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Sunday, February 28, 2010
It's all just a game ;

*2008 OR 2009, running competition*

"Why am i still searching?"

Hey hey hey hey! (: Okay, so on Saturday i didn't do anything except i ate alot. like HELL lot. ahha! (: i have no clue why. I guess I'm under depression. ahha! Anyway, in the morning, i woke up and ate. after eating, i ate some cookies.. then ate some jelly. yes, a lot right. then.. in the afternoon, ate some more cookies and some more jellies. in the evening, wanted to eat but sister said we are having early dinner.. So i waited for dinner time. went out and ate. then we packed away some food. came back straight and ate.. went out to 1u to buy something. then we ate subway. first time mom saying we can have subway (: i love you mom (: then we came back.. went on the computer and then went out and picked my brother up. (: then came back, massaged my mom, i slept in my sister's room last night cause she scared the hell out of me.. so i couldn't sleep. I didn't have a really ncie sleep either, i didn't get much of a space, i nearly fell off. ha ha ha ha! (:

Today, i woke up.. slept back, woke up again. slept back. woke up went on the computer. that was about 11 something or 12. ahah! see. I'm a lazy bum (: then went down had lunch, watched golf and did my homework then watched some dvds.. came up. then had to go down for dinner. and here i am again! (: so yeah. it's so hot in here. but my remote control is spoiled and i have to use my sister's remote control and i can't be bothered to get it. ahh! (: and now she jsut locked her room. oh well..

So I enjoy chatting with people. hah! I'm so random (: aw. I have no mood now. =/ lalala just signed out. daamn! You know lalala just always make my day for some reasons. ahha! (: So I'm gonna stop here and turn my aricond on and hit the showers. ahha! I can't believe i just said that. haha!

Apparently, I'm missing every single moment of it

Ashley knows it's not right!

Ashley signing off


8:46 PM
Friday, February 26, 2010
I will be thinking about you every night ;

*2009, meet up with sien wei & carin*

"Something is not the same, something has changed"

Hey ! (: Today is a Friday. Also a public holiday (: So i slept early last night as I had a huge headache since lunch. So i woke up at 8, used the computer for a while. Chat with Florence and yeah. (: Got ready for the outing with Faria and Flora. Michelle was suppose to come but she couldn't. Oh well.. So we watch Valentines Day. It was good (: haha! Then we went for some shopping. I went broke. I had 7 ringgit left when i walked out from Midvalley/Gardens. ahha! (: So I came back, came to my room and saw 5 people chatting with me. I was so shocked that I've forgotten to sign out before I left. So I apologized to all those people.. haha! hm. then went down and watch American Idol. Can't believe Ashley got out. It's so annoying! and the dude. the other dude not Tyler. I forgot his name. He's so good compared to Tim Urban. He only got in because of his looks. Jeez!! Anyway, so during dinner well, after dinner actually. We had a sick conversation.. about boobs and dicks. hahaa! (: We were also talking about my dream. My weird and kinda scary dream that woke me up. haha! (:

We had fruits and watched some news for a while then watched Old Dogs on DVD. haha! (: awesome. daddy was laughing like mad. (: Mom thought dad was insane. ahha! (: We all think he was(: that's why i love you daddy. =P and that is where i got my insanity. (: Then here I am blogging. I'm chatting to loads of people. Well, not anymore. I was tho. Everyone went off..


Yes, sorry for the foul words as I'm really pissed with all the homework he gives us. Like seriously man, give us a break.. omg, english too. I'm gonna suck so badly acting in front of people. I always get nervous and go blank. this sucks.! : '( I have Mandarin homework too. How sucky my long weekends are? It's gonna be such a busy weekend starting from next week. (:

Next week: reunion
2 weeks time: MKIS badminton friendly match

3 weeks time: SEASAC.

Yes yes yes. I can't wait. I guess? haha! Omg. imagine the amount of homework : '( I can't concentrate lah : '( damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn. April I'm free again i guess. Needa plan the meet up with Kieren. I'm sorry guys okay. But it's because none of you guys are helping me out here! I'm like stressed out planning everything.! Gah. If you are reading this.. I really need help to plan and all... thanks. Well, i doubt someone will help me, as I'm always the one organizing it. !!!!

What else should i blog about? Oh the fact that I'm under great depression ?. Yes i am actually under great depression : '( Oh, I' happy that I improved on my science. Progress report out. an A for Science. from level 5b to 7c. what a great jump. ahha! (:

I'm sorry peeps at school that i'm really crazy that sometimes i shout at you guys. I'm really sorry. A lot of stuff have been going through my mind lately that i wish i can get it out tho. But i can't. Oh michelle. I can't..Once again, I'm sorry my lovely friends. I'm sorry : '(

Apparently, I'm dirty. =P

Ashley wanna say yes.

