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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hi hi hi hi hi ! (: I'm here blogging really fast as I'm planning a party. So last minute right ? I know. But hey, Carmen & I want it to be EPIC. It's like a halloween party-ish. (: At first we were all excited about it as we thought Sukhi's parents will allow us to go to her place but now nooo. So it's all blluurg ! And Tichelle is like asking me to blog and update my tumblr while I'm planning. So it ain't that of a great idea. I watched Glee just now. It was okay okay lah ! haha. (;

So yeah. I got carried away with the chat. Updated my tumblr so all good. okay. what should i blog about ? Oh.. Skye is on our bus for like today and tomorrow and it was hilarious. He was sitting next to me on the way back and he was dancing the whole time and stuff and we were jus tlike. staring. hahah ! and when Bronwen said : you are not shy at all are you . then he lifted his shirt up. hahahah ! it was part of the dance thingy. then he missed his stop as he doesn't kow where his stop is as he said his normal bus stops in front of his house so yeah. but not for us ! (: So luckily he had Ainsa to send him home. haha ! (; Epic bus ride home. haha ! (: even though I didn't talk much but yeah.

Oh today was Mufti day. Blue day.hahha. Everyone was in blur. it was so BLUE ! hahaha. (:

Okay, seriously stressing out about the party that i forgot I had Dt homework. Tichelle reminded me but we ain't doing it. (: haha. such naughty students. oh well. grrrrrrr. what else to blog ? Oh I was watching Biggest loser and omg. it was so sad. I cried. ): Such an awesome episode. (: Duude, my brother got hit in the head by a golf club. 3 stitches ! Crazy ): I feel his pain. Must have hurt a lot ! I would be crying like mad.

So I have such an itchy hand. You know why ? My skin was peeling and i like tear it off ? hhaha. now it hurts. smart me .

Omgg. half term next week. Seasac volleyball a week from now. Gosh. I'm excited but nervous. hahaha ! (: I think we're kinda good for a team who only played together for like 2 months ? It's good. Not sure whether it's 2 months. haha ! (: Anyways, we got another kit. I love it. thank you Chelsea for it. Oh, but it's a little small for me. ): damn. Not cool. and everyone got the same size. imagine how tight it will be for the others. ): Getting my stuff for seasac tomorrow. so fast. ): last training tomorrow as well. grr. last training for the term as well !!!!

Okay. So Carmen & I have finally sorted everything. but Sukhi went offline. ): but we will ask her tomorrow. like yeah. haha ! (: hope our plan will work. I'm like super excited about the party for some reason. hahaha. (:

I' done blogging now and done with the party thingy. (: yay !

A teens- Firefly

This song makes me happy ! hahahaha. (: Used to love it when I was a kid. wonder what happened to them. ):

10:07 PM
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

*You try to play his games but
Then you're the one who's being confusing

What's the point in all of my waiting?
I'm the one who's noticing you,
Guess that makes me obsessed with you

This is the story of a girl
Who builds her own thoughts.
She has the faith that he'll be more,
Than what she only thinks she wants.
She's seen the bitter truth, but when
Someone is looking right at you.
It's hard to see through the lying eyes,
When you're mesmerized*

Amazing Lyrics that is so true. (:

11:01 PM
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hey hey hey ! (: So today was a FUN DAY ! Why ? It was like this English Spoken Rap Day thingy. What does that mean ? A rapper came in called Andy and started talking about the history of rap and he did a freestyle rap and he asked a volunteer to write down every word we give him to start off his rap. So Max went out and we all just started laughing as he couldn't spell . It was hilarious. (; So then he rapped. AMAZING . He's such an amazing beatboxer as well. LIke omgggg ! and and and. he's kinda-ish cute. (: haha. Okay moving on. So he set us a task, which is to write out own rap. The joy. So we got sent to our english groups. At first we were all just standing there and Mrs.Haslam like divided us up into groups . We didn't get to choose. Other classes got to choose. Oh well. So then we had to write down what made us, us. So I put down the usual stuff. haha (: Briing. Break time. Had RICE. nom nom nom. So asian. then briing. go back to the freezing hall. Collected our stuff and went up to our english classes. Our group, Ainaa, Isaac, Skye, Tichelle & me, we couldn't think of anything at the start and Skye got pissy and told people how we aren't helping when we are trying to think okay. We just don't write rap all the time. So then the 2nd hour, we finally came up with something. We wrote it down on an A1 paper and then we thought it doesn't really make sense.

