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Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Baby, you're the only thing that runs through my mind all day"

Hey there! (: Sorry for not updating yesterday. Was kinda busy. So today was the last day. Well, not last day. psht. what am i talking about. i meant, after today, it's half term break. (: So yeah. What I blog about. I have nothing to blog about. hm. I think i should shut up. hm. Dt was fun today. (: I seriously love Dt. hm the rest of the day was sucky!

I have no mood to blog anymore. Jess, you know why.

Apparently, I miss you!

Ashley loves you.
Ashley signing off


11:31 PM
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"Baby, you're all that I need"

Hey there! (: Sorry for not updating lately. Have been a little tired. So on Sunday, went and watch volleyball with my dad. it was so nice to watch. nyaha. Once again dad, thank you for taking me. So when we were there, it was freezing cold. I was shivering the whole time. Then we got a little hungry explore the place. Well, we crossed the road with the pedestrian bridge right. and like it was kinda scary. haha. i mean. the people were just staring and all. it looked like they were gonna rape you or rob you. And because my dad was being lazy, he said not to use the pedestrian bridge to cross back. and i was like are you crazy. and then we crossed the fist part and it was hell scary. we gotta cross again right. and it was so god damn scary. Dad, you nearly gave yourself and me a heart attack!! Okay so we went back. Watched the next game. Stayed till 9 something. went off and explore the place again to have our dinner. By the time we came back it was about 10 something or 11. then i had my shower. Just remembered i have my english homework so went on and typed it out !! then went to sleep.

Monday. School was okay. Not the start of the day tho. I mean seriously. You promised. Anyways, so then nothing happened next. nothing much. then after school. parents came and pick me up then we had some snacks then off we go for volleyball. haha. it was so nice to watch again. but it was embarrassing. My mom was so embarrassing but she's so cute at the same time. nyaha. (: So we stayed till the same time as yesterday. but a little bit later. We didn't know what to eat at that time. So hm. we went round and round. we ate at this random place. so then went home. showered and everything. then went on the computer for a while and went to sleep.

Today. School was hm. okay-ish i guess? hm. So first lesson was Science. It was okay. Break was fun. Helping Flora & Su ki to sell their doughnuts. Then had malay. it was boring. it gave me a huge headache! then maths. maths test. it was okay. then lunch. it was hmm. okay? helped Faria to sell her stuff a little.. Then it was Geography. it was boring! english was boring! Volleyball was boring.! whaat a lousy day!! I'm so gonna be broke! Cause well. let's say i don't have anything to do to earn money for Chiang Mai and my parents don't wanna give me any money. I was suppose to do it with Faria but hm. oh well. So Tim & I are trying to work things out. =/ which is not working out right. okay, so my mom said my phone bill is still high. She said it's still Rm100. So i gotta cut more. And yes, i gotta stop texting so much. as i feel bad for letting my parents pay so much and also i need to save money people!!

I have nothing else to blog now. I think i'm missing people too much. Been dreaming about them in weird dreams. haha.! (:

Apparently, I'm laame! =P

Ashley thinks you're hot(:
Ashley signing off


6:36 PM
Saturday, May 22, 2010

"Nothing's alright when i say it is."

Hey there. So today was hm. a good day. I guess. haha. I'm so skilled with making a burger. nyaha. (: My maid said i should starting selling for 6 rinngit. haha! she's so funny. I wonder why am i always so close with my maid. nyaha.(: She's so coool!. (: anyways. so My mom, my sister and i kept saying this quote thingy we heard from the television. it's so funny. such a nice "pick up" line. So we watched a movie. watched a tv series. watched more tv. suppose to do my homework today. planned what i was suppose to do today but failed! oh well. Oh yeah, did i mention. The morning weather was AMAZING! it rained and all. but it felt so nice. (: it definitely cooled me down. Stopped me from thinking too much about all these stuff happening. So tomorrow I'm gonna watch volleyball with my dad. it's such a surprise. My dad suddenly asking me whether i wanna watch. haha. (: I love you daddy! (:

"All i can think of now a days is that dream i had that day. I keep wanting to have that dream again. but can't. I just don't know why i keep thinking about that dream. maybe cause i miss you?"