Ashley signing off


9:38 PM
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I just want to fly away ;

*2010, sports day*

"I wanna cry so badly"

Hey hey hey! (: so Yesterday was Sports Day. Such a late Sports Day. Suppose to be in term 1. okay what happened is that we did it in school as the stadium is booked up. So for those people who didn't do field events has to go for normal lessons from lesson 1 to 3. I skipped everything. well, except 3. I wasn't suppose to skip science... but i managed to as i ran 800m for Emily. OMG! so close.. so damn close. I could have got 3rd. but jess got 3rd. so damn close. i couldn't walk after that.. my leg was hurting, i was dizzy, I couldn't walk properly. Sorry Flora and Michelle, i totally forgot to run with you guys =/ So then i couldn't walk properly to Music and Jess either.. we slowly walked to music. While waiting for Mr.H, I sat down.. and Alex just gotta hit my knee and it hurts so badly!! Anyway, Music was boring.. then it was Lunch. and it was the tracks events. everyone was out.No lessons. I failed at 300m.Elena, Marie and Hollie were jsut too good.and then here comes Su Ki. so i gto 5th. I'm actually pleased. (: Relay.. Everything was messed.. Hmm. We came 3rd last.. as we didn't know all the relays as in relay A and B will be together. if it was, we could have arranged it better.


SCOTT lost after 10 years of victory. we ruuule! Go fairfield, go fairfield (: The look on her face.. ahha! just made me laugh my ass off when she heard fairfield won. ahha! Faria and I were so happy that she was so so so so upset and jealous.. (:

TODAY,was a horrible day. I nearly fell 5 times. my leg was sore. I pulled my muscle at erm. i have no clue what part is it call. it's the right side of your tummy?! anyway, it hurts so badly, walking for lke 5 minutes and it already hurts. My knee hurts badly too. =/ oh well. I got sunburnt. anyway.. so I had to do Hockey. stand the paain. it was hurting so muuch! gaah. I wanna blog more, but I'm tired. my leg hurts badly, nearly fell of again =/ I'm exhausted.

Apparently, today is a sad daay

Ashley just wanna thank you so muuch (:
Ashley signing off

9:11 PM
Monday, February 22, 2010
Show me a reason to love ;

*2010, Shea Zheng's place*

"Nothing is alright, nothing is.."

Hey hey hey!. (: Sorry for not updating for a while. It was a busy weekend for me. So on Saturday, i woke up, read my book, finished it, hit the showers had lunch, watched tv, texted people. Then got ready for Shea Zheng's open house and waited for Carin. When carin arrived, we went straight to Shea Zheng's place. and Yes, again, Sien Wei, always the first one. (: but but but. Florence was there already. and it was jsut us. all 5 of us. haha! until Shea Zheng called Yang, and apparently, he was convinced with our "sounds". So Yang came at about 9 something and I met a new dude, which thinks I'm weird thanks to Shea Zheng. so we gambled after that.. won load sof money. Hooraay. I'm awesome (: I was suppose to go back at 10:30 but i called and asked to stay till 11. then, 11:30 and then 1. ahhaha! Yes, all cause of gambling. (: So Carin came over to my place for a sleepover as it was too late for her mom to pick me up(: So we talked till 3 in the morning. yes, it was funny and interesting.. (:

I woke up as at like 10:10? my mom texted me jsut to tell me that she's getting food for Carin. haha! So Carin's mom text her and said that she was coming at 11 to pick her up. It was already 10:50 when her mom said that.. She told her mom to come a little later and then we quickly showered and ate. we only managed to chill for about 3 minutes? haha! oH well.. Last night was good enough. I was so tired i took a short nap. well, not really a short nap is it ? Cause I slept for 1 hour. ahha! I woke up and started worrying about my science, i went online and saw Flora on, asked her about it. and yip wasn't on.. so i just did the how to build the speaker bit first. and i spent so much time on it and yip said he has done it. gaah. oh well... so print everything.. mommy yelled at me cause we were late for the prayers thingy. It's a Hokkien thing. (: I ahd to stay up till 2 am.

Today, i was completely exhausted. ! On the bus, i slept so fast like baam. then i was still tired. gaah. i kept yawning in all my lessons.! : '( my head felt like it was gonna fall off. and my eyes just wanna shut !! My whole body felt like it was taken control like I'm a puppet. I was freaking tired. so tired that all i can do is sleep. So what is there to blog baout school? school is normal.

