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Saturday, October 31, 2009
I'm done pretending ;

Heyy there! ((: Yesterday went to a Halloween party that.. hmm LOIS invited me to (: So i got to see Ch'ng Xin(about time),Jean, Elena,Lois,Yk,Ee Jye, Sarah, Ann.. and I met some other people.. (: I missed the fun part which was the water bit. oh well.They had this haunted house thingy. so it looked like it was a total messed up. Oh well, first try.. no harm. (: fast forward people. so the girls did some cheerleading. the boys was suppose to go against them.. but sadly, they are too scared.. FAST FORWARD MORE..

my brother picked me up.. then we went to Mc.D to take away.. went to the drive thru.. ordered. and this was so funny :

Derrick Mc.D dude

Is that all ?!
No no no. I want Barbeque sauce
Is that all sir?
Is that all?
Oh yeaah. yeaah. that's all. thank youu.
Total is 37.10.
What! So expensive*wine up the window*

Drove to the counter and paid. Because there were loads of people, we had to wait. so my brother put on a song and started dancing. the dude saw and was likeSHOCKED! nyaha. so funny!!! OMFG! I hate the dude whoever bang my bro's car. it's so stupid!!!! IT WAS HIS FAULT!!!!! no my brother's fault.!

OMGG! today is the day We've all been waiting for.*music starts playing* dennng deeeng deeng.


Loni's party is gonna be a blast and the sleepover too. but not the transportation bit. nyahhaa. anywaaaaaay, I CAN'T WAIT maaaan!! Going to Nurlyana's place to get ready. Nurlyana's plan was to go later so it'll be a grand opening for us. nyaha. It'll be so funny and cool maaan.! =P

Oh oh oh, gonna change my blogskin again.. sorrrry. ! (: So if it's private, dont ask me to invite youu or dont ask why.!

Apparently, I'm over CHOCOLATE MAN! =P

Ashley loves A ! (:
Ashley signing off

10:15 AM
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I've been through it before

Hey hey hey! I'm just gonna blog shorty cause I'm so so so tired. !! so what is there to blog?! Yes. i stayed up till1 am to do my ART! and freaking Art teacher didn't look at it. FISH YOUU! I'm so tired now!


goodnight people!!

Apparently, i can't type properly at all!!!

Ashley wanna slap myslef!!

ashley signing off

8:31 PM
Sunday, October 25, 2009
All i can do is to see you walk away ;

I've been watching you walking away slowly with a broken heart. but can;t you see that I'm also heart broken? ;

Hey hey Hey! I just got back from Jess's place. We had a study sleepover thingy! (: SUCCESSFUL! we shall do that next time wit Nurlyana and Faria next time (: haha! aww. I miss Faria. So things wasn't good just now. i was so freaking sad. everything was messed up :( anyway, so went over to Jess's did homework.. took picutres. did some video .. randomness. and then had dinner at 6:30. JESS why in the world do you eat so early? anyway, made some videos. homework.. online. and went for a swim/football. we played more football than swim. (: so yeah. Alex.M's house was so so dark. he sleeps so early..hahaa. in the morning.. woke up at 10:41.. online. changed.. lunch.. swim.. videos. Alex.M doesn't come out at all. haha. and i didn't know his house was the first house. ahha. lucky then .(: So i came home.. wacthed tv. i slept. was so tired. had dinner and here i am.! (:


3 people at the same day?! not good! :(

I've tried everything i could, i tried not to love you so much, but i can't. Everything jsut reminds me of you.. Evrything i do, everything i listen to. How am i suppose to get over you?

Apparently, I'm freaking out!

Ashley signing off


9:52 PM
Saturday, October 24, 2009
It was goodbye again ;

Hey hey hey! haven;t been updating! okay. i shall update a short post.

Wednesday, went to Tim's party. Jess and Nurlyana sleptover. slept really late. next day woke up early. sent Jess to her mummy. shopped with Nurlyana... Came back. Nurlyana went home..

Friday. which is today. Did homeworks.... nothing much.

I love my mum.. she's so cool.