Briing. Lunch time. Saw Annabel. We didn't know she's coming, neither she knew. haha. She was liek : i didn't know until last night. haha ! (: So then Briing, go back to english and got ready. Andy came in and heard all of our raps and he said our group was one of the best he has seen. He didn't say that to the other group that was going : omg. we are done and ours is so good. and they keep practicing and rapping it loudly and kept replaying the beat on purpose. So we made up a chorus on the spot. and we combined our group raps and stuff. So we went down to the hall and everyone performed. I love Flora's singing. Her chorus ! I love Dhaniyah's singing as well. grrr. Briing. end of school. ! SO GOD DAMN FAST ! ):

On the bus was fucking annoying. Ken, what the hell is your problem huh ? what the fag. ! Just cause I'm not white. You're asian too. I know that you're against me. ONLY ME as I'm asian. Dude, do you like Jess or something. ? Or maybe Bronwen ? Or maybe to keep your fame ? What the fag is up with you ? It's not the first time. It's just one piece ! It's jsut food.And that time after swimming gala on the way home. Navin had a packet of junk food, you gave most of it to Jess. I asked for it. You said there aren't anymore. You gave evrythign to Jess. I was fucking hungry okay. Came home I had Gastric. So thank you Ken ! and today I came home with Gastric as well. Well done Ken ! Now I have to be more careful. Screw you gay fag !!!

Oh oh oh. My skin is peeling off. Ewww. ):

"I've told myself that I'm doing all of these is for the best. yet people tell me that it isn't and I can't runaway from it. Asking me to stop hiding and take the risk. I rather not. I'm so confusee. ):"

Leoa Naess-Leave your boyfriends behind

9:54 PM
Monday, October 25, 2010
You're something worth waiting for ;

Hey hey hey hey hey ! (: No clue why I'm blogging this late. I think I should sleep. (: But oh well. I shall blog. okay, so lately my mom has been really addicted to facebook. Oh gosh. Non-stop on the computer. So today was not a good day. Why ? My sun burn was hurting me. Like what the fag. ! First lesson was English, Mrs.Haslam wasn't in. Surprise, surprise. Then it was photography, surprise surprise teacher wasn't in as well. During break, did my chemistry homework and studied for mandarin which we didn't do in the end. haha. (: So then it was mandarin, it was okay. Then Chemistry, it was so boring ! I nearly fell asleep. you know what made it worst ? my sun burn, my face felt so hot ! grr ! Then it was lunch, it was urhm, normal. then we had malay, so boring ! I'm such a loner ! psht. Sitting alone. every time when Mr.Ng goes : okay, you guys will do this with the person sitting next to you. And I just turn around to an empty sit. ! Not clue dude ! Anyways it was P.E next. had badminton. Was suppose to have this play off thingy, but didn't happen. YES ! (: My sun burn was hurting a little but oh well. Natisha & I had fun (: Then brring. school's over. Went to the tuck shop and went on the bus. Slept on the bus. so god damn tired. and you know i couldn't sleep properly. Why ? the aircond was freezing. It wa slike not facing me AT ALL but it was still so god damn cold !

Ohh, I forgot to tell you guys that I saw this hot guy yesterday. Yum yum. Damn hot weih. ! hahhaa. (: I don't know what to blog but i have to make it longer. You know why ? Tichelle is like : omgg. it's so short ? gosh

Oh oh oh, Carmen and I are planning this Halloween thing. But the problem now is that I have to go to Adam's concert as I lost a bet to Tichelle. ): and if the Halloween thing is on, I have to stay over like at Carmen's place the night before. But Adam's concert is on the 31st. grrrr ! and If i do go, I have no transport. I mean, I wanna go. But. duude, Carmen and I were so excited when we were talking about it. (:

Omgggggggg. Guess what ? I think my skin is peeling. hahaa. Jokes jokes. Imma brush my teeth now and head to bed. (:

"I simply lied not cause I'm shy but it's cause it's better off that we both don't know; it's for the best. I can't stand seeing you getting hurt. I hope you understand. I rather be happy with our friendship now than ruin it with some stupid feelings I've been feeling. Cause I know that when the time comes, I'll be scared and I'll hurt you and that's not what I want. I'm sorry. Love you."