It's getting annoying now cause of HER. omg, she's so annoyingg! You've changed and you say that you aren't always in our group? it's like you are blaming us for this.. you were the one who chose to choose the others okay. The only reason yo uused to hang out with us more last time was because of Nurlyana, it was so obvious.. not WAS sorry my bad....it's IS! even ISABELLA says so. Flora and michelle too. so.. how is that possible that it's us when it's you. I'm sick of your freaking tricks or whatever. You tell everyone what happened when it's a secret. when it nly happens on the bus. only people on the bus knows or if i tell others. you go ahead and tell everyone and they come and ask me to do it. OMG! you are such a bitch! you are such a two face too. like seriously.. F off! Yes, I'm annoyed with you , so as others so there's no need to go around asking my friends whether I'm annoyed with you. THEY ARE MY FRIENDS, NOT YOURS ANYMORE! Plus, I'm making it obvious now as it's getting onto my nerves.! Stop trying so hard to fit in to other's life when you've already fit just well with us. but nooo. you just wanna be the cool one. and stop showing off about your grades! WHO CARES WHAT YOU GOT FOR YOUR GEOGRAPHY? YOU ONLY ASK PEOPLE ON WHAT THEY GOT WHEN YOU GET LIKE AN A! SO WHAT THE FISH MAN.! You are trying to make me get a low grade for my ICT as you don't give me any any any info. all you go like. I DON"T MIND! when i give you every single thing you need and the PHOTOS! At least i upload it on facebook, you ! YOU YOU! You said that you will upload it. till now.. 3 weeks. NOTHING! you said you'll email me, till now, nothing!! 1 month! what the hell!! AND YOU ARE SHOWING OFF YOUR WEB PAGE WHEN IT'S NOT THAT GOOD! ALL I NEED IS PICTURES OF YOU AND THAT'S ALL... AND YOU TAKE FOREVER.. AND IT'S DUE TOMORROW YOU EFFING BIATCH!!

Apparently, I just wanna stab her!

Ashley wants it all to end!

Ashley signing off

9:37 PM
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Forever is no longer how it used to be ;

*2010, sisters gone wild*

"Stood there, stared back, walked away with a broken heart"

Hey there. It's a Friday. No wait. it's pass midnight so it's Saturday. but who cares. anyway.. Friday was a good day i guess. It was cold. not wait. it wasn't a good day. I was so tired. I stayed up late to wish my cousin happy birthday. haha!(: hm. what else shall i blog. I have nothing to blog as i can't think. I'm so tired.

I shall have a proper blog post soon. If i have time. hm. I shall talk about.. nothing i guess. hmm. things are weird.. I've finally managed to chat with Michelle online! I feel bad. I wanna break down and cry. In fact, i will... michelle's quote about me: you're like an angel, although your fragile, you still go for it and face the truth. That is what i love about you" wow michelle. i was crying when you said that. i don't know why.

What else can i say?! hm. Oh Flora and Michelle.. I'm doing it some time next week..

Apparently, I'm gonna need you two to be there for me

Ashley is messing up everything
Ashley signing off


12:20 AM
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I take home everything that was left behind ;

*Ammmmmmmy, being slutty but cool(:*

"I'm falling off this cliff of love once again"

Hey hey hey hey hey.! I was suppose to blog. but i got carried away talking with my mom and friends. My sister is annoying about chocolates. It's my birthday gift okay. and i wanna eat it! gah. stupid sister!!

Today, dress up day. wore all the colours they asked. hahaha.. i'm so coool =P erm. what else.. I hated today cause it was so hoot! omg. and during assembly, year 9 students sang "peng you" omg. i know that song and i was singing along. haha! and alan! OMG! ALAN is so good at guitar. like amazing! I admire people who can play so good at guitar for some weird reasons. nothing much happened. I just realized, i didn't touch my pen until DT. haha! which was the last lesson. hahaha! Woww! today. a non-writing day. I have nothing much to say. Hm. someone's phone seems to be really loud. message tone. wonder who. it sounded like a new phone type. but.. no one got a new phone.

I have nothing else to talk about. Saw the Blocking System for GCSE.. hmph. not happy with it. =/ not happy at all.. I'm not going to sleep till 12. to wish my darling cousin! (:

Apparently, chatting with awesome people!(:

Ashley loves youu
Ashley signing off

9:03 PM
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Every step means something ;

*2010, Chinese new year, Birthday*

"Love keeps you near"

Hey there people! (: It's a Wednesday and we have to go back to school today. The only school i know in Malaysia that needs to go back to school after 2 days of holidays. Wow. I really need a rest. So I slept late last night, had a chat with my sister. After that, my sister wanted to take my laptop to her room, I didn't allow her so we took awhile. If I'm not mistaken, i slept at 1? or maybe 12:30. So i woke up the usual time. Was so tired. I couldn't open my eyes.

Went on the bus, Jess gave me a present. blah blah blah. Arrived, nothing much. blah blah blah. nothing interesting today. sorry. I really wanted to blog, but i have no mood now. I'm really really really sorry. =/

Quote of the day: "It's true what they say that if you love somebody, let them free"

Apparently, I miss everything back in primary days more

Ashley wanna fly away
Ashley signing off


9:03 PM
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
You are the reason ;

*2010, Chinese New year*

"You are the only reason the star shines"

Hey hey hey! Sorry have not been blogging.. Really busy. As you know It was Valentines and it's Chinese new year. so on the Saturday, the reunion dinner, we went out.. I was kinda sad. Sister asked why.. I said I wasn't.. well.. It's actually because I really miss her.. She used to be with us.. eating.. anyway... so we came back, i stayed outside and admire the stars on that night.. and thinking.. oh how she would be here. I had goosebumps after thinking about it.. It was weird I know. hm. So at the same time i was texting.. hm. nothing else. oh oh oh... my siblings and i played some erm.."poh kuat"? someting like that. it's a chinese game. haha! so my parent's friend came over.. then nothing else happened..

