and I walked. Carin didn't know i was coming either. Both of them were shocked =PP hahaa. The cake was nice, the food was nice. and the price was very very very"nice". haha.. So we wanted to walk back home but Carin's parents offered. so yeah.=/ It was a tiring day that Thursday night.
On friday morning, woke up at 6:40. went for golf. Injured my ankle cause of the stupid steep slope that i have to stand on to hit my ball. dammn. my ankle really hurts. so after golf ate, came home and rest. used the computer for a while. went down took a short nap(was so tired) and it was dinner time. nothing happen after dinner. So my brother and I were so bored and there was nothing to watch we looked for a DvD to watch. and because i was so tired, i slept half way. hahaa. it was about 1:30 i remembered. or was it 12. haha.Oh, did i mention that i drove the stupid buggy today? i mean i drive it everytime. but this time the stupid buggy was so so so damn slow. I was annoyed with it..
Today, woke up, it was cold it felt like I was in Australia during spring. (: then it became hotter :'( but still cold. so my brother and i watched another dvd as cause we were bored. we watched till.. say about. 5.. from 12 right. yeah.. so after that i took a nap. was so tired from Wednesday till Friday. so yeahh.. Went for dinner came home watched football. then watched golf. Sister's friend came over at that time. they got a tour around the house. stayed a little longer to chit-chat. went home about12. brother came home about 1. watched golf and here i am (: Everyone is sleeping. and I'm tired. Tomorrow, family cooking day. hahaaa. Dad suddenly suggested to cook our own special noodles because my brother mention that he wants to get into food business. haha. so yeahh. poor mum and dad. they just went to sleep and need to wake up early to go to the market to get stuff. well, it was dad's idea. so yeah =P Oh yeah, Sien Wei called. and OMG! I think if you want me to go, then you better beg my brother =PPPPPP and he isn't a easy guy to beg. haha. plus, it'll be weird to bring your sister. haha!
Hello people. I'm starting to get hyper. and that isn't good why? cause it's freaking 2:44 now.! not in the afternoon. goshh. in the morning. this is crazy. okay, honestly, i do miss him. but i can't do anything. he hates me.. and yeahh.. Oh oh oh! By the way, i can't wait till Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday, going to Sien wei's place. Thursday, still at sien wei's place =P Oh oh and monday!! Dad taking us for a golf trip to Rawang. =)
Apparently, I need to start emailing people the information
Ashley thinks that everything happen for a reason(:
Ashley singing off
2:23 AM
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
It's the heart afraid of breaking ;

It's been a while now. It's been a week now, I've been feeling like this. I know i was the one who broke you heart yet i don't understand why are you being mean? If this is your revenge, you win. If this a war you wanna start between us, i surrender. Looking at you, being nice to everyone else, but not me..It's hurtful, but i gotta live with this pain now. I thought you said we could be good friends. I guess your meaning of good friends is good enemies?! I've been thinking, I've been crying, I've been trying so hard to heal this pain.. But those words that you said to me, kept coming up.. All those harsh words.. As i told my sister about this, it made me cry a little more. As my sister tried to cheer me up by singing, i cried more. How can i explain this to you?! I can't.. I want to.. but i know you won't understand ;
Hey hey hey! ((: It's been a hell week. Wait sorry. second day of the week. It's tuesday baby! Tuition was not so fun. Carin wasn't there. well, half the class wasn't that. but yeah.. Sister and i finally broke the curse i think. haha. well, it's because every time I'm sad, she's happy and every time I'm happy she's sad. This curse thingy sad and happy.. it's not lke base on normal stuff. but base on our love life.. so yeahh. i'm sad, she's sad.; ANYWAY, it rained heavily today. A sign for me... a rainy day would always mean either lucky or sad. and today was sad. and it's true. so yeah. I couldn't stop singing such a sad love song.. and got that song stuck in my sister's head. haha! ((: Tomorrow going out with Nurlyana and Dhakshenya.. staying over too. can't wait.
It' feels so sad
It feels so cold
It feels so lonely ;
Blah Blah Blah... Really need to talk to Sien wei. I need to talk to you badly. I need you badly. I need your shoulder badly. I need your advice badly..
Apparently, I just wish I would let it goAshley thinks a fake smile wouldnt hurt, would it
Ashley signing off
12:11 AM
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Lately, something don't feel right ;