Kathrine McPhee- Takes a lot of love

10:19 PM
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hey hey peopleee ! (: Okay, I have not been blogging, according to Tichelle Meo ! (; So yesterday was like a normal-ish day for me. Volleyball training was fun ! (: Played with the guys, Luckily they aren't allowed to spike if not I'll just die like what happened in MKIS. haha. (: So my team won, cause we are that awesome baby ! (: So I got home, all tired. Showered had dinner, watched tv, some how fallen asleep on the sofa... AGAIN. Woke up watched Bones & Criminal Minds. AMAZING ! haha. Sorry, i just love these type of shows. (; So I came up, suppose to sleep, went online and chat a little and got carried away with Carmen and slept at 1-ish ? So then I went to sleep... Wait for it... IN MY SISTER'S BIG BED ! (: hahhahaa.

So my mom came in my room this morning waking me up. You know how she woke me up ? She took one of my soft toy and stroke it on my face. She was like : omg, ashley, i love this. where did you get it from ? and I was like : it's my birthday present from Nurlyana. Nurlyana, if you're reading this, it's the big cake you gave me. haha. (: So I woke up and got ready. Guess what time it was ? It was 8 in the morning. Got ready to go and watch the LPGA. Saw this amazingly cool and cute duude around my age. ! (: Anyways, I saw Michelle Wie. Freakishly tall. (:

Came home, didn't realize that I had a really bad burn. Until i started showering and it hurts like mad ! So i went on the computer for a while. and i took a short nap. what can I say. I was super tired. =P Woke up and went out for dinner. Here I am. haha ! (:

So I hope TICHELLE MEO will be HAPPY ! haha. (: OMgg, i found this song. it's amazingly nice but sad. ): I'll put it up here. (:

Oh, and I want NOKIA N8 phooone. ! It look soo cool. Especially the green one !!!

"Baby, you're the love that I'll never forget. Goodbye."

Chester See- Baby come home

11:00 PM
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hey hey guys ! (: Okay, it has been a while since I've last updated my blog. No time lah. Why ? Let's see. Monday I had 3 tests then I came home all tired and I revised my Bio. Needed my mom to help out. Suck in Bio so god damn much. Then on Tuesday, I had a volleyball game with MKIS. Got hit right in the forehead & nose. It was such a powerful spike as well. Oh gosh. Why was I even there. ! haha. So waited for my parents to come ! Felt like a loner while everyone jsut stares at me as I'm the only KLASS person there. =/ So I came home all tired and studied a little for maths. Then I was tired. went on the computer for a while and tidur. On Wednesday I had volleyball for 2 hours and I was tired came home, had dinner, somehow slept on the sofa. HAHA ! Mom woke me up and I went up to my room. Felt really dizzy for some reason. Came on the computer to chat for a while and went off to bed. Here I am today. Came home from school and I'm here blogging. (: I can't believe there aren't new episodes of 90210 & Glee. What the faaag. I know i know. So I'm waiting for Chuck to be loaded and I'm going to watch it. Well, that is if I have time as I need to studied for..... BUSINESS !

So I was sick like since no clue. I got a soar throat last week. and I got a flu this week. Every time when I get a soar throat, I'll just get flu a day after. how gay. I'm trying to blog as much as I can now as I don't think I'll be able to blog later.

I'm happy to say that my mom is an awesome bio teacher. Scored A. Now she wanna teach me ! She's like : I can't wait for our next lesson. Oh gosh !! I got an A for Chemistry but a little pissed as I did some careless mistakes ! ): Congratz to Flora for getting an A* for Chemistry ! (: 2 marks away from a 100% ! (: Everyone seem to have their maths results except for my class. Why ? Cause Mr.Dickenson is such a lazy person ! He always gives our test scores like so late !

I'm so worried about Business test tomorrow. ): I don't know why but yeah. Cause I understand some of it and sometimes don't know how to explain and stuff. yeaah, Gotta go through my notes. and those equation things for Total profit and crap. grrrr.

Oh, I'm not happy with my english. ): I told my mom and she yeah. What I've expected. Not gonna tell my dad. (: Cause he'll just starts yelling and killing me like crap !! and we won't talk anymore. ): grr. daddy is so scary sometimes. ): Oh well. I understand why tho. (:

SESAC VOLLEYBALL 2 WEEKS time. So fast ! (: Next week is our last week of training !!!!! Can't wait. Can't wait. (: Cause I might be able to see Elana. (: Yeaah maan ! (: Okay. I'm just having loads of paragraphs to make this post seem pretty long. haha ! When i actually have nothing to blog about.

