Saturday, January 30, 2010
Don't turn around cause I don't want another heartbreak from you ;
*2010, Mufti Day* "Nothing's gonna go your way, cause that's not what life is about"Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey! What's up? Yo you you yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo ! Yes, I have no clue what is up with me. Gaaah. =/ So this morning i woke up.. and i got a message from Carin asking whether i wanna go out with her later as cause my brother is going out with her brother. I was like" its kinda lsat minute but i really wanna see her" so i took a quick shower went down and asked my brother about the details. Asked my mom whether it's okay to tag along. and yeah. I went there. My brother and I went to GSC to buy movie tickets. We didn't know what to watch and Aaron and Carin doesn't either. Even though they weren't there yet. So on the way up to GSC, i saw Een Xien and Sze yen i think. Well, they shouted my name. so basically, they saw me. haha! ANYWAY, my brother decided to watch Universal Soldiers. Guess what? It's rated 18SG. means there's hell lot of VIOLENCE! So we still had a little time. Carin and I walked around Nick and Aaron walked around. On the way up to GSC, Carin and I saw Casey. hahaha! Hm. I'm guessing the guy beside her was her boyfriend. =P So anyway, bought popcorn drinks and everything. Went in. wow. to Carin it was hell lot of violence.. but to me.. it's like normal action movie just a little more disgusting. I didn't expect the starting to start with violence. but i rate that movie 8/10 i guess. NOT THE ENDING! the ending is like. gaah. showing CLONING and stuff...
Anyway, after movie we went to the LOO. Obviously... then went MPH. haha! I got the book Faria (: and Carin got kissed by an angel. Carin, that book is hell good (: then we walked around shopping for her mom's present... so that was the day. oh wait. After buying the present, we bummed into her mum and Aaron quickly passed it to Carin and Carin went away. haha! Wow. btw, It's a suprise present that's why. (: Nick and I had to go. =/ so we left.. came home went online. and went for dinner and here i am... Oh i wanna go to the gym maaan. Amy, shall we go tomorrow? haha! It's be ages since we last went...
It was great seeing Carin. And yes, we did have a one to one talk. OBVIOUSLY! Because there were only two of us. haha! Silly me. (:
What else should i blog? Oh oh oh, Flora, I love the pictures from Friday. haha! (: Likes likes likes likes! Two thumbs up (: SEXY-NESS. I feel hyper and weird and crazy for some reasons.
Smile smile smile smile. That reminds me of Nurlyana! : '( Speaking of reminders and stuff. gah. durng dinner. they were talking about my grand- aunt : '( I miss her ! : '( and and and. We mention about like age and all. gaaah. It just hit me. Like how i used to be that little girl and now a teen. Imagine how my parents would feel. I totally felt their pain. I mean. I don't know why. but yeaaah. I'm going through so much out of the sudden. : '( something is not right. Teddy, I wish you are here right now so i could hug youuu. : '(
Apparently,I'm crazzy for youuAshley wishes everything would be alright soon!
Ashley signing off
10:38 PM
Nothing is better than your sweet smile ;
*2009, meet up daay* "Everything is never alright"Hey hey hey (: It's a FRIDAY. Well, was a Friday. Cause I'm blogging like at 12:20. =P why so late? let me take you to my day. It's Mufti day for Haiti. hm. I wore shorts as i thought we had swimming in the end. hm. nope. but still went. anyway. english was first. it was okay. then pe. swam. geography. BORING. lunch. worrying about my art. art. nothing went wrong. didn't even check the homework. maths, boring shit ass.! Bell rang. went to the bus.. ate navin's food. hm. yeah. Jess was hm. yeah. dont' wanna talk about it =P Faria called. btw, faria wasn't in. Jess and I were planning about Boys like girls.

Came home, asked my aprents. argued a little. and got annoyed. and omg. in the end, we went. ahh. fucking amazing. Ahh. so hooooooot =P gaah. JESS, shh. no one knows that happened okay. you better shut the hell up. So awesome maaaan. gaah. so much to explain. but i dont wanna explain it here. I'll explain it on MSN if you guys wanna know.. (: Sooo awesome laah. =P so now i'm here. and i'm hungry and my sister such a bitch. every time she wanna go downstairs and when it's dark, she will ask me and i'll say yes. but now, she said no. no need to teat. i'm seriously dying.!!: '(

I'm gonna stop here. As I'm going down to eat. ALONE! f you! F YOU!
Apparently, I'm sweaty and tired but enjoyedAshley loves MARTIN! (:
Ashley signing off
xoxo ashleylicious
12:18 AM
Thursday, January 28, 2010
There's no more us ;
*2009, Flora's place*
"Oh baby, tell me how can i sleep with this pain?"Hey hey hey hey hey! As i can see someone went on my account and blogged, or should i say hack? haha!! Anyway, It's a Thursday, tomorrow Mufti day for Haiti. (: hm. yeah..
So in the morning, was assembly, then erm.. Mandarin, Ms.Miow wasn't in as she's in the Music Block doing speaking for year 11's. Puan Azizah was the cover teacher and when Elliot walked in, he was like: what's up. and she said:what's down. ahha! well. yeah. hm. Michelle and I started passing paper around=P and Eu Chain started asking us to join him into the conversation. ahha! he said he used to do this in his old school. well, Eu Chain, i did it too. and how i miss it. We some how always get caught. i remember. ANYWAY, back to today's day. break was revising for Science test. Hostory was next. we were suppose to watch and answer questions and I can't multitask when it comes to watching a movie and answering. and I failed so badly. I didn't answer like... the first 5 then erm. one at the bottom and 1 at the back. so total not answered=7 out of 20. i think there's more. haha (: SCIENCE was next! gaaah. I was so worried. So the test was kinda easy. Lunch. was so effing hungry. ate. erm. then. erm. English. Lucky we didn't do our presnetation, Michelle. If not we'll be like dead. we didn't have any or much info. hahah. Games was next. softball was fun but but but. it was effing hot! gaaaah. I had to stay back thanks to my brother. Flora had to go. no one to stay back with. untill. flora found out her sister was staying back. yipeee doooo. =P i had someone. nyahaa. Got Ms.Buck waslike pms-ing about us walkign around. like seriously. sooooo. who cares?!?! So went to the Library doing nothing.! SUCKO! bell rang went to the bus. nothing much happened. I slept. and Chris's bag fell and it made a loud noise and like it woke everyone up. I was lucky as.. The bag nearly fell on my leg.
Came home, i was starving. and i ate =P AS USUAL. I've been eating a lot. Getting fatter. haha. hm. Eat a lot=depression?!?! maybe.