Apparently, I'm messed up

Ashley needs you now
Ashley signing off


11:04 PM
Thursday, May 20, 2010
My heart is in the wrong place ;

"I'll be by your side"

Hey hey hey! (: So today is a Thursday. It was okay. I guess. No wait. It's not okay. So in the morning, Michelle didn't mean to hurt me but it's all good now. (: then Mandarin was boring. Break. I was annoyed + pissed. Michelle & Flora, you know why. History was okay. Science was okay. Lunch was okay. English was darn boring. Games was okay I guess. Well, honestly, games wasn't okay! Maurie, well. she went all aggressive. She didn't need to punch Mitra or throw the ball right into Flora's face or elbow me(won't mention where) and splash water into my eyes and kick my leg. So yeah. I got pissed about how she was playing. I ended up pulling her leg when she was trying to get the ball. HAH! in your face! After I did that, she turned around and stared at me with THE LOOK. The pissy look. but hey, she did way more worst stuff than just pulling legs. So then I went on the bus. Nothing happened. Talked with Ken, Navin, Elliot, Adrian & Tasneum. It was an okay bus ride I guess. haha! (: So cause it was raining heavily and my brother couldn't come on time to pick me up from the stop, I followed Adrian home. yeah, got really wet. then picked up his little brother. ! OMG! so cuuute =P then sent me home. no one at home! :'( then so happened my sister called to let me know that she's over at Adrian's place . So drove to his place and got into the car. Went for Mcdonalds. we were starving. then picked Nick up. came home. showered. watched American Idol. (:

So I had a little chat with my parents about stuff. Hm. Not a good sign but oh well.

"Please tell me that everything is over. I really want to get over this, but i can't. It's difficult. After what you've said to me really hurt me. Even though you've apologized but still. It's hurts. It burns. It kills. Try putting yourself in my shoes. Stared into the picture we took last year. Wondering. Did you actually understand me? I've told you I've apologized. Did everything I could to make things right. But instead you think I'm not doing anything? Well, if you think that, that's not what you said. But it sounded like it. I've pretended. I've tried to be strong. Told everyone I don't care. When I do. Best friends huh? I wish. Wish. Wishes. I wish upon the stars that everything will be okay.

Last night. Lying down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. closed my eyes and opened them. I was in a beach. Listening to the waves clashing against the rock. Lying down on the soft sand. Looked up into the sky. Stars. Beautiful, bright stars. I got up. Soft sand filled my legs. It felt like I was at a paradise. Someone's arms grabbed me from behind and hugged me tight. I smiled. Turning to look. I knew it was you. We stood there for a while. I rubbed my eyes. Then opened them. I was back in my room. It was just a dream. But i can still feel your touch from the dream. Your hug. Your hand grabbing me. You. You not letting go. And the first and last thing came into my mind was that I miss you."

Apparently, I'm sleepy

Ashley wants you now
Ashley signing off


10:31 PM
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"Imagine me next to you"

Hey Hey hey. today is a Tuesday. It was okay i guess. Wasn't that bad. So Water Polo first. tired. then break. was stressing cause the library ran out of papers and had to print out loads of stuff.. walking to science.. Stressed out more as loni said she gave Harry my Physics folder. and Harry said he saw it in the library. I was so worried it'll be gone! So science. it was okay. (: then Music booring! I hate it! lunch. took and my folder back. (: lucky it's still there. (: then went and have my lunch. came up. went to the library for a while then bell rang. Had to go for ICT. It was an okay lesson. then Maths. Redid my test. Brinng. time for volleyball. it was fun. (: hahaa! (: it was raining so heavily. wow. the win was so strong as well. and on the way to the buses.. it was flooded. we had to take off our shoes in order to get on our buses. Luckily i've changed into my flip-flops. but when i was getting on the bus, one side came off and i was holding so many stuff and i was screaming. hahaha! cause it was so heavy and i had to get my flip-flop. hahaha. I looked like a crazy/mad person. (: so on the bus. talked to Sabiha and Faria. and when they left. Adrian and I talked.and my bag,jacket were all wet. stupid bus that leaks. what kind of bus does that. and I made Adrian laughed like mad cause he said this lame joke and I said: haha. so funny. I'm laughing to hard. HA. HA. HA.! and he started laughing. cause i actually laughed so haaaard! haha! (:

Came home did nothing much. (:

"If your sky is grey, let me paint it blue. If your down, tell me about it. If your heart is breaking, let me know. Cause I will forever be there for you and I will forever make time for you, that's what friends are for. I guess you forgot about that. Cause when i needed you the most, you weren't there. When you needed me, I was there. I know i know, you were actually there for me. But now. When i really need you. you're not. In fact... You've hurt me. Honestly, I believed in you. Stupid me.. *like u started the whole thing* Remember that line? yeaah. Well. that hurt me a lot."

