Thursday, December 31, 2009
Somebody safe me from this sadness ;
*2009, 29th December*
"I opened my eyes, looked at myself in the mirror and asked, how did i grow so fast? It felt like it was just yesterday when i was 3 years old. and now I'm 13, going on 14. I was just thinking and talking about this just a few hours ago. We used to be so childish and now, when we look at those children, doing what we used to do, we would just go. ahh, you're so childish... Time just pass too fast"Hey there. Sorry for not blogging for few days.. anyway, Tuesday, met Sze yen, Ee Xien and Ci Xuan. ahha! woo. saw Yang lao shi. saw Ch'ng xin too. so yeah. We shopped. discount(: haha. hmm. after that, went over to Sze yen's place for a sleepover.. stupid shop closed so early.. so we bought the ingredients for our so cal cupcakes. we failed. it turned out to be MUFFINS. well, we slept late.. was so hyper.. haha. we kinda tricked Yun Kai. haha! HILARIOUS.!!! oh oh oh. and Sze yen's mum came in half way when we were doing a random video. ahha!!!
Came home from Sze yen's place and rest.. went to Klang to meet cousins again (: AWESOME. sadly, can't go to their place to be all crazzy!! But we had an awesome time at the restaurant. (: Wooo. tomorrow. Nurlyana's place. Sorry Sien wei, can't go over. and next time, let me meet your darlinggggg!!
Oh oh ohh,
SHEA ZHENG!! SLAP BEN JING IF HE DARES TO SAY/DO SOMETHING THAT LEADS TO ABOUT WHAT I TOLD YOU GUYS!Oh oh ohh. lalala.! I don't know what I'm talking abouuut. ahhh. ahhh. Oh yeah,
SHEAZHENG! AFTER TOMORROW, TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED OKAY? and Carin GAN! we need to see each other again giiirl!
IT'S 12:59 now! (:
Apparently, I'm laughing so muuch
Ashley wishes he would never stop making me laugggh (:
Ashley signing off
12:21 AM
Monday, December 28, 2009
Everytime I close my eyes, all I see is you. ;
*2009, the day after Halloween*
"Cause when it comes to you, there's nothing else i can do"Hey there peeps (: Today today todaay. What about todaay?! I was suppose to have the whole day off. but nooooo. I couldn't go to Samantha's party either. grrr. Omg! shhuuot. I just remembered, the pictures in my phone, with my sexay cousin. ahha!!
I have nothing to blog about. NURLYANA! I know you're not online now as you're moving! urrggh.! i wonder how nice is your room. aha! (: when shall we meet up??! ((((((((:
Hmm... So, my sister, mum and I are falling sick.ohbooooy. =/ OMG! THURSDAY. : '( it's so fast... 2009.. I remembered how my 209 started.. With a broken heart and have food poisoning. wow. haha... wow. what a year...
Oh oh ohh. gonna cut my hair. hmm.. sometime next week. i think... err.. On Monday?! hahaa. nyahaa. about time. suppose to be like. few weeks ago. but couldn't... OMG! HOMEWORK ARE KILLING ME!! urrgh. I don't get it. Why must we have so much science homework. urrgh. jeez. take a breaak maan.. it's the holidays..HOLIDAYS in the dictionary= A day free from work that one may spend at leisure ; a period in which a break is taken from work or studies for rest. SEEE SEE SEE. jeezzz.!!! Omg. i seriously need one now. a long break. long holiday.! I don't even have time to do my homework. as my maid went home. omgg, people,teachers, gives us a BREAK!
hehehohohhaha. how are you guys spending your new year's eve? I'm gonna spend it with.... NO ONE. i guess. Nurlyana haven't ring me up. neither have my other friends. i guess i gotta plan myself.. oh wait. if no one rings me up, I'm going with my cousin. haha! Hmm. or. i can go with...... lalala.. Hmm. naahh... haha! maybe I'll spend it alone.. I'm such a loner, i know i know. as if you readers aren't. =P
He's not on : '( hope everything is alright.