Kabooom. Michelle and I talked about Nick and Ron. ahha! funaaay. Flora, you gotta trust me. it's seriously about my brother Nick and a guy Ron. trust me..
I have nothing else to blog about. All I can say, my heart is breaking again. gaaah. I'm confused. Florenceee. ! : '( My life is seriously complicated heh. Gaaaah
AHH! i miss you Teddy. : '( TEDDDDDDDDDDY! : '( I need youu.. You're so important! gaah. How how how. : '(
18 daaaays! (:
50 daaaays till i see you. (:
Apparently, I'm missinng everything
Ashley wants strawberries
Ashley signing off
8:09 PM
smile like everything is alright ;
we're in the library watching these people photograph themselves and trying to watch GLEE.
this is what she says. she says i'm amazing and i'm awesome, and you should all write in the cbox right now. i worship flora. i worship flora. *hypnotizes*
and by the way, we think ckonfidence is gay : / hhahahaa. mean, lah. but he shapes his eyebrows and goes omg, who are you? i'm straight, dousche.
hahahahaaa ashley is wanting to be hot and sexy like those girls that were being photographed. ashley is hot! she doesnt belive lah.
everyone write in the cbox. ashley. is . hot.
ahahahah ashley i love youuuu.'!
guess who this is..
3:47 PM
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I wonder how you stand this game ;
*2008, before Samantha's party*
"Everything is not the same anymore"Hey there! (: hm. I finally told someone about what happened. Phobia with yeah. DASH DASH DASH! won't say.. DRAMA! In a group with Astrea, Hannah, Shaaemah & Faria. haha! How awesome is that? =P break. hm.nohting much. swim fit is okay. so forgetful. no towel! i fail as a lifeguard.! Science next. okay okay laah. I thought we were doing something about strawberries. but hm. don't know lah.. lunch. was so effing hungry. ate alot. ahhhaha.! getting fatter. malay was okay. PSHE was okay.. boring.. bus was awesome. perverted bus= bus 3. wooo-hoo (: haha!
came home. nothing much lah.
I have nothing much to blog about.
Omg! I keep getting distracted by stuff. and I'm suppose to do ENGLISH!
Florence, thanks for saving my life.! (: Me love you! me love you. I bet without you, it would just end like that.
Btw, michelle, i need to talk to you again! (: and and omg. i"m sorry for not picking up your call. =/ MICHELLE! NEED TO TALK TO YOU OKAY! it's about hm. NICK. haha!
So, Ainaa and I are being sick on msn. oh and she told me about her being a fan on facebook about this htingy. i checked it out. and it's like 43 things a girl wished her boyfriend knew. and here is the list:
#1 When you break her heart, the pain never really goes away.
#2 When she misses you, she's hurting inside.
#3 When she says it's over, she still wants you to be hers.
#4 When she walks away from you mad, follow her.#5 When she stares at your mouth, kiss her.
#6 When she pushes or hits you, grab her tight & don't let her go.
#7 When she starts cursing at you, kiss her and tell her you love her.#8 When she ignores you, give her your attention.#9 When she pulls away, pull her back.#10 When you see her at her worst, tell her she's beautiful.#11 When you see her crying, just hold her and don't say a word.
#12 When you see her walking, sneak up and hug her waist from behind.#13 When she's scared, protect her.
#14 When she lays her head on your shoulder, tilt her head up and kiss her.#15 When she steals your favourite jacket, let her keep it and sleep with it for a night.#16 When she teases you, tease her back and make her laugh.#17 When she doesn't answer for a long time, reassure her that everything is okay.
#18 When she looks at you with doubt, back yourself up with the truth.#19 When she says that she likes you, she really does more than you could understand.#20 When she grabs your hands, hold hers and play with her fingers.
#21 When she bumps into you, bump into her back and make her laugh.#22 When she tells you a secret, keep it safe and untold.#23 When she looks at you in your eyes, don’t look away until she does.#24 Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything.#25 Don't let her have the last word.
#26 Don't call her hot, but gorgeous or beautiful is so much better.
#27 Say you love her more than she could ever love you.#28 Argue that she is the best girl ever.
#29 When she's mad, hug her tight and don't let go.
#30 When she says she's OK, don’t believe it, talk to her about it, because 10 yrs later she'll still remember it.
#31 Call her at 12:00am on special occasions to tell her you love her.
#32 Call her before you sleep and after you wake up.
#33 Treat her like she's all that matters to you.#34 Don't ignore her when she's out with you and your friends.#35 Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
#36 Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid. #37 Let her into your world.#38 Let her wear your clothes.#39 When she's bored and sad, hang out with her
#40 Let her know she's important.#41 Kiss her in the pouring rain.#42 When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is; "Who's ass am I kicking today baby?"
#43 After she reads this, she hopes one day you'd read it too.Awesome yeah. hm. i have nothing else to blog so yeah
Apparently, I miss Teddy!Ashley wants a box of strawberries for my birthday =P
Ashley signing off
9:40 PM
Everything changed ;
*2009, Halloween*
It's hard to explain how i felt towards what you said, cause you won't understand how they made an impact on my life... Everything has changed. It's not the same now. Why can't you see it? It feels like you don't understand me out of the sudden.
It's has never been okay. No matter how much OKAY-s I've said. I'm never okay with whatever shit.. I'm done here. I'm done crying I'm done!
Oh teddy, please come back. : '( I need you nooooow.
12:08 AM
Monday, January 25, 2010
Where are youu? ;
*2008, the last time before we go our separate ways"
"I want you to know how much you mean to me"Hey dudes. Okay, So on Saturday I had badminton. My toe was like. ouch. don't wanna talk about it. Steven was being mean. I mean, he doesn't get what I'm saying. tsk tsk tsk.. Came home, showered and everything. chat. had to go for dinner with mama's friend. hm. apparently, she's the lady that made the cover of the diaper.. Ahem, coughs. don't wanna talk about that. So erm. came home, computer.. slept.
Sunday, I don't wanna talk about it. But thanks Ben Jing.. You know, Sien Wei, i could call you both. haha! You both are such good listeners. ahem coughs. Don't you guys just wish to go back to the year of 2008? Well, I do. Blah blah blah. I couldn't sleep as cause of stuff.