I have nothing to blog now.
I might change my blog skin! (:

Ashley signing off


12:19 AM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I've been broken too many times ;

I've been aware of how much pain i would have to go through if i said yes ;

Hey hey hey! (: i haven't blog maan! okay. Sunday, went out with Tanaya and Nurlyana and Denny. Watched a movie, shopped and went to Elana's! Omgg! Me love SUNDAY! so Yoo Jin was there. we talked, chat.. and yeaah. pictures.. WE MISS YOU ELANA!!! then had dinner with some families.! omgg. Lucas or was it Marcus was so so cute! aww. :( I tried to make byrce and all talk loads..but failed! :( but then. all the families came over to Elana's and Bryce was in Elana's room the whole time. and George too.!! it was fun!

but the had to leave :( so Bryce started annoying us.. and bla bla blaa. fast forward!!! Monday. woke up at 9! had breakfast... used the computer. sent Yoojin down. came back up.. showered. used computer.. Lunch. hang around.. went home.. =/ Rest..

TUESDAY=TODAY. Woke up. ate.. went and picked my sister. went for this Uni thingy.. oh my gravy god. University of western Australia sounds cool! (: anyway, came home. decided to play golf. quickly went and packed.. and yeaah. came home. and here i am! and omggg. BAD NEWS!

SHIT SHIT SHIT! Nurlyanaa! save me! Save me. tomorrow is gonna suck!! and rock a bit.! Shit shit shit!!!!!

OMG! I've been texting loads. NO GOOD! NO GOOD!!!

Ohh. and i saw a hot guy today! wooo! *burning*!!

I've been broken before. not once but twice. so how are you gonna expect me to say yes?

Apparently, i'm excited about tomorrow! (:

Ashley thinks he's so so sexy!
Ashley signing off

10:58 PM
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Hope that you'll know how much i love you ;

It's been a while that I've told you how much i love you ;

Hey hey hey hey! I'm blogging now. On a Sunday morning and not yesterday cause.. If i dont update. it'll be dead till Monday. Why?! going for a hangout and after that for a sleepover at Elana's! Can't wait.! Yipeee! Omg! Yesterday dinner was so so touching! :(

The whole point of the dinner is to celebrate my grandparents 50th anniversary! and they didn't know.! So when they came, all the grandchildren ran in(including me) and queue in a line. and close the door. then when my aunt opened it, my cousin started playing a song. and then they were so so so so SURPRISED! They sat down and all the grandchildren start going up to them and wished them!! After wishing, my grandfather cried.. not my grandmother. then then then. when we changed sit. both of them cried.awww! so touchy! :(

So we ate watched a movie.. and we gotta go back early cause my mum wasnt feeling well :( daammn. and and .. one of my aunt was so so funny. she asked my cousin about her relationship. and then.. she was like"you cannot trust guys.! but break up now better than have no boyfriend right?" and then she yelled again"what! your mum ask you to marry someone?" my cousin didn't even finish her sentence and she start yelling. hahahaa!!

So i came home. went online for a while. slept at 1. sister tucked me to bed.!I know i know. so baby-ish.!! oh oh oh, and i cried! for some sad reasons.! =) i got to go and get ready now laaah!

Even though i still love you, i need to move on and i need to forget about us cause i know things between us won't work out...

Apparently, i think i'm over you

Ashley says goodbye!

Ashley signing off


8:56 AM
Friday, October 16, 2009
Oh baby, I jsut want to be alone tonight ;

And I walked away ;

Hey hey hey PEOPLE! TODAY.. Muffy day.. yipee. haha. okay. so in the morning, let me see. what happened. err. OUr bus arrived really really early today. haha! 1st lesson was.. MALAY. we took pictures and drew some characters... Then it was break. saw Dk.. haha. Michelle. why do you want was to hug? you are so so random. so Michelle kept pushing me to hug dk. and then George was like give me a hug. so i gave him a hug first. then gave dk a hug... So yeah. Dk went back later. oh yeah.Michelle was making him jealous by saying we are engaged.! =P haha!!

Then it was Science. we did a practical and it was so much fun! (: then Mandarin. i almost slept. it was so so BORING! then Lunch.! ELANA!! woo-ho! then.... Maths. BOOOOOOOO! it was so so boring. the stuff is so so easy to do! ENGLISH! oh yeah!! Ms.Daw let us enjoy. i mean.. for the first 15 minutes i think. she asked us to try to finish our poem. So MIchelle, Ainaa and I went to the ICT room and print out ours.! (: took pictures. went to the library.and ringggg. SCHOOL's OUT and we are here to SHOUT! and PARTY like a CELEBRITY! woo-hoo!!! !!