* lately, I've been having suicidal dreams. This ain't good is it.*

Apparently, I want you to know what I feel like

Ashley lovees you
Ashley signing off


7:30 PM
Monday, May 17, 2010

I really wanna blog but I can't as i have loads of Science Homework. Thanks a lot Mr. Mullan! Stupid! BTW, we gotta switch teachers. gaah! Honestly, now i feel like having Ms.George. Mr. Mullan told everyone off except Mitra as we had nail polish on. Not our fault! We had sports dinner recently! jeez! Anyways, less talk and I have more to work on now. bye (:
Oh yeah, one more thing.. I miss Mr.Maruniak! :'(

Apparently, I hate Bio!

Ashley needs a breeaak!
Ashley signing off


9:28 PM
Thursday, May 13, 2010

"I'm lost in this maze of friendship"

"You said you were sorry for being too harsh? Did you ever think of how much it have hurt me? Did you think before sending it? Now maybe you'll be saying I'm overreacting, but.. It's how my heart feels. HURT. Every single day. I pretend that everything's alright. I say everything's alright. I try to make things alright. I lie to myself that there were nothing wrong. But do you know how much pain there are? Do you know how much I need just a friend to trust, a friend to hug, a friend to lean on? I thought you were one of them. Now, I don't know.. It hurts you to see us fighting. You didn't really need to be involved in the first place. What hurts? Is how much you try to help and ended up hurting someone else. I've cried enough lately. Now.. I just can't seem to stop crying. No one. I repeat. No one understands. "

Hey there. Sorry, i just gotta start off my post with that. I just needed to. Anyways. So today was not so good actually. I lied to those people that asked how was my day. It wetn terrible if you ask me! I hated today so badly. Wanna know why? Nah, You don't need to know why. So what else can i blog? NOTHING.

"Everything is turning around. Can't you see that I was happy before you came along and start saying those stuff that hurt me? I was happy . I was fine. Cause i gave up long time ago. I've done my part. Why should I do something again? Ask me to try and wait ? I've waited enough, tried enough. ! Why not you TRY & WAIT? "

Apparently, I just wish everything was back to normal

Ashley needs a shoulder to cry on :'(
Ashley signing off


10:13 PM
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"Life is a game.."

Hey there. So it's Tuesday! (: Yay! Not so much. I had erm. Science first. it was okay. then break nothing. then Malay. my mood just went down. =/ then maths. it was funny. Well... apparently i'm in Max's gang. called the Zodiac. haha! laame. anyways, so bring. lunch. and i was running out of maths cause i remembered Michelle telling me she'll be in school during lunch. Waited for her at her lockers. waited and waited. finally she's here. everyone ran. Hugged her. talked. briing. bel rang. it was so fast. Geography was boring! english was fun i guess. Then school was over. then activities. VOLLEYBALL! (: yay! hahahaaa! me like today was a fun lesson. oh yeaaah. (: haha! then on the bus Faria & Sabiha & I were talking about stuff. haha! erm. stuff that shouldn't be on the blog. =) Sent Adrian home and came home. (: blah blah blah. nothing much.

So I'm on Skype now with Michelle. Just finished my speech. YAY! (: I've been saying loads of Yays in the post. oh well. haha.! (: hmm.. what should i blog about?

" Nothing's alright. Nothing is. Looking at everyone. The room looked like it was spinning. Everything seem to be slowing down. All i could hear was my thoughts and my heart beating fast. I'm no longer a strong girl. I'm weak.. No matter how hard I've tried. it's still useless. One thing, I've done my part, why still say i'm not doing anything? Why say I'm the one? When you are the one not doing anything. Why? Is it cause I'm weak and easy to pick on? Fine.. I've said what I've gotta say.. "

Apparently, I'm tired

Ashley needs a hug :'(
Ashley signing out


10:13 PM
Monday, May 10, 2010

"I'm running away from this horrible place"