Monday, tired. tired. cold cold cold. blah blah blah. SPEAKING! i totally screwed it up. Sorry Ms.miow i disappointed you. and myself : '( gaaah. : '( Then listening was last, it was hell boring! It was soooooooooo slow. like " question 1" wait for 5 minutes." ai hao" 5 minutes later ' wo shi xiao ying..." paused for 1 mintue." wo xi yuan blah blah blah" omg! it took ages! gah. I nearly fell asleep!! blah blah blah. Ringgg. Badminton next.the joy. Steven just gotta bring up that topic again. Which you so totally don't get.! and jeez. stop being sick.! tsk tsk tssk. I was freaking cheating for the push ups and you think it's a sex position. and wanted to go behind me. what the heck Steven. tsk tsk tsk.! The training was hell today. haha! I was burning! gaah. so close yet so far. from 6-1 to 7-6. But Alvin gave me a chance. =P i nearly beat my brother too. so clooose!! I was so tired and we had to play with Gavin(the coach) omg. gah. I failed. then there's once, woo. i rock. but but but. he gave me chance. i could tell =P So i came home, dinner was served. makan. blah blah blah. Homework, watched tv. the usual. yippeeeee-dooooo. My maid is back! I love you! hahaa! =P She's tanner now.. (: haha! Oh oh oh, i love her hair. haha! I sound like I'm in love with my maid. haha! or maybe i might be. wooo=P haha! Jokes jokes.
"Baby, i didn't mean to break your heart, but I got to let you go"Sien Wei, it's okay, you helped me. Don't feel guilty. and and and. I need to talk to you again, even though I've talked to Ben Jing and he cheered me up. but still. i neeeeeeeed to tallk! like URGENTLY! seriously !!
"Last night, we had a fight"Oh my holy freaking shoot! My freaking camera charger is gah.GONE! not lost or missing! It's spoil! I have no clue how. But as far as I'm concern, i need to get myself a new charger so I won't get into trouble AGAIN! and get myself a new camera. haha! I'll start saving! (: see, Ms.Nice, I'm doing my job (:
"Forgive & Forget"Why why why?!?!??!?! Omg. I just realized that January is gonna end soon. and February is coming. and Chinese new year is coming. and sadness will come! omg. I'm gonna miss you : '( Why so soon? Running away from problems won't help, but i get it why and how you feel. I hope things would work out there (: We will all visit, and you better visit tooo! (: ME LOVE YOU!
Apparently, I'm confused
Ashley wanna talk to Michelle more on this situation!
Ashley signing off
10:05 PM
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Time to get back on my feet again ;
*2010, Sien Wei's birthday outing(edited version)*
"Time to let go of this feeling"Hey there. Thursday. Omg.i jsut realized. that I've been blogging every day. yippie dooo. wow.! uh huh. I sound so happy?! Well, I'm not that so happy. I have no clue why am I so jumpy. =P So in the morning. I was like worried sick for mandarin. No idea why. I was so calm last night. Me going to the year group trip (: 6-8 peeps in a room right. list of who is gonna be in the room and partay-ing are
- Faria
- Flora
- Isabella
- Michelle
- Me
yes. The awesome-ness. it's gonna be like rocking so much. But Isabella might wanna be in a room with hm. Astrea? if she's going. Not sure. will ask. even though it's like. 5 months away. ahah! =P So i was sooooo HAPPY i was skipping maths. but but but. guess what? the mandarin test got moved to 10. ah. i didn't have my maths stuff. so went up to maths, went down to my locker and took my stuff. haha! I did my note cards so nicely. the nicest out of all.! =P Break time. I wanted to eat, but also like don't wanna eat. weird me. i know. hm. So we had to be like 10 minutes early to go to the hall. I told Michelle, Gabriel and Tim. Gabriel was like" What! Why? i wanna have my break! Ah. screw it" hahaa! Lucky. We were on time. (: This year 11 dude next to me was so weird. all the year 9 students came in right. for the mandarin one. and he was like"are you guys year 9? holy shit!! they are making me feel dumb now" and i was like. right. so the other languages... it wans't cold today. well. it got colder later. so lucky, i brought my jacket. i was like sitting directly under the aircon. gah! Then it was English. nothing much. I completely forgot to take off my jacket. oh well. it was cold anyway. Then it was lunch. i ate so much. was so hungry. Hm. then it was music. so boring! no offense to you Nurlyana. But i think i was too tired, or it's kinda boring. But in the end, i kinda slept. cause like we were suppose to imagine what is happening when he plays a music from a movie. yeah. i slept. haha! =P next was Dt. it's the usual. okay lah.
Went on the bus. Talked to Ken, Naivn, kinda Ainsa, Jon. and that's it. haha. Ken walked away half way to play the computer game. Ainsa went behind. and like. gah. she's so weird. so Navin, Jon and I talked. hm. yeah. I suddenly felt tired and all. =P what next. erm.. erm.. blah blah blah. nothing much lah. seriously.. Came home. had Mc.D. nyahhaha. so full. thank you mummy. (: then i had to rush to go to dentist. i like showered.. and like comb my hair. and i forgot about my bum as i was in a rush. so i comb that part. and it hurts like hell. went there. gah. The dentist gotta put a rubber band. i mean. it's fine and all. but but but. it's crossed! wtf! it looks weird and retarded. my mum thought i was playing with it, when i wasn't. and my mum said i look retarded. and i talk like one. thanks mum.! gaah... i gotta take it off whenever i eat. it disgust me man.! Imagine in school.! eww. or going out with my friends. gaah. I'm disgusted now.
I'm exhausted now.. But.. hm. i don't know. Hm.! Maths test tomorrow. gaah.! Screw it. on the bright side it's friday. (: bu ti gotta rest early on Friday night. gaah. I have no clue why am I nervous, over Saturday's competition. Not really a big deal. Or maybe it's cause the girls team only have like 3 PEOPLE! gaah : '( why arent there girls? why? :' (
Apparently, everything is so messed upAshley is trying to come clean
Ashley signing off
9:30 PM
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I'm waiting for all to come to an end.