" I'm keeping these feelings of mine cause I don't want to hurt you. "

Teddy Geiger - I'm sorry

* such a nice song. :') *

6:11 PM
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hey there peeps ! (: Okay, so Natisha's party was awesome ! (: okay. so urhm. What should i blog ? Oh, Natisha's party was just awesome. Her place was so windy all the time. Nice man ! haha !! Okay , urhm I have no clue what to update. I'll update more tomorrow ? Right now, I'm a little tired and I have soar throat. Was singing right to a song and I was like. OUUUCH ! hahahahahha ! omg. speaking of songs. I heard Teardrops on my guitar on the radio! Omg. good timesssss ! ): Such a good song that reminds me of great old times ! Ohhh, and my mom started singing to it. hahah ! (:

My mom is so cool! After I was done with my homework, it took my laptop up to my room and when i was on the way she went : Have fuuun ! I know what you're gonna doo. and I was like : whaaat. and my mom winked and said : FB. hahahhah! She's so cool ....... and weird. hahhh. (:

"I just don't know who you are at all. You act all differently around us. I'm not the only one but there are others as well. Sometimes, I don't even understand you. "

Second time around- Lady Gaga

9:25 PM
Friday, October 15, 2010

Hey there people ! (: Sorry for not updating for so long. Have been pretty busy lately. Okay. On Saturday, we got 6th place for volleyball. Not bad you know. (: I got another ugly scar on my scar. So gay. At night, I went to the outing. Nat & I got bikinis. hahahah! LAME. But yeah. I like the colour of Nat's (; On Sunday was my day to do all my homework. On Monday, Nat,Flora, Tichelle & I were talking about the plan about urhm Adam Lambert's. Tichelle said her friend might be able to get V.I.P tickets for us. But Nat was gonna book for Flora & I as well just in case it doesn't work out. So then guess what ? it ran out. I mean the one we wanted. So we were freaking out. On Tuesday. We were planning it again. and guess what ? It was SWIMMING GALA ! Omg. I don't wanna talk about it. Next time, I'm just gonna say I can't do butterfly anymore. hahaha ! Moving on, Nat wanted to book the number seating ones. and it ran out. we were freaking out on Wednesday and Flora wasn't in school and it was so difficult to plan. Tichelle wasn't even sure whether she can get the tickets either. ! So Nat & I said to book the Pitt and try ask Tichelle to get tickets for Flora & her. So Nat & I got the pitt and we were planning out transports.At 10:30, Tichelle called and said she got the tickets but said she's going with someone else . Told her to get Flora a ticket and contact flora. So I called flora to ask her to talk to Tichelle about everything. So Flora couldn't get a ticket . ): and she was sooooooo sad. I could tell.

So I picked Nat up and and and headed off to BUKIT JAIL. THE QUEUE WAS SO LONG! We were freaking out as we thought we might not be able to get the front bit. So this guy in front of us asking whether we're lining up for the Pitt zone, we said yeah. he said it's long cause everyone is just lining up ! I mean like . the people that aren't suppose to be in the Pitt zone ! So gaay ! So we went in, Shandi was like : ASHLEY & NATISHA ! We went over with them. Had a plan about how to get in front. I don't think it worked as we didn't manage to. UNTIL..... ding ding ding. some how i managed to go right in front, Natisha was behind me, Shandi was next to me and Vicky was next to Natisha. (: It was an epic night. Couldn't believe I was so near adam lamert. right in front of him. ohh my gosh! If he came down and shake our hands, he would have shake mine ! okay okay. so i came back around 12:30. showered and went to sleep.

TODAY. was so tired and still couldn't believe that i went to adam lambert. I nearly fell asleep during maths. it was so boring!! I've started blogging this since i don't know what time and now's 12. i'm so tired. i should sleep.