Hey there! (: So it's erm. Monday? Yes. It is Monday. Happy Monday guys. Okay, i have no clue why i just said that. So First lesson was English. It was boring. Break was funny. Flora, when i please slap me, i meant slap me. not slap slap me. as in slap me really hard. I could die maan!!! Anyways, Dt was fun-ish even tho we just went through a presentation but it was fun. (: I dont know how is that fun but i guess i just love DT. haha! (: History was shit boring! Lunch was a little crazy?! I went all crazy. was having E.B.D.. Emotional break down. =/ so yeah. then it was Drama. It was fun-ish. Gabby, you are self-obsessed. I'm not the only one who says that so don't stare at me like i've made the wrong decision to say that. mandarin was next. it was kinda boring and kinda funny. I had to partner Ken. and he asked me to do all the work and he says i'm useless as i don't know. I mean, i couldn't think!! So on the bus. Hm. I dont wanna talk about the bus.. Came home nothing. Did homework. Watched tv. then watched badminton. hm.

" So is this it? Leaving me out when someone else is there? Don't you know I'm somebody too? Stared outside. Raindrops. That was all i could stared at. It's funny how the weather seem to resemble to what I'm feeling. Raindrops. Rolling down the window. Tears. Rolling down my cheeks like how the raindrops roll down the window. I stared into empty space. Thinking the answer to all my questions will appear right in front of me. How silly of me to think that? It will never happen. I gotta snap out of this. I gotta snap out of what I've been dreaming. A magical place. Where everything was going well. This is reality. No more dreams. No more silly fairytale. "

Oh , i know it's lame *points up to the video* but i was bored okay. (:

Apparently, I'm giving up

Ashley wants a long hug now
Ashley signing off


9:16 PM
Sunday, May 9, 2010

"You got me going crazy"

Hey there! (: So it's a Sunday. People will wish their parents happy mothers day as it is today. As for me, it's different, everyday is mothers day, cause i love my mom every single day. So today wasn't a special day for us. It was like a normal Sunday. (: I did my homework. hm. Yip and I started chatting to each other in Malay. Jess, it's gonna be a fun weekend this coming weekend. I can't wait. ( : And no, i don't look hot being a granny. haha! (: Nurlyana, we did so good in our chat-drama. (:

"Don't let him steal your heart away again. Don't get fooled by his sweet talks, sweet smile.. Life is complicated. What can we do about it? You're confused over this matter. I'm confused about everything as well. Babe, think about it. Is he worth it? Worth your time? Worth your tears? Cause from what I see, he's not.. It hurts me to see you getting hurt.. "

Okay, i have no clue what i just typed out there. I'm so tired and i'm blogging. i had everything i wanted to blog on my head just now but my sister jsut gotta ask me to help her out with something. oh well. Oh, i've just finished making the most random ever video. but it's late so i'll upload it on the nest post. (:

Apparently, i'm tired

Ashley loves you(:
Ashley signing off


10:18 PM

"You made my heart go crazy"
Hey there! (: Okay so today is a weekend. Saturday. Went out with Faria & Adam. Flora was suppose to tag along but she couldn't come. So we watched Iron man 2, then walked around and around and around. Bumped into Vicky, Dave & the rest, Jason and Tane today. So Faria had to leave early so it was just Adam and I and we didn't know what to do. haha! We were walking around and around again. so yeah... Waited for my brother and that was when i bumped into Tane. Said hi to her went out to wait and she came out, chat a little while and she had to go off then waited then my brother came. hugged and went into the car. Brother asked me to call my mom to ask whether we needa pick Dad up. So we went to the club. Waited for 2 hours until my dad finished. Normally my dad finishes early but cause it was raining?! that's why. So while we were waiting. We went to the bowling alley it was wow. I watched people play. it was funny. haha. I was so hungry. Like out of the sudden i was so hungry and i was so tired.. Oh oh oh. then I accidentally hit my toe against the chair and i was yelling. Wasn't a good idea. people were looking. It was hurting like hell! : '( now it's gonna take a longer time to heal!! so then we came home, went out for dinner straight away. Saw Wei Wen in the restaurant. didn't really say hi, but he kept looking, what can i say, i wasn't close to you last time. well. we were.. only the volleyball season as Carin and the rest would love to tease you liking Le Yin. haha! (:

Nothing much I can blog now , can I? Blah blah blah blah blah.Hmmmmmmmm. I have no clue what to blog about. HAHA!. I'm so speechless now. I have nothing to blog. lalala.