*2009, Badminton Seasac, Singapore" "I can remember the first time i cried, how i rubbed my eyes"Hey hey hey. Wednesdays are normally okay and ends really fast for me. But not today. Today just sucked badly... Morning, on the bus, major major major headache! : '( got off the bus, went to the lockers started coughing again. I almost puke=/ i coughed the whole way to tutor group : '( it sucked. and Faria asked whether i wanna go to the nurse, i was like nah.. I need to go to ICT. and yes, Ict it, kinda got worse. so after Ict, we went to the nurse. the freaking Nurse sucks.. grr.. it was maths next.. it was so effing cold! and my cough was so bad. but surprisingly, it stopped during maths... after maths, it started again... History was next. we did an online work.. I was surprise i was kinda fast. but i had lousy info on it. oh well. Poor Faria, she twisted her wrist. It was lunch.. I bought an ice-cream.. Flora asked me not to eat it when i have a cough but i didn't listen to her =P in the end, it hurts. =/ so i gave it to Flora... Went a bit crazy. rinnng. the bell rang. took my book out. got up from my locker and baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam! my head. it hit Faria's locker. yes, it does hurt. Faria was so guilty. it's not your fault Faria.. She kept saying sorry all the way. it's okay. So i went to English, and it started to hurt more. I asked Flora to checked and she like freaked out saying: OMG! it's bleeding! OMG!" yes. and Kathryn and Sasha came and look at it. yes, it was bleeding. I started like tearing, cause it suddenly hurt soooooo badly. Told Ms.Daw and went to the nurse. the nurse sucked! She took soooooo long. I sat, she stared at me for 2 minutes. then open the container containing the cotton wool and the tongs and scissors.. and she clsoed it, without taking anything out. I was like yelling in my head that I'm in pain! and she walked away! i was like WTF! she walked away and came back with a hand full of cotton wools. she puts it in the container. and closed it. without doing anything. she started writing some stuff down.. like my name and all. and she only remembered to treat me! she took out the cotton wool with her tongs and like washed the blood out and put some stuff on it. then she waited for a while and i asked whether i can go. and she said, wait. you still need to put ice pack. so.. okay fine. but she was still sitting there! writing! and she finally went over to take the ice pack! jeez!!! so took like 10 minutes of ice-packing. then she asked whether i wanna see.. so i was like. erm yeah?!!. I thought she'll take a mirror and show me. and she was like. the mirror is in there(pointing to the toilet) so i checked it out myself. I couldn't see myself. i came out, she asked me whether i could see it. and it's jsut a small cut. and i was like" yeah sure" which i don't.
I had to wait again for her to write me a note. omg. she's so slow! What if I'm dying maan.!! So i went up... My head hurts so much. I was so dizzy too. oh well.. went back.. blah blah blah. went out for research.. thanks Michelle for cheering me up and talking about that. At least, you understand me fully. Thank you. me love you. (: so art was next. hmph. was talking to Michelle the whole way. Yeah.. damn it. oh well. so Faria saw me and she's like" did you go to the nurse? I'm really really really really sorry!" oh Faria. Chillax. Mr.Boyle was like come to the front, i wanna talk to you guys about your homework. So yeah. fine. suddenly, i started coughing. non-stop. seriously...... everyone was like looking at me.. and Till started "coughing" i felt like i was gonna puke again. and like.. i started tearing. i coughed so much.. i suddenly felt so so so so cold! ah. yes, it sucked. so Faria and I don't know what to do.. So we read the letter. and yeah.. hm. don't wanna talk about it. Oh Faria.. I feel the same way as you do. I just said it was fine. hahaa! Omg. Raffael asked me a stupid question. he came up to me.. and asked:" hey, how do you make the colour dark?" and i was like:" you go over it over and over again " when he walked away, Faria and I laughed. seriously, it's stupid. Oh oh oh, and Nurlyana, Jess changed her place. she's sitting where Frankie sits.. so yeaah.. So went to the lockers, went back.. the bus was hell! i mean it was okay. talked with Ken and Navin.. Faria wasn't on. The bus aircon like suddenly went off, and went on again. then then then. the whole bus suddenly like stopped. and then.. the driver worked it out. and the aircon was giving out hot air. and i was dying. having such a huge headache.. How much more do i have to suffer from this sucky day?!?!Oh oh oh, i felt like puking on the bus too. I have to go to school tomorrow cause of MOCKS. Mandarin reading paper now. =/ damn damn damn. I don't wanna go school tomorrow. my head hurts so much. My coughs has gone worst.everything sucks!
Ahhh. I'm missing her again : '( why why why? why do i suddenly miss you. I've managed to move on. and I've managed to forget and not think of you for a year. but why suddenly do i miss her? Why do i dream of you?! : '( I really really really really really miss you so badly now. : '(
Yes, I'm going crazy. The crazy not in the good way of crazy. : '( I need a councellor.
Apparently, I wanna shut things upAshley misses how everything used to be perfect
Ashley signing off
5:41 PM
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I miss everything about you ;
*2009, Alamanda, Ainaa's & Flora's birthday"
"No one seems to understand this feeling, I'm feeling"Hey there(: It's a tuesday. yes,a sad day... It's always a sad day for me now.. well, what can i say, I'm a sad women, trying to hide the pain in and to smile in school, act like nothing's wrong. Anyway, carry on. Today, in the morning. it rained and Sabiha and I wanted to walk in the rain. We did. We convinced Faria to walk with us too. (: She was complaining so much. I was crazy this morning sayin gi love the rain so much and i stood under the rain for a while. (: Went to tutor, it was mad! It was freezing like hell! HELL COLD! : '( went to science. and it was cold to me too =/ but trust me, Ms.A's room is waay colder. blah blah blah. Break. nothing much happened. Malay, boring boring boring as usual. Maths, WORST! effing boring! So darn boring. i kept yawning the whole time! I was about to sleep. Lunch. blah blah blah. Geography was boring too. Mr.Williams wasn't in and we had to do this bit of exercise from the textbook. and I finished and had nothing to do. SO DARN BORING! English was next. it was boring too. well, not the research bit. it was hilarious. thanks guys for making my day. (:
Faria stayed back for activities today...So i was on the bus. i slept again. i was so tired. Mum called and that woke me up. i couldn't go back to sleep. Oh well.. It was too cold too. so yeah.
Came home, ran up as fast as i could. Locked my door, and i cried again : '( I miss everything. I screw up everything. I mess up everything. Promised myself to appreciate this one, but but. i know i messed up everything. I know i did.
Everything's changing. Everyone is moving on.. But I'm still stuck here. 20%, sien wei. that much. It still counts. =/ 80% that's a lot.. what should i do?!?!
As i walk by, my heart sinks. As i talk to you, my heart sinks more. It's not that I dislike you, or hate you, or don't love you anymore. It's just... Everything.. No matter how much i try to explain, no one gets me. No one. No matter how much time i spend on telling my friends how painful it is, they don't get it. Sien Wei, you're the only one that understands me on this situation. Please please please please please please, I'm begging you, to call me A.S.A.P! : '(
I miss Nurlyana. I miss seeing someone eating noodles. I miss someone saying flipping hell ms.George she's. blah blah blah. Everytime after science Nurlyana would say that.
I miss her so muuch now. I know, out of the sudden, missing her when i know she's already gone. she won't be coming back. Chinese new year is coming. Oh i remember how she always get her hair done..