Sunday- Valentines and 1st day of Chinese new year. What we did? It was a completely different thing. Normally my cousin would come over with his family and visit.. but not this year as she wasn't here anymore. so we had a quiet morning. went and pick up the cake.. came back. ate.played "poh kuat" again.. watched tv.. got ready to go to my cousin's place(different one). Went there. Their house was under renovation. and wow. wow wow ! It was so nice.! (: blah blah blah. enjoyed. stayed till late night.

Monday- My birthday and 2nd day of Chinese new year. Woke up early. Normally the second day, we would go to my grandma's place but cause my cousin is flying off on tuesday, so we can't. that's why we moved it earlier to the day before.anyway, normal stuff. then my brother sent my sister and I to my cousin's place. we stayed over. it was a party, a farewell party for my cousin. haha! It was so fun. even though we couldn't eat much as she was afraid we would take a lot and her friends won't have enough. well, it ended up with loads of left overs. Got kinda drunk-ish? Oh oh oh. my cousin doesn't have any guys friends so i called everyone on my list. well, she asked me to call adam first as i was texting him. haha! so we called and he said she sounded stalker-ish. haha ! Hilarious. then we called Yip.. and it was hilarious too. we called shea zheng, but tak pick up. called Yf he said he needa help his grandma do stuff. so yeah. it was a funny day. and awesome.

Tuesday- It's todaay! (: aw. It;s no longer my birthday. Woke up.. shower, had breakfast. funny conversation.. watched tv. went up to check on my sister and cousin. cousin gave me dresses to try on. didn't had time. but yeah. they are such nice dresses. I love the pink one, but can't fit. as you know my cousin, she's super slim. and super hot... she's either size S or XS. and she's 18.. like wow right?!so went out to have lunch. it was hell hell hell FULL oh oh oh. people thought my auntie has 7 children. ahhaa! funnah..so we had to squeeze in the car. but it was fine.. hm. went back to their house watched tv and blah blah blah. then dad came and we gotta go back =/ oh maan. i really wanted to stay another night but i have school the next day. I don't get it.. other schools have a week off when we only have 2 days off. such shit. and we have to go back on a WEDNESDAY! worst day ever on week A!

So yeaah. and i had loads of Strawberries. why? how?

Cake=Strawberry Flavoured
Cake toppings=Strawberry
Cousin's place=a box of strawberries. not really a box. 2 boxes.! (:

I enjoyed my birthday filled with strawberries =P
Birthrday present from cousin was to choose 3 things from her room. didn't choose any. my other cousin gave me her dresses to try. no time. took it all back. I'll miss her. all the best in Aussie!(:

Getting fatter and fatter after Chinese new year. ate so much i must start working out again. Btw, Michelle, need to talk to you AGAIN! Urgently!

Apparently, I'm stuck in this triangle thingy

Ashley wanna stop and end every madness !
Ashley signing off



8:48 PM
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Give me faith ;

*2010, Boston dinner*

"All i want to do is to get rid of this guilt I'm having inside me"

Hey hey hey hey! Not sure what time will BLOGGER put it. like which day. So to let you guys know, it's 12:53 now. and It's 14th of february. yes. Valentines day. Not just that but YELLOW NEW YEAR and one more day left till I'm turning a year older. Time passes just so fast. Well, thanks people for the early wishes.

I'll talk about yesterday. since it's already a brand new day. So yesterday, I woke up.. went out to eat. came back. went shopping. came back. Just thinking how we used to decorate our house and now like no one wants to do it. and how much we used to be so into everything. the cleaning, the fun in cleaning. the fun in cooking. This year, we went out to eat instead. During dinner it just got me thinking about her. She would be next to me now.. Having dinner with us. : '( So went came back, my dad says he misses the chili we used to make on Chinese new year.. Everything was so different. EVERYTHING! I ran up to my room, locked myself in and started crying. I know, I know. That's not what Chinese New Year is suppose to be.. but. I everything is slowly changing and I've not let go of her yet, I've not tell my mind that i have to move on.

ANYWAY, my siblings managed to get it out of my mind for a while. We played some games. I was crazy. I was known as the retarded person. Haha. It was so much fun.. When my parents had to leave to send their friend back, we all stopped the game. Everything was boring again. So happened that it was 12 and i started receiving texts. sadly, ahem ahem slept. oh well...

now I'm so tired.

Okay, Honestly, you've changed. I don't know why.. but you did. I'm serious.. Why cant you see that? Oh wait, you've noticed but.. hm.. oh i don't know.

I'm tired and I wanna get some sleep for tomorrow's party. no wait. TODAY'S. as it's past 12. ahha!