On the bus.. hmm. Ken and Lateef somehow was getting along. thanks to me.. muahhaaa.! (: So yeah. we chat and all. it was a okay chat.. I wasn't feeling too good.. for some reason..(not telling you) Anyway, I came back did nothing. came online. did nothing. had dinner. did loads of stretching ! (:

Oh yeah, did i mention Faria was being crazzy on the bus. She kept saying" I see i see i see it! You two will look cute together! i see i see i see it!"!

So yeaaah. Hmm
Let me try to type out the poem. that is if i remember it. (:

Not a red rose or a satin heart.

I give you a pencil,
A gift to write your feelings,
Your true feelings.

Erase it..
If you dare.
But memories will be kept unsaid.

Pick a colour,
and start sketching the hidden secret.
If you can't figure it out,
Maybe we were just not meant to be ;

Take it, I insist.
I never thought i would say this,
But i love you .

So yeaah. it's stupid. the ending bit..
I can't wait for Sunday!
Are we going straight to Elana's?
Who's gonna send us??!

Apparently, i think today's pictures are sexy!(:

Ashley might have a second thought

Ashley signing off

6:43 PM
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Maybe we were just not meant to be ;

Hey hey hey!
Omg. Today was suppose to be sports day! Fishing hell. ! Stupid weather! Why must it rain.. but anyway, today wasn;t that day. well, except for maths. Okay.. let be take you back. We were on the way to the stadium and that's when the bus driver got a call and was told to send us back to school. Went to school, didn't know it was break. but we took loads of picture (: we had Ms.A after break. then stupid MATHS! everyone was having fun except us! Damn you Mr.D! Then it was History. I almost slept. we watched something. but i was so so tired cause i woke up at 4 in the morning. i couldn't sleep. thinking what will happen today. but it was alright.

Thank you Alex for understanding but i still feel guilty. and thanks for the hug too. hhaa! and Michelle, what the heck. it's just a hug! hello.! what's so so cute about that?!So English and Art was rock-ish.! haha! Ainaa, Michelle and I. Our pencils.! are long and the leads are thick (:

Our poem rocks! I shall write it to you next time =P

I'm tired. I'm getting really cold.! Oh god damn it.! I'm so so sick! :(

Apparently, things are gonna be awkward on Friday

Ashley thinks he's nice (:
Ashley signing off

8:22 PM
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I wasn't prepared yet ;

I wasn't prepared enough for that love ;

Hey hey hey! Omg. so today i wasn't in school. and apparently, loads of stuff happened. Yoo Jin, i dont blame you. you didn't know it was a joke... So yeah. what can i blog about today? all i can say is that i slept so so so much. and my ankle is so much better and so as my flu.! yipee. say hello to Ashley from Fairfield. and be very scared of her. cause she's gonna own you guys! =P well, yeahh. maybe., hopefully.!

Anyway, i love you daddy. but i feel mean too. thanks for the lovely phone.!(: now it got me addicted to PINK! omgg. PINK! hahaha! I have a set of headphones and it's pink and white. so totally match my phone. but it wouldn't fit. so i gotta use the plain white one that they gave me :( how sad is that.. Oh MY freaking GOD! tomorrow is gonna suck so so much!

I can predict that tomorrow isn't gonna be a good day. even today isn't a good day.! daaamn.Well, i need to have a good sleep and not think about this. well, i need to think how am i gonna answer Alex. so yeahh. but the rest should be okay. Dk's one. should be okay. it's just awkwardness. nothing much. haha! (: tadaaa. Oh shooot! I haven't pack my stuff.! I'll pack it tomorrow!! but for now, i'm gonna sleep! (:

Apparently, I'm freaking out so much!