Hey hey hey!. I'm gonna blog today cause i know my blog will be very boring. and because i want my blog to be a little more interesting than just saying i'm not in the mood. well, today, i'mnot in the mood.. but i'm gonna blog loads.(i think)
Sunday- went 1u with Florence and Sabrina. Watched movie. Shopped and went home. My legs were killing me. I think it's the darn shoes. stupid shoes. Anyway, after that.. Came home tried the stuff i bought.It looks pretty. Thanks Florence. Nothing happened after that.
Monday- went for golf. injured myself. went for lunch. went to curve after lunch. came home. slept. dinner. tv. and blogging now ((:
The reason i'm not in the mood is.... something personal. need to talk to Sien wei about this... Been tearing over this situation...
Colours ;
It's late
I'm blogging
And my heart is breaking.
yes yes my heart is breaking. it's a long story thing.. friends yeah? think again. if this is what you call friends... then why are you only treating me harshly? i don't get you.. you said we can be friends. and you start being harsh. I've tried everything i could... you don't seem to understand. Because of all these, my heart is breaking.. This is something i want to talk to Sien Wei about. please ring me up! :'( I need youu badly.
Apparently, i give up trying so hard when I know that I will always break.Ashley just wishes to die
Ashley signing off
12:11 AM
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Open your heart and let me in ;

Hey hey hey!
t's Saturday right? haha!
Cause this morning i thought it was Sunday.
Stupid me. goosh.
I have nothing to blog about.
cause i'm just not in the mood right now.
Ashley signing off
9:46 PM
Practise Makes Perfect. Nobody is perfect in this world, so why do we keep practising?;

Hey hey hey! It's a Friday today. So fast. Ann, I'm gonna miss you. Things have been fun with you; We shall see about the Hong Kong trip (: Mum and I shall leave dad here =P hhaha. Girls trip (:
Anyway, i have nothing to blog about. As the earlier post, The one wishing my sister right. it was 12 am when i wrote that. but they put it on Wednesday. who cares... What should i blog about?My sister got such beautiful gifts from her friends...(jealous) hahaa. Well, i shall not complain much as i'm in pain again.!! dammn this pain man. ahh. I'm dying. I'm dying.
The sad part is that, Amy hated my page i did for her :'( nahs. not really hate. but.. dislike. :'( who cares.
Ni hao
Apa Khabar
Dammn man. Florence. choose a damn date alright. and please. try not to attend the last day of the camp as i wanna throw a surprise for someone (:
Apparently, i'm in painAshley is gonna miss Ann :'(
Ashley signing off
12:03 AM
Friday, August 14, 2009
Sweet sweet sweets ;
Happy birthday Amy Ng!
Sweet Sixteen yeah i see!? Well, You are getting old really fast and that means I am too. I know we've been harsh on each other, Especially me...
But the truth is, i will miss you when you are off to Aussie Aussie next year.
Next year sound far away, but it's fast to me.
So.. Anyway, enjoy your super sweet sixteen with your friend that is having a farewell party =P Oh oh oh and your Lagzana will be served.
If we have money to get one. Oh boy oh boy..
I hear loads of messages coming. and loads of phone calls. Such a busy girl... People people people. something called internet right?
That's where my friends wishes me. (:
But somehow amy, calling is the best ((:
AMY AMY AMY!! Wow! Sixteen already! Sixteen. Not a six year old girl anymore. Damn the time flies. Oh just enjoy your day Hun! (:
and and and. i just remembered, may this 14th of August be special to you!! Loveeeee youu Sis!!!
Ashley signing off
12:17 AM
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
With every love song, there's a lover ;

The title for this post is really random, but it's my new line. my favorite one now ((: Anyway, today was just a suckish day. and to Sien wei, is everything alright?!You don't sound that great.. Need to ring you up soon ;
Today- Woke up, nothing nothing nothing. Makan. nothing nothing nothing. Arm got worse. nothing nothing nothing. Leg feels injured. nothing nothing nothing. Watch badminton. nothing nothing nothing. Took a short nap. nothing nothing nothing. watch badminton. nothing nothing nothing. have dinner. nothing nothing nothing. tuition. nothing nothing nothing. Watch badminton. nothing nothing nothing. Watch CSI. nothing nothing nothing. Played with the clubs. nothing nothing nothing. Arm got worse. nothing nothing nothing. Mum bought food. nothing nothing nothing. Watched a drama love series. nothing nothing nothing. I've become such a boring person now. Well, it's just one day. Tomorrow, another big day. To Nurlyana, sorry. i can't make it. =/ i really want to go. but.. yeah;
Oh boy, Ashley is being a golf freak now and being weird and being not herself i guess? or just been crying over love movies and series because it reminds her about someone special? What should she do?! Just what should she do. OPINION please!((:
Onebighappyfamily! (:
Sien wei sien wei. What is wrong. Oh dear Sien Wei. Don't worry, your friends are here to rescue! oh sien wei sien wei. (:
Apparently,me need help peopleAshley loves Ann! (:
Ashley signing off
12:27 AM
Monday, August 10, 2009
It's a day with dreadful results ;

