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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hey there peeps ! (: So everyone.. when i say I literally mean EVERYONE is asking me to blog. haha! Jokes. it's only Faria & Ainaa. It's like every single day I see them, they're like " BLOGGGGG" hahah! So I'm here blogging (:

So latelythings has been real stressful. I've been stressed out with all my courseworks. like Dt & photography. Mainly photography because everyone's book is like AMAZING! not just their books but their PICTURES! I honestly am not too please with my pictures. :/ Oh well. & dt omg. after lessons of designing and me looking at it now, it looks like crap. I don't think I'm suitable for any creative thingys. hahaha! (:

Yes, as I'm writing this, my head hurts. I don't know why): I'm not even getting enough sleep! I swear I'm not & I'm going to stay up today again for Photography ): this really sucks but then again, i guess it's my fault because I get distracted so EASILY! ):

OHHH, I recently had a business test and grr :/ also got physics score back. not too happy about it but then again, physics ain't my strength. ): OHHH! speaking of science, you know how Bio, Mr.Bate puts us in tables. So when I first had Rachel, Max, and Blake, I immediately was like 'oh crap this ain't cool' but actually it isn't that bad. (: Blake and Max are funny people and Rachel is smart and just cool. So yeah. Our table always win stuff (; HHAHHAHA! jokes jokes, that's really mean of me to say. :P

So I guess this is my blog post FOR now. hopefully Ainaa & Faria and stop bugging me for a while (: hahhaha!

OHH, and my life has been great. (: things are all settled and shit. hehehheehe. happy happy girl (:

Gotta be you by One Direction

Sorry, I'm just addicted to this song at the moment (: ahha

6:59 PM
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It just feels like I've lost everything. Just when you hope things would go right, it goes wrong. It really sucks to know that you've hurt someone you care dearly for. It sucks more to know that you've not only hurt that someone but other people to and you didn't mean to.

Right now, things are shaky. All I want to do right now is to try and fix things but I know the more I try to fix, the more I hurt. It's funny how when you're hurting there's no one there to hold you, wipe your tears, give you a hug, lend you a shoulder or even just sit right next to you.

I don't kow where I'm going, I don't know what is going on. All I know is that there are a lot running through my mind. A lot that keeping me up every night having sleepless nights, having horrible dreams.

Don't you agree how sometimes when you're hurting so much and you force yourself to smile, you tend to end up crying?


Fix you cover by Tyler Ward & Boyce Avenue

A truly awesome song that brings tears to my eyes & the cover is just simply amazing.

5:28 PM
Monday, October 3, 2011

Don't get upset over a little thing. You know I'll be right here, by your side, helping you through this.

Sometimes people tend to change in life and we can't help it. I know it's not easy especially watching your best friend changing into somebody else. We just can't help it. We cannot let that change our perspectives on things too. Just like when you fall out of love, don't close your door just because the first one shut you off. Open your door and let better ones come in.

I know some of you might have been through that before or maybe going through that moment. It's not that I don't get it but I do. As i said earlier, we can't help it. As much as you want things to go back how it was before, I'm sorry it can't because life never travel back in time and let you have what you want. Sometimes it just wants to teach you how to appreciate what's right in front of you instead of throwing it to waste.

You might not realized that I actually care about you and don't want you to grief about this. You can say how bitchy I am for just shoving it at your face that people change but that's the truth. People do change in life & I want you to know that not everyone will be the same. It just depends on how strong you are and how you handle it. It hurts to know to see you not knowing how it hurt me too. You sometimes never get it. I know I can say too much sometimes, but sometimes it's because i just want you to know the truth.

To know that you'll never have anyone by your side sucks. To know that whenever you run to her, she doesn't give a damn. To know that when you really need her, she takes it as a joke. To know that to you, she's your best friend but to her, you're just someone else. To know that she will not help you when you need help. To realize all these just hurts but you keep going and not saying a word because you know she means a lot.

Easy cover by Jeff Hendrick ft Elise Lieberth

6:43 PM
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hey October ! (:
It's a new month and the year is going by so quickly. October, please be nicer to me.. ):

12:08 AM
Monday, September 26, 2011

"We always let the fake ones in & the real ones out"

Hi there peeps ! (: Well, as I said, I'll try my very best to blog. So here I am blogging. The reason why I'm blogging now, it's cause I'm done with my homework and I'm pretty happy that I've finished it early. haha! (: well, I know I'm pretty awesome. haah! JOKES!

So today was a real funny day. I was almost in tears just from laughing. All thanks to Ainaa. (': SHE GOT STUCK! that's all I'm gonna say. she was so cute when she was stuck. She looked as if she was gonna cry. (': what a cutie. haha! I love you, Ainaa. (: I got back my Bio results and I wasn't too please with myself. I dont know why! It's like I dont know what's up with me, but I've been expected really high marks for everything now a days. Like I guess I just want to prove to "you" that I'm smart enough you know.