No way by Lady Gaga

No clue why I'm suddenly obsess with Lady Gaga. (;

10:23 PM
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hey there people ! (: Sorry for not blogging lately. The reason I'm blogging now cause I'm up super early. I'm up at 6 something when I'm suppose to wake up at 7. I couldn't sleep anymore. I slept for urhm. 10 hours. hahaa! (: So yesterday was a little boring for me ! Omgg, during Dt. well, when it was gonna end, it was raining like mad ! so Mr.moore was talking and the bell rang. everyone outisde was just screaming like a mad person.! So gay man! It was hilarious how Shuaib, Kieren and Jack i think were like imitating them. hahaa! So Michelle decided to scream for fun as well with Dhaniyah. and Mr.Moore was just staring at her with a weird look. haha ! (: HILARIOUS ! It was so windy and it was raining so heavily. It was so cold when the wind came. !! Crazy man. So then Michelle and I walked to the bus. I had to walk in the rain as my bus didn't go to the area where it has shelter. So i got wet. When i went on the bus or was it walking with Michelle. I rememebered that i left my phone in my locker. so i put my bag down and ran. SO i got wet again. Then I went back to the bus. Got wet again. Was so cold. the bus's aircond is like mad cow ! Freezing man. !!

Nothing big happened then. I slep around 8:45 ? hahahaa! See how tired I was. Well, and it's also because i need long rests as I have volleyball tournament and an outing to go after that today.! (: I don't wanna tire myself out. hahaha ! (: Can't wait for the outing. (: Okay, it's 7:00 now. I htink I should get showering. hahhaaa!

"Sometimes when I look at pictures of us together, it just brings back memories. I wish we hadn't lost touch. Now what we are is something I wish I could change. I don't want to bump into you every morning and telling myself that even though we weren't together but we liked each other, we were so close and that you're a jerk cause we never seem to talk to each other anymore. I don't want to tell myself that we aren't friends, when you just stare. Sometimes I wish what is going on in your mind. You're confusing me and I'm confusing myself. "

Tyler Ward- The hardest thing

This song make me cry everytime I listen to it. It's such an amazing song !!!! )':

6:42 AM
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hey guys. This is gonna be a quick update as I'm already tired when it's so early. So I'm going to sleep early. So today was an okay day. Wasn't that bad. (: I'm so lazy to explain EVERYTHING as I'm pretty tired. I have Volleyball tomorrow as well. So I guess I'll stop here. ?

"What if I told you how I felt ? Would you believe me ? I really wish you would."

This song was stuck in my head like the wholeeeee time and I completely embarrassed myself singing this song in public. hahaha ! (;

9:43 PM
Monday, October 4, 2010

Hey there people ! (: So today I got kicked out of Badminton. Gay much. haha. Oh well. I'm not going anymore. Too bad Mr.CHARMAN ! Your own fault. haha! Anyways. today was PSHE DAY ! It was fun-ish. So the first two lesson was thinking skills. I'm a people smart person. Work well with groups. ahha! So true. (; Then it was break. then the third and fourth one was the most boring-est one ever. We had the responsibilities. We basically talked about the rights and freedom. So boring. Luckily I had my target setting half way. Not really half way. the start of it.haha. target setting wasn't that bad. Ms.Gillman was being so nice. But oh boy, she smelt like coffee. Moving on, it was lunch and it was so funny how Charlie was making things so awkward and making random facts ? and he taking Dhaniyah's lunch box. Then it was Team Building. It was fun ! haha. (: Our group : Aditya, Frankie, Charlie, Astrea, Jessica (new one),Vicky, Gabby & Me did well. I really like our cereal box cover. it's amazing. (: I forgot to take it home today as I don't have my folder with me. So I'll take it back tomorrow and take a picture of it. (; I would thank Aditya for the lovely drawing he did and Gabby for the wordings. and ME for colouring the words. haha! Lame ! Not big deal. (; Our Catchy Phrase is hilarious. it's : Charlie the chip, it's new and it's HIP. hahahahha !

So then it was end of the school. It went by so quickly. So then I had badminton with Natisha and Sukhi. Sadly, Mr.Charman was being a fag and not allowing Natisha and I in. Ms.Maccualy ( i have issues with teacher's name) said it was okay last week. Mr.Charman asked Eu Chian and his brother why and he actually listened. But when it came to Natisha and I, he didn't even be bothered to listen. He told natisha to get out. and asked me whether I was the coach or player. So I said Player as Natisha will be alone. so i got kicked out. So when Natisha and I were in the Changing room, Jennifer came in and told me that Gavin asked me to be the "coach" but i told him i had loads of homework when i don't actually. I don't Want Natisha to be alone. So we went to the library to design Natisha's Birthday Invitations. (: We then met Zoe in the library. We were laughing like mad cows. I was so blur. I don't even know how to take a photo on Natisha's phone. hahahahahha ! (:

On the bus back. I was talking to Adrian a lot about STUFF. Some was funny. (: Good times, good times. So i told my parents about what happened and they were the one that got more pissed than I was. haha. Here's the conversation.