Apparently,I'm waiting.!Ashley thinks everyone he's hot (:
Ashley signing off
9:50 PM
Sunday, December 27, 2009
When you say nothing at all ;
*2009, Shea zheng's place*
"I would just wanna fly away with you. Just the two of us. In that empty city & empty street. Holding hands, side by side.. together forever. I wished upon the stars that I would find someone like you.. I don't know how to tell you this but.. I would want to have a whole day spent with you. I love youu. "Hey there peeps! haha! Omg. it's 2:55 and I'm blogging. yeah yeah. you guys thnk. so?1 not a biggy. but it's in the morning. (: anyway.. hmm. today i woke up late as cause i slept at 3:30 the previous night. Mum woke me up. Quickly did house chores. shower got ready and went to Shea Zheng's place. (; haha! It was so muuch fun.! Pictures tell some of the funness. but if you were there. you'll love it. ahha! And yes Sien wei, We all changed. ahha! coughs coughs.. I'm sorry for being so SICK compared to last time. ahha! and Ben Jing, you ain't my teacher. I'm your teacher. ahah! (: Sadly, i had to leave FIRST! : '( came home, met my mum's friend. took a nap. was exhausted. woke up. went on Fb and started uploading everything. got to go to Auntie's place. haha! it was a BLAST! (:
Surprisingly, my cousin. haha! We were like HELL CRAZY! oh oh oh. when we were in the KARAOKE room, which is next to the pool. kinda of/sort of pool. anyway. we saw like two guys wrestling each other. haha! (: and one of my cousin said they were gaying and all the small cousins looked. tsk tsk tsk.. so blah blah blaah. pictures all in my phone.. as cause camera battery went dead from Shea zheng's place. haha!. At the ending bit. it was HILARIOUS! (: One of my cousin walked passed and said " DON'T SMOKE, DON'T DRINK. IF YOU WANT TO DRINK, DON'T DRINK BEER, DRINK WINE!!" haha! HILARIOUS maan that girl. ahha!! and yes, i do agree with my cousin i looked like i was going for a dance lesson. ahha! (: Wooo. my daddy said i looked goooooooooood! (: nyahhaaaa.
So sister got hungry dropped by and makan.. came home. and here. kinda of. here i am.ahha! (: I'm so tired now. Oh yeah, YIP!!! get better yeaah. that headache will go away (((:
Oh.. & i think i saw a shooting star. NO KIDDING! (:
Apparently, I'm sooo loving youu =P
Ashley wishes today never ends
Ashley signing off
12:48 AM
Thursday, December 24, 2009
There were so many great memories ;
*2008 memories*
"I turned around looking back at the calender, thinking to myself how did the year gone past so fast? Blink of an eye, a year gone, a few friends gone, a few tears were shed."Hey peeps.! (: Okaay. I shall bloooog. about..? hmm. yesterday? that shit day?? it wasn't a shit day! I got to see ELANA! haha! when i arrived.. Elana said that Yip is coming. and I was like. WHAT?! wow. shocking.. lala. so went shoppingg... and the guys came into FOREVER 21. haha! the guys just sat down. and the girls jsut like.yeaah.and walked out. ahha. and the guys kept following us so we went well, Annabel and Elana went into the lingerie shop. ahha! and the guys stayed a distance.. and we quickly went away.. the guys was still behind.. and we finally lost them. ahaha! So met the guys at Carls Jr. ahha!.. IT WAS FREAKING HUGE. i was so full. so.. we tricked Yip. he looked so worried... aww. I'm sorry.. so blah blah blaaah.
Parents picked me up from Elana's place... went for dinner.. caught in the jam.. sister needed to pee, dad drove fast.. mum cracked a kinda lame joke.. as cause a car hon us. and my mum said i think that dude needs to pee too. listen to his car hon. wow. mum. it was kinda lame.. so after my sister pee, went to 1u.. shopped. urrgh. so tired. i have no mood to shop laah stupid! anyway, i saw a nice bag.. mum and dad goes like no no nolallalala blah blah blah. urrgh. stop blaming me or scolding me alright. I have enough pain in my life already.! jeez.a nd my sister got mad. wow. when i was helping her. what the hell!! after shopping.. went to the bank. brother called. have to go back to 1u area.. to pick him up from 1 world hotel.. urrggh.. and mum went bllaah again! urrggh!!
So anyway, chat with Floraa.
and Floraaaa. I feel like I'm losing them.. I dont want to. I really miss those memories back when my friends and I just love to fight over stupid things, chase each other when we are mad. and hit each other. =/
Floraa, I'm crying again.! : '( Help me! pleaseee! I need that hug of yours now. !!! : '(
Apparently, everything was worth waiting for
Ashley wants time to seriously stop : '(
ashley signing off
1:08 PM
Monday, December 21, 2009
It's just too fast ;
"The moment the bell rang. My heart started aching. I knew after the bell rang, you won't be here anymore.. You won't be here to hit me anymore. You won't be here to be our lawyer.. I don't want to shed a tear. Not because i don't care about you. but because i must face the fact. that in life, people come and go. Nurlyana, I'm just scared. I don't know why"hey people.! Wow. been so freaking long since I've updated.! Guess what? I went to Penang on Friday with Nurlyana! Awesome. haha. Nurlyana, jet skiing. (: Oh yeah. and on Thursday. SADDEST DAY EVER. I would not talk about it. it just breaks my heart more. anyway, so came home on Sunday. was exhausted... on MONDAY which is today. it was cool cool (: except the fact that i was so freaking tired that i have to wake up so early to do chores. went to redbox. met lateef, ryan, nurlyana, tanaya and sakura.. carmen and yip wasn't there yet.. so sang.. yip came then carmen.. bla bla blaa. sang sang sang.. movie time.. it was awesome.and SAKURA cried. wowww. it's not sad Sakura. ahha.. movie ended.. waited for everyone's parents to pick us up.. apparently, Darryl saw me.. So i went home and went for a spicy dinner..