Apparently, I'm not in a happy mood: '(

Ashley loves seeing relatives =P
Ashley signing off


12:32 AM
Friday, February 12, 2010
Give me a sign ;

*2010,Boston dinner*

"Is it me or it's just you?

hey hey hey! It's a friday! and I jsut came back from an awesome dinner. we should have it sometime.! omg.! i htink we should have like it every month. haha! nah.. maybe like.. an anniversary. nah. I have no clue what I'm talking about. oh well. MICHELLE,your perfume smell gooood!

on the bus, MICHELLE'S BUS IS GAY! haha! jokes jokes. but seriously.. the ASIAN BUS IS WAY BETTER! =P Nice chat ! OMG! MICHELLE "my house isnt that big" *ashley walks in* Ashley: holy shit! it's huge!" yes Michelle, your house is huge! and it's not small...So yeah. got ready and all. ahha! went and meet up. it was awesoomeee! (:

VERY FULL! Do i even need to tell ? haha! Cause I'm really tired and I don't think i will bother telling you guys tomorrow... IT'S YELLOW NEW YEAR! HAPPY YELLOW NEW YEAR! hahaha!!!

Okaay. all i can say about today that it was a bomb! =P I love today. we should have it sometime again! omg! thank you for buying strawberries for me and giving me chocolates. (:


Apparently, 3 more days till I'm 14!

Ashley loves my yellow michelle! (:
Ashley signing off

11:18 PM
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Smile through your pain ;

*2010, swimming gala/basketball*

"You've stolen my heart"

Hey hey hey. Swimming Gala was today. Not jsut Swimming Gala but Basketball too. Hm. Twisted my ankle. oh well. i signed up for one event, turned out to do 5 events. I was exhausted. I wanted to rest. but it was nice being in the poool. Basketball was next. I twisted my ankle on the first game. I was like jumping to get the ball, and someone pushed me at the same time so like, i landed on an awkward position. Shaameh, you were awesome.(: hahaa! Okay, so i played the next game which was with Scott, and like my ankle hurts but like.. i still played.. stand the pain laah. Hey, we didn't lose that bad to Scott unlike the others. so yeah, We are all happy. There's nothing much to update about today, just that it was one hot and enjoyable day. (: we didn't win, so whaaat. as long as we have fun right?

Mah darling ankle, get well soon. Tomorrow must play softball, they assessing : '( me like or rather love softball !! My mom says to bandage it. and use ankle guard for tomorrow. So I'm clueless. Do i bandage to school and wear my ankle guard when i play softball? I'll just wait till tomorrow to ask her or.. when she comes back? Cause I have a feeling that she's coming back late for some reasons.

Mommy, I love you do you know that? ahha! That was random. OMG! Isabella's nails were awesome. hahaha! (: This Friday. Hm. Faria, you were suppose to text me, till now.. NOTHING! Sabiha, i told you to remind your sister. So if you did, why hasn't she text me? I needa ask you know and like plan everything.

Michelle, Michelle!! Holy shit man! Need to talk to you again!! You should know what is it about right? haha! It's always. well, sometimes the same thing. well, most of the time. but still.... Gah! Michelle, you going on Friday? you better!

Cake for my brithday= Strawberry Chocolate Angel. Something like that. Sounds so awesome right? I know =P haha!

Mr.Spence, is gaaay! Come on, you tell people off for barefooting ? that is lame!! omg! I bang into Mr.Spence, and he was kinda angry. cause i was wet. ahaha! well, it was his fault. he was in a rush. and i just bang into him. haha!!

Apparently, I'm really really thirsty

Ashley loves strawberries! (:
Ashley signing off


9:14 PM
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Whever you hurt me, i wanna hurt you more ;

*2008,Jia Xin's Party*

"I vanished every moment you and I had ever made"

Hey hey hey hey hey..I think you are cool. I think your smile is hot. I think you are hot. I think your body is hot. I think I'm crazy. I shall start my day. wait wait.

MONDAY- maths, eww.. break as usual.. Science, kinda boring.. Gepgraphy, okay okay... Lunch.. cool cool. Malay, test. Mandarin, funny.

TODAY- Games, fun fun fun, SOFTBALL ALL THE WAY! break, asked about seasac softball. can't call. clashes with seasac badminton : '( Science, boring i guess. Music, okay okay. continued watching movie. Lunch, i really want to go and watch the performance but no money. my brother said it was hell awesome!Oh oh oh, and i was way hyper during lunch. hah! Ict, yes! a new teacher that knows ICT! so much easier to be in a lesson with her. and i think she thinks i'm hyper. =P i walked in. and yelled "ello" and she was like" hey.. are you okay?" hahaa! maths was hell! hated it so much.!