Dad: What the hell
Mom: He's so stupid
Brother : You should be tight with Mr.charman and then it'll be all good
Dad: I mean, that's stupid
Mom: I know right
Dad: Don't go lah
Brother : you should have say right in his face that you dont wanna represent anymore
Mom : yeah. i mean. you're pissed. and even if gavin asks you to be the coach, tell him that you're pissed at the teacher. plus, he's the teacher and gavin is the outsider
Dad : yeah. So stupid. Tell him : you want me to represent school ? get me in
Brother : Yeaah. Plus Mr.Charman knows you can play well. So sure can lah.
Me: okay, so i won't go anymore ?
Dad/Mom: No. just come back lah
Dad: Just come back lah. So stupid. such a fucker man.

(Fuck man. No colours ):)

I was like WOW, dad. Chill !! But they got a point you know. So I'm no longer staying back on Mondays. Ohhh, and yesterday my dad swore alot as well. At least he apologised. haha. (: So yeah. My day went by okay-ish i guess. (:

"What can I do, I'm losing you."

This song is just a medley but it somehow just made me cry. (; Just thought I should share this song with you guys. Hope YOu enjoy it. (;

6:37 PM
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hey there people ! (: So I'm here blogging while I'm pissed ! So I went for a swim this morning. About time. and I totally failed. I think I'm just gonna lose during Swimming gala. Anyways. i dont wanna blog much. A little tired. Tomorrow's PSHE day and target settings. oh gosh ! I dont know why but i just hate target settings. haha. (: Oh gosh. I'm now addicted to Misery thanks to awesome singer ever. not Maroon 5 but you'll see. will post it up at the end of this post. hahaa. it's half way as you have to like download it on itunes. Gay much. oh well. haha. (: You know my mom scolded me for saying ANYWAYS. hm. So I'll say, moving on. I might not go for Seasac Volleyball ! ):

As I said earlier, it's gonna be a short post. and The not really video thingy will be below this. But I'll change it into like just the Play button. So yeah. (;

&& Bye again with no colours ! ):

Misery-Tyler Ward, Julia Sheer & Eppic

10:29 PM
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Heeey ! (: So I just sent an email to Mr.Charman about the volleyball price. He better reply ASAP ! Before monday ! Or I might not be able to hand in my deposit. I have no clue what to put on my sports bag. As in what name I should put. Kayla said that people wanna put nick names. I was like whaat. wat nick names. didn't know we have nick names. So I'm going to put. Ashweee. hahahah! It's so cool right ? (: Naah. Not sure yet. hahaa. (: Okay. So today was a total fail. Didn't go swimming. Lame. ahha.! (: Who cares lah. (: So I went shopping today. I went to the perfume department and i started spraying perfume on me. OH MY GOD! This one perfume is amazing ! But I didn't get it as I already got some. By some i mean a lot. So we shopped. Then we still had time. Suppose to go to either the gym or for a swim. Mom says go to the gym. But we didn't go in the end. ! Cause she wanna watch tv. So I watched Chuck Season 4. (: Nice maan. Woosh !

So then I took a short nap. Then time for dinner. Came back and here I am. (: Okay. I've just deleted my playlist. I dont know why I did that but for now. No playlist. (; Hope it's okay. haha ! But i'll put some music up on each post.(;


11:33 PM
The girl.♥
AshweeB Friends Strawberries Heartbreaks

The girl's needs♥

Youuuu (:

Whisper into my ears♥

It's a whole new world♥
Alany, Een Xien
Amelia Chai
Amy Ng
Ben Jing
Caridee Lim
Carin Gan
Ch'ng Xin
Chelsea Chang Xiao Xi
Collin Yong
Ding Yi Tane
Gan Le Yin
Hui June
Ixora Chuah
Jia Shuan
Leong Wong Seng
Lee Qin Yu
Lee Yew Fei
Lois Low Qi
Lydia Gan
Megan Lai
Michelle Kouk
Michelle Tan
Minn Hwei
Nicholas Teh
Ng Shea Zheng
Sabrina Lim
Samantha Louise Robless
See Sien Wei
S.F.A- Sienwei,Florence,Ashley
Sze Ling
Sze Yen
Tiffany Low
Timothy Ng
Wai Mun
Yi En

Lost days♥

March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011