Ashley wishes she didn't said what she did ;
Ashley signing off

11:31 PM
Monday, October 12, 2009
I dont believe everything happiness says ;

people people people! Went to school with a running nose and an injured ankle.! and the first thing to start off the day is with an assessment.!!! i was the last one in. obviously.. i was freezing till death during English, but couldn't be bothered to ask to turn it up. After that was break. went to the library. and it was fun.. Charlie was so so so CUTE! and yes again, Charlie forgot my name.!! It was Dt. I rock at it.. haha! =P i really lke this project we are doing =P then History. i was about to go to the Nurse. but then.. i was like " naah. ic an stand it" but in the end.. i couldn't! i was dying. cause I couldn't sneeze and so my eyes starts to water and then i feel sleepy. plus, we were watch stupid truth of the battle somme. something like that..

LUNCH! the queue was so so LONG! cut line, shared with Jess. Went to Titanic. went for Drama.. I ENjoyed drama today. Nurlyana looked so cute and gangster-ish.. Oh oh oh, Navin said i looked cool at the last bit =P nyahahaa.. so then it was Mandarin. had an assessment too. i finished quite early so i slept for 15 minutes. haha =P woke up. and felt better. but really ILL. I skipped Badminton today cause of my ankle. So on the bus, i was almost about to die.!! In the car, i was dying too came back showered and had some food and rest till dinner. didn't eat much during dinner. went to see the doctor cause i was dying. =P so I need rest.

WON'T BE IN SCHOOL TOMORROW! i know everyone's day would suck.. cause i rock =P nyahhaa.!

OMGG.. I'm sleepy now..

"They say he's kind, but to me, his a player.. They say he'll love you with all his heart.. Not anymore.. I said i didn't love him anymore but the truth is, i still do. and it's because he made me smile somehow. Every where i turn, every where i go, every word i hear. it all jsut reminds me of him. and now, i gotta face him when he comes to visit. How am i gonna do that so?"

Apparently, i'm sleepy =P

Ashley thinks she should let go.
Ashley signing off


9:44 PM
Sunday, October 11, 2009
When i say hey, you say bye ;

Yeah, i miss you. and yes, i wish that you would be right next to me now. Everything seems to be cold to me, i don't wanna tell you who you are cause i know that you'll know it's you.. I don't wanna say i love you again cause i was the one who made the mistake for letting go for some reason. I've never thought it mean so much to me ;

Hey hey hey. Yesterday, the sexy ASS volleyball got 3rd. haha! =P they were all so happy cause it was their first time getting a medal from volleyball. And I've injured myself. My ankle. so I ran for every ball and fell loads of time on my back and my body. it hurts now. My left arm is weak. so yeahh :(

I still need to do ICT! daaamn ;

Ashley signing off


11:56 AM
Friday, October 9, 2009
When i say i do, means i do. ;

Saw this effect on picnik and i was like. Neeh, what the heck, let's try it out. it turns out scary.. it scared the crap out of my sister =P

I got to say what i got to.
But now I'm just running out of time
Chasing back I've let go.

I'm out.!

Volleyball tomorrow! Big dayy!

Ashley signing off

xoxo ashleylicious

10:03 PM
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I said i love you, didn't you hear me? ;

Hey hey hey hey! Flora wasn't in school. she's sick. or either that.. got hooked up last night and is tired to get up to go to school... JOKES!

So i had to retake. and Mr.M was so so cool today. haha. seriously. i think it's cause of the baby!!! Seriously. even when i was reatking the test he was like"woo. Look what i won today?*bounds the ball*" So yeah.. Drama, Ms.B looked so so sad... WHY MUST I ALWAYS GOTTA BE THE WIFE?! OR THE PERSON THAT IS LONELY OR HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH?! WHY?!

I'm just gonna blog really short. I'm tired okay.! omgg. shit this. first Lateef and now Denny?! Faria. why weren't you in school today:( you know KEN sat next to me... out of the sudden; screw him! and by judging by the look on Lateef's face, he wanted to sit next to me. so Lateef and I were being really really sick. and oMGG! shandi and Aditya now is like" woo. ashley i see the love*do the love sign*" The love between Lateef and I?? We are just close friends lahhh... So I fixed theproblem between KEN and Lateef. but still, Lateef and I still kinda hate him.