Hey hey hey! (: It's Monday today, (: GUESS WHAT? I played golf with Ann again. You know i thought today was Friday? hahah! Anyway, so as usal, picked them up. we went to the Bandar utama's course.(: So we played. and it was Ann's and Aunty Cheryl's first time driving a buggy. So what happen was that where we got our buggy, from that place to the 1st hole. It's dangerous for someone who doesn't know how to drive one and for someone who ain't good in driving one. So my dad drove my buggy, Uncle Boon Seong drove his buggy and my mum drove her buggy. Ann was suppose to be in my buggy =P so the first hole, when we were teeing off, another flight came.. which ain't good cause Ann and Aunty Cheryl are beginners and we need time, they need time. so, let them pass. First hole i drove. then Ann wanted to try, not too bad (: so we took turns. (((:
There was one hole which is so so so freaking dangerous! It was so steep and really down hill. Ann was driving that time and she didn't know it's down hill. so she drove and saw. and she freaked out drove very very slow(good thing) and then we stopped but found out our tee box was way more in front. and this was the part which was so scary. Ann couldn't control and it was DOWN HILL. and then she turned left which we were suppore to turn right. and we went up a slope, buggy nearly over turn and i nearly flew out. i don't blame her. even my mum couldn't really handle that hill. it was crazy! Oh yeah, and before that, Ann accidentally drove to fast and was so excited and she wasn't really looking.. there was a drain on her left okay, so she turned left. and quickly turn right. it was crazy!But it's okay. after that she was scared to drive cause she said she'll kill me. She kept saying that she was killing me the whole time in the buggy. but not really. just twice.=/
After the game, went and have lunch then we went to the golf tech thingy then we went and pick my sister up then we went to another golf shop. and yeah. it was tiring. I was so tired. Ann too. So after the golf shop, dropped them back. and came home. i was so happy to be home! (: SLEEP.!! I slept.. not long until dinner was ready and my brother annoyed me.! anyway, so then.. My injury got worst.(from golf earlier; It's my arm btw). So my mum's foot was already injured and she was so tired. sister massage her this time cause i'm injured too. Suddenly, my dad's leg was injured too. He said it is injured, but trust me.. it means he is tired. So yeah.=/ everyone is injured =/
Colours ;
Just let me find Ann alright!
Ahh! I so freaking tired now. and my leg and arm are killing me; what else can i say?! Oh yeah, STUPID STUPID CLUB! DOESN'T ALLOW ME TO TAKE MY HANDICAP TEST! "oh, you need to a pro to write a letter. You need you coach to write a letter" FREAKING HELL, MY MUM THREW IT AWAY! IT WAS 3 YEARS AGO! GOSHHHHHH! STUPID CULB! mum says just get a letter from my cousin. but dad says just go another club; (: I rather go with my dad =)
Apparently, i hate that club!Ashley thinks she should sleep now (:
Ashley signing off
11:11 PM
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Take me to your heart ;

Hey hey hey! So sorry for not updating for long.
`Thursday- nothing happened
`Friday-played golf and went out for dinner with my parents with their friends. Cutties! (: My age. i mean one of them ((: me likey!
`Saturday- Best day ever. Not really. I woke up at 10?! and turned on the computer watch this drama thingy that i'm crazy over now. and then went down at 2. ate and hmm.. waited till 6 and went to klang. had dinner with cousins! AWESOME! had karaoke in the room (: sang till we dropped. since my bro drove to klang and my parents drove another car, they went back first. so we sang and sang. went to cousin's place after that. it was about 11. we were so so so loud. ahha. woke the maid up for a while.=P and then we played hangman. came home at about 2. and i have an outing tomorrow and i'm gonna be half dead =P Oppsyy.
It's my decision
Just shut UP!
idiotic person. Why can't you just understand? Shesh! annoying freak. why can't you just shut up and think about what i said.!!
Apparently, i'm yawning =PAshley is so annoyed! Ashley signing off
2:08 AM
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I can't be someone that i don't want to be ;