Floraaa, where are you when i need to talk to you ?!
I have no mood to blog anymore
I'm crying my souls out again. =/
Apparently, I wanna turn back time Ashley wants the time to freeze when it was you and me alone
Ashley signing off
8:56 PM
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I'm scared to lose youu ;
"I don't want you to go yet. I'm not ready. Why now? Why so soon? Tears all worn up. Heartaches grew. Everything seems to be falling apart. How am I gonna listen to that amazing voice again?!It's so sad to see everyone leave. It's so sad that there's no more fun. It's so sad that you're leaving. With all my heart, I love you much and miss you so muuch. I know you're still here but whenever I'm not with you.. It makes me think that You're already gone. You're not here to cheer me. You're not here to hit me. You're not here to laugh with us anymore. How i wish everything would go back like how it was. You, her and me. Together owning the school (: Together happily. Together laughing like mad people. & Together being best friends forever. I love youu"Hey there people. (: Today was so much fun. How i wish everyday would be like that and term 1 wouldn't end.!! :( DRAMA, played games. P.E played some random game. Science did the work on the internet. Lunch.. walked around. Malay fun fun fun. had a party-ish. P.S.H.E played game. was so boring. On the bus.. happy, hyper, sad,cried. urrgh. :( came home. cried more. and now I'm crying more again :( It's so sad.!!
I dont want it to end yet. No i dont. i don't. Santa, please make everything how it used to be..
Apparently, I'm gonna cry so muuch
Ashley really miss youuu
Ashley signing off
4:49 PM
Monday, December 14, 2009
I dont wanna cry no more ;

Halloween, good times, good times
"It's hard for me to say goodbye. It's been a year since i've known you. Year 8, term 2.. i remembered how we met. And now, you're gone, who's gonna be there for me when i need a shoulder? When i need help? Who's gonna be my MSN buddy?! Who's gonna introduce me to some nice songs? Who's gonna hit me in the back just cause I'm acting crazy?! Who's gonna be the one controlling Faria and I ? Who's gonna laugh with Faria and I?! "Hey there (: yes, the starting of this post is really sad. i know. Well, i'm sorry guys if you haven't lost a best friend.. anyway, i screwed up GEOGRAPHY test.. and today sucked. except the fact that Elliot got whacked in the ass =P came home.. chat.. did everything. dinner.. came home.. Nurlyana told me to read her blog post.. and i started crying. For how long I have no idea.. As I'm typing this, I'm still crying. Looking at the picture we won.. So i was in a conversation with Ainaa, Yip and Nurlyana. Ainaa tried to cheer me up with her QQQ obsession. Didn't want Yip to know. dont want him to worry much.
So now, everyone is school kinda knows. and Elliot was being such an ass for talking so muuch..
I feel like puking, is it heart sick?! is it friendship sick? or whatever sick my dad calls it.. all i know for now is that i nearly died in school and I'm serious. I was chocking to death that i teared and my tummy hurts so badly. like.. something has been ripped out..
"I'm tired of crying, I'm tired of trying so hard to control it, I'm tired of hiding it all in acting like everything is okaay. I'm just scared.. I've lost so many people closed to me before, 3 in fact and i'm not ready to lose another one. "During dinner, brother was showing off his new"ring tone" but obviously someone had to call him. so my uncle wanna hear it. My dad called my brother and it rang. the ring tone was"pick up bitch" and everyone in the restaurant jsut stared at us after it rang. haha. (:
Sorry peeps, i dont really have any mood to blog so yeaah. and one last thing before i go, i shall do the colour thingy for Nurlyana (:
I loveee youuu
Apparently, i'm gonna use a whole box of tissueAshley just wish time would stop now
Ashley signing offtata
9:45 PM
Sunday, December 13, 2009
You make me feel alive ;
Nurlyana took this from Faria's condo and i edited some bits (:Hey there! (: As you guys can see that I've changed my blog skin ((:
I was invited to go for a bbq, but sorry Carin i couldn't go.. Judging from your blog post, you had an enjoyable time. (: Carin, you seriously need to update me more on your life woman. you sound like you're in love but don't wanna be. oh dear. haha. (:
Well, it's 7:53. mum asked me to wake up at 8 but instead i woke up at 6:30. i have no idea why but i couldn't sleep. i slept at 1. wow. interesting right. so my mum just came in my room. I'm suppose to be cleaning now. but.. I'm too scared to go over next door. last night.. My sister and i was walking and we saw a huge rat. daayum. So later have an outing with Loni, Nurlyana, Tanaya, Yip and Issac. not sure if Sakura is coming. Most probably. (: Next Friday going to Penang with Nurlyana! (: Oh how i wish Faria is coming along..