* Whenever i look at you two, all i could think of him.. The way you guys look at each other, be there for each other.. You guys look so great together.. All i feel like doing now is to cry. Not cause I'm sad, it's cause I'm happy for you... The way you tell me how it happened.. A ringing bell keep ringing in my head.. and he's name jsut pops up. dammn. and i thought i was over it. =/"

Apparently, i'm screwed.

Ashley thinks i should kill myself!
Ashley signing off



9:39 PM
Monday, October 5, 2009
Stop staring and do something! ;

Omggg. School was OKAY! not the bit where the test came along. I mean. First thing in the morning. TEST ! next thing break. break was.. boring?! Science. OMG! Mr.M didn't mark our papers. makes me go ahhh! I'm so scared.!! ahhhhh! After science was....Geography. 1 hour sitting there writting essay. Stupid TILL! Shut up would you. and STOP FEELING ME!! Lunch was very tiring.! Flora and i went to look for Nurlyana and Faria. where we go and who ever we ask, they go like :" Oh, they were just here" how annoying is that? Asked Tanaya first and he said not in the library. the last place we went was the library and there he was with them! stupidd! Imagine how much we we've been through... Flora chasing me to lift my skirt up. ohh well. malay. BORING. Mandarin. BORING!!

Badminton. Jennifer smashed my head. I couldn't be bothered to play thanks to stupid Edison, Start talking about hi everyday! SHUT UP WOULD YOU. so Alvin wasn't in the mood too. Sat next to Alvin. He was so so sad. :( Ken was trying to be cool by siting behind.just because I'm there and he has no one to tlak to. SUCKER!

Had a weird conversation with Lateef and Nurlyana. haha! Nurlyana. i know right. it's so so sad that he doesn't even remember. Lateef, i can't believe you dont remember :( Aww. then I started saying i was sad cause of the sad songs then Nurlyana went sad and Lateef too. haha! If just If Faria was there. it'll be cool man! (:


Apparently, I'm crazy!

Ashley wants you!
Ashley signing off


10:05 PM
Sunday, October 4, 2009
It's never the same to me anymore ;

Everything always start off just as friends and soon love. ;

Hey hey hey. Haven't been blogging.. why?? busy lah. or either too tired. okay so... On Saturday i went out with the awesomeness fruity girls. =P Sze yen and Florence. Bumped into Nurlyana and her mum. shopped shopped watched ugly truth. It's good! (: So i left the last. Apparently, Tristan saw me.. so there wasn't any hot guys. until... when i was walking alone. hahaha...

After the outing. came back and rest. went to a dinner at my used to be neighbour place.It's amazing. it's HUGE! and omgg. they grew so much since long time ago. omgg. so hot now man. haha =P and and and. one of the friend is so freaking hot. damn this.!! I felt like i was on a holiday. It's like a resort.!!! SERIOUSLY!. haha!!

Today. nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing.!! Stupid people commenting on the stupid facebook thingy jsut because i got lateef and he has me.!! omggggg!


Omgg. I'm in such a weird conversation with yf, ben, and yen. help me!

Apparently, my elbow hurts badly

Ashley is in a sick conversation
Ashley signing off


9:52 PM
Friday, October 2, 2009
It's all worth the wait. ;

Stop all the yelling and crying, Take a break and start sharing again ;

hey hey hey hey hey hey hey PEOPLE! Omgg. It's the weekends already.! FINALLY! I'm so so ANNOYED today. During mandarin which was like. the 3rd period, i thought when the bell goes school's over. but it's LUNCH! I'm still kinda mixed up with the timing. i mean. it feels longer lahhh! What is there to blog some more? I think Tanaya and Nurlyana are so so cute together.! dammn girl.!