OMG! I can't wait for this Friday. But daddy, mummy said no cause it will be jam and no transport. I'll find my way and ask again! (: I can't wait , i can't wait! (: Michelle, we talked a lot today. haha!! I hope i remember what we talked about when i tell you everything (: First time Michelle. First time!!! Omg.! and ____ didn't say "so..." for the first time. ahha! well. haha.! Oh Michelle. things are really messed up right. : ' ( Michelle, you promised yeah. 10 minutes hug. (:

Friday firday Friday FRIDAY! gaah. Michelle, if you can come. maybe you can ask ahem ahem .. haha! so call "bum" hahaa!

This is my plan for my birthday celebrations:

It's in 6 days times.! (:

Apparently, I'm afraid

Ashley loveees youu
Ashley signing off

9:51 PM
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Some things are best to be left aside rather than to be found ;

*2009, Shea Zheng's place(:*

"A dozen of roses"

Hey hey hey hey hey hey! (: Omg! My dad was sooo cute today. This morning, I went out and had breakfast with him as he said my mom ditched him to play golf. haha! and my mom text and said that she's eating at the club instead which succks. and my dad replied: this is why i asked you to come and eat with me.. but noooo.." hahaha! Aww. so cutee. and when we were having breakfast he kept texting my mom. haha! and and and, he kept smiling. awwwww. So we went back watched a movie. Obviously DVDS.. haha! omg! My dad, sister, brother, uncle and I watched the Hangover and it's a sick movie which swears a lot and surprisingly, my dad didn't say anything. He just sat down and watched and laugh it through.. wow. but it was so awkward too. haha!!! Especially the ending where all the credits come out right, so on the left, they showed some pictures. Yes and the first picture was a lady without a Bra showing her boobs. and i was like. aheem. wow.

So after that, we had nothing to watch, we rewatched the Grammys again.. so yeaah. haha. wasn't bored of it.. well, maybe lah. but nothing else to watch.and it started pouring. it rained so heavily but for a short while. WEIRD! Anywaaay, then my brother changed the channel to erm. Cartoon network. i know i know. childish. haha!! but that's cause we have nothing else to watch. so i went out and had tea. What can I say, depression mode i guess. That's why i eat a lot. Yes dudes, I'm gaining loads of weight !

To my dearest yellow sister, Michelle,
I have no clue. Seriously. I know you are helping N.. but but but. I'm confuse woman. !!! and and and R is such a Hypocrite. like. waay. I'll tell you in school okie dokie?
Love, Ashleey (:

So anyway, mom finally came baack, had dinner had fruits had nothing else. haha! So, Florence is my valentine (: but sadly, we can't go out darling as I'm celebrating my valentines day with my beloved cousins, relatives. Why? first.. to celebrate Chinese New Year.. Second, to celebrate my cousin's , my grandma's and my brithday! (: third, last time I'm gonna see one of my cousin. I'll miss her! So yeaah. hm. i don't think i have anything on the 16th.. Maybe i should go out. haha!

I found TEDDDY! Yes, I sound like a little kid, but that teddy means a lot to me, It reminds me of Bai Xiao.!

Dear Damansara-ians,
I really wanna meet up soon. As soon as possible. and can someone else plan it. I've been planning so many stuff.. And I'm pretty worked out. Seriously maan. I'll ask Florence to plaan! =P

So.. Things have been hm. weird lately i guess. Or rather complicating??!?!? Florence, i really wanna say it. but i can't.. I'm not as tough as you. :'(

Apparently, I'm under depression

Ashley lovees you
Ashley signing off

8:36 PM
Saturday, February 6, 2010
It's time for me to stand up and be strong ;

*2009, Shea Zheng's place*

"A rose? A box of chocolates? A box of strawberry? A hug? A kiss? A bear? A "iloveyou"?

Hey hey hey hey hey (: So. i have nothing to blog about.
I have nothing to blog about.

I'm busy planning so many stuff. Planning an outing to meet Kieren as he wanna meet all of us again.. and planning some other stuff.

I can't wait till MARCH. I have no clue why, but I have like no mood for chinese new year, valentines day(which i seriously don't believe, as every day is valentines day to me, leanrt from my dad) or even my birthdaay. gaaah. WHY ???!?!?!?!

Hm.. People, people. I'm not gonna plan an outing for my birthday as last year was a fail and yeah. hm. don't wanna talk about it. but but, i really wanna see you guys too. hm i don't know. gaah.

I really miss those days. Carin, i read your blogpost. yeaah.Sien wei, i read yours too. Oh yes, i remembered people chasing us around the school. I remembered how we always get bullied. It's buy a whack in the back. and yes, it does hurt if it's from either Carin or Megan. I have no clue if mine hurt. But no harsh feelings guys, it's self defense (: But hey, if you guys hadn't bullied us, we won't have a great friendship with you guys. Take for an example Lester and I used to like bully each other badly. like serious whacking and pain and stuff. Even brought it to the principal. and look now, we are such good friends. Hm. I haven't spoken to him for ages tho. he hasn't been going online. There were loads of things that happened back then. I really miss the volleyball team, I really miss Cikgu Effendi coaching the badminton squad. I really miss skipping science to practice running, badminton or volleyball. I really miss joining MSSD, MSSS. Believe it or not, I actually miss public school. I know all the dramas, teachers, whacking and stuff. but, honestly.. it's just nice. i don't knw why. I really wanna be back in one public school.