I've been crying so much now a days. Everything is going all wrong :'( how am i gonna get her out of my mind??!?! It's so difficult. She was the one that took care of us since we were young. I really miss you. I really miss everyone. Everything back in 2008. but still it wasn't much of a year for me... 3 years in a row... having such so much pain. A lot of tears were shed.
I can't blog no more. It hurts.
Apparently, I'm donee
Ashley just wishes this would stop =/
Ashley signing off
4:36 PM
Monday, January 18, 2010
Don't go yet, I need youu ;
*2009, Shea Zheng's Place*
"I'm clueless about this feeling, I'm scared, I'm worried, I'm annoyed. Tell me someone, how do i stop it?"Hey there(: Well. Mondaay. nothing much. Cough was annoying me. I sounded so ill. Oh well.. I was dead on the bus. Badminton 1 hour only. I finally beat Steven. (: It was very nice to sleep on the bus as there isn't any noise. cause there's only 4 of us. At first Ken and I were talking, and he got boring. so i just went to sleep. such a nice rest till the bus driver gotta bang something. no idea what he hit. i don't really care. I was listening to a song, and i was about to cry. The lyrics was so sad, meaningful.
I came home, i went up to my room showered and everything. It started to pour. Thunders,Lighting, Heavy Rain, Howling Winds. That was it. I started crying.. No cause I was scared.. It's just that, it reminded me about the song i was listening to earlier. and how much i miss everyone. How much i miss her. She has moved on. It was her time. I didn't expect it to be that soon.. I started crying, thinking about what i talked to Sien Wei about. I started crying cause i was confuse. I always messed up everything.. Sien Wei, i really need you. I can't stop this feeling now. =/ I need a hug from you badly, I need to see you, I need to talk to you. You're the only one understanding my situation now. : '( Flora, Faria, you guys understand too right?! well, you only know a part of it. Cause it always happen in school. For example, today. you get what i mean.
I tried hard not to get into a mess like this. I tried so hard to not cry like how i am now. I tried so hard to go through the pain everyday. I tried so hard to see everything that is happening. I tried so hard to forgive myself.
Quote of the day: Sometimes forcing is separating the twoFaria came up with that. Well, erm. there some more at the end, but it's not needed. Mandarin kinda cheered me up from everything. Ms.Miow is back. She looked so weak.. =/ Get better sooon.! Michelle and I went sick during mandarin and started laughing like mad. (:
I cried again just now. I'm wiping my tears off as I'm typing this. What else could go wrong?!
When i was waiting for them to come back home, There weren't any seats left. I didn't want to sit on the seat where she used to lay there, but i had no choice. I put myself in her position. Sleeping there like how she normally does. My heart started aching so badly. I go to her room everyday, it aches so much. It hurts, it burns. I closed my eyes, and I started imagining what we used to do. What you used to call us. What you used to give us to cheer us up. What you did to annoy us. What you missed eating when it doesn't exist anymore. I went waay back into the pass in my dreams. I really should have appreciate you when i had the chance. And now when you're gone, I miss you like crazy. : '(
Yesterday's Quote of the Day: I gave my whole heart away, but i never really got it back.Yes, i was talking to Sien Wei about some stuff, and suddenly that came up on my mind. Oh ,Sien Wei. ah. I seriously need to talk to you :'(
Apparently, I can't stop thinking about it =/
Ashley is really sad : '(
Ashley signing off
10:55 PM
Sunday, January 17, 2010
All i want to do is to make you mine ;
*2009, almost sports day*
"Oh, you know I can't get you off my mind, so stop playing games with my heart"Hey there peeps. Saturday, yesterday. Flu and Cough got worst. Today was so much better. I'm gonna have a short and quick update. I'll try to blog a longer one about today on Tuesday. cause i know I'll be very busy on Monday night (:
Lalla. maybe i should blog about today. no i can't. there's so much to tell you guys. soo funny stuff. anyway. All i did today was went out with lateef and Faria. then Went with Sien Wei. No idea why Carin couldn't come. that girl wnana kao guys.No guys come. Don't wanna come. budak itu. jeez!
I still have my english not done yet you know. I'm so screwed! : '(
Sien Wei, I told you about something just now. & i cried over it =/ I have no clue. I have no clue what to do. =/ please help me. Please.! :'( i really need somethingg. No one else knows how i feel except youu... Please text me or call me as soon as you see this okay?!? I really need and want to talk to you.
Apparently, I cried over a small yet painful matter =/
Ashley just wants another hug. A huge one
Ashley signing off
10:38 PM
Friday, January 15, 2010
I'm crazy for youu ;
"To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world."Hey there people. It's Friday today. Yesterday was a okaay day i guess. Softball was fun. Michelle and Isabella just makes me laugh like mad.
Michelle Isabella MeWatch out guys, the megatron is here. As in the transformers ?!!?!Righttt..*hits the ball* *run back slowly*More like Megan Fox.Hahah! yes. it was hilarious. i was smart enough to bring my slippers and change into them after softball =P
Wasn't feeling good when i got home. huge huge mega headache. slept woke up for dinner, couldn't eaat. Came home, had flu, baaad headache and a sore throat. i had to do my geography. in the end, i did it wrongly and have to redo it! : '( so muuch weekend homework! : '(
Today, I woke up late. Got up shower and everything. walked down, nearly fell down the stairs. i was so dizzy. it was hell! :'( took medication, went to school. the bus was effing noisy today! urgh! : '( Faria wasn't in school. So i was like a lonely person & Jess was at the music thingy. So yeah.But at least i had Flora, Michelle, Yip.. I didn't do Swim Fit today as cause of my sickness. =/ Then it was Geography. I did my homework wrongly.! GAAH! :'( then lunch. I had no appetite. so Yip and I walked around the school. Dan was being so annoying =/ Raff too. jeez.! : '( then it was art. it was okaay. then maths. hilarious. Khadijah came in and helped us out.. as mr.d asked her too.and she had period pain. When Mr.D went out. she was like screaming" ahhh" yes. it sounded wrong! =P and and and.. we were talking about period pains. and she wants to be a guy. haha! She ran out to go to the nurse and Ali was like: from now onwards, i'll ask help so Khadijah can help me out" haha! wow... there's so muuch more. i can't be bothered to type it out now. My eyes hurts again and it's teary : '(
I gotta get well before Sunday! ahh! & i have to start doing my homework and work my ass off now. My brother asked me to work harder for Geography. but i hate it! : '( oh well.. He and his geography. what else should i bloog?!
lalalalalalalalalalalala. I looove songs.! (: Omg. I'm hyper for some reason. Oh yeah Thank you Yip for the Strawberry yesterday (: It was niceee =P
I still wanna haunt Carmen to find out what is it !! =PPPP I know she won't tell me.. but.. I'll find out (((:
For every word you say,
another piece of my heart you take.
lalalal.! =/ I'm going whooopiee-dooo. I'm like hell crazy now. I don't know why. =/ ahh.! : '(
Quote of the day:You call it madness, but I call it love.