Apparently, me loooove you! (:

Ashley thinks you're awesome-er (:

Ashley signing off


12:18 AM
Friday, May 7, 2010


10:31 PM
Thursday, May 6, 2010

"It's getting harder to pretend"

hey there! (: So today is kinda a boring day. Faria wasn't in school today. Mandarin was so boring. Break was really boring. History was boring. Had a good mark and happy with it. Science was boring. Lunch was boring. English was super boring. Games was fun. I'm really sorry Jess for hurting you. =/ I didn't mean to. Bus ride was boring. Adrian kept annoying me! Sent Adrian home and came home. Showered and all. Waited for my mom to come back to take me to the dentist. Waited till 5 something, she finally came back but she was injured as a golf ball hit her when she was playing. and apparently whoever hit that ball didn't come and apologize! so waited for my dad to take his shower then off to the dentist. Dentist said end of this moth braces off! (: came home and watched American Idol. Aaron Kelly went out. Had dinner and homework.

What am i gonna do now? Trying when i know it's useless. Crying when i know it's stupid. Pretending when i know it's a fail. Why pretend to be strong? Why pretend to be someone else? Why pretend that you didn't hurt my feelings?

"Why keep comparing me when you know I'm not as good as them? Why still bring it up when you know you've got me? You know.. No wait, you don't. You don't know how I'm feeling. One word. Hurt. It really hurts when you compare me, when you say I'm not good enough, when you think i'm always wrong when i'm right, when you yell at me cause i didn't do what you said, when you listen to them more rather than me. I'm just trying to be the best. Trying to be all that. All that you have listed out, compared me to them. I'm trying to be them and less like me. How is that right?"

I'm being all crazy again lately, I need time,but I need friends as well, I need hugs. =/ Flora & Michelle & Faria, I need your hugs. Michelle, get back as soon as possible please.

Apparently, I'm missing you

Ashley needs a hug!
Ashley signing off


10:22 PM
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I miss everything about you ;

"I laugh, I love, I hope, I try, I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry. And I know you do the same things too, So we're really not that different, me and you."

Hey there! (: So today was such a bad day. It's Wednesday week B and usually it is the best ever but just not today. So in the morning we had Drama and I injured my toe then. Then I was so nervous over my speaking. I had an hour to get prepared, but I was still so got damn nervous. So it was my turn and I went in and I screwed it up. Ms.Miow even said so. She said I need to work hard on my paper tests as my speaking isn't that good. =/ So I was late for my next class which was Science. Mr.Maruniak asked why i was late, and i had to repeat myself twice just to tell him that I went for my speaking test. So then i sat and did the work. blah blah ringgg. Lunch. it was okay-ish. then it was Malay, presented the poster thingy. I felt so lonely, Michelle wasn't there. My mood went down after that. So the start of PSHE wasn't a good start for me. I apologize to you Jess for not answering you when you asked me something, i needed time. So then we had to answer this questions. Basically Self-Evaluating. So there was one question which asked whether you are aggressive and i said always. HAHA then Jess and I started being aggressive to each other. So the bell rang. School ended. So while walking to the bus i said: My mama say hi, my mama say i die. and Edison saw and heard me and he was like what the heck. then i was like: my mama asked me to punch you in the balls. haha! I didn't mean to Edi, i was crazy. needed to be crazy at that time. (:

The bus ride was kinda boring as there were only 8 people on. But Faria, Sabiha , Jess and I had a very interesting girl talk. haha! (: So then I went home, had Mcdonalds =P thank you mummy ! (: haha. then I came up. showered went down. rest. Watched tv. then American Idol. (:

"I hate how you always love to compare me no matter what. I did my best today a little good luck in the morning would be great and a little smile and 'you tried your best' would be nice. but no. You just gotta compare me. I'm not her. When I try to tell you that, you say it's my problem. You say it's my attitude. I've been treating you like this lately. Please, if you just look back and see that I'm just trying to say my part of my story. Whether it's right or wrong, I'll still get told off. Why can't you see I'm trying my best? It's so painful going to school with so much thing happening and coming home with this problem. Pretending everything is fine, putting a fake smile. I was injured today. You told me what to do. You told me a lot of things to do. I got confused. I did everything you told me wrongly and you just yell at me saying that i should have listened to you? I was confused. And when i told you that, you just say I got it all wrong and heard wrongly. When i was kicked right at the place i was injured, i yelled and started crying in pain, you said it's my fault for not doing what you say? and told me to go and put the cream on. Yes, i did in the end. It was so painful. Everything's so painful. Yes, so what if I'm emotional?!? Aren't you guys emotional too?!? We are humans, with feelings, and I have feelings too, Mom. It would be nice if you stop comparing me to everyone else in the family. I've tried everything I could. I've tried to be them, but it's not me. No matter how hard I try, I'm still wrong. When I don't try, I'm wrong as well. So what now.?"

Apparently, I'm tired of everything

Ashley needs a hug now.

Ashley signing off

xoxo ashleylicious

10:18 PM
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Take me away to somewhere where i belong"

Hey there! (: Sorry for not updating much. So yesterday, hmm. nothing much happen i guess. boring the usual. kinda. whatever. hm. Today was a little okay-ish. Volleyball was so much fun. nayha! (: Hmm.. I have nothingi to blog. My mind isn't turning like on! Oh, during Ict, my mind was messed up! (: Oh Music was fun-ish. The song is stuck in my head now, well, it's good to have it stuck in my head cause if i don't know the tune, i'm so dead so yeah. So hmm. I finished my Malay poster thingy last night, was freaking out about it and before I went to bed, i just realized that it's Week B and there's no Malay on Tuesday. Silly me. oh well. haha! (:

I seriously have nothing to blog you know. All i can think of is... Hmm. nothing.. OMG! MANDARIN GCSE SPEAKING TOMORROW & I'M NOT READY! I'M SO FREAKING NERVOUS!

So what can I blog? gaah. hm. oh no. I accidentally pressed a random button and my google chrome froze and my facebook is going crazy. !! So yeah . Damn damn damn. I think i should stop now, there's nothing to blog. My eyes are tired as well, but i dont wanna go off =/

Apparently, me miss you loads.

Ashley loves you so muuch! (:
Ashley signing off

xoxo ashleylicious

6:18 PM
Sunday, May 2, 2010

"You are all that i have & all that i need"

Hey there peeps! (: Okay so what should i blog about? i don't know. I gonna make a music video which is like photos only but.. well.it's hard to explain. haha. (: It's gonna fail I know. but I'll try my best. (: hmm. I broke 2 of my photo frames : '( that my besties gave me. This is so sad.!!! So this morning I was over hypered. You can tell on my facebook. by me going : Opposites always attract. You're a boy & I'm a girl. So we attract. let's make loove. ooooh yeaaah. but but. I'm attracted to Nurlyana Adi Shamsul. How did we gt attracted to each other? and there's some more like : oh yeaah. it's soooo sexy maan. all the juice. urrgh. you slowly biting a little off, and the juice rolls down to your neck urrgh. YUM! =P haha! Yeah i was so hyper and i don't know why. (:

So what should i blog? I'm crazy over this thing called love. (: I love you, i love you i love you i love you (:

Oh i babysitted my cousins. I kinda felt left out for a while. We went to 1u and they were running everywhere... anyways. i have nothing to blog now.


Apparently, me miss youuu!

Ashley loves you so muuch!(:
Ashley signing off


10:20 PM
The girl.♥
AshweeB Friends Strawberries Heartbreaks

The girl's needs♥

Youuuu (:

Whisper into my ears♥

It's a whole new world♥
Alany, Een Xien
Amelia Chai
Amy Ng
Ben Jing
Caridee Lim
Carin Gan
Ch'ng Xin
Chelsea Chang Xiao Xi
Collin Yong
Ding Yi Tane
Gan Le Yin
Hui June
Ixora Chuah
Jia Shuan
Leong Wong Seng
Lee Qin Yu
Lee Yew Fei
Lois Low Qi
Lydia Gan
Megan Lai
Michelle Kouk
Michelle Tan
Minn Hwei
Nicholas Teh
Ng Shea Zheng
Sabrina Lim
Samantha Louise Robless
See Sien Wei
S.F.A- Sienwei,Florence,Ashley
Sze Ling
Sze Yen
Tiffany Low
Timothy Ng
Wai Mun
Yi En

Lost days♥

March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011