Hey hey hey! Today was FUN! ((: Why? Okay i woke up early cause it was getting dark. and yeah. then it started raining.. and erm. couldn't go out and eat, was so hungry. Waited till 11:30? or was it 12. so erm. after that came home. Took a short nap and got change for the golf clinic. What's so fun about that? okay, so it was all the way at MINES. we drove there with Ann and Aunty Cheryl. Went there. looked at some Australian guy's tips. not bad. ((: Nice Accent ((: okay. then. guess what? Pak Se Ri CAME! don't know who? the Korean golfer. The first Asian golfer to win the LPGA something something.! ((: My dad said that she looked big and tall on tv. but in reality, she's big as in BUFF! and kinda short lah. Erm. she came along with her friend,. Another Korean player. Erm.. Birdie Kim?! yeah. so erm. She was so tall! Seriously! like super tall! Anyway, so Pak Se Ri coached for a while. Showed us some swings. She was like powerful long! hellooooo! So damn nice her shots. ! like. WOW! So then, Ann and I manage to get a picture with Birdie Kim, but dad wasn't good in taking photos so isn't that nice. but it was okay (: didn't get to take with Pak Se Ri cause she was rushing to another appointment! Stupid! but dad mange to capture me behind her while she's taking a picture with the stupid national girls team.!
But hello! At least i manage to get her autograph and i manage to be behind her when she was on ESPN sports center.! =PPPP yippppe! hahahhaa. It was fun. Went and have dinner after that.. talked to Ann about shopping and shoes and whatever lah. So Ann suggested to my parents to ask them to come over. Hope i can! ahh! but they won't take me to hong kong. TRUST ME! :'( I came back. and yeah.. hahaha! it was actually fun! (: Having a pro to give us tips and all! (:
Colours ;
see you on friday
Playing golf =PP
Oh yeah, did i mention, i saw some of my friends in BU3 when i passed BU3! lucky i was just in the car and no one saw me ((:
Apparently, i think lateef should mine his own business!Ashley loved today! (:
Ashley signing off
8:49 PM
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
It's who i used to be ;

Sorrry for not updating my blog. As you guys can see, I've changed my blogskin and my playlist. There's 8 songs in there. Was gonna add another one. but nahs. Will do it next time. (:
On monday, which was yesterday, Nothing happened. ! Urgh. i'm so lazy to update my blog because there's nothing happening. I mean if we are in school, there will be loads more to update.. But damn! oh yeah, today was suppose to be the sleepover at Nurlyana's place but i can't make it. Sorry! And it's only Faria and Sabiha that are staying. Elana can't stay but can go over. haha! aww. ELANA! why must you leave this SATURDAY!? Why? Gonna miss you so much. daaaamn.
Colours ;
I feel FREE
Like a bird
Flying in the sky! (:
Yeah yeah. i'm crazy now. Only Ainaa knows about this thingy. and erm.. damansara-ians. (: But people will find out soon. People like Elana,Faria and Nurlyana... They'll yell at me if they found out. haha! i think. Oh yeah, i forgot Flora too. Hmm. Flora, when are we going to sign up for jobs? and where? You are like the other side of malaysia. hahaha! jokes jokes. well,you stay so freaking FAR! how are we gonna work together'? goshh. haha!!
Apparently, i'm going crazy ((:Ashley 's not loving anyone except friends (:
Ashley signing off
11:31 AM
Sunday, August 2, 2009
JackPOT! ;

It was a day when i wish it wouldn't end ;
Hey hey hey! Today was great. Went 1 utama with Benjamin Beh, Ch'ng Xin, Ding Yi Tane, and Lee yew Fei ; Well, It wasn't great the first few hours.. I mean it was okay but not for Ben; He was the only guy. Yew fei hasn't arrived yet. He said he'll come at 1 and he wasn't here yet. then we called again he said he'll come after his hair cut with is about 2:30 ; Still, no sign of him. FINALLY! he came! What time was it? 4! WOWWWW! it was suppose to be 12 not 4. ahaha! but it's because he sneaked out from his mum and all.. Naughty kid but smart. hahaa! Anyway, it was fun with them. ((: Missed you guys. Hope to see you guys next week if i can make it.! Oh yeah, and we hit the JACKPOT of the candy machine! go us! I brought back like loads and my mum started asking what happened. i told her everything and she said at least get money not sweets and she suggested to go to the night market to sell all these sweets. ahha!
Coulours ;
I'm sorry.
No one is perfect
I hope you'll understand ;
I'm really sorry to that someone. It's not your fault but it's mine. It's my choice and everything was my fault! EVERYTHINGG! please, I'm really really sorry ;
Apparently, it's a nice day
Ashley wishes he would understand ;
Ashley signing off
11:54 PM