Apparently,I'm loving every second with youu (:
Ashley loves youu
Ashley signing off
6:19 PM
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Don't let me go, would you? ;
"Slow down everything, we have time"Hey there people! (: Today is a Wednesday, in case you guys don't know =P Okay. I usual lovee Week B Wednesday. but just not today. First thing in the morning, Mandarin mocks. wtf, no one told us we could break jacket in.! I was freezing! The test was okay. Just the ending bit. oh well. hope I'll do greeat, same to everyone (: and because of mocks, i had to skip drama. no fair. drama is amazing : '( and then it was break. it wasn't that baad (: then PE omg. SWIM FIT! ahh. screw it. : '( but i love the life saving thing. it's so funny, none of us can throw. haha! (: science next, i was late. what do you expect? we were let out late. jeeez.. and i was effing tired. so i don't mind you yelling at me.. I just wanna rest. ! I kinda had a headache during lunch and my eyes were burning hot. it hurts. so i took my cup & like put it on my eye.It was cold okay. and tears came out. it burns! : '( Faria, Loni, Flora, Ainaa, Michelle & I went to art. Faria and I went to art to check out our drawings. but we couldn't find it. =/ we were freaking out. until. dennng. i found it. haha! lucky. Wanted to ask about the photography competition thingy. Malay was the usual. Ms.Nice yelled at us for being lazy copying each others data. when we were suppose to ask in MALAY. yes we did ask, but in ENGLISH. haha! But we are used to it. oh dear lord. Haziq spends 100Rm on shirts. where does he go? Top shop. that's why. ish ish ish. anyway, PSHE next... it was funny. We were doing about identity. and we had to write about ourselves at first then write about us in 10 years time. and i wrote to be a photographer. here's an interesting conversation between Jess & I
Jess MeWhat did you put? Photographer. Why?! Oh, i thought you'll put something worst than that.Like what? a Porn star?Omg. ! *laughs like mad**Laughs harder*Frankie, frankie, ashley wants to be a porn star.Nice one Jess, for telling her that. me joke lah. adui. Rinnng. school over. took stuff out locker. slowly walked away. stopped for a while to chat with erm. the teacher. what's her name?! erm. daayum i forgot. I'll ask Nurlyana or Faria next time. the erm. teacher that teaches Agama.. Then walked to the bus. had an interesting conversation with Ken and Sabiha
Ken Sabiha MeHow was the test?It was okay, except the last bit.How about you, Ken?It was hard like.. Vagiii....Eww, Ken.. How is a vagina hard?! It's soft.*laughs like mad*Yes, My mum just walked in and scare the hell out of me when i was blogging, just to ask whether i was okay. cause i looked extremely exhausted. yes i was. I think i came home and just slept through. like i fainted. haha.! I think i did. haha! My eyes are hot again. why does it keep getting hot??? I think i need to sleep, get more rest before i get sick like my other family members. tsk tsk tsk. disappointed with them =P I'm always the strongest. woo-hoo. go me =P I know I know, I'm a perasan person. what can i say. from my mum=P genes! (:
What would i do without you? Will it be the same??
Yesterday's quote: If you are crazy,I'll be crazy over youu.( you know who you are (: )
Apparently, I'm crazily crazy (:
Ashley wants a breaak!
Ashley signing off
9:00 PM
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Baby, will you catch me ? ;
*2009,Penang* ( I miss you:'( )
"Every time i hear your name, my heart skips a beat "Hey there peoplee! It's a Tuesday. First, i wanna congratz Nurlyana for getting an A. I'll frame it up for you =P haha. anyway, i miss you damn much. =/ i can be sooo crazy, hyper weird, random & sick. but it doesn't feel right without youuu.! There's like a missing piece in my heaaaart! I seriously need a lawyer now to sue Michelle and Flora for flipping my skirt and shirt up!!! Okay. hm. neeext. todaaaay. what was first. ermm. Games. Softball. Eyykke. It's not that I don't like it It's fun and nice. but ahh.! Embarrassed myself. Mr.Lee just gotta choose me to demonstrate! ahh. and i slipped and fell. well, on the bright side, I'm not the only one (: but but but. i slipped the most in my teaaaam! and it was embarrassing! =/ but our team still ruleeee =P hahaa! Go Sabihaaaa, Go Sashaaaa! woo hoo. (:
I had to wash off the mud on my knees.. i turned on the shower, no water came out, only a little bit. so i had to wash it for quite a long time. but oh well. ahha! and after I got changed, i was waiting and drying my socks at the same time. i heard like the shower was on. and i checked it out.. I forgot to turned it off. hahaha! oppsssy =/ science was neext.Yip changed his seat and sat next to me. kea sat next to Michelle. Music was next. so booring. but Jess and I were being sick =P i think music lessons are always so sick. last week i was being so sick with Faria then today jess. ahha! Nurlyana, everything is fine now, i guess. but still hope you could be here to sue Michelle and Floraa! =P Lunch, nothing much happened.
OMG! screw ICT! SCREW MS.KAMSTER(if that's how you spell her name) she tells people about her engagement. I'm like. wtf! Yes, Nurlyana, you are freaking out now. blast me on msn whether it's with Mr. german. yes it is. I know you aren't online now, but i know you will ask me that =P eww. On the bus we were all trying to imagine all sort of things about them. like how did mr.german propose to her. what they did after that. how the kiss. how they make love. ewww yes. disgusting! haahah! =P
I SLEPT IN MATHS! & it's during MENTAL MATHS! hahahahaha! =P LOSEERS! haha! jokes. i have no idea why am i so happy about this. ahha. well, cause i still manage to get 6 =P nyaha.. i was so effing tired. Maths was soooooooooo eaaasy. we took like 20 minutes marking everything we haven't mark yet. and you know how long have we not mark our books? since chapter 5 and we're on chapter 8. nayha. tsk tsk tsssssk! So Faria and I went to the nurse after school. It was a different NURSE! booo-hoo! I miss the old nurseee! : '( Both of us. well, Three of us (faria, the nurse & I) are like soooooooooo TIGHT! but now, this one is like.. she sounds nice.. but looks.. hmm. young and kindaaa scary. i dont know whyy. ahh i miss the old nurse. where is shhhhee?!?!