Today was JEANS for GENES! got to wear jeans to school and any top. aha! (: so i wore a simple one duuh. Faria one was cool. So as Nurlyana. one thing. Almost everyone was wearing like tank tops. haa.! Flora looked so sexy and hot man. but she was wearing a hoodie. i looked GoooooD in her hoodie and she looked good in Michelle's. and yeah. I gotta give it back after break cause Michelle needs it for science. I had a science test. and it was actually easy. i hope i could score high. =/ After Science was Mandarin.. yeah .. and lunch. Lunch nothing much happened. it was MATHS NEXT! the JOY! not! lucky Mr. DICK had the year 11 thingy to do. but still. it was HELL! then it was ENGLISH! what a nice day to end with.but it was fun. we played a game. (:

On the bus. I was so so bored and started playing "I spy with my Sexy, dirty little/big eyes" yeah. why? cause Faria was reading and had no one to talk to. except for Navin. so Navin was like just staring behind cause there was nothng to do so i started the game. and then Elliot came and played for a while then Lateef came and played. So yeah. After Navin left. it was boring then. So Lateef and I just talked about stuff. we started talking in Malay. haha! Randomness. Actually it's Malay+ Chinese. Then Ken sat next to me. Fish him man. There was this thing i had right. and he wanted to take it without my PERMISSION! fish you!! so i slapped his hand and yelled. then he still wanna take it. i hit his hand harder and yelled at him for being so sad.! Then he started talkiing about his fats.! =P so then i asked Lateef something. and He didn't answer cause Ken was there. and yeah. So Lateef jsut gave me the answer like... 1-2 hours ago?! yeah. SHOCKING right NURLYANA!. very shocking.!

Today wasn't such a good day. ! What Lateef replied. and how did that dude called me and had an awkward silence. omgg. SICK CONVERSATION! ahaa! ohh boy here we go again!

Apparently, tomorrow is so way gonna be fun!

Ashley thinks you are so so COOL!

Ashley signing off




11:11 PM
Thursday, October 1, 2009
One , Two, Three ;

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey! Omgg. Floraaaaaaaaa! Mummy said yes.
So today.. During lunch, we were acting like children. haha! Splashing water to each other. i wonder who started it first.. I forgot. hahaa.! anyway.. TOMORROW, JEANS FOR GENES.. yes yes yes. So what top should i wear. hahaa. (: *checking my cupboard*

*10 minutes later*
NOTHING! haha. oh well. check later. can't be bothered to go and see. haha!

today was BAD! nahh. only MUSIC! i suck so so so much. i wanna die! dammn stupid music.! DT was cool! (: MATHS was HELL! omgg. and it was first. i was gonna die man! it was HELL! one good thing is that MAX! finally stopped poking me today..! FINALLY! and then.. everything in maths is so so so EASY today. i mean. come on. even a 12 year old or even a 10 year old can do that.. GIVE ME A BREAK DICK!! muahaha. I'm overreacting about MR.D!!

Oh poor Faria and Nurlyana needa do RUNNING! and FOOTBALL today.. why the hell do you put like P.E and games on the same day. stupid people!!!

I have nothing to blog lah. OMGG! what what? i think TANAYA is annoyed by me. Sorry Tanaya! :( haha!

Quote of the day" sorry maaam.. you have to stay back maaaaam.! stay away maaam. Keep a distance away from her maaaam"

haha i know right. so on the bus.! haha. Navin oh Navin. you are weird. and i dont know why i'm saying that, adn Faria oh faria.. so sexy lahhh! (: haha. STUPID CHICKEN THAT WOULDN'T SHUT UP! omgg.

omgg. and i yelled at Ken for yelling at Faria.. and he kept quiet. muahah. good boy!!


Apparently, i need to do my story!

Ashley thinks Ken should stop showing off
Ashley signing off


6:04 PM
The girl.♥
AshweeB Friends Strawberries Heartbreaks

The girl's needs♥

Youuuu (:

Whisper into my ears♥

It's a whole new world♥
Alany, Een Xien
Amelia Chai
Amy Ng
Ben Jing
Caridee Lim
Carin Gan
Ch'ng Xin
Chelsea Chang Xiao Xi
Collin Yong
Ding Yi Tane
Gan Le Yin
Hui June
Ixora Chuah
Jia Shuan
Leong Wong Seng
Lee Qin Yu
Lee Yew Fei
Lois Low Qi
Lydia Gan
Megan Lai
Michelle Kouk
Michelle Tan
Minn Hwei
Nicholas Teh
Ng Shea Zheng
Sabrina Lim
Samantha Louise Robless
See Sien Wei
S.F.A- Sienwei,Florence,Ashley
Sze Ling
Sze Yen
Tiffany Low
Timothy Ng
Wai Mun
Yi En

Lost days♥

March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011