So I'm half way doing the chores. half way blogging. I'm such a cool multitask-er . that reminds me of a convo with Yip.ahah! It was hilarious. He asked what i was doing and i said i was listening to music, chatting, editing, fold hearts and on fb and i never knew I'm so good at multitasking. and he said girls are so good at multitasking but not guys. so i ask why. his replied was.. because the ladies has to take care of babies while working. as for guys, the don't and if they wanna multitask, they have to train. haha! well,yip. not all girls have babies okaay. (: and some guys take care of their child instead of the ladies. hha (: but it was hilarious.
Speaking of funny stuff. last night. My family and I went out for dinner and my brother was using loads of tissue and i was like that isn't nice. so he was like.. "USE what you need, USE what you can, USE till the end" haha! wow.. and another funny thing was that.. this couple went to the restaurant and ordered take away. so while waiting. the guy pulled out a chair for his lover to sit and then only pulled a chair for himself.. and guess what? the lady pushed the chair away and the guy was about to sit and he sighed and followed the partner. in the end, the lady sat and it was somewhere near where her lover pulled out a chair for her. and only the guy manage to sit down. ahha! fuuny. maybe not to you guys. but if you guys were there. it was HILARIOUS.! (:
Omg. i remembered a sick convo with Yip. he was trying to cheer me up so he told me this really sick joke. haha! oh Yip... Okay. so last night i had loads of convo. was on msn with lateef, tanaya, carmen, loni.. on fb chat dk. grr. every convo we have he'll ask who do i like. you knwo what dk? if you care so much why break up in the first place. but hey, i'm happy that you did actually=P cause something isn't right. so yeah.d k, you still owe me chocolate. omg. dk is so so so gullible =P i told him i like Nick and he doesn't know him as cause he's in my compound and he was like. finee.have "fun" with your crush. ahhaaa. F.Y.I dk, Nick as in my brother is in my compound. haha =P even Lateef knew that. ahha.
I need to get ready now for breakfast.haha! Wow. so fast 1 hour has past. doing chores is so much fun. ahha! (: do you know that by doing chores, you lose a lot of weight?! =P haha.
Apparently, I can't wait for the outing
Ashley loves youu (:
Ashley signing off
7:51 AM
Friday, December 11, 2009
Show me how to express this feeling of mine ;

Hey there peeeps. sorry for not updating for a long time. have been busy with school. (: it has been a rocky week. I don't really wanna explain the sad bit. it's just too heartbreaking for me to write it out. so i shall blog about Tuesday's sleepover. after school, went over to Nurlyana's for a sleepover. with Jess. Wednesday, the concert, i screwed up my singing.. and hten Faria came over for a sleepover. Thursday.. candy canes. and ... i dont wanna tlak about it. and then. had a volleyball was awesome. although i ate too much chips. haha.. and i got best serve.. ahha! it was so much fuun! (: got dropped of at JB. and Jia ying, tasha and I started playing football/volleyball with the mini soft weird ball. Friday.. I don't even wanna talk about it... but.. it was a muffy day. (: that's all i can say.. thank you Ainaa for everything you've done.. but i still felt guilty when i came home. but then. i told him. i might be able to go on Sunday. hope so...
lalala!!!I'm hyper. thank you Ainaa. Are we actually considered now? I'm so confused!!! But it's nice chatting with him .. haha.
Apparently, we are talking about relationships. haha! (:
Ashley loved the conversation (:
Ashley signing off
10:50 PM
Sunday, December 6, 2009
I hate it when you do it over and over again ;
Do me a favour. Stop all the stupidness. ! if you want her to please you and I get the blame. be it.! Whatever. you've won and i give up.