my knee has loads of scratches and bruises due to the part i fell. I wanna put a picture of it. but i can't take it. hurtssss! : '(
Quote of the day by Faria, Flora & Michelle: Ashley looks tough on the outside but very fragile on the inside. Especially the heart"Yes, very cool heh? I love that line guys. Well, it's kinda true. FLORA i still need to talk to youu. =/ So, if you see me sad again in school, you might know the reason to it. A hint maybe.. (:
Apparently, I'm gonna stop the colours thing for a while, Sorry,Nurlyana
Ashley needs a hug badly : '(
Ashley signing off
6:17 PM
Monday, January 11, 2010
The day I knew what love was ;
*2009, sisters gone wild*
"The days together will always be remembered"Hey people. It's a Monday. Monday so far away from Friday. Oh deear... Today was a sucky day that's all i can say. I was freezing in the morning. Dad got pisses on the way dropping us at the bus stop. Arrived school, was kinda weird. Don't want nobody to worry about sadness now. Control my tears for some reasons. =/ and it's also because Nurlyana & Lateef. Bus is so quiet in the morning now. Even Navin asked me why am I so quiet on the bus now. Well, cause we don't have anything to talk about!! Anyway, maths was first. the joooy. how to start a day. It wasn't that bad. it was so eaasy. anyway, science next. it was okay. geography. ppsfht.! dont wanna talk about it. lunch, no food, no money. ate some of faria's food. thank faria. (: Malay was okay. the usual. Mandarin was really disappointed. i was really hoping ms would be there. I need some tips about this Wednesdays mocks! I'm so scared!!! ahh! =/
I'm pissed at stuff. I'm hating everything bit of 2010 now. urgh.
No mood to blog.
pparently, i wanna stab you in the heart!Ashley wants this thing to stopp!
Ashley signing off
11:08 PM
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Can't you see how much you mean to me? ;
*2010, Sam's party*
"We gotta keep moving on no matter what"Hey there people. Yesterday was such a long day for me. I wish Nurlyana would be there at Carmen's.!! I miss her badly! Lateef lost his voice half way. Wow. haha! It was awesome. I'll remember every bit of that day!! Sadly, i had to leave at 5 to go to Sam's. But hey, Sam's wasn't that bad, right Poh Yee and Ch'ng Xin?!?! hahaha! it was hilarious! and the time went by fast.! Heard from Yip that Carmen's was awesome.
Oh, we had to clean up the place back at karaoke as we messed it up by playing with the cake. & what the heck, the lady doesn't know how to tell us how much it cost.! She speaks mandarin and tries to speak english but failed. Hey, we manage to clean it up within 10 minutes. and how does that cost 500Rm. it's stupid. & i tried their so call special drink. it's okay. but it's tooooooo sweet. I forgot to say goodbye to everyone. Only Carmen. =/ sorry guys. Mum was yelling through the phone but in the end i waited for 15 minutes? urgh. damn that maan.
Okay, people. I'll been blogging for ages as I'm stressed out. and tired and everything!!! I need a rest. no one lets me rest. they say i spent too much on the com. hello. look at my brother and you dont say anything. WTF! You know what, screw this whole thing up! screw everything!!!!! I need a huge break now. seriously!!! My neck hurts which leads to my headache. my arm hurts. i keep injuring my toe.. this shows tiredness. i woke up early today to help out and i couldn't sleep. ah. last night, i couldn't sleep either. What am i suppose to do?
Dad is pissing off cause of my aunty. omg. screw her.! jeez.Can you stop being such a meanie? can you stop being so boastful? can you just stop calling? Can you just stop and shut up and look at yourself!
Screw everything!! FML! and you know what?? I feel ill! My eyes feels hot. and I keep sneezing! and now a headache come. I'm not surprise if i'm not going to school tomorrow. Oh, did i mention, my forehead feels hot.!!!
Apparently, I want everyone to shut up for a while till my headache is gone!
Ashley just wants peaace!
Ashley signing off
4:15 PM
Friday, January 8, 2010
Everything takes time ;
*2009, Halloween*(we miss you, our little rockstar(:)
"It's such a heartbreak seeing youu"Hey there people. Today, Friday. Second day of school. Wow.. & it's still not really working out! Last night again, I cried myself to sleep, wishing that all these sad moments was just another nightmare of mine. In the end, obviously i manage to sleep. Again, calming myself down by hugging the bear.
This morning, i woke up late as i was crying so much, i forgot to set my alarm. So went on the bus, I was feeling sad again. Oh.. this sucks badly.. I turned on my Ipod and start listening to it to get my mind off stuff again. On the waay to school after all the stop, i suddenly just starting crying, looking out the window and thinking... Why now? The sky was gloomy again.. I calmed myself down again.. and tired to sleep. But i couldn't. Our bus went pass Nurlyana's and I looked inside, Nurlyana wasn't there. I sighed again and looked out the window and turned my music louder. I've never ever listened to my music that loud before. Oh, I'm going under depression again.
Nothing happened after that. It was Malay first lesson. It wasn't that bad until Ms.Nice gotta ask everyone what we did during the holidays. & I told her how much fun i had with Nurlyana in Penang and New years eve.. I was sad again. it started to rain then. Don't worry, I cheered myself up. and I know that Nurlyana would know how. haha. I was being so sick. Michelle asked liquid paper from Eu Chian and He asked Do you want the wet one or the dry one. Yes, it was sick. Ken and I started laughing so muuch. but Eu Chian & Michelle didn't get it. I was surprised Michelle didn't get it. It took her like 2 minutes to realized what we were laughing about.
It was break and it was hell windy. I was trying to fly. Fly to wherever. It was so cold..I embarrassed myself by shouting something so loud in front of the stuff office and a teacher came out and looked at me in a weird way. According to Loni, Mr.Robson was behind us and heard and like looked at me at the WTF looked. Oh, how i wish Nurlyana was there... It was Science next. It wasnt that bad. Okay then Mandarin. Urgh so BORING!! Then lunch. Thierry got into trouble. i'm sorry. =/ Flora ate lke most of the food when i payed for it and she had her own food. that girl!
It was Maths next. the JOY much.!! as usual it was boring. but then we started talking about food. and Mr.D was like saying he eats one hamburger a week. something like that. and Faria goes like, I like vegetables...and before the lesson ended, we stood behind our chairs and Max was talking to Shawn about his Lego card thingy. They(max, raff) tricked Shawn by saying that they had pokemon driving card. soemthing like that.I wish I can sit next to Faria and I wish Nurlyana moves back to our class!:'( Then it was English. We continued watching Macbeth. it was boring! well, some parts are interesting and disgusting.. but so far, B-O-R-I-N-G! !