Dear Damansara-ians., I really miss you guys and hope to see you guys soon. I hope that one day. jsut one day we all could put on our chool uniform and go back to bai xiao and start everything again. If the uniforms do still fit. I hope so. haha! (: Well, i hope we won't lose touch. I hope to hear from you soon. I love you, forever will remember the memories. Honestly, no one can replace it. No one can ask me to move on.. Even if they do, i won't. I love youu.

I'm going off now

Apparently, I'm loving it

Ashley is wondering what is gonna happen
Ashley signing off

xoxo ashleylicious

10:46 PM
Friday, February 5, 2010
Maybe you'll take me in ;

*2009, Shea Zheng's place*

"Nothing's gonna change the way I feel about you"

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey! (: Omg heeey! Okay, I sound hyper, but I'm not. I'm jsut under the so call depression thing. haha! Shea Zheng, let's see how long you can last. Honestly, all I wana do for my birthday is to call up damansara-ians and have long chats. That would be soo awesome. but sadly, i won't do that.. haha! Sorry guuuys =P I'll sort some stuff out to meet you guys again,. As 6J-ians know that there will be a meet up on March the 13th. Can't wait, and since you guys are so confused about everything.. dress code has changed. NO MORE A LITTLE FORMAL. just BLUE! as you guys know, BLUE was our colour. oh how i wish i could contact Fu lao shi actually. It'll be awesome if she was there. and I know you guys would think I'm crazy and all. ahha ! But she's a cool teacher. only sometimes she can go over the top.

Okay, I shall stop right there with all those stuff. Oh wait, before telling you guys about my day, I'm gonna say a few words first.. Sien Wei, caall me! Even though I've talked to annoying Shea zheng about this =P and awesome Florence and gay Ben Jing about this.. but i seriously need to talk to you too. I need opinion. !! I meaan. gaah.. erm. never mind.. I just need wanna talk to you.haven't been talking to you for AGES!

Today, it was a gloomy day as you can tell.. it rained. I hated today badly. I have no clue. I just do okay. Michelle managed to cheer me up (: thank you my yellow sister =P Malay was the usual. Break was the usual. Science was the usual. Mandarin was disappointing. Lunch was the bomb! Maths was the usual. English was the BOMB! Bus ride home was the extreme BOMB! (:

Lunch- had sexy sex. (you know what I'm talking about Ainaa, Kathryn,Faria, Michelle & Flora)
English- acted our witches play thingy. I love the bit where Hazmi went behind Ckonfidence. I love the bit where Ken's group ended. I love the bit where Alan went"eh, brother". it was all awesome. (:
Bus ride- Sickness came =P as usual. haha! Oh keen. haha! and Faria. haha! awesome maan. Ken, stop throwing the curtain at me would you.! I'll get you back one day!! But it was the best ever. thank youuuuuuu (:

Came home, i was so effing hungry. ate a little and have to go out. slept in the car picked my mom up from friend's place. went down to Klang next and had a full dinner. went home with my brother. hated it. don't wanna talk about it.

I came home, went online and i realized something. What a hypocrite "YOU" are.. Seriously. I mean I've realized it like yesterday.. but but but.. today, it got me thinking in the car on the way back.. How could you hurt me so badly and you end up going back to them. I don't wanna make it obvious. I know. but.. stuff has been complicating lately, as Michelle you know. I've told you everything about the 100% thingy. haha! I hope you understand what I was talking about.. hahaha. I know it's kinda weird. but oh well. haha!

Quote of the day:Hot guys are the sex toys

Wonder where i got that from? hahaha! on the way home. haha! hilarious. that was before i almost died. =P hahhaa..Oh well..

It's 11:30 now..As i said, today just ain't my day. I just knew it.
Oh wellllllll. What can i do.
I'm going off to sleep. I hope.

OMG! the sky is soo nice all the stars, I saw star blinking. It's not an aeroplane. There were loads of stars. I wanted to stay out longer but my brother would lock me out.. so I jsut stood and stare and wonder. and quickly went in. I really miss the old times. =/

Btw, I gto an A overall for mocks. : '( Jia her got an A*. just got the points for A* like. 86! : '( I mean, I'm happy for him.. but I'm not for myself. but well, at least i didn't fail my writing. I think my speaking and listening brought me down. LESSON LEARNT!