Okay, besides the highlight of the day, which was Ainaa being stuck, the day was alright. OH during lunch. like Michelle was like " HEY GUYS" when her arms were like around Yip and Sukhi & I just started laughing because Yip had some yellow stuff on his lips and Sukhi wanted to tell him that it brings out the colour of his skin. haha! Oh I love my friends. THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! OhHH.. during maths right, I was being such a weirdo. Ashlee & Tasnem were like staring at me weirdly. I was so hyper for some reason! HAHA! I was singing and all. hahaha! Speaking of maths, I have to do my, mymaths homework. Oh what joy. (':

I have no idea what else to blog because honestly, there's nothing to blog about. I think it's going to rain later on in the night because I already can hear the thunder rumbling and yeah. Damn. if it rains at night, I wouldn't wanna get up for school because it's just too awesome !!! BUSINESS TEST RESULTS TOMORROW! SO SCARED ! )':
Well, I'm off now guys. See ya..... soon ?

"i just wish that you knew, you know"

Begin Again by The Summer Set

9:30 PM
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Love this cover of wish you were here. (:

Wish you were here cover by Allison & Chloe

6:04 PM

It would be a lie when I say I dont care.
It would the truth when I say I love you.

Hey there girlies & guys. I know it has been like a century since I last blogged. Like properly like you know, normal blogger does. So I've started year 11 and I'm already stressing out because I really want to do great in my GCSEs you know. Dont want to have like a D on my result thingy. So thre's nothing much to talk about Year 11 because it's pretty much the same as Year 10 just more hectic and all. Everything's just moving so fast now. EVEN TIME ITSELF! I want it to slow down lah.

So on Friday we had a little friendly tournament with MKIS, AISM & TIS for volleyball. We're going to play with 3 other schools in 2 weeks time. Excited but nervous as hell. For the first time, we did great. I'm proud of my girlies. (: We won straight sets for all the matches. (: Even tho i'm not the captain anymore, but I'm proud that I gave the chance for Kayla to be the captain. (: Overall, we've made a massive improvement and we were all just so happy and proud that we've won ALL our games in STRAIGHT sets. haha ! (: Let's hope that we can do great in 2 weeks time. (:

Oh, did I tell you that this year volleyball training, we're having like hardcore training now. I know you guys must be thinking, what hardcore? hitting more balls or something ? Well no. We have this fitness training and it's crazy ! EVEN the GUYS think it's mad. damn... I guess it's good for us. (:

I think that's it for now. (: I shall try my very best to blog again. Because I know Ainaa would start asking me to blog. (;

"I sure do not want to lie. I do miss you & I really do."

Not Just You Acoustic Version by Cody Simpson

5:04 PM
Monday, September 19, 2011

I dont wanna lie....

10:17 PM

Dont want to see this happening again.
Dont want anything like this to happen again.
Dont want to hurt anyone as sweet,kind,funny & caring like you.
I am such a bitch.

I'm sorry but I'm just confused and I dont know what to do.

12:07 AM
Friday, August 5, 2011
sometimes we make wishes

Have you ever thought of wishing on a star ? I know you have. Have you ever felt like it came true ? That, that's difficult to answer ain't it ? Some of us stay up late to make sure we wish on a specific time, hoping that the wish would come true some day. Some of us sits out and stare into the ocean of stars at night and just closing your eyes and making a wish.

Wishes wishes oh wishes. I don't find it silly somehow. I know that everyone in this world has wished at least once for something special to happen. Wishes just give us hope you know. When life knows it's time for you to make your wish come true, it will. Just be patient. I know it can be frustrating wishing for the same thing every single day.One day it will come true if you believe.

Hey, I gotta admit. I'm like you guys, well, just a little different. Instead of wishing on the stars, I just somehow prefer hugging my teddy and wishing you know. Because it just feels safe for some reason. I know it's crazy of me but I'm not embarrassed about it.

So i have no idea where am i heading with this post. haha. i guess i'm just bored. haha.

4:48 PM
The girl.♥
AshweeB Friends Strawberries Heartbreaks

The girl's needs♥

Youuuu (:

Whisper into my ears♥

It's a whole new world♥
Alany, Een Xien
Amelia Chai
Amy Ng
Ben Jing
Caridee Lim
Carin Gan
Ch'ng Xin
Chelsea Chang Xiao Xi
Collin Yong
Ding Yi Tane
Gan Le Yin
Hui June
Ixora Chuah
Jia Shuan
Leong Wong Seng
Lee Qin Yu
Lee Yew Fei
Lois Low Qi
Lydia Gan
Megan Lai
Michelle Kouk
Michelle Tan
Minn Hwei
Nicholas Teh
Ng Shea Zheng
Sabrina Lim
Samantha Louise Robless
See Sien Wei
S.F.A- Sienwei,Florence,Ashley
Sze Ling
Sze Yen
Tiffany Low
Timothy Ng
Wai Mun
Yi En

Lost days♥

March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011