Hey there! (: how are you guys?! I'm awesome... haha. anyway, Friday Nurlyana came over for a sleepover cause she doesn't have any transport to Sunway the next day. We slept at 1. crazy.a nd woke up at 7:30. how crazy is that. so anyway.. we went to Sunway at 10. (: awesome maan. second time ice skating and suck. i forgot hot to skate. aha! fell 4 times. but it was fun.. i think i might have twisted my ankle.. everyone enjoyed it ((: went TGI fridays. it was delicious.! thank you so muchh. went shopping after that (: awesome. sent nurlyana home.. came home and rest..
today! Woke up. time to do some cleaning. amid went home. and i'm sure i twisted my ankle. it hurts! :'( but i still had to do some cleaning and all. So i cleaned my toilet, made my bed. washed the dishes.. put all the clothes into the cupboard.. took the clothes in.. made my brothers bed. cut fruits and the end of all those. (:
Apparently, I love cleaning =)
Ashley wishes there isn't so much complications
Ashley signing off
11:23 AM
Thursday, December 3, 2009
It's such a long journey ;

Heeey there (: Today wasn't that bad. I screwed up History presentation. sorry JESS. =/ but heey. ADITYA loved it... that was close. =/ so so so sorry again Jess. anyway. Mandarin was funny and weird as usual. break was okaay. history screwed up as i said. science was okaay. I felt so so so SORRY for you yip, but heey, it ain't your fault. i still don't get mr.M.. he said you didn't do much yesetrday, but i thought you did. anyway, don't be sad already yeaah (: CHEER UP.. ((: Lunch was okaay too. Jess and I tried to cheer Yip up. ahem *coughs* *coughs* Jess.. " will you marry me" haha! it was HILARIOUS.! Jess and I were "proposing" to people. well, mainly me. i forgot how it all started. at first i dared Jess to propose to Lateef but in the end, she asked me to. and non of us did . (: but i proposed to Sakura i think. or Faria. haha (: so nothng much happened next. After the bell rang, it was... ENGLISH. Yip cheered up a little. then English was over, Yip cheered up (: Btw, Yip, Kathryn did not ditch me. she had to go to her lockers. and Ainaa, I walked with two guys so?! Jealous? =P haha.
Yip, Shawn and I had a very funny conversation.. Yip got owned. haha =PPP
*yawns* got to go. can't wait for tomorrow! ((:
Apparently, Jess is moving to my bus! ((:
Ashley is confuseee.
Ashley signing off
10:20 PM
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Heeey there PEEPS! (: How are you guys?! Okaay. i gotta stop starting my post with that questions.. Anyway, today wasn't that bad was it. it's Hannah's B'day. haha! Love your cupcakes. MINT CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR! me likeeey! (: Hmm. In the morning was Drama first. grr. So annoyed. TIM just sat there, Till just fooled around.. Navin tagged along with Till. and Franky, Charlie and I had to think.. Lucky it wasn't that bad.. Break was okaay. P.E was not fun at all!! Kat got injured! I hope you are okay KAT. (: urrgh. so stupid.! They don't pass the ball to where i want it to be. I put my hand out and they throw it the other side. urrgh. annoyed muuuch. Science was fun... (: Lunch was okaay. Malay was shit. PSHE was boring..
Stayed back. Suppose to go for the CHOIR thingy. but in the end, we got mixed up with the dates. it's suppose to be tomorrow.! jeeez.!! So we went to art. and I didn't wanna do my piece cause I'll be done before the next lesson and I'll be like a dummy there doing nothing.. so yeaah. Ainaa,Natisha and I went on MAC. and you know what we did nexxt. duuuh. =P Bell rang. Went home. Faria wasn't on the bus :( cause she wasn't in school. chat with Lateef, Ken, Sabiha, Sakura. More of Lateef. He's so obsessed with Carmen. The messages he showed me. Gooosh. Stop making me think of him. I'm so happy for you Lateef (: hahaha.
Came home. Showered and stuff. Went online. Aww, YIP. you are so sweet, and nice. But. how in the world did you find out?! Who did you hear it from maan?! anyway, thanks for caring.. (: Ain't that sad anymore. ((: thank you once again...
MY HANDS are ACHING.! Stupid cuttings and all.! jeez. next time, I'm not taking back any of the Science project thingy like this home! urrrgh.! My hands just wouldn't stop shaking! it hurts so muuuch.!
I'm so tired now. and DENNY is chatting with me. jeez. SHUT UP WOULD YOU!!! LIKE I CARE WHAT YOUR MUM THINKS.! jeez. dont tell me what your mum wants. stupid.! and stop showing of with your injured ankle or whatever happened to you.
Apparently, i wanna hug him and thank him so badly. haha! (:
Ashley wishes DENNY would shut the fuck up!
Ashley signing off
10:06 PM