Apparently, everything isn't going well

Ashley wishes he knows
Ashley signing off


9:27 PM
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Just hold on a little longer ;

*2008, Singapore trip*

"Hold on to me tight, as this is a long ride"

Hellooo! I was about to blog until I'm was so high and now i can't be bothered to blog. today was awesome that's all i can say. Btw, Forest gump is a sick movie! Watched it during music. adiyoooos. (:

Apparently, I'm high high

Ashley wonder what is wrong

Ashley signing off


8:31 PM
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I'm lying alone thinking of you ;


"It hurts so much to see you with someone else"

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey my readers.! (: Yes, i do sound hyper. BUt I'm not no worries. Today, I kinda woke up late. quickly showered and all. Hm. Went to the bus stop. Went on the bus. Went to school. oh btw, It was International dress up day. Anyway, went to school saw everyone.. was in a weird mood today. =/ first was ICT. damn shit. On the bright side, getting a new teacher! But i want Mr.E baack! :'( BREAK NEXT! yes ! Not! I needed to talk to Michelle. Couldn't find her. FINALLY found her.! ahhaha! yes, we talked. Hm. So what should i do Michelle? So confusing! : '( Anyway.. Maths was next.e www. so Boring! then History. WORST! then Lunch. okay okayy. then English. Did our presentation.. Art next. Boring like hell. well.. not really =P we were like owning Raff. =P Went back.On the bus ate a lot =P getting fatter and fatter!

I have no mood to blog now no idea why.
Thank you Nick for everything. (:

Apparently, I'm craaazy!

Ashley wants strawberries!

Ashley signing off


9:12 PM
Monday, February 1, 2010
It was all just a white lie


I miss every moment back then during primary days. : '(

I don't care if some of you readers ask me to move on,
The thing is, you guys don't understand what I've been through,
Or what they mean to me,
How much they mean to me..
How much they've helped me with everything.

Try to talk to me about this,
and asking me to move on..
Well, I would say " okay sure i will."
But my heart will never ever move on.
Will never ever forget the moments i had from 2003-2008.
Not just any ordinary moments..
But GREAT ones.

Why don't you readers just close your eyes
and look back at those memories of yours.
If you have none, you are having it now.
Imagine you have to forget about all these enjoyable moments.
Do you know how painful it is?

The impression that you gave me when you said that..
Just got me thinking..
How much you've changed.
& how much you don't understand me anymore.

I'm done talking. I'm done hiding this pain of mine. I'm done keeping it all to myself. I hope you know it's you. I hope you understand now. I'm going through hell lot now, and you aren't there for me. So.. why should I? Even though I still say I do. But my heart is not into all the stuff you've told me. I know you must be thinking what an immature person I am. Well, I don't care. I just want you to get my point someday.. I'm ouuut

Apparently, I'm sick of your bullshit

Ashley loves the strawberries (:
Ashley signing off



10:42 PM
Everytime i look at you, my heart skips a beat ;

*2010, Mufti day*

"There's this funny feeling I'm having"

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey! (: It's actually suppose to be a Sunday post but.. Since it's already 12:17 and it's the beginning of February, it shall be a half half post =P

OMG! so fast January has ended.. Here comes the month where all lovers get all so excited as it's known as the love month.. Everyone seem so excited. Hm. I ain't excited. it's just another ordinary month... All i know is that I'm gonna be a year older. oh booy.. everything is going too fast. I want it to slow down.!!! : '( gaaaaaah gaaaaah. omg my goodness sake. I have no clue what is up with me..

So yeah. Michelle and I chat.. Yes Michelle... Hm. shouldn't have added me in that conversation. such an awkward silence we had...

So.. I also chatted with Florence.. Hm. We both have such complicated lives don't we. ?!?!? Oh yeah. I hope to see you tomorrow. If I'm actually going. Not sure if my mom was joking about that.

I have nothing to blog about as.. I don't know. I'm hearing stuff downstairs. It's so weird. Everyone is sleeping. suddenly someone comes out from my parents room. open the gate and goes out an comes back in. and that person is still downstairs and hm. making sounds with the keys. I'm scared.. Now I'm hearing footsteps.. I'm hearing books...I'm hearing plastics... and now the door slammed.. It's soo weird. gaaah

I think i should stop now

Apparently, everything is so confusing.

Ashley suddenly craving for more strawberries!

Ashley signing off


12:16 AM
The girl.♥
AshweeB Friends Strawberries Heartbreaks

The girl's needs♥

Youuuu (:

Whisper into my ears♥

It's a whole new world♥
Alany, Een Xien
Amelia Chai
Amy Ng
Ben Jing
Caridee Lim
Carin Gan
Ch'ng Xin
Chelsea Chang Xiao Xi
Collin Yong
Ding Yi Tane
Gan Le Yin
Hui June
Ixora Chuah
Jia Shuan
Leong Wong Seng
Lee Qin Yu
Lee Yew Fei
Lois Low Qi
Lydia Gan
Megan Lai
Michelle Kouk
Michelle Tan
Minn Hwei
Nicholas Teh
Ng Shea Zheng
Sabrina Lim
Samantha Louise Robless
See Sien Wei
S.F.A- Sienwei,Florence,Ashley
Sze Ling
Sze Yen
Tiffany Low
Timothy Ng
Wai Mun
Yi En

Lost days♥

March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011