On the bus, it was hell sick. I forgot how the topic came about. But i wished Lateef would be there and Nurlyana. And I know Nurlyana would go like"Oh guys! What have Flora got you guys into?!" aw : '( i miss her! Nurlyana, Our family is screwed up. Well, I am!!! & Faria said that she lovessssssssssss you so much and misses you soooooooooooooooooooooo MUCH! On the bus, I was like trying to lie down on the chairs and just so happened that the bus like breaks and i made a sound and Ken thought i was having sex. wtf!! sabiha was also in this conversation just to let you know so as Hasiq(not sure about his spelling). Nurlyana, new kid. Hasiq. he's a cool dude i think. He's kinda sick too.. (:
It's so saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! I'm soooooooooo hungry now a days on the bus.!! Lateef, I miss you giving me food =P Navin just gives me craap.! Nurlyana, I misssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss visiting the titanic.!!! : '( I was going to go there, but was too busy.!! I misssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss the girl who bosses people around. Nurlyana, somebody changed ever since you left. I mean. ah. You might not say so... but hm. to me, she did. Tell you on Msn if I go on the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna go Ice-skating again! With you! Faria wants too. I told her that she has to let go of the railing and she said she will. COME!!! : '(
I loveeeeeeeee youuuu
I miss youuuuu
Come back to KL, Nurlyana.
I may be hyper, I may be happy, I may be cheerful, i may be crazy. But there's something missing. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU.! YOU! You know who you are, YES You Nurlyana..!! There's no one to stop me. There's no one to hit me to shut up. I know i should stop all the sadness. but where else can i express my feelings?!?!? I don't want to keep this pain in forever.. I'm sorry if i make you cry =/ Cause I myself cry too. Cry every night thinking.. Thinking about the good memories. As i am typing this, I'm crying... The photo frame and the picture inside from the LG Competition just makes me sad.! I miss you so much. I miss your waffle hoodie. : '(
Apparently, I'm dying so much
Ashley wants you right by her now.=/
Ashley signing off
4:46 PM
Thursday, January 7, 2010
All I keep with me, is the memories of youu ;
*2009, Halloween*
"It's so painful to know that you won't be there anymore"Hey people. As you guys know, school starts today.I couldn't sleep the night before as I was crying. I was thinking about how is it like on the morning bus without Lateef and how the class, break, lunch won't be the same without Nurlyana.
So, morning I woke up. Hope it won't go that bad.. I went on the bus, and i forgot where i've sat, and Ken came up to me and asked"is it the right place?" and i just sat down and stared at that empty seat. Cause normally when Lateef is there, I'll know I'm one seat behind him... but now.. It's different. So i tried not to think of that again.. but i couldn't. He's always the one i talk to in the morning. as for Ken, he has his year 8's to talk to & i have nothing to talk to him about. As i just stared into empty space, I over heard some people talking on the bus. and it sounded sick to me, I was laughing to myself like i was a mad person, but. few minutes later, I was sad again. Cause Lateef would laugh with me and understood. =/ So came Faria's stop, and there was a new guy on the bus. He's in year 8. he sat at that empty seat. and it hit me right away. When i was new in Year 8 term 2, the first person i sat next to was Lateef, and now.. It's just an empty seat. I turned away and tried to hold my tears back. I looked out the window and thought to myself"It's a sad day for me and you(the sky)" I know it's sily, but hey. it was gloomy.
We arrived school, we had to do the H1N1 check again. and no idea why. Faria, Sabiha and I walked together. It was better now as we talked about something sick. As we arrived at the locker, i k new Nurlyana would be there. Cause we are late. but then, i just remembered that she's off now. It was really sad. Faria and I walked together to tutor and it started to drizzle. I hugged Faria and told her that it's from Nurlyana. and i told everyone that Nurlyana misses them like hell. As that was my task. (: I told ms.A that Nurlyana said one. (: aww. I miss it. Nurlyana, now we aren't doing numbers =/ Oh yeah, when we were in Mr.A's class, Faria and I took down our chairs to sit, even Nurlyana, and both of us just sighed. and said there's a blob and it's nurlyana.(: Went to assembly. It was sad, as Nurlyana would normally be sitting next to us, so as Jess. but Jess sat with Vicky & Charlie. After assembly was maths. the joy. it was the usual. boredom! and it was break. it drizzled again. Was kinda-ish hyper, to get me out of the sadness. and here comes SCIENCE.
SCIENCE was the best today, i got to say. Not because we were learning about sex reproduction. It's cause Mr.M, like.. made me not think about any sadness. for the start of the lesson only. where he said
I like sex. yes. He said that. and then he asked me a question, i wasn't listening cause i was thinking about it again. I was thinking How's nurlyana? I hope she's okay. I can't text back cause I'm afraid of my bill. how's lateef? How are they?!?! so after science, i was kinda down. we watch Macbeth. and it was lunch. Oh, i miss the girl who always have noodles. I miss her noodles! : '( I was sad alright. I'm not sure about the rest. Music was next. hey nurlyana, we are safe. we didn't perform it. we don't have to. (: instead we were talking about cinemas and stuff. the sound effects. Nothing much. Faria and I turned sick again.(: It cheered me up. (: the last was Dt. it wasn't that bad. It was the usual. fun. nice. interesting. i don't know about the others but there was some parts when Mr.Quick was explaining, it was kinda sick. oh, how i wish i have someone in my class to laugh about that statement.=/ After school, I switch my locker to Faria's and Faria took Nurlyana's. (:
We walked to the bus. I was kinda in a depression mood again. As Lateef always have food! I mean, Navin has food too. But today, he didn't give some to me. =/ and I know Lateef would =P So Faria and i decided to call Lateef. Wow. We passed the phone like so many times. haha.! Oh it was nice to talk to you Lateef. So Faria continued her story, reading thingy. and I jsut listened to my ipod. and faria jsut gotta get down! So i had KEN to talk to. WHAT IS THERE TO TALK TO KEN ABOUT! NOTHING! Even Anisa said it's quiet without Lateef, and I agree. It's so quiet. =/ I can tell that Ken misses Lateef like how much we all do. but all he just admit was"no, a bit only" yeah sure Ken.
This is such a long post. As I know nurlyana wants to know everything. But just in case I can't go online at the same time. I know I can go online now, but i think i rather blog first. (:
I miss youuuu!!
Oh yeah nurlyana, they changed some rules in school and some part of the school. Hope you visit soon!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
Apparently, I'm in a sad mood
Ashley wishes Nurlyana would be in school today.
Ashley signing off
5:03 PM
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Dance with me in the night ;
Cause when I'm with you there's nowhere else
11:06 PM